How do you get to the zoo

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《How do you get to the zoo》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《How do you get to the zoo(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!How do you get to the zoo? Walk along Green Road and turn left at the first crossing. The zoo is next to the underground station. You should get off at Sea Street Station. Look at the animal. It lives in the zoo. The woman in blue is waiting at the bus

2、stop. Centuey Park is on the left of the school. Marry goes to school by bicycle. We can see French dread and cakes in somebakeries. I keep money in abank. Linda goes to the cinema to see a film with her friends. We live in Rainbow_during holidays. He works in a history museum. Dont go across (cross

3、)the road.ITs the red light. Turn right at the twice (two)crossing. Look,the pupils are playing(play)football. Eddies ,dont drink (not drink)the juice. These childrens(child)apples are big. We like each other and like to be (be)together. 到达动物园 get to the zoo 海豚 daphine 在第一个路口 at the first crossing 在

4、我左边的猴子 the monkeys on my left 动物园的地图 a map of the zoo 寻找餐馆 look for a restaurant 小巷 lane 沿着格林路步行 walk along Green Road 过公园路 cross Park Street 向左转 turn left 衣服 口袋 漂亮 博物馆 纽扣 拉链 价格 皇帝 魔术 点头 沉默拖鞋 圆点 胶底运动鞋 带着一些新的衣服拜访皇帝 大笑着点头 保持沉默 大喊 试穿这些裙子 买下蓝色那件 there is)a pair of shoes under the shop. Can I have somesw

5、eets?Sure,here you are. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!How _much)is the hat? Its twenty yuan. Give them some bananas. Those womens bags are very pretty. Do you like tomatoes? My friend has four lessons on Monday. How many lessons does your friend have on Monday? The shoes are eighty

6、yuan. How much are the shoes? She needs a pair of glasses for school. What does she need for school? It s time for lunch.同义改写 It is time ti have lunch. Excuse me.How do Iget to Shanghai Zoo? Excuse me,_where _ isShanghai Zoo? The shop on the right is a pet shop. Which shop is a pet shop? My father g

7、oes to Beijing by plane. How does your father go to Beijing? The woman is crossing the road.同义改写 The woman is going across the rosd. Cross hotel hospital here hear there You cant cross the road.同义改写 Dont cross the road Please stop writeing I like the big grey(大的灰色的)robat. Bank apple have many Pocket

8、 both dalphin want What does Janes mother do (do) at 6:00p.m. She washes the dishes. Jimmy wants to watch)TV. I always do my homework_at the table. Turn left at the second_crossing. Where is Alice?She is flying a kite in the garden. I am look for him.Where is he? Tom is at that crossing. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档

9、,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!Those ladiess skirts are beautiful. May I have_some milk? Y es here you are. The Greens are )on the underground. 看动物园地图 look at a map of the zoo 在我们右边 on our right 母亲节在五月的第二个星期天。 Mother s Day is on the second Sunday of May. 在早上 8点钟 at eight oclock in the moring 在音

10、乐教室的左边 on the left of the music room 不同于 be different from 我在华山站下车 I get off at Huashan Station. 他们在看一部电影。They are looking for a cinema. 对牙齿有伤害 be bad for teeth 去医院看病 go to the hospital 你怎么了?what s wrong with you ? 一大包糖 a large packet of sweets 拔牙 pull out the teeth 没有牙的老虎 the toothless tiger 在密洞里 i

11、n a secet cave 很快,马上 very soon Be quiet.The old men are drinking on the bench. Look !Grandma is putting some hot water into the teapot. Has their Chinese teacher got any felt pens? We want some juice.(改成同义句 ) We would like some juice. I d like some coffee(一般疑问句) Would you like some coffee? 想要 would

12、like 煮水 boil the water 小水滴 Litter Water Drop 落下 fall down 倒茶 pour the water 长江 the Y angtze River 黄浦江 the HUangPu River 一张纸 a piece of paper 升起 rise up We go to the party on Sunday What day doyou goto the party? That blue hat is Toms Whose is that? Peter wants an umbrella.He wants the blue and big one.(两句合并一句) Peterwants the big blue umbrella. Toothache bad Bank apple have many 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!Pocket both dolphin want Can I ask you some questions? They are five boys in the photo.The fifth boy is my brother. It s easy to see that she loves me very much.



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