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1、Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEPart FourPart FourENTERLesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEI. Word Study II. Phrases and Expressions III. Word BuildingIV. Grammar Language StudyLanguage StudyLesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEI. Word StudyI. Word StudyWord list:1.accomplish

2、ment2.assume3.certify4.expose5.faculty6. generate7. nevertheless8. rear9. species10. sufficeLesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE1. accomplishment n. sth. completed successfully; an achievementTo be continued on the next page.Examples:a girl of many accomplishments 多才多艺的姑娘多才多艺的姑娘Among her acco

3、mplishments were sewing, cooking, playing the piano and dancing.I. Word StudyI. Word StudyLesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEv. to succeed in doing; to reach the end ofExamples:accomplish ones object 达到达到目的目的accomplish ones mission 完成使命完成使命He can accomplish more in a day than any other boy i

4、n his class.I. Word StudyI. Word StudyaccomplishLesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE2. assume v. a. to take for granted; to suppose b. to take upon oneselfn.n. assumption assumptiona.a. assumptive assumptiveExamples:They had assumed that prices would rise these days, but in fact they were wro

5、ng. assume responsibilitiesassume anothers debtsWord formationI. Word StudyI. Word StudyLesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE3. certify v. to confirm formally as true, accurate, or genuineExamples: The accounts were The accounts were certifiedcertified (as) correct. (as) correct. He was He was

6、 certifiedcertified (as) insane. (as) insane. certifiedcertified accountant accountant 注册会计师注册会计师注册会计师注册会计师n n. certification. certificationa a. certified . certified 有书有书有书有书 面证明的,已证面证明的,已证面证明的,已证面证明的,已证 实的实的实的实的Word formationI. Word StudyI. Word StudyLesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE 4.

7、exposev. a. to subject or allow to be subjected to an action or an influence 使受影响使受影响 b. to subject (a photographic film, for example) to the action of light 使曝光使曝光 c. to make known (sth. discreditable); to reveal (the guilt or wrongdoing of) 揭发(有损信誉的事);揭露(罪恶或错误的行为)揭发(有损信誉的事);揭露(罪恶或错误的行为)To be conti

8、nued on the next page.I. Word StudyI. Word StudyLesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEExamples:The parents exposed their children to classical music at home.This film has been exposed.The crime of the corrupt officials must be exposed without any reserve.I. Word StudyI. Word StudyLesson 1 Anoth

9、er School YearWhat For? BTLWE5. facultyTo be continued on the next page. n. a. any of the powers of the body or mindb. department or group of related departments in a university c. the whole teaching staff in one of the departments or in the whole universityExamples: the faculty of the sight; mental

10、 faculties the Faculty of Law The entire faculty of the university will attend the meeting.I. Word StudyI. Word StudyLesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEcf. staff n.a. group of assistants working together in a business, etc. responsible to a manager or a person in authorityb. those people doi

11、ng administrative workI. Word StudyI. Word StudyExamples:the hotel staff, the shop staffWe need more staff in the office.I have a staff of ten. a head teacher and her staff 校长及全体教工校长及全体教工The school staff are expected to supervise school meals.Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEn. generation

12、n. generatora. generativeWord formation v. to produce as a result of a chemical or physical process 6. generateExamples: a generating station 发电厂,发电站发电厂,发电站 When coal burns, it generates heat. generative reproduction 有性繁殖有性繁殖 I. Word StudyI. Word StudyLesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE7. ne

13、vertheless adv. in spite of that, howeverExamples:She was very tired, nevertheless she kept on working.We are going nevertheless we shall return.I. Word StudyI. Word StudyLesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE8. rear v. a. to care for (children or a child) during the early stages of life; to br

14、ing up b. to tend (growing plants or animals) c. to rise high in the air; to tower n. a hind part 后面,后边;后边的部分后面,后边;后边的部分Examples: to rear a child to rear poultry to rear a monument to a persons memory 为纪念为纪念 某人而建立纪念碑某人而建立纪念碑 the rear of the hall I. Word StudyI. Word StudyLesson 1 Another School Year

