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1、2010中考英语专题复习建议语法与词汇复习2010-4-15一中考的语法考什么(考试目标)?n考知识?n考能力?nP96n总目标:考查学生在实际语言中运用语法知识的能力。对课标五级所要求的基本语法知识、词汇、习语和较简单的英语表达方式的掌握情况。n着重点:在语篇层面(实际语言中)考查学生的语法分析能力,强调语法知识在实际语言中的正确使用。n课标五级:n语法:n1. 了解常用语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能;n2. 在实际运用中体会和领悟语言形式的表意功能;n3. 理解和掌握描述人和物的表达方式;n4. 理解和掌握描述具体事件和具体行为的发生、发展过程的表达方式;n5. 初步掌握描述时间、地点、

2、方位的表达方式;n6. 理解、掌握比较人、物体及事物的表达方式。n考核目标:知道(了解)、运用;n了解=会用?(一)概念定位n1语法知识n 语法是研究语言结构规律的科学,它说明该语言中词或短语等语言成分是如何结合起来形成句子的。n 英语语法,包括词法和句法两部分。前者是指词的结构、形式和类别的变化,如名词和代词的数、格、性;动词的人称、时态、语态、语气;形容词和副词的比较等级等等。 后者指的是句子中词以上的语言形式的排列组合规则,包括词与词的关系、词的排列、短语和句子的组成以及句子成分等。n记忆(劳记)结构、规律、规则;n2语法运用能力n在实际或具体语言(情景)中运用语法知识的能力 ;na有关


4、才能提高能力;(二)语法知识结构n1. 语音: p11n2. 词法:p11-82n3. 句法:P82-891词法n(1)词性n十大词性分为实词和虚词两种; n名词、代词、形容词、数词、动词和副词均有实际意义,在句子中可以独立担任一个成分,因而称为实词。n冠词、介词和连词在句子中不能独立担任一个成分,只能起到某种辅助作用,称为虚词。n(2)词性+构词法 p14-15n词性转换有一定规律,掌握规律降低记忆难度;n(3)词性+句子成分 p12n例如:名词既可作主语,又可作表语或宾语;nThey were all friends of my uncles. They gave me friendly

5、smiles.nThe man is strong. n例如:动词不定式除了不能担当谓语外,可以充当任何成分。nTo see is to believe. (主语、表语)nI should like to go with you. (宾语)nYou have ten minutes to finish your homework.(定语)nHe was too excited to say a world. (状语)n(词、句一体)2句法n(1)五种句子结构:nS+VinJoan worked in a bookshop last year.nS+Vt+OnI havent seen him

6、before.nS+V+P/SCnKates father is a doctor.nS+Vt+IO+DOnMr Green gave the students the correct answer.nMary showed us her beautiful stamps.nS+Vt+O+OCnWe must keep our classroom clean. n熟练掌握句子结构(成分)才能做好语法题。n(2)句子种类 p84nA. 按使用目的分类n陈述句;n疑问句;n(一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句)n祈使句;n感叹句;nB. 按句子结构分类n简单句;n并列句;n复合句(宾语

7、从句、状语从句、定语从句);(3)考点n- You havent finished your homework, have you?n- _. I have already handed in. (08)nA. Yes, I have. B. Yes, I havent. nC. No, I havent. D. No, I have. n Were going to Tianhe Cinema. You can come with us, _ you can meet us there later.nA. and B. but C. or D. sonPlease tell me _. I

8、have some good news for her.nA. where Kitty lived B. Where did Kitty livenC. where kitty lives D. Where does Kitty liven The young lady _ we met at the school gate is our new English teacher.nA. what B. whom C. whose D. which n We got to the railway station on time, _ the traffic was heavy.nA. thoug

9、h B. because C. but D. so3运用(题型)n(1)单项选择: (词性+句子成分+具体语境意义) -Are you afraid of _at home, Linda?n- No, Ive grown up.nA. alone B. being alone nC. lonely D. being lonelyn Can you come to my birthday party?nA. It doesnt matter. B. Yes, please come.nC. Id love to. D. Not at all. (情景应答)n辨析选项;n分析成分+理解句子;n准确

10、判断;n(2)语法选择: (词性+句子成分+具体语境意义)n “Take good care of these trees. Some boys near our house always want to steal them.” “Dont worry about them, sir” , answered Billy. “Ill try my best to watch them.” Six days passed and Mr. Baker came back, “_(1)_ anyone every come to steal the trees?”nA. Did B. Does C.

