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1、希腊哲学英语ppt-thegreeksandtheirphilosophyx2I have some bad news.Youre all going to die someday.So what should you do with your life?Philosophies about LifeStoicismEpicureanismCynicismScepticismLive for Duty?StoicsThe most important thing in life is to be good.You should do your duty without complaining.

2、You should control and hide your emotions.You can not control the world or your fate, but if your behaviour is correct you will be happySick but happyPoor but happyDying but happyYou can tell whether a person is good or not by how they behave, not what they say.Live for Pleasure?EpicureansThe most i

3、mportant thing in life is happiness.You should avoid pain and discomfort.You should eat well, have a nice house and have good friends.You shouldnt do anything too much.You shouldnt do bad things because your shame would make you unhappy.“Pleasure is the beginning and end of the good life”Live a Simp

4、le Life?DiogenesJohn William Waterhouse - 1882CynicsFounded by DiogenesDiogenes decided to live like a dogHe lived in a barrel.He didnt wash.He begged for food.He decided that the best way to be happy was not to want anything.Nobody knows?ScepticsThey argued that nothing can be known for certain.No

5、one philosophy is better than any other philosophy.They had no ideas, but would show how anyone elses ideas were wrong.The common people live their lives happily without worrying about philosophy.You should not try to understand life.“I cant say honey is sweet. Only that honey appears to be sweet.”L

6、ive for God?ChristianityThe purpose of life is to do what God wants.Follow the rules in the bible and you will be rewarded by going to heaven.For over a thousand years this was the main philosophy in Europe.Jewish and ChristianGreek and RomanTodays LessonWeve already looked at the some simple philos

7、ophical ideas of Ancient Greece.Next were going to look at some of the achievements of the Ancient Greek civilization.Finally were going to talk about three of the greatest Greek philosophers.ArchitectureArtMusicPhilosophyLiteratureReligionPoliticsThis CourseHistory Three Great Greek PhilosophersAri

8、stotlePlato, who taughtSocrates, taughtThe School of Athens, Raphael 1510Three Periods of Western PhilosophyGreek Philosopy6th century B.C.- 4th century A.D.Church Philosophy11th century- 14th centuryModernPhilosophy17th century -DemocracyAthens had one of the first democracies in the world.Everyone

9、 voted for every lawExcept women and slaves.In order to get your law passed you had to be good at speaking.Young men would go to philosophers to learn how to argue well. Three Great Greek PhilosophersAristotlePlato, who taughtSocrates, taughtMy teacher Plato is dear to me,but even dearer is truthIt

10、is truth that you cant contradict,you may contradict Socrates without any difficultyAristotle- His Logic- His teaching of Alexander the GreatPlato- His method of writing.- His RepublicSocrates- His method of teaching.- His death.SocratesThe Socratic Method of TeachingThe teacher chooses a question t

11、o ask the students.The students can give any answer they like, and the teacher can not tell them they are wrong.He can however ask more questionsThe students may realise they have made a mistake.They may go back and change their previous answers.The questions may lead students to think of the proble

12、m in a different way.The students can also correct mistakes made by the teacherThe Death of Socrates, Jacques-Louis David 1787The Trial of Socrates“Socrates is an evil-doer and a curious person, searching into things under the earth and above the heavens;and making the worse appear the better cause

13、and teaching all this to others”Socrates Speech at his Trial.He does not fear death:If there is no heaven: then death is like sleeping forever, and this is nice.If there is a heaven: then he will have the chance to meet and talk with famous philosophers and heroes who have already died, and this is

14、also nice.Socrates Speech at his Trial.His enemies say he is making the young people of Athens bad.He says that anything we do is done either intentionally or unintentionallyIf he is doing it intentionally then this stupid.It is better to live with good men than with bad men.If he is doing it uninte

15、ntionally then he will stop.If there is a mistake in his philosophy then he would be very happy for his enemies to tell him what it is as he loves truth.Socrates DeathHis friends arranged a way for him to escape, but he refused for three reasons.He did not fear death.He is not going to change his ph

16、ilosophy.He would become equally unpopular in another city.By living in Athens he had agreed to obey its laws.Even if the laws are stupid.In the end he is killed by drinking poison.PlatoDialoguesPlatos books are written in the form of dialogues.Two or more people, usually including Plato, discuss an

17、d disagree about subject.Together they try and understand the problem.The others point out problems with Platos ideas.They focus on being 100% correct Usually Plato wins the argument.Platos RepublicThe Republic was written as a dialogue.In it he attempts to define what justice is.He starts by talkin

18、g about what a just person is, but later starts to talk about what a just country is.Platos Republic is one of the earliest utopias, where a philosopher writes about a perfect society.The population will be divided into 3 parts.The guardians control the government.The soldiers fight for the state.Th

19、e common people do all the work.The guardians will govern well because they have been educated to be good men.All property is to be held in common and there will be no money. Wives and children will also be shared. They will have small houses and simple food.Platos Perfect StateChildren are to taken

20、 from their parents at birth and given to a different family. Therefore a child will never treat older people badly because any of them might be his father.As children should be educated to be good, all stories and plays involving bad people being happy, laughter, gods falling in love or behaving ba

21、dly. As drama involving only pure heroes is obviously impossible, Plato decides to ban all drama.AristotleAristotleAristotle is the most important of the Greek Philosophers.He wrote about a large number of subjectsToday Im going to talk about his logic.If I tell you.All Americans like hamburgersMr S

22、mith is an AmericanWhat can you deduce.Mr Smith likes hamburgers.This is called deductive reasoning.Aristotle worked out a complete method for deductive reasoning.For 1,000 years deductive reasoning was the only type used by philosophers in the west.Theres another type of resonsing called inductive

23、reasoning.Inductive Reasoning Story 1A government official was ordered by the emperor to go to a village and make a list of the names of all the men there.The first man he asked was called “Chngng”.The second man he asked was also called “Chngng”The third man he asked was also called “Chngng”After a

24、sking ten people their names using inductive reasoning he said to himself “Theyre obviously all called Chngng. I wont waste any more of my time.” and went off to play mah-jong.Unfortunately there was just one man in the village called “林强”.The emperor was very upset and had the official killed.The m

25、oral of the story:You can never know if something is true using inductive reasoning.Inductive Reasoning Story 2Three English philosophers are travelling to Scotland and through the window of the train they see a black sheep.The first philosopher says:“I see that in Scotland sheep are black”.The seco

26、nd philosopher says “You mean there is at least one black sheep in Scotland”The third philosopher says“You mean in Scotland there is at least one sheep, at least one side of which looks black from here.”The moral of this story:If you dont use inductive reasoning you cant know very much.Types of Know

27、ledgeMathmaticsUses deductive reasoningFrom two things we know are true we can work out a third truth.The Greeks were very good at this type of thinking.Aristotle was the best.ScienceUses inductive reasoningDo experiments in the real world.Try and guess from the results how the world works.We can never be certain were correct.The Greeks did not like this type of thinking谢谢观赏谢谢观赏



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