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1、初中英语数词讲解及练习初中英语数词讲解及练习 ( (含答含答案案) )初三数词初三数词掌握分数、掌握分数、 时间、时间、 日期的表达法。日期的表达法。【复习要点复习要点】一基数词一基数词基数词用来表示数目,或者说表示基数词用来表示数目,或者说表示数量的词叫基数词。最根本的基数词数量的词叫基数词。最根本的基数词如下表所示。如下表所示。1 111 eleven11 eleven100 a hundred100 a hundredoneone2 2121220201000 a thousand1000 a thousandtwotwo twelvtwelv twentwene etyty3 3131

2、330301 1,000000,000000 a athrthr thirtethirte thirtthirt millionmillioneeeeeneny y4 4141440401010,000000,000 ten000 tenfoufou fourtfourt fortfortmillionmillionr reeneeny y5 515155050100100,000000,000 a000 afivefive fifteefiftee fiftyfiftyhundred millionhundred millionn n6 6161660601 1, 000000, 00000

3、0, 000000sixsixsixteesixtee sixtysixty a billiona billionn n7 7171770 seventy70 seventy初三数词初三数词sevsev seventeenseventeenenen8 818 eighteen18 eighteen 80 eighty 80 eightyeigeightht9 919 nineteen19 nineteen 90 ninety 90 ninetyninnine e10 ten10 ten说明:说明:1 113131919 是由个位数加后缀是由个位数加后缀-teen-teen 构构成。成。 注意其

4、中注意其中 1313、 1515 的拼写是的拼写是 thirteenthirteen和和 fifteenfifteen。2 220209090 由个位数加后缀由个位数加后缀-ty-ty 构成,构成,注意其中注意其中 20205050的拼写分别是的拼写分别是 twenty,twenty,thirty,thirty, fortyforty 和和 fifty;80fifty;80 的的 拼拼 写写 是是eightyeighty。3 3其它非整十的两位数其它非整十的两位数 21219999 是由是由整十位数加连字符整十位数加连字符“ “- -, 再加个位数构再加个位数构成。如:成。如: 81 eigh

5、ty-one81 eighty-one。4 4101101999999 的基数词先写百位数,的基数词先写百位数,后后加加 andand 再写十位数和个位数。再写十位数和个位数。 如:如:691691six hundred and ninety-onesix hundred and ninety-one。5 510001000 以上的基数词先写千位数,以上的基数词先写千位数,后后初三数词初三数词初三数词初三数词1. 1. 基数词在句中的作用基数词在句中的作用基数词的作用相当于名词和形容词,基数词的作用相当于名词和形容词,在句中可作定语、在句中可作定语、主语、主语、宾语宾语介宾介宾 、表语、同位语

6、等表语、同位语等。例如:例如:Three and five is eight. 3+5=8Three and five is eight. 3+5=8作作表语表语How many oranges do youHow many oranges do youwant?want?你要多少桔子?你要多少桔子?I want eight.I want eight. 我要八个。我要八个。作作宾语宾语ThereThere areare eighteight boatsboats inin thethe lake.lake. 湖湖里有八条小船。里有八条小船。 作作定语定语2 2Hundred,Hundred,t

7、housand,thousand,million,million,dozen, scoredozen, score 这些词前面如有表示具这些词前面如有表示具体数字的词,体数字的词,它们不能加它们不能加 “s“s, ,反之反之那么须加那么须加 “s“s, , 并并要与要与 ofof 短语连短语连用。用。 例如:例如: three hundred people, fivethree hundred people, fivethousand yearsthousand years;thousandsthousands ofof people,people, hundredshundreds ofof

8、students, thousands of treesstudents, thousands of trees二序数词二序数词表示顺序的词,叫序数词。序数词表示顺序的词,叫序数词。序数词用来表示数词顺序。除特殊情况外,用来表示数词顺序。除特殊情况外,序数词一般都由相应的基数词加后缀序数词一般都由相应的基数词加后缀初三数词初三数词-th-th 构成。构成。请见下表:请见下表:第第一一到到 第第 十十 一一 到到 第第二二十十第十第十第十九第十九以上以上firstfirsteleventheleventhtwentietwentieththsecondsecondtwelfthtwelfthth

