11 广告的翻译

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《11 广告的翻译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《11 广告的翻译(58页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第六章第六章 广告的翻译广告的翻译一、什么是广告一、什么是广告 n广告的定义:广告的定义: n广告是传递信息的一种方式,其目的在广告是传递信息的一种方式,其目的在于推销产品、劳务,影响舆论;广告又于推销产品、劳务,影响舆论;广告又是向公众介绍商品、服务内容或文娱体是向公众介绍商品、服务内容或文娱体育节目的一种宣传方式育节目的一种宣传方式 二、广告文体二、广告文体n广告文体是语言的五种功能文体之一。广告文体是语言的五种功能文体之一。n广告文体很大程度上与文学文体相似。广告文体很大程度上与文学文体相似。n广告文体是界乎文学文体和新闻文体与广告文体是界乎文学文体和新闻文体与科技文体之间的文体科技文体

2、之间的文体 1、对话体、对话体 nAd Agency: How about a beautiful shot of beer being poured?nClient: Every beer does that.nAd Agency: Well then, a close-up of the bottle.nClient: Every beer does that.nAd agency: We could go with a celebrity.nClient: Join the line.nAd Agency: How about your chairman as a spokesperso

3、n?nClient: Cars, airlines, razors, etc. nAd Agency: A shot of grain fields.nClient: Boring.nAd Agency: Music?nClient: its a magazine ad.n Ad Agency: scratch and sniff?nClient: Everyone hates thatespecially me.nAd Agency: Girls in bikinis?nClient: Thats original.nAd Agency: Maybe we need more time.nH

4、einekennJust being the best it enough. 2、诗歌体、诗歌体 nI came back.nI came back to softness and comfort.nI came back to Dr. Whites.nAnd I wonder why I ever went away.nBecause only Dr. Whites gives me two kinds of comfort.nThe super-comfort of their cotton-wool content. nThat makes them so much softer.nAn

5、d the comfort of a safer, more absorbent towelnWith a flush-away design .too,nFor even more convenience.nI tried the rest, but I came back.nIsnt it time you came back to Dr.Whites?nDr.WhitesnTwo kinds of comfort. 3、记实体 nSIEMENSnSiemens Industrial Automation Ltd.nSIAS is a J.V.of Siemens and Shanghai

6、 Automation Instrument Co., Ltd. The business scope of SIAS covers manufacturing, sales, engineering ,services and training based on PLC,DCS, instrumentation and related automation products of Siemens. With the rapid development of our business, we are seeking suitable candidates for the following p

7、osition: 广告文体又具备了新闻体和科技体语言的广告文体又具备了新闻体和科技体语言的特点,其语言主要用来传递基本信息,反特点,其语言主要用来传递基本信息,反映客观事实,讲究稳重、准确。映客观事实,讲究稳重、准确。 nMAGIMIX ice cream make & quality ice cream scoop.nHome-made ice cream ,sorbet or iced yoghurt is not only delicious but also extremely easy to make in the modern electric machines that are

8、now available. nThis Magimix machine makes 1.5 pints of ice cream which is enough for a family or for a dinner party. It is very simply to use-just place the bowl in a freezer for 19 hours(the bowl measures approx,7in diameter by 5.5 in height), prepare your ice mixture, placed the lid which holds t

9、he electric motor and pour the mixture through the feeder inlet at the top, the machine will gently chum and freeze to give perfect soft ice cream in only 20minutes. Enjoy it immediately or store it in your freezer for later use. The Telflon lined bowl is easy to clean and the machine comes fitted w

10、ith a plug. Also supplied is a comprehensive set of instructions 35 delicious recipes and a full one manufacturers guarantee. nThe ice cream scoop, which has been designed in the USA, is high quality and extremely sturdy. The body of the scoop is made form stainless steel; the handle is made form du

11、rable, hardwearing A.B.S.plastic. it will provide many years of use even on very solid ice cream. 三、英语广告的语言特点及其翻译三、英语广告的语言特点及其翻译n1、词汇特点、词汇特点(1)错拼)错拼nDrinka Pinta Milka Day nDrink a pint of Milk a Day.n一天请喝一品脱牛奶。一天请喝一品脱牛奶。n译文:译文:n一日请喝一品牛奶一日请喝一品牛奶 nWe know eggsactly how to sell eggs. neggsactly 来自来自ex

