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1、Translation literal translation and free translation 直译和意译直译和意译8/12/20248/12/20241 1汉英翻译的基本原则n nTranslate literally,if possible,or appeal to free translation. 能直译就尽量直译,不能直译就采取意译8/12/20248/12/20242 2Have A Try 小试牛刀1.1.明天不下雨,我们就去公园。(直译)2.2.勤洗手是避免疾病传播的有效方法之一。(直译)3.3.许多外国游客都想到长城一游,他们知道“不到长城非好汉” (意译)4.4.

2、请尽早作出决定,不然你会坐失良机。(意译)8/12/20248/12/20243 3literal translation and free translation 直译和意译直译和意译n nI. I. 注意注意注意注意( (逻辑逻辑逻辑逻辑) )主语的变化主语的变化主语的变化主语的变化 n n1 1 他的话让我忍俊不禁。他的话让我忍俊不禁。他的话让我忍俊不禁。他的话让我忍俊不禁。n nI couldnt help laughing at what he had said.I couldnt help laughing at what he had said.n n2. 2. 那个国家又发生地

3、震了。那个国家又发生地震了。那个国家又发生地震了。那个国家又发生地震了。n nAnother earthquake broke out in that Another earthquake broke out in that country.country.n n3. 3. 他突然想到自己忘带驾照了。他突然想到自己忘带驾照了。他突然想到自己忘带驾照了。他突然想到自己忘带驾照了。n nIt suddenly occurred to him that he had It suddenly occurred to him that he had forgotten to take his drivi

4、ng license.forgotten to take his driving license.n n4. 4. 你不可能独立完成这项工作的。你不可能独立完成这项工作的。你不可能独立完成这项工作的。你不可能独立完成这项工作的。n nIt is impossible for you to complete the task It is impossible for you to complete the task alone .alone .n n5. 5. 他五岁时妈妈开始教他钢琴。他五岁时妈妈开始教他钢琴。他五岁时妈妈开始教他钢琴。他五岁时妈妈开始教他钢琴。n nWhen he was f

5、ive years old his mother began When he was five years old his mother began to teach him how to play the piano.to teach him how to play the piano.8/12/20248/12/20244 4II. II. 根据英语表达习惯适当增词、减词根据英语表达习惯适当增词、减词根据英语表达习惯适当增词、减词根据英语表达习惯适当增词、减词n n1. 我爸爸是老师,在重点中学教书。我爸爸是老师,在重点中学教书。我爸爸是老师,在重点中学教书。我爸爸是老师,在重点中学教书。

6、n nMy father is My father is a a teacher and teaches in teacher and teaches in a a middle school.middle school.n n2. 2. 每天早晨妈妈是全家第一个起床的人。每天早晨妈妈是全家第一个起床的人。每天早晨妈妈是全家第一个起床的人。每天早晨妈妈是全家第一个起床的人。n nEvery morning Mum is the first to get Every morning Mum is the first to get up in the family.up in the family

7、.n n3. 3. 这是妈妈告诉我的。这是妈妈告诉我的。这是妈妈告诉我的。这是妈妈告诉我的。n nThis is This is whatwhat Mum told me.Mum told me.n n4.4.他的包被抢了。他的包被抢了。他的包被抢了。他的包被抢了。n nHe was robbed He was robbed ofof his baghis bag8/12/20248/12/20245 5n n5. 5. 他虽然退休了,但仍关心着公司的的业务。他虽然退休了,但仍关心着公司的的业务。他虽然退休了,但仍关心着公司的的业务。他虽然退休了,但仍关心着公司的的业务。n nThough h

8、e has retired, he still cares about Though he has retired, he still cares about the companys business.the companys business.n n6.6.因为我不懂德语,所以我没有参加他们的柏林三日游。因为我不懂德语,所以我没有参加他们的柏林三日游。因为我不懂德语,所以我没有参加他们的柏林三日游。因为我不懂德语,所以我没有参加他们的柏林三日游。n nAs I dont know German, I didnt join As I dont know German, I didnt joi

9、n them in the three-day trip to Berlin.them in the three-day trip to Berlin.n n7 7 我会安排人带你们参观我厂。我会安排人带你们参观我厂。我会安排人带你们参观我厂。我会安排人带你们参观我厂。n nI will arrangeI will arrange for for someone to show someone to show you around our factory.you around our factory.n n8. 8. 他和一位教授的女儿结了婚。他和一位教授的女儿结了婚。他和一位教授的女儿结了婚

10、。他和一位教授的女儿结了婚。n nHe married a daughter of a He married a daughter of a professors.professors.8/12/20248/12/20246 6III.有些汉语的翻译要遵循英语的表达习惯有些汉语的翻译要遵循英语的表达习惯不能直译不能直译n n1. 为了提前完成任务,他做饭也顾不上了为了提前完成任务,他做饭也顾不上了为了提前完成任务,他做饭也顾不上了为了提前完成任务,他做饭也顾不上了。n nIn order to complete the task in advance , he had no thought f

11、or dinner.n n2. 2. 我一定会尽快通知你考试的日程的。我一定会尽快通知你考试的日程的。我一定会尽快通知你考试的日程的。我一定会尽快通知你考试的日程的。n nI will surely inform you of the exam schedule .n n3. 3. 3. 3. 希望你早日康复。希望你早日康复。希望你早日康复。希望你早日康复。n nhope you willhope you willhope you willhope you will recover soon. recover soon. recover soon. recover soon.n n4.4.4.