9、irtietthirtieth hthirdthirdthirteenththirteenthfortiethfortiethfourthfourthfourteenthfourteenth fiftieth fiftiethfifthfifthfifteenthfifteenthsixtiethsixtiethsixthsixthsixteenthsixteenthseventieseventieththseventhseventh seventeent seventeent eightieteightieth hh heightheightheighteentheighteenth nin

10、etiet ninetieth hninthninthnineteenthnineteenth hundre hundredthdthtenthtenththousandththousandth说明:说明:1 1英语中表示第一、第二、第三的英语中表示第一、第二、第三的序数词属特殊形式,要注意它们的拼序数词属特殊形式,要注意它们的拼写。写。初三数词初三数词2 2表示表示“ 几十的序数词通常是将几十的序数词通常是将第一:第一:(the) first=1st(the) first=1st第二:第二:(the)(the)基数词词尾基数词词尾 y y 变成变成 i i 再加上后缀再加上后缀-eth-et

11、h。second=2ndsecond=2nd3 3其余的二位数序数词是以相应的其余的二位数序数词是以相应的整整十十基基数数词词加加个个位位序序数数词词。如如:fifty-firstfifty-first第五十一第五十一 。4 4少数序数词拼法不规那么,如:少数序数词拼法不规那么,如:fifthfifth第五第五 ,eightheighth第八第八 ,ninthninth第九第九 ,twelfthtwelfth第十二等。第十二等。注意:注意:1 1序数词可缩写为阿拉伯数字加序数序数词可缩写为阿拉伯数字加序数词最后两个字母。词最后两个字母。例如:例如:第三:第三:(the) third=3rd(t

12、he) third=3rd第第 五五 :(the) fifth=5th(the) fifth=5th第第九九十十七七:(the)(the)ninety-seventh=97thninety-seventh=97th第第一一百百零零一一:(the)(the) oneone hundredhundred(and)first=101st(and)first=101st2 2编了号的事物要用基数词表示顺编了号的事物要用基数词表示顺序,但是基数词要后置。序,但是基数词要后置。例如:例如: 第一课:第一课:Lesson OneLesson One第三十二页:第三十二页:Page 32Page 32初三数词

13、初三数词第第 305305 房间:房间:Room 305Room 305第第1212 路公共汽车:路公共汽车:Bus No.12Bus No.12序数词的用法序数词的用法序数词表顺序,主要作定语,其前序数词表顺序,主要作定语,其前面须加上定冠词面须加上定冠词 thethe, 此外,此外, 也作主语、也作主语、宾语、表语宾语、表语和定语和定语等,这时,被它所等,这时,被它所修饰的名词往往被省略。修饰的名词往往被省略。如:如:The firstThe first( person ) to arrive is Kate.( person ) to arrive is Kate.例如:例如:The f

14、irst is bigger than the second.The first is bigger than the second.作作主语第一个比第二个大。主语第一个比第二个大。Give me the first.Give me the first. 作作宾语宾语 把第一把第一个给我。个给我。Shes ofShes often the first to go to school.ten the first to go to school.作作表语她经常第一个去上学。表语她经常第一个去上学。WereWere goinggoing toto learnlearn thethe eighthei

15、ghthlesson.lesson. 作作定语我们将要学习第八定语我们将要学习第八课。课。三分数表达法三分数表达法先写基数词表示分子,后写序数先写基数词表示分子,后写序数词表示分母,如果分子大于词表示分母,如果分子大于 1 1 时,时,分分母用复数。母用复数。如:如:one-fourth, two-fifths,one-fourth, two-fifths,three-tenthsthree-tenths四四小数表达法小数表达法初三数词初三数词小数点前的整数按基数词的规那么小数点前的整数按基数词的规那么表示,小数点写作表示,小数点写作 point,point, 小数后的数小数后的数字应按其数字

16、直接表示出来。字应按其数字直接表示出来。 如:如: 18.3818.38可写成:可写成:eighteen point three eighteighteen point three eight。注意:小数在句中常作定语,尤其注意:小数在句中常作定语,尤其在比拟方式状语从句中被使用。如:在比拟方式状语从句中被使用。如:ThisThis stonestone is is 3.53.5 timestimes heavierheavier thanthanthat one.that one.五百分数五百分数表达法表达法 根据学生情根据学生情况选择使用况选择使用在数词后加在数词后加 percentper