12、actly,n按照基本意思翻译成:按照基本意思翻译成:n我们怎不知如何卖蛋。我们怎不知如何卖蛋。 (2)杜撰新词)杜撰新词 nWhen your taste grows up, Winston out-tastes them all. n随着你的鉴赏能力的提高,您会觉得温随着你的鉴赏能力的提高,您会觉得温丝顿香烟味道超群。丝顿香烟味道超群。 nGive a Timex to all, to all a good Time. n给诸君一块给诸君一块“天美时天美时”表,各位就掌握表,各位就掌握了好时光。了好时光。 n(3)词语搭配反常)词语搭配反常nWhen it is difficult to

13、communicate clearly with words, speak PolaroidWhen you talk about life, speak Polaroid.言词难以清楚交流时,言词难以清楚交流时,找找“拍立得拍立得”吧!谈到生活时,找吧!谈到生活时,找“拍拍立得立得”吧!吧! 语义上的奇特 nIn the best circles, washing machine is pronounced Parnall.在上层社会里,在上层社会里,“洗衣机洗衣机”念作念作“帕纳尔帕纳尔”。 2、句法特点n(1)句式简短)句式简短nPity the Pickpockets!nTilley

14、Endurables. “The best travel and adventure clothing in the world”: classically styled, long-lasting , comfortable with secret pockets, security pockets, and “giveem hell!” washing instructions. and ,of course, the Tilley hat.nThe (free to you!) 68-page catalogue is a hoot!n1-800-388-2797 n译文:译文:n扒手可

15、怜!扒手可怜!n经经久久耐耐穿穿的的Tilley衫衫。“世世界界上上最最好好的的旅旅游游、探探险险衫衫”:式式样样古古朴朴大大方方,耐耐穿穿,舒舒适适,附附有有秘秘密密口口袋袋、安安全全口口袋袋及及“让让污污垢垢见见鬼鬼去去吧吧!”洗洗 涤涤说说明明书书。当当然然,还配有还配有Tilley帽。帽。n免费赠送送免费赠送送68页的商品目录。页的商品目录。n1-800-388-2797 (2)多用疑问句和祈使句 nDERWENT Scientific and Patent InformationnFluent in French?nAn excellent communicator?nA good

16、organizer?nThen develop your career within this sales support role. n译文:译文:n德温特科技专利信息德温特科技专利信息n法语说得流利吗?法语说得流利吗?n非常善于交际吗?非常善于交际吗?n是个优秀的组织者吗?是个优秀的组织者吗?n如果是的话,就请到我们这个销售领域如果是的话,就请到我们这个销售领域拓展您的事业吧!拓展您的事业吧! nIS YOUR COSMETIC SURGEON PRACTICONGnLAST YEARS TECHNIQUES?nWho are “hot hands?” How can you achiev

17、e a longer-lasting facial rejuvenation? Which new procedures are delivering better results and with less scaring ? Is Europe shaping the future of body contouring?nYoull find the authoritative answers to such questions and more in each monthly issue of THE FINER LINE.n6 issues$49n Sample issue$9 n您的

18、美容师是否还在使用去年的技术?您的美容师是否还在使用去年的技术?n谁谁是是美美容容界界的的“新新秀秀”?如如何何保保持持容容颜颜青青春春长长存存?哪哪种种新新式式美美容容术术将将产产生生更更效效果果,留留下下最最小小疤疤?欧欧洲洲是是在在塑塑造造人人体体外外形的未来吗?形的未来吗?n有有关关这这些些以以及及更更多多问问题题的的最最权权威威的的答答案案,您可以在您可以在美容美容月刊的每一期找到。月刊的每一期找到。n6期期 49美元美元n样刊样刊 9美元美元 祈使句在广告中的出现频率也较大 nIf you are looking for lifelike sound from small, bea