12、4.有人看见一个黑衣人朝公园方向走去。有人看见一个黑衣人朝公园方向走去。有人看见一个黑衣人朝公园方向走去。有人看见一个黑衣人朝公园方向走去。n nA man in black was seen walking in the A man in black was seen walking in the A man in black was seen walking in the A man in black was seen walking in the direction of park.direction of park.direction of park.direction of park

13、.8/12/20248/12/20247 7n n5. 我把你的电子词典忘在家里了。我把你的电子词典忘在家里了。n nleft your electronic dictionary at home n n6. 6. 他因为考试成绩好而得到老师的表扬。他因为考试成绩好而得到老师的表扬。他因为考试成绩好而得到老师的表扬。他因为考试成绩好而得到老师的表扬。n nHe was praised for his good result in the He was praised for his good result in the exam.exam.n n7. 7. 你的梦想一定会实现的。你的梦想一定会

14、实现的。你的梦想一定会实现的。你的梦想一定会实现的。n nYour dream is sure to come true.Your dream is sure to come true.n nYou are sure to realize your dream .You are sure to realize your dream .8/12/20248/12/20248 8IV. 翻译中语序的变化翻译中语序的变化n n1. 1. 所有出席会议的人都会拿到一张电影票。所有出席会议的人都会拿到一张电影票。所有出席会议的人都会拿到一张电影票。所有出席会议的人都会拿到一张电影票。n nAll tho

15、se present at the meeting got a film All those present at the meeting got a film ticket.ticket.n n2.2.最后离开教室的人必须关灯。最后离开教室的人必须关灯。最后离开教室的人必须关灯。最后离开教室的人必须关灯。n nThe last to leave the classroom must turn The last to leave the classroom must turn off the lights.off the lights.n n3.3.我认为你找不到自行车了。我认为你找不到自行车

16、了。我认为你找不到自行车了。我认为你找不到自行车了。n ndont think you can find your bicycle.dont think you can find your bicycle.n n4.4.你认为我该去哪里买药。你认为我该去哪里买药。你认为我该去哪里买药。你认为我该去哪里买药。n nWhere do you think I should go to buy the Where do you think I should go to buy the medicine.medicine.n n5. 5. 他越说越激动。他越说越激动。他越说越激动。他越说越激动。n nT

17、he more he said, the more excited he The more he said, the more excited he became.became.n n6.6.地上躺着一个人。地上躺着一个人。地上躺着一个人。地上躺着一个人。n n There lay a person on the ground.There lay a person on the ground.8/12/20248/12/20249 9n nV.要注意中英文对应词的词性变化要注意中英文对应词的词性变化n n1.1.这家超市这家超市这家超市这家超市能买到能买到能买到能买到各种床上用品。各种床上用品

18、。各种床上用品。各种床上用品。n nBed clothes of all kinds areBed clothes of all kinds are availableavailable at at this supermarket.this supermarket.n n2.2.每年都有许多物种每年都有许多物种每年都有许多物种每年都有许多物种灭绝灭绝灭绝灭绝。n nEvery year species of animals become Every year species of animals become extinct.extinct.n n3.3.那部小说很那部小说很那部小说很那部小

19、说很值得值得值得值得一看。一看。一看。一看。n nThat novel is well That novel is well worthworth reading reading n n4.4.他们都他们都他们都他们都非常赞成非常赞成非常赞成非常赞成你的提议。你的提议。你的提议。你的提议。n nWe are all We are all in favor ofin favor of your proposal . your proposal .8/12/20248/12/20241010n n5.5.我们强烈反对周末加班我们强烈反对周末加班我们强烈反对周末加班我们强烈反对周末加班n nWe a

20、re strongly against working extra We are strongly against working extra time at the weekends.time at the weekends.n n6.6.由于由于由于由于缺钱缺钱缺钱缺钱,他不得不推迟度假。,他不得不推迟度假。,他不得不推迟度假。,他不得不推迟度假。n nBecause of lack of money , he had to Because of lack of money , he had to put off his vacation.put off his vacation.n n7

21、. 7. 学生不能学生不能学生不能学生不能进进进进教师阅览室教师阅览室教师阅览室教师阅览室。n nStudents have no access to the Students have no access to the teachers reading room.teachers reading room.8/12/20248/12/20241111Homework1.长时间坐在电脑前是许多年轻人健康下降的主长时间坐在电脑前是许多年轻人健康下降的主要原因。要原因。(decline)2. 几天来,已经为救助地震灾区的灾民募捐到了一大笔钱。( raise)3.这本字典在所有书店都买得到。(available)4.使我欣慰的是这孩子开始懂得了使我欣慰的是这孩子开始懂得了“有错必改有错必改” (relief)5. 在过去的20年里,上海发生了翻天覆的变化。( occur)8/12/20248/12/20241212



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