17、cent。例如:。例如:15%15%读读作:作:fifteenfifteen percentpercent;60%60%读作:读作:sixtysixtypercentpercent六表示倍数六表示倍数 根据学生情况选根据学生情况选择使用择使用1 1几倍大小长短,数量几倍大小长短,数量 =几几 倍倍 或或 分分 数数 +the+the size(length,size(length,amount)amount)。例如:例如:The earth is forty-nine timesThe earth is forty-nine timesthe size of the moon.the size

18、 of the moon.地球是月球的地球是月球的 4949 倍。倍。2 2比比几倍几倍=倍数或分数倍数或分数+ +形容词副词比拟级形容词副词比拟级 +than+than+被比局被比局部。部。例例如如: HisHis househouse is is threethree timestimes初三数词初三数词biggerbigger thanthan mine.mine. 他的房子比我的房他的房子比我的房子大三倍。子大三倍。3 3是是倍倍=倍数或分数倍数或分数+as+as+ +形容词形容词+as +as +被比局部。被比局部。例如:例如: This factory is four times

19、asThis factory is four times asbigbig asas thatthat one.one. 这个工厂是那个工厂这个工厂是那个工厂的四倍。的四倍。七表示约数七表示约数 根据学生情况选根据学生情况选择使用择使用1 1“ “多于用多于用 more thanmore than 或或 overover。例如:例如:The street is over(more than)The street is over(more than)500500 metresmetres long.long. 这条街有这条街有 500500 多米多米长。长。2 2“ “小于用小于用 less t

20、hanless than。例如:例如:Three are less than 30 peopleThree are less than 30 peoplein the classroom.in the classroom. 教室里不到三十人。教室里不到三十人。3 3“ “或或以上用以上用 or moreor more。例如:例如:TheThe buildingbuilding cancan holdhold 50005000people or more.people or more.那座建筑物可容纳那座建筑物可容纳 50005000 人人或或 50005000 人以上。人以上。4 4“ “或或

21、以下用以下用 or lessor less。例如:例如: We can finish the work in twoWe can finish the work in twoweeks or less.weeks or less.初三数词初三数词我们可以在两周内或不到我们可以在两周内或不到两周完成这件工作。两周完成这件工作。5 5“ “大约用大约用 about, around, nearlyabout, around, nearly等。等。例例如如:TheThe boxbox weighsweighs aboutabout 5050pounds.pounds. 这箱子重约这箱子重约 5050

22、镑。镑。6 6“ “左右用左右用 or so.or so.如:如:In the past ten years or so, theyIn the past ten years or so, theyhave changed a lot.have changed a lot. 在过去的十年里,在过去的十年里,他们改变了许多。他们改变了许多。八年、月、日和时间的表达法八年、月、日和时间的表达法1 1 年份用基数词表达,年份用基数词表达, 分两位一读,分两位一读,年份前用介词年份前用介词 inin。例如:。例如:19991999 nineteennineteen ninety-nineninety-

23、nine20002000twotwo thousandthousand20012001 twotwo thousandthousandand oneand one2 2月份的第一个字母要大写,有些月份的第一个字母要大写,有些月份名称有缩写形式。例如:月份名称有缩写形式。例如:一一月月January(Jan.),January(Jan.),二二月月February(Feb.),February(Feb.), 三三 月月 March(Mar.),March(Mar.),四月四月 Apr.Apr. , ,五月五月 May,May, 六月六月 June,June, 七七月月 July,July, 八八

24、月月 August(Aug.)August(Aug.),九九月月September(Sep.),September(Sep.), 十月十月 October(Oct.),October(Oct.),十十 一一 月月November(Nov.),November(Nov.), 十十 二二 月月初三数词初三数词December(Dec.)December(Dec.)。3 3日期的表达要用序数词,读时前日期的表达要用序数词,读时前面要加定冠词面要加定冠词 the,the,介词要使用介词要使用 onon。例如:在例如:在 6 6 月月 1 1 日:日:on June 1ston June 1st 读读作

25、:作:on June the first.on June the first.年、月、日同时表达时,一般应先写年、月、日同时表达时,一般应先写月、日、后写年。如:在月、日、后写年。如:在 20012001年年5 5月月4 4日:日:on May 4 th, 2001on May 4 th, 2001。4 4年代用基数词的复数表示。年代用基数词的复数表示。例如:例如:2020 世纪世纪 9090 年代:年代:nineteennineteenninetiesnineties;2121 世纪世纪 2020 年代:年代: twentytwentytwentiestwenties5 5时间表达法:时间可

