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1、“出发点出发点”决定了决定了基于供应链的基于供应链的“渠道关系渠道关系”品牌管理的关键是以消费者为出发点供应商与零售商的合作也是以顾客/消费者为出发点品牌管理 目标顾客群零售模式1SHOPPER FOCUSED RETAILING目标顾客群零售模式目标顾客群零售模式Shopper Focused Retailing will become the industry standard business practiceThe focus of retailers: switch from building transactions to building loyalty using market

2、 leading brands. Shoppers will make their outlet loyalty choices based on retailer overall brand positioning statements versus solely retail price. Shopper satisfaction results for key retail customers will increase significantly as core shopper needs are identified and retailer business models are

3、developed to meet these core shopper needs. It changes the focus of retailing from providing products in categories to solutions and servicesIts about managing Consumer Segments, not Categories and match categories to meet their needs Retailers who have embraced the shopper focused concepts of Shopp

4、er Focused Retailing will be rewarded with record volume and market share results. SFR is a business process, a Pull-process starting from Shopper, it shifts from category focus to Overall Business Model focus. 业务流程业务流程 + “拉动拉动” + 以顾客为出发点以顾客为出发点 + 全面生意模型全面生意模型2All SFR work will be prioritized by the

5、 Consumers Hierarchy of needs and will start with focusing the customer on the target shopperSFR Overall Methods 整体模型整体模型 Identify target shopper 确定目标顾客群Understand target shoppers needs 了解目标顾客群需求Create a value proposition around the target shoppers- Store equity 围绕目标客群创造价值命题(独特的)Quality & Reliabilit

6、y质量及可靠性Convenience方便Value价值Control控制Choice选择3Basic needs (Price of entry)基本需求基本需求Secondary needs (differentiation)Enhancement (loyalty, increased usage)Social acceptance (how others judge you)Personal accomplishment/empowerment(how you judge yourself)Self aspiration (what you can become) Identify Ta

7、rget Shoppers Needs 确定目标顾客群的需求确定目标顾客群的需求 HIERARCHY OF NEEDS (需求层级需求层级)4战略决策StrategicDecisions战术决策TacticalDecisionsDefine Segments Within Each Shopper OfferingDetermine Overall Role For Shopper OfferingShopper Offering Segment AssessmentDefine Target Objective/MeasuresDefine Shopper Offering TacticsS

8、FR 八步过程Identify Target Household确定目标顾客群确定目标顾客群Establish Core Competency构建核心竞争力构建核心竞争力Define Value Propositions定义并传达价值命题定义并传达价值命题Create Shopper Offering围绕顾客群创建商品组合围绕顾客群创建商品组合Establish Corporate Roles, Tactics, Measures确定总体角色确定总体角色, 策略策略, 衡量标准衡量标准Shopper Offering Assessment评估商品组合评估商品组合Create Shopper O

9、ffering Business Plan创立商品组合的业务发展计划创立商品组合的业务发展计划Assess Shopper Value Proposition Effectiveness定期评估价值命题的有效性定期评估价值命题的有效性123456785Shopper Focused Retailing ProcessIdentify Target Household1Establish Core Competency2Define Value Propositions3Create Shopper Offering4Establish Corporate Roles, Tactics, Mea

10、sures5Shopper Offering Assessment6Create Shopper Offering Business Plan7Assess Shopper Value Proposition Effectiveness861 - Identify Target Household “确定目标顾客群”Identify Target Household1Business QuestionsWho are my target households?What are their needs?Why is the target economically viable?Solutions

11、 / ToolsDemographic, Lifestyle and Retailing TrendsFocus GroupsCurrent Shopper Profile & ProfitabilityStatistical / Sociodemographic DataAvailable Transactional DataDemographic Segmentation AnalysisEstablish Core Competency2Define Value Propositions3Create Shopper Offering4Establish Corporate Roles,

12、 Tactics, Measures5Shopper Offering Assessment6Create Shopper Offering Business Plan7Assess Shopper Value Proposition Effectiveness872 - Establish Core Competency “构建核心竞争力”2Business QuestionsWhat does/could XYZShop stand for?What does/could competition stand for?What Opportunities does this create f

13、or XYZShop?Solutions / ToolsQuantitative ResearchSyndicated DataSWOT AnalysisFocus GroupsEstablish Core CompetencyDefine Value Propositions3Create Shopper Offering4Establish Corporate Roles, Tactics, Measures5Shopper Offering Assessment6Create Shopper Offering Business Plan7Assess Shopper Value Prop

