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1、Culture-and-Verbal-Culture-and-Verbal-CommunicationCommunicationA CaseCase: an American businessman reviewing an important contract with his Japanese counterpart.A: weve got to work together.J: Hi.A: were gong to try for a 50-50 partnership.J: Hi.A: we will use American know-how and a Japanese work

2、force.J: Hi.ExplainUnderstanding of the cultural differences:After this exchange, the American executive might very well assume he has a hard and fast agreement, but on the Japanese part, no agreement was reached. When the Japanese says “Hi”, he simply telling the man across the table that he hears

3、what he is saying. The Japanese are supreme team players, and one businessman would never make an agreement without first consulting other members of his team.WhylDirect and Indirect Verbal Interaction StyleslPerson-Oriented and Status-Oriented Verbal StyleslSelf-Enhancement(凸显自我) and Self-Effacemen

4、t(隐匿自我) Verbal StylesDifferent Cross-Cultural Verbal Communication StylesYes and NoHow to express yes and noHow to understand yes and noWays of Expressing “No”uBeing silent or showing a lack of enthusiasmuOffering an alternative.uPostponement.uPutting the responsibility on a third party or something

5、 out of control.uAvoidance.uGeneral acceptance of an offer but giving no details.uDiverting and distractingDirect Verbal Interaction Stylesin the direct verbal style, statements clearly reveal the speakers intentions statements are enunciated(阐述) in a forthright(直截了当的) tone of voicev“say what you me

6、an”v“dont beat around the bush”v“get to the point”Indirect Verbal Interaction Stylesin the indirect verbal style, statements tend to camouflage(隐蔽) the speakers actual intentions statements are carried out with more nuanced(有细微差异的) tone of voiceA:Were going to Mexico this weekend.B:What fun! I wish

7、we were going with you. How long are going to be there? A:Three days. (I hope shell offer me a ride to the airport.)B:(She may want me to give her a ride.) Do you need a ride to the airport? Ill take you.A:Are you sure its not too much trouble?B:Its no trouble at all. The following is a dialogue bet

8、ween Chinese speakersA:Were going to Mexico this weekend.B:What fun! I wish we were going with you. How long are going to be there? A:Three days. (I hope shell offer me a ride to the airport.)B:(If she wants a ride, shell ask me.) Have a great time.A:(If she had wanted to give me a ride, she would h

9、ave offered it. Id better ask somebody else.) Thanks. Ill see you when I get back.The following is a dialogue between a Chinese speaker and a U.S. American hearer.Person-Oriented Verbal StylesvIt emphasizes the importance of informality, role suspension, respecting unique and personal identities.vLo

10、w-context cultures like U.S. Americans tend to use this kind of verbal style. Status-Oriented Verbal StylesvIt emphasizes the importance of formality, large power distance and honoring prescribed(规定的) power-based membership identities.vJapanese tend to use it. It uses in parent-child interaction, su

11、perior-subordinate relations, and male-female interaction in many Latin American cultures.parent-child interactionmale-female interactionsuperior-subordinate relationsSelf-Enhancement Verbal StylesvIt emphasizes the importance of boasting about ones accomplishments and abilities.vIn performance revi

12、ew or job interview sessionsAn American ad might begin, “A handsome,athletic male with a good sense of humorseeks a fun-loving partner” While in Japan, they tend to say, “Although I am not very good looking, Im willing to try my best to work hard”Self-Effacement Verbal Styles It emphasizes the impor

13、tance of humbling oneself, concerning ones effort or performance, through:vverbal restraintsvhesitationsvmodest talkvthe use of self-deprecation(贬低自我)there are expressions for verbal humility:vIts not very tasty.vIts nothing special.vThere is nothing special to offer you.vAlthough I am not very good

14、 looking, Im willing to try my best to work hard. In Arab, if a person says exactly what he or she means without the expected assertion, other Arabs may still think that he or she means the opposite. In a word, the tone of voice, the speakers intention, and the verbal content reflect our way of spea

15、king, our verbal style, which in turn reflects our cultural and personal values and sentiments.SummaryHow to express yes and noHow to understand yes and nolDirect and Indirect Verbal Interaction StyleslPerson-Oriented and Status-Oriented Verbal StyleslSelf-Enhancement(凸显自我) and Self-Effacement(隐匿自我) Verbal StylesDifferent Cross-Cultural Verbal Communication StylesCompanyLOGOA different language is a different view of life and thought !结束结束



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