26、用顺读法或时间表达法:时间可用顺读法或倒读法两种方式表达。例如:倒读法两种方式表达。例如:5 5:00 five (oclock)00 five (oclock)6 6:18 six eighteen18 six eighteen 或或 eighteen past sixeighteen past six1212:1515 twelvetwelve fifteenfifteen 或或 fifteenfifteen (a(aquarter) past twelvequarter) past twelve4 4:3030 fourfour thirtythirty 或或 halfhalf past

27、past fourfour6 6:45 six forty-five a quarter to seven45 six forty-five a quarter to seven注意:注意:1 1表示整点时间,直接用基数词表表示整点时间,直接用基数词表达,后边可接达,后边可接 oclockoclock ( (也可不加也可不加) )。表。表达达“ “几点几分时,绝不能用几点几分时,绝不能用 oclockoclock。初三数词初三数词2 2表达表达“15“15 分或分或“45“45 分时,常分时,常用用 quarterquarter刻刻 。3 3在倒读法中,如果钟点不过半,在倒读法中,如果钟点不过

28、半,须用须用“ “分钟数分钟数+past+past+钟点数的形式;钟点数的形式;如果钟点过半,那么用如果钟点过半,那么用“ “差多少分钟数差多少分钟数+to+to+全钟点下个钟点数的形式。全钟点下个钟点数的形式。两组与数词有关的介词短语:两组与数词有关的介词短语: in+in+定冠词定冠词 the+the+数词的复数形数词的复数形式,表示年代。如:式,表示年代。如: inin thethe 1870s1870s 或或1870s1870s in+in+物主代词物主代词 + +数词的复数形数词的复数形式,表示某人的年龄。如:式,表示某人的年龄。如:inin onesonesthirtiesthir

29、ties。有时在物主代词后面可加上。有时在物主代词后面可加上形容词形容词 earlyearly 或或 latelate 使其含义更确切使其含义更确切些。如:些。如:The young man is at most inThe young man is at most inhis early thirties.his early thirties.注意:注意:带有数词的名词作定语的带有数词的名词作定语的表达:表达:a seven-year-old boya seven-year-old boy,a ahundred-metre racehundred-metre race初三数词初三数词数词专项

30、练习数词专项练习( () 1. Lincoln was born on _.) 1. Lincoln was born on _.( (一一) )February 12February 12A. February 12, 1809A. February 12, 1809B.B.1809,1809,1809,121809,12C. 1809, 12 FebruaryC. 1809, 12 FebruaryD. FebruaryD. February( (English song very well.English song very well.) ) 2. 2. A A _ boyboy can

31、can singsing thetheC. ten-year-oldC. ten-year-oldA.A. ten-year-oldten-year-old( (B.B. tenten yearsyears oldoldwaswas) )men.men.sentsent3. 3. AnAntotohourhourD. fifth years oldD. fifth years oldseesee thethelater,later,boxbox_byby thosethoseministerministertwotwotwotwoA.A. twotwoB.B. thethe secondsec

32、ondC.C. thethe( (President of the United StatesPresident of the United States) 4. Abraham Lincoln was _) 4. Abraham Lincoln was _D. secondD. second1616ththA. 16A. 16B. the 16B. the 16C. 16C. 16thth( (D. theD. thefor us _ ?for us _ ?) 5. Do you think there is any room) 5. Do you think there is any ro

33、omD. the secondD. the secondA.A. twotwoB.B. thethe twotwoC.C. secondsecond( (in your class?in your class?) 6. -How many students are there) 6. -How many students are theretwotwoA.A. TwentyTwenty ninenine- _.- _.B.B.( () ) 7. 7.C. Forty-fiveC. Forty-fiveWhichWhich numbernumberD. fiftiesD. fiftiesThir

34、tyThirty andandis is wrong?wrong?初三数词初三数词_._.A.A. NinetyNinetyB.B. NinteenNinteenC.C. NinthNinth A. A. firstfirst B. B. fifthfifthC.C. thirdthirdD. fourthD. fourthD. NineteenthD. Nineteenth( (was founded _.was founded _.) 8. The Peoples Liberation Army) 8. The Peoples Liberation ArmyAugustAugustA. o