19、utiful and durable speakers, listen to our Bose speakers, and begin to live your life to music.n译文:译文:n如果您正寻找一台漂亮又耐用的音响逼如果您正寻找一台漂亮又耐用的音响逼真的小型扬声器,那就听一听我们的真的小型扬声器,那就听一听我们的“博士博士”扬声器,让您的生活伴着音乐开扬声器,让您的生活伴着音乐开始吧!始吧! 第二节第二节 广告的功能与翻译广告的功能与翻译 n一、说理类广告一、说理类广告 The only sure way to prove the worth of any produc

20、t is to test it. And new formula Colgate Plax, the pre-brush dental rinse ,has just been thoroughly tested.nThe whole trial lasted six months and involved men and women of all ages and form all walks of life. All were asked to rinse for 60 seconds be-fore brushing: half used new formula Plax, the ot

21、her half used a neutral coloured liquid but of course nobody know which they were using. nThe results were both dramatic and conclusive and have now been published. The half who had rinsed with new formula Plax showed a 24%reduction in plaque overall. Those rinsing with the other liquid showed no re

22、duction at all.nAnd now weve made Plax even better, with a coupon that saves you 24p off a new bottle.nWeve proved that formula Plax is dramatically more effective at reducing plaque than brushing alone. Clip the coupon and prove it to yourself. n译文:译文:n证证明明任任何何一一种种产产品品的的真真正正价价值值的的惟惟一一办办法法就就是是测测试试。新


24、发发布布。使使用用新新型型配配方方漱漱口口液液的的一一组组,牙牙斑斑减减少少了了24%,而而那那些些使使用用其其他他液液体体漱漱口口的的人人,牙斑却没有任何改变。牙斑却没有任何改变。n如如今今,我我们们的的Plax漱漱口口液液效效果果更更佳佳。持持一一张张赠赠券券买一瓶可节省买一瓶可节省24便士。便士。n我我们们已已经经证证明明了了新新型型配配方方的的Plax在在去去除除牙牙斑斑方方面面比单一刷牙的效果更胜一筹。比单一刷牙的效果更胜一筹。n剪下赠券,亲自实验一下吧。剪下赠券,亲自实验一下吧。 二、移情类广告 nRaised in the HighlandsnThe Famous Grousen

25、Finest Scotch WhiskynQuality in an Age of Changen源自苏格兰高地源自苏格兰高地n那闻名遐迩的格劳斯那闻名遐迩的格劳斯n苏格兰最精制的威士忌苏格兰最精制的威士忌n有变革时代优良的质地有变革时代优良的质地 nBraun Flex ControlnNobody knows your face better.nBraun flex control, it knows your face almost as well as you do. In fact, there isnt a curve or an angle on your face that B

26、raun Flex Control cant adjust to. Whats the secret? The unique pivoting head. nIt automatically adjusts the twin foils to every contour of your face, ensuring continuous contact with your skin, to give you the best Braun shaver ever. Under your nose. Under your chin. Under you lip. Theres an extenda

27、ble long hair trimmer too, for precision cutting of mustache and side-burns. Like all Braun rechargeable shavers, Braun Flex Control recharges quickly fox up to 14 days of cordless shaving. Youll also be impressed by the way it combines advanced technology with an attractive ,functional design-youll

28、 love the natural ,comfortable way it sits in your hand.nBraun flex controlnThe first electric shaver with a pivoting head. Braun designed to per-form better. n译文:译文:n“助郎助郎”活动式剃须刀活动式剃须刀n没没有有人人比比它它更更了了解解您您的的脸脸部部“助助郎郎”活活动动式式剃剃须须刀刀。它它对对您您脸脸部部的的了了解解不不亚亚于于您您本本人人。事事实实上上,您您脸脸上上的的每每一一个个弧弧度度没没有有“助助郎郎”活活动动式式剃