14、osition Effectiveness81Identify Target Household83 - Define Value Propositions “定义并传达价值命题”3Business QuestionsHow do I want to describe myself to my target household?What Brand does best describe myself?What Tagline conveys my image best?Solutions / ToolsDissatisfier/Strength Analysis versus Key Comp

15、etitorConsumer Hierarchy of NeedsConcept Testing / Concept LabDefine Value PropositionsCreate Shopper Offering4Establish Corporate Roles, Tactics, Measures5Shopper Offering Assessment6Create Shopper Offering Business Plan7Assess Shopper Value Proposition Effectiveness81Identify Target HouseholdEstab

16、lish Core Competency294 - Create Shopper Offering “围绕顾客群创建商品组合”4Business QuestionsWhat do shoppers think you are offering today?What can you offer based on shoppers needs?How do shoppers want to shop with you?Solutions / ToolsFocus GroupsConcept Testing / Concept LabCreate Shopper OfferingEstablish

17、Corporate Roles, Tactics, Measures5Shopper Offering Assessment6Create Shopper Offering Business Plan7Assess Shopper Value Proposition Effectiveness81Identify Target HouseholdEstablish Core Competency2Define Value Propositions3105 - Establish Corporate Roles, Tactics, Measures “确定总体角色, 策略, 衡量标准”5Busi

18、ness QuestionsWhat Roles do you want to play with shoppers?What are the primary Tactics that will be used to achieve those roles?How will you measure your success?Solutions / ToolsRTM MatrixScorecardEstablish Corporate Roles, Tactics, MeasuresShopper Offering Assessment6Create Shopper Offering Busin

19、ess Plan7Assess Shopper Value Proposition Effectiveness81Identify Target HouseholdEstablish Core Competency2Define Value Propositions3Create Shopper Offering4116 - Shopper Offering Assessment “评估商品组合”6Business QuestionsWhat are the characteristics of important shopper offerings?Which offerings are m

20、ost important to my target household?Which offerings are most important to you? Solutions / ToolsSFR ModelProduct Categorization ResearchAssortment PrinciplesFocus Group / Concept TestingShopper Offering AssessmentCreate Shopper Offering Business Plan7Assess Shopper Value Proposition Effectiveness81

21、Identify Target HouseholdEstablish Core Competency2Define Value Propositions3Create Shopper Offering4Establish Corporate Roles, Tactics, Measures5127 - Create Shopper Offering Business Plans “创立商品组合的业务发展计划”7Business QuestionsFrom a Shopper perspective, what segments and productsare important?Which s

22、egments and products are important to you? Solutions / ToolsSyndicated Data (ie. Share reports, Household Panel data)Transactional dataFocus Groups / Concept TestingCreate Shopper Offering Business PlanAssess Shopper Value Proposition Effectiveness81Identify Target HouseholdEstablish Core Competency

23、2Define Value Propositions3Create Shopper Offering4Establish Corporate Roles, Tactics, Measures5Shopper Offering Assessment6138 - Assess Shopper Value Proposition Effectiveness “定期评估价值命题的有效性”1Business QuestionsHow receptive are shoppers to the Business ModelHow satisfied are my customers?Solutions /

24、 ToolsCustomer satisfaction surveysTransactional data analysis (customer retention, basket size and composition, order frequency)Scorecard Assess Shopper Value Proposition EffectivenessIdentify Target HouseholdEstablish Core Competency2Define Value Propositions3Create Shopper Offering4Establish Corp

25、orate Roles, Tactics, Measures5Shopper Offering Assessment6Create Shopper Offering Business Plan7814Define Segments Within Each Shopper OfferingDetermine Overall Role For Shopper OfferingShopper Offering Segment AssessmentDefine Target Objective/MeasuresDefine Shopper Offering TacticsShopper Focused

26、 Retailing ProcessStrategicDecisionsTacticalDecisions12345678Identify Target HouseholdEstablish Core CompetencyDefine Value PropositionsCreate Shopper OfferingEstablish Corporate Roles, Tactics, MeasuresShopper Offering AssessmentCreate Shopper Offering Business PlanAssess Shopper Value Proposition Effectiveness35ECR 是目标 - SFR 是途径36



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