35、n August 1, 1927A. on August 1, 1927 B. B. inin 1927,1927, 1 1August 1, 1927August 1, 1927C. on August 1C. on August 1st st, 1927, 1927D.D.inin( (_._.) ) 9. 9. TheThe numbernumber 4,1234,123 is is readreadA.A.twenty-threetwenty-threefourfour thousandthousand oneone hundredhundred andandB.fourB.fourC

36、.C.twenty-threetwenty-threethousandthousand andand oneone hundredhundredtwenty-threetwenty-threefour thousand and a hundred andfour thousand and a hundred andD.D. fourfour thousandsthousands a a hundredhundred andand( (hard though he is _.hard though he is _.) )twenty-threetwenty-three10.10. TheThe

37、oldold professorprofessor stillstill worksworksin sixtiesin sixtiesA. in his sixtyA. in his sixtyD. in the sixtyD. in the sixtyB. in his sixtiesB. in his sixtiesC.C.数词专项练习数词专项练习( (a week in English.a week in English.)76. Tuesday is the _ day of)76. Tuesday is the _ day of( (二二) )( (year in our count

38、ry.year in our country.)77. There are _ seasons in a)77. There are _ seasons in aD. fourthD. fourthA.A. twotwo B. B. fourfourC.C. secondsecond( (OlympicsOlympics)78.)78.TheThegamegameofof2022.2022.willwill bebe heldheld inin BeijingBeijing_inin29th29thA.A. 2929 B.B. thethe 29th29th C.C. thethe 2929

39、D.D.( (biggerbigger)79.)79.light years away from us.light years away from us.thanthanMost of the stars are much moreMost of the stars are much morethethe sun.sun. ButBut theythey areare _A. thousandA. thousandB.B.( (C. thousand ofC. thousand ofD. thousands ofD. thousands ofthousandsthousandsthe eart

40、h is covered with water.the earth is covered with water.)80. _ of the surface()80. _ of the surface(外表外表) of) ofC. One threeC. One threeA.A. FirstFirst thirdthird B. B. TwoTwo( (D. Two threeD. Two threethirdsthirdsmymy)81.)81.floor in a tall building.floor in a tall building.family.family.ThereThere

41、WeWearearelivelive_onon thethepeoplepeople_ininC. fifth, sixC. fifth, sixA.A. five,five, sixsixD. five, sixthD. five, sixth B. B. fifth,fifth, sixthsixth初三数词初三数词( (learn _ today.learn _ today.)82. Boys and girls, we are going to)82. Boys and girls, we are going tolessonlessonA.A. FourFour LessonLess

42、onB.B.LessonLessonC.C. thethe LessonLessonthethe fourthfourthFourFour D. D. thethe FourFour( ()83. My lovely daughter is _.)83. My lovely daughter is _.eight-year-oldeight-year-oldA.A.eighteighteight-years-oldeight-years-oldC.C. eighteightyearsyearsyearyearoldoldoldold D.D.B.B.( (summer of 1998ssumm

43、er of 1998sA.A.)84. The flood happened _.)84. The flood happened _.inin thethe summersummer ofof 19981998 B.B. inin thethe1998s of the summer1998s of the summerC.C. inin 19981998 ofof thethe summersummer D.D. inin( (_._.)85. February 28 should be read as)85. February 28 should be read asFebruary of

44、28February of 28A. February of the 28thA. February of the 28thFebruaryFebruaryC. 28 of FebruaryC. 28 of FebruaryB.B. D. D. thethe 28th28th ofof( (your work?your work?)86.)86. - HowHow soonsoon willwill youyou finishfinishmonth and a halfmonth and a halfA.A. oneone andand a a- In about _.- In about _

45、.halfhalf monthmonthB.B. oneonemonth and halfmonth and halfC.C. oneone andand halfhalf a a monthmonthD.D. a a( (holiday. What about going to Suzhou?holiday. What about going to Suzhou?)87.)87. WeWe willwill havehave a a _five-dayfive-dayA. five daysA. five days( (B. five dayB. five dayC.C.century wi

46、ll bring us more hopes.century will bring us more hopes.)88.)88. WeWe areareD. five-daysD. five-dayssuresure thethe _A. twentieth-firstA. twentieth-firstB. twentieth-oneB. twentieth-one( (C. twenty-oneC. twenty-one- Its _.Its _.)89.)89. - WhatWhat D. twenty-first D. twenty-firstis is 1/21/2 andand 1