15、What For? BTLWE9. species n. a fundamental category of taxonomic classification, ranking below a genus or subgenus and consisting of related organisms capable of interbreedingExamples:Some species of animals have become extinct because they could not adapt to a changing environment.The Origin of Spe

16、cies物种起源物种起源I. Word StudyI. Word StudyLesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE v. to meet present needs or requirements10. sufficeWord formationa a. sufficient. sufficientn n. sufficiency. sufficiencyThe end of Word Study.Examples: These rations will suffice until next week. Fifty dollars will su

17、ffice me. Fifty dollars will suffice for my needs.I. Word StudyI. Word StudyLesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEList:1. enroll in2. specialize in3. put it4. go through5. see to it that 6. preside over7. be out to do sth.8. be on ones/the way to 9. The chances are that10. in essence11. make av

18、ailable II. Phrases and ExpressionsII. Phrases and ExpressionsLesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE to place ones name on a roll or register; to sign up 注册登记,注册、记录某人名字在花名册上;登记注册登记,注册、记录某人名字在花名册上;登记1. enroll inII. Phrases and ExpressionsII. Phrases and ExpressionsWord formationn n. enrollment.

19、enrollmentExample: We enrolled in the army. Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE to concentrate on a particular activity or product 从事专门活动或销售专业产品从事专门活动或销售专业产品2. specialize in II. Phrases and ExpressionsII. Phrases and ExpressionsExample: The shop specializes in mountain-climbing gear.Lesson 1

20、 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE to express; to state 表达;陈述表达;陈述3. put itII. Phrases and ExpressionsII. Phrases and ExpressionsExamples: to put it another way 换句话说换句话说 to put it mildly 说得婉转些说得婉转些 to put it strong 说得刻薄说得刻薄Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEII. Phrases and ExpressionsII. Ph

21、rases and Expressions4. go through a. to examine carefully 仔细检查仔细检查 b. to experienceExamples: John went through the students papers. We went through hell while working on this project. Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEto try to make sure that 5. see to it thatII. Phrases and ExpressionsII.

22、 Phrases and ExpressionsExample: The parents asked the girl to see to it that her younger brothers behave well at the table.Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEto be in charge of 6. preside overII. Phrases and ExpressionsII. Phrases and ExpressionsExamples: preside over a meeting 主持会议主持会议 pre

23、side at tea 招待客人吃茶点招待客人吃茶点 The manager presides over the business of this store. 主持管理业务主持管理业务Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE to try to do sth.7. be out to do sth.II. Phrases and ExpressionsII. Phrases and ExpressionsExample: You professor raise your kids your way; Ill take care of my own

24、. Me, Im out to make money.Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE to be in the process of coming, going, or traveling8. be on ones/the way toII. Phrases and ExpressionsII. Phrases and Expressions Examples: She is on her way out the door. Winter is on the way. You are on your way to being that n

25、ew species of mechanized savage, the push-button Neanderthal.Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE It is possible that9. The chances are thatII. Phrases and ExpressionsII. Phrases and ExpressionsTo be continued on the next page.cf.cf.Examples: The chances are ten to one that the guest team wil

26、l win. If you have some one on your mind, let her know. Chances are you are on hers as well. There is a chance that I will see him these days. Is there any chance of rain?Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEII. Phrases and ExpressionsII. Phrases and ExpressionsExamples: It chanced that the tr

27、ain was late that day. Although there is still hope, he is not not willing to chance it.vi. to come about by chance; occur 偶然发生,出现偶然发生,出现vt. to take the risk or hazard of 冒冒的的危危险险chanceLesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEII. Phrases and ExpressionsII. Phrases and Expressions by nature; essent

28、ially 本质上;实质的本质上;实质的 10. in essence Example: In essence, leadership involves accomplishing goals with and through people.Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE II. Phrases and Expressions II. Phrases and Expressions 11. make available to do sth. so that one thing can be used or can easily be bo

29、ught or foundExamples: Dental clinics shall be made available within ten miles of each community. Parking facilities were made available for the disabled.The end of Phrases and Expressions.Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEIII. Word BuildingIII. Word BuildingList:1. Suffix ize2. Suffix fy L