30、技技术术与与富富于于魅魅力力、功功能能齐齐全全的的设设计计完完美美地地结结合合起起来来的的方方式式也也同同样样会会给给您您留留下下深深刻刻的的印印象象。您您一一定定会会对对握握在在您您手手中中的的剃剃须须刀刀爱爱不不释释手手,因因为为它它使使用用起起来来是是那那么么自自然然,那那么么舒舒适适。“助助郎郎”牌牌活活动动式式剃剃须须刀刀第第一一把把带带有有轴轴头头的的电电动动剃剃须刀,它的设计令它技高一筹。须刀,它的设计令它技高一筹。 第三节 广告的修辞特点及翻译 n一、明喻一、明喻 nFeatherwater: light as a feathern法泽瓦特眼镜法泽瓦特眼镜轻如鸿毛轻如鸿毛nTo

31、day, Sakura Band is like a thriving sakura.n如今,樱花银行就如一棵茂盛的樱花树。如今,樱花银行就如一棵茂盛的樱花树。 nMoms depends on Kool-Aid like kids depend on moms.n妈咪依赖妈咪依赖“可爱得可爱得”果乐,就像孩子依果乐,就像孩子依赖妈咪。赖妈咪。 n二、暗喻二、暗喻nEBEL the architects of time n“依贝尔依贝尔”手表手表时间的缔造者时间的缔造者 三、双关三、双关 nWe have the edge you need to meet any financial chal

32、lenge.nThe Principal Edge.nWhatever path you take in life, youll face financial challenges and opportunities along the way.nWith the Principal Financial Group, youll have all the tool you need to handle them. Each of our financial products and services, whether for business or individuals, has its o

33、wn unique advantage built in. nThats the Principal Edge.nFinancial products that give you an edge.nThe Principal Financial Group. n译文:译文:n我我们们能能给给您您所所需需要要的的优优势势去去迎迎接接您您财财务务上上的的挑挑战战至关重要的资金优势。至关重要的资金优势。n不不管管您您生生活活中中选选择择什什么么路路,您您一一路路盯盯面面对对财财务务挑战的同时也有各种机会。挑战的同时也有各种机会。n有普林斯朴财团与您同在,您会有所需要的办有普林斯朴财团与您同在,您会有

34、所需要的办法去对付一切挑战和抓住所有机会。我们提供法去对付一切挑战和抓住所有机会。我们提供的给企业或个人的财务产品和服务都具有自己的给企业或个人的财务产品和服务都具有自己内在的独特的优势。这就是至关重要的优势内在的独特的优势。这就是至关重要的优势给您优势的财务产品。给您优势的财务产品。n普林斯朴财团普林斯朴财团 nMAKE TIME FOR TIME n“阅读阅读时代时代能为您赢得时间能为您赢得时间”。 nIm More satisfied!n翻译成:翻译成:n我更满意摩尔牌香烟。我更满意摩尔牌香烟。nOIC,读音与读音与“Oh, I see ”相似,相似,n翻译成翻译成“啊,我看清楚了!啊,

35、我看清楚了!” 四、排比 nI WANT THE BODY OF A GREEK GODnI want to work out in a huge fitness center.nI want to stay in the heart of the Central Business District.nI want a room with a view of three countries.nEVERYTHING I WANT IS AT THE WORDS TALLEST HOTEL THE WESTING STAMFORD & WESING PLAZAnSingapore n我想有希腊神之

36、身躯我想有希腊神之身躯n我想在巨大的健身中心锻炼我想在巨大的健身中心锻炼n我想住在商业中心地带我想住在商业中心地带n我想入住能眺望三国家的房间我想入住能眺望三国家的房间n我最想住在世界上最高的宾馆里我最想住在世界上最高的宾馆里n新加坡威斯汀新加坡威斯汀斯坦福斯坦福/威斯汀广场威斯汀广场 nNo problem too large. No business too small.n译文:译文:n没有解决不了大问题,没有不做的小生没有解决不了大问题,没有不做的小生意。意。 五、拟人五、拟人nUnlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. n不像我,我的劳力克斯表从不休

37、息。不像我,我的劳力克斯表从不休息。 nDont cry. Well repair it.nWere handbag specialists. Whenever it well heal it.nAnd well guarantee the repair for nine months. If you wish, send us your bag and well heal it.nArtbag n译文:译文:n别哭,我们会来修理。别哭,我们会来修理。n我我们们是是手手提提包包行行家家。不不管管它它什什么么时时候候受受了伤,我们会将它治愈。了伤,我们会将它治愈。n九九个个月月保保修修期期。愿愿

