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1、普通高中课程标准实验教科书普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语英语(New Senior English For China)必修必修3 3 人民教育出版社人民教育出版社一、单元主题一、单元主题二、主课文分析二、主课文分析题材与体裁题材与体裁篇章结构篇章结构阅读活动的设计意图阅读活动的设计意图包含目标语法的句子包含目标语法的句子难句难句语言特色语言特色相关文化与情感态度相关文化与情感态度Unit 2 Healthy eating一、单元主题一、单元主题健康饮食:饮食习惯、饮食结构、饮食健康饮食:饮食习惯、饮食结构、饮食卫生、卫生、 均衡健康的饮食均衡健康的饮食二、二、“热身热身”分析分析“热身热身

2、”分析分析Purpose of introduction to three types of food: to help Ss understand the reading passage (comprehension) energy-giving food body-building food protective foodto learn some new words related to the subject of the reading passage (language) diet: the kind of food that a person or animal eats eac

3、h day “热身热身”分析分析Four questionsQs 1-3: personal questions; answers may varyQ4: requires knowledgeSuggested answers have been provided in TB (p. 44) 需要解释的概念:需要解释的概念:a balanced diet: one that is healthy because it contains the right foods in the right amounts三、三、“读前读前”分析分析三、三、“读前读前”分析分析讨论题的设计意图讨论题的设计意图

4、问题一:问题一:“热身热身”部分知识的深入,引发学部分知识的深入,引发学生生深入思考健康饮食的问题深入思考健康饮食的问题问题二:问题二:结合生活实际引起学生兴趣结合生活实际引起学生兴趣问题三:问题三:培养学生读前预测能力培养学生读前预测能力四、主课文分析四、主课文分析 Come and eat here (1)1. 题材题材unbalanced diets offered by Wang Peng and Yong HuiThe food at Wang Pengs restaurant contains too much fat. The food at Yong Huis restaura

5、nt gives little energy. Purpose: let Ss know about the two extremes and avoid themCome and eat here (1)2. 体裁体裁Story (of Wang Peng and Yong Hui)time: one morning place: restaurant, library main characters: Wang Peng and Yong Hui event: Wang Peng is worried because his customers are not coming to his

6、restaurant as they usually did. He follows his friend to a newly opened restaurant which offers food to make people thin in two weeks. To improve his menu, he did some research and tries to win his customers back. Come and eat here (1)3. 3. 篇章结构篇章结构 Part 1 (Para. 1): Wang Peng was worried because hi

7、s restaurant was not as full as it usually is. Part 2 (Paras. 2&3): He followed his friend to a newly opened restaurant which offered few choices of food and drink, but was very popular. Part 3 (Para. 4): He did some research in the library and changed his menu to win his customers back.4. 4. 阅读活动的设

8、计意图阅读活动的设计意图考查学生对课文细节的理解考查学生对课文细节的理解 Ex. 2: 考查学生对难句的理解;考查语法难点;培考查学生对难句的理解;考查语法难点;培 养学生养学生paraphrasing 的能力的能力 Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did. Li Chang always came to his restaurant so if he did not, it meant that something se

9、rious had happened to stop him. must+have+past participle 表示对过去事情的猜测表示对过去事情的猜测 He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! He did not want Yong Hui to tell lies and people to believe her. could not have表示表示intention Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his custom

10、ers back.If he gave his customers cheaper prices and advertised the benefits of his menu, perhaps his customers would return. could win 表示可能表示可能/逻辑推理逻辑推理考查学生对文章要点的理解和概括能力;介考查学生对文章要点的理解和概括能力;介绍两个新的单词;为第三单元的表语从句打绍两个新的单词;为第三单元的表语从句打下伏笔下伏笔考查学生归纳总结能力和语言表达能力考查学生归纳总结能力和语言表达能力培养学生的预测、推理和合作学习的能力培养学生的预测、推理和合作

11、学习的能力引导学生系统学习引导学生系统学习有关烹调的有关烹调的词汇词汇(SB p.10 para. 1)key: TB p. 475. 5. 语言特色语言特色: : descriptive, informal 人物语言的描写(直接引语)人物语言的描写(直接引语) 人物心理活动描写人物心理活动描写 语言特色语言特色广告用语(为本单元写作提供语言帮助)广告用语(为本单元写作提供语言帮助)6. 6. 包含目标语法的句子包含目标语法的句子would all be sold (L. 3, possibility)ought to be full of people (L. 4, logical dedu

12、ction)could have happened (L. 4, possibility)could be better (L. 7, possibility)must have happened (L. 9, possibility) should go (L. 26, duty/advising) could not have (L. 27, intention) had better do (L. 28, duty)might get thin (L. 31, possibility/logical deduction)would become tired (L. 33, possibi

13、lity/logical deduction)could win (L. 35, possibility/logical deduction)What do modal verbs do?Make an assessment, judgement or interpretation of what we are speaking or writing about, or to express our attitude to this. (Parrot, p. 119) 情态动词的功能情态动词的功能Course materials usually link modal verbs to part

14、icular communication functions. Requesting: Can you please give me a hand? Offering: May I help you? Asking for or granting permission: - Can I take tomorrow off? Im afraid you cant. Advising: You ought to / should / had better stay in bed. Suggesting: You could buy a smaller one. Inviting: Would yo

15、u like to join us?(Parrott, p. 120)7. 第二篇阅读第二篇阅读篇章结构篇章结构 Come and eat here (2)Para. 1:Wang Pengs restaurant became popular a week later, which made Yong Hui angry because she thought that Wang Peng had come into her restaurant to spy on her. Para. 2: Wang Peng and Yong Hui exchanged their ideas abou

16、t different kinds of food. Para. 3: They succeeded in finding a menu that provided a balanced diet, and they cooperated successfully in business and became husband and wife in the end.Help Ss sum up different words that are used instead of “said” (one way to enlarge vocabulary) shouted, added, admit

17、ted, explained, The three Qs are designed to help Ss understand the main idea of the story and train Ss ability of summarizing. Come and eat here (2)课文中出现的情态动词课文中出现的情态动词would be able to (p. 14, L. 1, ability)not have to (L. 2, necessity)may I ask (L. 5, permission)would miss (p. 15, L. 3, subjunctiv

18、e mood)have to rest (L. 4, necessity)would be better (L. 5, subjunctive mood)ought to combine (L. 10, obligation) 8. 8. 相关文化与情感态度相关文化与情感态度 (课标话题:课标话题:12. Food and drink,13. Health: eating habits) healthy diet energy-giving food, body-building food, protective food Western food (Wb p. 52 Reading task: for or against building a McDonalds) Chinese food



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