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2、 was in the coffee shop where she worked _ her daughter missing about 10 years ago. (come)正是在她工作的咖啡馆里,她邂逅了大约19年前失踪的女儿。2.Mr. Taylor, dont take trouble to investigate the accident. To be honest, it is I not he for it. (blame)泰勒先生,不用麻烦去调查这起事故了。说实话,是我而非他该为此负责。3.Can you tell me that your son were admitte

3、d to five world-class distinguished universities at the same time? (be)你能告诉我你儿子究竟如何同时被五所世界一流的著名大学录取的吗?4.Some modern teaching equipment as well as hundreds of computers the school in the disaster district last month. (send)一些现代化的教学设备还有数百台电脑上月被送往灾区学校。5. to see us ,he gave us a warm welcome. (though)尽管

4、看见我们很吃惊,他还是热情欢迎了我们。 that she came acrossthat am to blamehow it waswas sent toThough( he was )surprised倒装结构1. Little what she looks like; all she cares about is her job performance. (care)她不在乎外表,她在乎的是自己的工作表现。2. Only after you have registered in the website _ the teaching materials and download them.

5、(access) 只有在这个网站注册之后,你才能获得这些教学资源并且下载它们。3. So difficult a question nobody present at the meeting could come up with a solution to it. (put) 他提出的问题是如此之难,以至于与会的人没有一个能提 出解决的办法。4. , he has photos taken standing as a stiff statue. (as)虽然他是经验丰富的旅行者,但他拍照时却只会像坚硬的雕塑一样站着。5. He had wanted to have a rest but sca

6、rcely _ when somebody started knocking at he door. (close)他本想休息一下,但他一闭上眼,就有人来敲门了。6. As you can see, in front of our school ,which always makes loud noise and causes frequent traffic jams. (lie)正如你所看到的,我们学校前面有一家大超视能,以至噪音不断,交通经常阻塞。does she care aboutcan you have/get access todid he put forward thatExp

7、erienced traveler as he ishad he closed his eyeslies a big supermarket时态与语态1.I cant wait to set off immediately! At this moment tomorrow morning ,I with my family at home. (have)我迫不及待马上要出发了!明天早晨这个时候我就会在家里和我的家人一起吃早饭了。2. In the past 12 years ,the scientists as well as his two assistants _ pandas in th

8、e wild. (study)在过去的12年里,科学家和他的两位助手一直在研究熊猫在野外的生存。3. Take it easy! Im convinced that you all the 3519 words by 2014 College Entrance Examination. (master)别着急!我相信到2014年高考时你们就会掌握所有的3519哥单词了。4. Its reported that several new subway lines in Wuhan .(build)据报道,武汉正在建设几条新的地铁线路。5. This kind of paper made of re

9、cycled materials is generally good except . (tear)这种由回收材料制成的纸张除了有点容易破之外,总的来说还不错。will be having breakfasthas been studyingwill have masteredare being builtthat it tears easily非谓语动词1. strong sunlight for too much time is harmful to our skin. (expose)长时间受到强烈日光照射对我们的皮肤有害。2. I can hardly imagine him with

10、out any consideration. (accept)真不敢想象他不假思索就接受了这个决定。3. by false advertisements, I would no longer believe any products advertised on TV. (take)我上过虚假广告的当,我再也不会相信电视上打广告的产品了。4. A group from Peking University visited our school on September 28. (consist)由北大16名学生组成的团队于9月28号参观了我校。Being exposed toaccepting t

11、he decisionHaving been taken inconsisting of 16 students非谓语动词5. When entering the room ,I found Tom _ _reading a cartoon book. (concentrate)走进房间时我发现汤姆正在聚精会神地看卡通书。6. scientific research totally, my uncle had no time to play sports. (absorb)我叔叔全身心投入科研工作,没有时间运动。7. ,the architect designed the building.

12、(inspire)受到大自然的启发,这个建筑师设计了这幢建筑。8. With his age , this hard work should only be divided among us. (take)考虑到他的年龄,这项艰巨的工作只能由我们分工来做。concentrating his attention onAbsorbed inInspired by naturetaken into consideration/account情态动词与虚拟语气1. Who do you suggest there? (send)你建议派谁去那儿工作?2.How I wish I yesterdays

13、party! I was made fun of for my dull dancing steps. (take)我要是没有参加昨天的聚会就好了!我因为舞步不佳而成了大家的笑料。 3. What a happy memory! I remember everything exactly _yesterday. (happen)多么愉快的记忆呀!一切事情我都记得清清楚楚,好像是昨天发生的一样。4. If only someone them now for some time. (look)要是现在有人帮我照顾他们一段时间就好了。5. If he hadnt lost his temper ye

14、sterday ,he at the moment. (scold)要是他昨天没有发脾气,现在他就不会挨批评了。should be sent to workhadnt taken part inas if it had happenedhelped me to look afterwouldnt be scolded情态动词与虚拟语气6. Its high time that to deal with the increasing pollution. (take)现在是该采取措施来治理日益严重的污染问题了。7. Without your help, I signing the contrac

15、t. (succeed)要是没有你的帮助,我不可能成功地签下那份合同。8. I was busy that day. Otherwise there with them. (go)我那天很忙,否则,我就和他们一起去哪儿了。9. you ,but I got caught in the traffic. (mean)我本打算帮你,但我堵车了。10. I actually so much wine -only three people came. (buy)其实我本没必要买这么多酒,只来了三个人。measures should be taken / were takencouldnt have s

16、ucceeded inI would have goneI had meant to helpneednt have bought名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句1. On the way home, I had left my bag at the news stand opposite my office. (occur)在回家的路上,我突然想到我把包落在办公室对面的报摊上了。2. As a girl from a remote village ,I I can receive higher education. (owe)作为一个偏远乡村来的女孩,多亏了我的父母,我才能接受高等教育。3.

17、we meet again. (be)用不了多久我们就会再见的。4. David was lucky to take up a job in a famous company _university. (instant)大卫很幸运,大学一毕业就在一家著名的公司里找到了一份工作。5. We were about to there was a heavy knock on the door. (get)我们正要开始学习,这时突然传来大声的敲门声。6. He broke the rule on campus. (allow)他违反了校园内不许吸烟的规定。it occurred to me thatowed it to my parents thatIt wont be long beforethe instant he graduated fromget down to studying whenthat smoking is not allowed



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