38、意意的的话话,把把包包给给我我们们,保证修好。保证修好。n阿特包阿特包 六、押韵 n1、头韵、头韵 nSea, sun, sand, seclusion-and Sain!nYou can have all this you visit the new Hotel Caliente.大海、太阳、沙滩、幽静大海、太阳、沙滩、幽静西班牙!西班牙!n只要您住进新旅馆只要您住进新旅馆“客恋塔客恋塔”,您就能,您就能享受这一切!享受这一切! nSweet, Smart & Sassy n蜜、美、迷蜜、美、迷 n2、尾韵、尾韵 nA Mars a day keeps you work, rest and

39、play.一日一块麻尔丝巧克力,令您生活一日一块麻尔丝巧克力,令您生活愉悦、精力充沛。愉悦、精力充沛。 七、夸张 nMaking a big world smaller. n我们把世界变小了我们把世界变小了 nWeve hidden a garden full of vegetables where youd never expect.nIn a pie.n译文:译文:n在您意想不到的地方,我们珍藏了满园在您意想不到的地方,我们珍藏了满园的蔬菜的蔬菜就是在那一个小小的馅饼里。就是在那一个小小的馅饼里。 nHi-Fi, Hi-Fi, Hi-Fashion, only from Sony.n译文:

40、译文:n高保真、高乐趣、高时尚高保真、高乐趣、高时尚只来自索只来自索尼。尼。 八、对偶八、对偶nThe choice is Yours truly,nThe honour is ours n选择在你们,选择在你们,n荣耀在我们。荣耀在我们。 第四节第四节 语言的功能与广告翻译语言的功能与广告翻译 n1、人人际际功功能能(interpersonal function):主主要要包包括人们谋求或保持社会地位的手段;括人们谋求或保持社会地位的手段;n2、信信息息功功能能(informative function):指指语语言言的的交际目的在于传递信息;交际目的在于传递信息;n3、祈祈使使功功能能(i

41、mperative function):指指通通过过语语言去影响接受者的行为;言去影响接受者的行为;n4、述述行行功功能能(performative function):主主要要涉涉及及语语言言接接受受者者的的变变化化,而而且且述述行行语语言言通通常常程程式式固固定,礼仪规范;定,礼仪规范;n5、表情功能(、表情功能(emotive function):):指的是语言指的是语言用以表达情感和态度的作用。用以表达情感和态度的作用。 nPeacen(but not any price)nOdd, isnt it ? Before some Business Class travelers fly

42、off to do battle in Europe, they surrender.nThey give in to the high-fare demands of our competitors.nThey fly in the face of facts.nThe fact that the lowest of our three Business Class fares costs no more than an Economy seat with most other airlines.nAnd the fact that our new airside lounge at Hea

43、throw is a radical departure from the norm.nLounge? “Sanctuary” might be a better word, its a place to take stock. To plan your strategy. To keep in touch with base, by phone or fax. nIts peace, perfect peace.nAt a perfect price. n宁静(但无需付出任何代价)宁静(但无需付出任何代价)n有有点点怪怪,不不是是么么?有有些些商商务务舱舱的的乘乘客客飞飞往往欧欧洲洲进进行行


45、此乃乃运运筹筹帷帷幄幄之之地地,制制定定战战略略计计划划之之所所。可可与与总总部通电话或传真保持联系。部通电话或传真保持联系。n这是一片宁静,尽善尽美的宁静。而价格也无懈这是一片宁静,尽善尽美的宁静。而价格也无懈可击。可击。 nMove home to a classic English country housen(because maturity brings with it some delightful opportunities)nImagine living in an elegant apartment in a beautiful English country house .