47、/3?1/3?A. 2/5A. 2/5 B. 1/5 B. 1/5C. 5/6C. 5/6( (his own lab.his own lab.D. 4/6D. 4/6)90. At the age of _, he had)90. At the age of _, he hadthirtieththirtiethA.A. thirtythirty( (B.B. thirtieththirtieth C.C. thethetwenty-fivetwenty-five)91. Five times five is _.)91. Five times five is _.D. the thirty

48、D. the thirtyA.A. fivefiveB.B. zerozeroC.C. tentenD.D.( (their sonstheir sons)92.)92. _are_are inin thethe army.army. A.A. TwoTwosons theirsons theirC.C.B. Their two sonsB. Their two sonsTheirTheir sonssons twotwo D.D. TwoTwo初三数词初三数词( (_._.)93.)93. MyMy sistersister is is a a studentstudent ofofOne

49、ClassOne ClassA. the First ClassA. the First Class( (D. Class FirstD. Class FirstB. Class OneB. Class OneC.C._._.)94. The boy can count from one to)94. The boy can count from one toA.A.hundredshundredshundredhundred B.B.( (a a hundredhundredC.C. oneoneas ours.as ours.)95. Their house is about _ as b

50、ig)95. Their house is about _ as bigD. hundredsD. hundredsA.A.time three D. three timestime three D. three timestimestimes threethreeB.B. threethree timetimeC.C.( (madam?madam?)96. - Would you like some fruit,)96. - Would you like some fruit,bananasbananasA.A. 5 5- Oh, yes. _, please.- Oh, yes. _, p

51、lease.kilokilo bananasbananasB.B. 5 5 kiloskilos ofofbananabananaC. 5 kilo of bananasC. 5 kilo of bananasD. 5 kilos ofD. 5 kilos of( ()97. This building is for a _.)97. This building is for a _.peoplepeopleA.A. familyfamily ofof threethreeB.B.peoplepeopleC.C. threethreethreethreepeoplespeoples famil

52、yfamilyD.D. threethree( ()98. Ten and five is _.)98. Ten and five is _.s familys familyA. fiveA. fivetwotwoB. fiftyB. fifty C. C. fifteenfifteenD.D.( ()99. There are _ in a day.)99. There are _ in a day.four hoursfour hoursA.A. 2424 hourshours( ()100. Look at the table. Tom wants)100. Look at the ta

53、ble. Tom wantsD. 365 hoursD. 365 hoursB.B. 1212 hourshoursC.C.to buy a hamburger, a largeto buy a hamburger, a largecoke and an ice-cream. Howcoke and an ice-cream. HowHamburgerHamburgermuch will he pay?much will he pay?$ $ $ 2.602.60$1.50$1.501.201.20HotHot dogdog $2.15$2.15OrangeOrange juicejuiceI

54、ce-creamIce-creamCoffeeCoffeePopcorn $1.00Popcorn $1.00$2.00$2.00 Water Water$0.50$0.50A. Three dollars and sixty cents.A. Three dollars and sixty cents.Large coke $1.00Large coke $1.00B. Five dollars and thirty-five cents.B. Five dollars and thirty-five cents.C. Five dollars and sixty cents.C. Five

55、 dollars and sixty cents.D. Two dollars.D. Two dollars.初三数词初三数词初中英语专项练初中英语专项练习习-数词局部数词局部参考答案参考答案数词专项练习数词专项练习( (一一) )1. A 2. C 3. B1. A 2. C 3. B4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A9. A 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. D 14. D 15. B9. A 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. D 14. D 15. B16. D 17. D 18. B 19. B 20.

56、B 21. A 22.16. D 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. B 21. A 22.C 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. C 29.C 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. C 29.D 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. DD 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. D36. C 37. D36. C 37. D38. D 39. D 40. B 41. A 42.38. D 39. D 40. B 41. A 42.A 43. D 44. D 45. C 46. B 47. B 48. BA 43. D 44. D 45. C 46. B 47. B 48. B49. B 50. A49. B 50. A数词专项练习数词专项练习( (二二) )76-8076-80CBBDBCBBDB81-8581-85DBAADDBAAD86-90 BCDCA86-90 BCDCA91-95 DBBBD91-95 DBBBD 96-100 BACAC 96-100 BACAC



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