30、esson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEIII. Word BuildingIII. Word Buildinga.to cause to be or tob. become 使成为使成为b. to cause to conform to or resemble 使使一致,一致, 使使相像相像 c. to treat as 当当 作作对待对待d. to treat or affect with 对待或影响对待或影响dramatize 戏剧化戏剧化Hellenize 使希腊化使希腊化idolize 偶像崇拜偶像崇拜anesthetize 施以麻醉施以麻

31、醉e.g.e.g.capitalizecapitalize suffixTo be continued on the next page.Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEIII. Word BuildingIII. Word Buildinge. to subject to 使服从使服从f. to treat according to or practice the method of 根根据据对对待待或或实实施施办办法法g. to become; become like 成为;变得像成为;变得像h. to perform, engage

32、in, or produce 完成,从事于,完成,从事于, 生产生产tyrannize 压制压制pasteurize 施行巴氏消毒施行巴氏消毒materialize 具体化具体化botanize 采集植物采集植物 e.g. e.g.capitalizecapitalize suffixTo be continued on the next page.Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE III. Word BuildingIII. Word Buildingcapitalizecentralizefinalizehospitalizeideal

33、izenaturalizesocializecapital (a.)central (a.)final (a.)hospital (n.)ideal (a.)natural (a.)social (a.)suffix -izeTo be continued on the next page.Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEsuffix -izeIII. Word BuildingIII. Word Buildingapologizecivilizefertilizeindustrializerealizespecializewesterni

34、zeapologetic (a.)civil (a.)fertile (a.)industrial (a.)real (a.)special (a.)western (a.)The end of Suffix -ize.Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEIII. Word BuildingIII. Word Buildingclarifyclarify suffix-fyto cause to become; to makebase (n.)clear (a.)class (n.)intense (a.)just (a.)note (n.)b

35、asify 碱化碱化clarify 澄清澄清classify 分类分类intensify 加强加强justify 使正当使正当notify 通知通知To be continued on the next page.Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEIII. Word BuildingIII. Word Buildingclarifyclarify suffix-fyto cause to become; to makepure (a.)quality (n.)simple (a.)unity (n.)terror (n.)purify 净化净

36、化qualify 使具有资格使具有资格simplify 简化简化unify 统一统一terrify 使恐惧使恐惧The end of Word Building.Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEIV. GrammarIV. GrammarI. Observe the following sentences and study the related grammar.New as I was to the faculty, I could have told this specimen a number of things. There is

37、 not time enough in a single lifetime to invent for oneself everything one needs to know in order to be a civilized man.As this is true of the techniques of mankind, so it is true of mankinds spiritual resources.To be continued on the next page.Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWE New as I wa

38、s to the faculty, I could have told this specimen a number of things. II. Grammar 1: concessive clauseII. Grammar 1: concessive clauseIV. GrammarIV. GrammarTo be continued on the next page.More examples:More examples:GreatGreat as as the author was, he proved a bad model. the author was, he proved a

39、 bad model. RidiculousRidiculous as as it seems, the tale is true. it seems, the tale is true.Concessive clause, inverted sentence, meaning “though”Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEIV. GrammarIV. GrammarTo be continued on the next page.II. Grammar 2: infinitiveII. Grammar 2: infinitive The

40、re is not time enough in a single lifetime to invent for oneself everything one needs to know in order to be a civilized man.More examples:More examples: a lot of things a lot of things to doto dolast one last one to leaveto leavea man a man to rely onto rely onInfinitive, functioning as modifier of

41、 “time”Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEIV. GrammarIV. GrammarThe end of Grammar.II. Grammar 3: as so structureII. Grammar 3: as so structure As this is true of the techniques of mankind, so it is true of mankinds spiritual resources.More example:More example:Just Just asas the the French French love love their their wine, wine, soso the the English English love love their beer.their beer.as so 结构,结构,so作为作为关联副词关联副词(conjunctive adverbs)Lesson 1 Another School YearWhat For? BTLWEPart FourPart FourThis is the end of Part Four. Please click HOME to visit other parts.



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