11、 Has D. Will n Homework can put you in a bad mood, but that might be a good thing. New research shows that being too happy can sometimes _26_ your learning performance. n Researchers wanted to know _27_ mood would affect the way children learn. So they decided to do a study.n In the study, each chil

12、d _28_ 20 problems. In each problem a small shape was hidden inside a different, larger shape. The children had to find the small shape while they were listening to either happy _29_ sad music. n26. A. hurting B. to hurt C. hurt D. to be hurtn27. A. whether B. where C. that D. becausen28. A. gave B.

13、 is giving C. was given D. gives n句内处理:答案在本句中得出句子结构分析;n句外处理:答案从上下文得出理解+分析(通过分析选项,揣摩命题者的考核方向、命题意图、找准考点); 充分发挥九下(句子结构)的作用;n 熟悉各种语法知识点,准确识别选项的各种形式;n 运用各种(扫读、跳读、推测)阅读技巧;n 上下文之间要回顾;n 控制好答题时间;n 限时训练;(三)小结nP2: 在一定的语境中语境中运用语音知识、词汇知识、语法知识、语用知识的能力。对语言知识的考查不会孤立的孤立的考查某些知识点,更不会机械地机械地考查对知识的记忆记忆情况。n语境:句子、语篇;n运用时尊重

14、句子或语篇的意义表达(意义决定结构);n孤立地死记硬背语法知识不能提高语言运用的能力;n多读、多背(句子、短文)、多练;二词汇n(一)词汇量n词汇:p215-266,约15001600个;n短语(习惯用语+固定搭配):p267-292,200300个;nA. 阅读(输入)词汇(短语) 会认;nB. 写作、口头表达(输出)词汇(短语) 会说、写;n会认、会说会写;n会认、会说=会写;n(有所侧重、有所筛选)n(二)词汇归类n附录:功能意念项目表(会说)p297;n附录:话题项目表(会读+会说+会写)p300(24个话题);(三)真题n计划与愿望nP168: 08中考作文题(会写)n08作文题.d

15、ocn 多练习英语:more, practice, English;n 了解英国学生的兴趣、爱好:understand, British students, interests, hobbies;n 多了解广州的历史、文化和名胜:know (learn about), history, culture, places of interest; n 我想安排的活动(开放性):nGuangzhou foods: delicious, taste, eat, restaurants ; nflower city: flowers, trees, banyan trees, red ;nPlaces

16、of interest: Baiyun Mountain, Pear River; n 计划nplan, think, be going to, intend, will, hope ;n08中考题:nSome UK high school students will come to our school during the summer holidays. To help them, I think I need to practice my English more so I can successfully pass on my meaning to our foreign frien

17、ds. In order to understand the UK students better, I will try to learn about their interests and hobbies. Also, I should learn more about the history , culture and places of interest of Guangzhou so that I can show them around the city. As Guangzhou is famous for its food, I will take them to taste

18、the delicious local foods when they come and I will also take them shopping.(三)24个话题的话题词汇n1-17:认+写n18 自然:认+写n19 世界和环境:认+写n20 科普知识与现代技术:认+写n21 热点话题:认+写n22 历史与地理:认+写n23 社会:认+写n24 文学与艺术:认+写(四)样例n4日常生活nN. my classmate(s), Mary, my friend, teacher, cousin, parents; nV. get up, wash ones face, eat ones br

19、eakfast, go to school, have classes, do morning exercise, eat ones lunch, go to the library, play basketball, swim, play the piano, do ones homework, clean the classroom ;n时间状语:every Monday, from Monday to Friday, during the weekends, every month, every year ; n副词:often, sometimes, usually, always, never ;n语态:主动语态n时态:一般现在时n文体体裁:记叙文非常感谢!预祝成功!



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