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1、九年级上学期英语短语课件汉译英呈贡区实验学校 梁凤鑫make mistakes later onIt doesnt matter Whats the matter?be afraid tobe afraid oflaugh attake notesin troubleWhats your trouble ?出错以后没关系怎么啦害怕去做害怕做嘲笑 做笔记处于麻烦之中怎么啦Unit 1look up make up deal with regard ason dutybe angry withbe mad at go bytry ones bestdo ones best查阅编造处理把作为值日生的

2、气生的气消失尽力做尽力做 Unit 1break off used to be used tobe terrified ofgo to sleep go to bedfall asleep in the endat last make a decision Unit 2 中断过去常常习惯于非常害怕的入睡上床睡觉熟睡最后最后下决心 校长班主任令某人惊奇的是即使即使对感到自豪不再不再对注意放弃 head teacher head master to ones surpriseeven thougheven iftake pride in no longernotany longerpay atte

3、ntion togive upUnit 2 no more notany more drive license instead ofstay upstay up lateconcentrate onat present old peoples homein the way 不再不再驾驶执照代替熬夜熬夜全神贯注现在敬老院当道的 Unit 3 care about care for worry about what if notin the slightest get annoyedplenty of get along withletdowncome up with think up 关心关心担

4、心如果将会怎么样一点也不生气足够的与相处使失望或沮丧提出提出 Unit 4 be covered with come out belong to hair band make up Oxford University run away use upturn off turn onturn downturn up 被覆盖出版属于发带组成牛津大学逃跑用完关掉打开关小开大 Unit 5 reminds of Yellow Riveron display be interested intake an interest into be honestOf coursesuit sb.(fine)be b

5、ad forbe good for 提醒黄河展览对感兴趣对感兴趣老实说当然可以对某人很适合对有害对有好处 Unit 6 事实上与保持距离意见一致从容尼亚加拉大瀑布成百上千成千上万数不清的尽快地尽可能多 in fact stay away from be in agreementtake it easy Niagara Falls hundreds ofthousands ofmillions ofas soon as possibleas much as possibleUnit 7 Eiffel Tower Notre Dame Cathedralin general be willing

6、toquite a fewdream ofhold on toclean upcheer up give outhand out 埃菲尔铁塔巴黎圣母院大体上乐意相当多梦想坚持打扫使振奋分发分发 Unit 7set up put off think upcome up withmajor intake afterbe similar tolook aftertake care offix upput up ask for 建立推迟想出想出主修相像与相似照顾照顾修理张贴请求 Unit 8 work out help (sb )out at onceright awayin a minutepart

7、 of speech be used forbe used tooperate on light bulb 算出帮助某人解决困难立刻立刻马上词性用来做习惯于做手术电灯泡 Unit 8 microwave oven by mistaketake mistakes by accident according tofall intomix upin this wayin the wayknock into aim at 微波炉错误地犯错误偶然地根据落入混合这样当道与相撞目标 Unit 9 by the timego offrun off on timein time break down show

8、upApril Fools Dayset off sell out on sale 到时候发出响声跑掉准时及时出故障出席愚人节激起售完出售 Unit 10 get married a piece of two pieces of department store water slide dress up borrow sth. from sb.lend sth. to sb.in troubleWhats your trouble?hand in 结婚一片两片百货商店水滑道装扮从某人借某物把某物借某人处于麻烦之中怎么啦?上交 Unit 11 shake hands drop by come o

9、ver after allmake noise point atgo out of ones way to do sth.make sb. feel at hometable mannersbe used toget used toused to 握手顺便拜访拜访毕竟制造噪音指向特地做某事使某人感到宾至如归餐桌礼仪习惯于习惯于过去常常 Unit 12 learnby oneself teachby oneselfpros and cons for instance for examplesuch asat timesto start withat firstfirst of all 自学自学赞成与反对例如例如例如有时首先首先首先 Unit 13 游泳衣清除过一会再与某人通话主唱者某日离开离开拿走到目前为止幸亏盼望国旗 bathing suit clean out get back to sb.lead singer some daybe offbe awaytake away so farthanks to look forward tonational flag Unit 14



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