46、Spend your retirement in one of the Country House Associations nine superbly maintained properties, and you close a quality of life thats hard to find these days. You furnish your own apartment and have full access to public areas and gardens. And you dont have to worry about basic services; they ar

47、e all provided. Choose a rare quality of life, at a time of life when you can truly enjoy it. n把家搬进一幢古典的英国乡村居所吧!把家搬进一幢古典的英国乡村居所吧!n成熟本身会带来一些令人愉快的机会成熟本身会带来一些令人愉快的机会n设设想想一一下下,您您住住在在优优美美的的英英国国乡乡村村公公寓寓是是件件多多么么惬惬意意的的事事啊啊!如如能能在在“乡乡间间房房屋屋协协会会”所所拥拥有有的的九九座座设设施施一一流流的的公公寓寓中中的的一一座座过过您您的的退退休休时时光光,您您便便选选择择了了高高质质量量

48、的的生生活活。这这在在当当今今是是很很难难得得的的。您您可可以以按按自自己己的的意意愿愿布布置置你你的的居居室室,可可随随意意到到公公共共场场所所和和花花园园去去,您您不不必必为为基基本本服服务务设设施施担担心心:一应俱全。一应俱全。n趁您还能真正享受的时候,过一过不多见的高质趁您还能真正享受的时候,过一过不多见的高质量的生活吧!量的生活吧! 第五节 广告翻译处理技巧 n广告的目标是广告的目标是ACCA,即:即:Awareness, Comprehension, Conviction, and Action(认知、理解、说服、行动)。认知、理解、说服、行动)。 一、四字结构翻译 n1、英译汉、

49、英译汉 nThe perfect companion for 2001nSince you depend on a diary every day of the year,nPick the one thats perfect for you.nBright, attractive, colourful, always good for a smilen2001年的最佳伴侣年的最佳伴侣n既既然然您您一一年年中中每每一一天天都都离离不不开开记记事事本本,请请就就您您选选这种吧,它对您再合适不过了:这种吧,它对您再合适不过了:n印刷鲜明、装帧精美、彩色套印、令您笑口常开印刷鲜明、装帧精美、彩色套印

50、、令您笑口常开 nSharp Z-20 Smallest Plain Paper Copier. Its more than just new. Its smaller, its lighter, and it fits almost anywhere. It starts automatically. “Goes to sleep” automatically. Even sets exposure automatically. And its not only affordable to buy. Economical to run. Its also simple to maintain

51、. It uses replaceable cartridges. For copies in red, blue, or black and it has copy quality thats truly unsurpassed. In fact, its the plain paper copier thats anything but plain. Its the new Sharp Z-20. So incredibly small, its the only plain paper copier that makes any place your workplace.n1-800-B

52、E SHARPnFrom sharp minds come sharp products. n译文:译文:n最小的复印机最小的复印机夏普夏普Z-20型:型:n机器更新,且更小巧轻便,可随处摆放。机器更新,且更小巧轻便,可随处摆放。n它可自动启动,自动关机,自动曝光。它可自动启动,自动关机,自动曝光。n物美价廉,经济实惠,保养简便。物美价廉,经济实惠,保养简便。n使用可替换色带,可复出红、蓝、黑三色。使用可替换色带,可复出红、蓝、黑三色。n复印质量无与伦比。复印质量无与伦比。n事事实实上上,它它就就是是普普通通白白纸纸复复印印机机,这这就就是是夏夏普普新新型型Z-20。它它小小到到不不可可思思议

53、议,却却是是惟惟一一的的可可以以随随处处工作的普通白纸复印机。工作的普通白纸复印机。n1-800-BE-夏普夏普n头脑敏锐,精心打造一流产品。头脑敏锐,精心打造一流产品。 2、汉译英 n人无我有,人有我优人无我有,人有我优n电话订餐,送货上门电话订餐,送货上门n备有快餐,欢迎品尝备有快餐,欢迎品尝 nThe restaurant offers varieties of food of better quality, the services include telephone reservation and free delivery. Fast food is also avail-able. We are always at your service. 二、套译 n有了南方,就有办法了。有了南方,就有办法了。n译文:译文:nWhere there is a South, there is a way. n百闻不如一尝。百闻不如一尝。nTasting is believing nIll do a lot for love, but Im not ready to die for it. n情爱诚销魂,生命价更高。情爱诚销魂,生命价更高。



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