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1、系表结构的用法系表结构的用法系表系表结构的构成构的构成连系动词连系动词表语表语系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。e.g. 1. The story seemed interesting. 2. The window seemed broken.连系系动词的分的分类1. Be 动词:am, is, are, was, were 2.感感观动词:sound, look, keep,taste, feel, smell 3. 趋势动词:appear, become, grow, get, turn, seem, remain,go 常常见系系动词及其

2、用法及其用法记忆口口诀: 看似落下来去跑,看似落下来去跑, 停留站息成卧倒。停留站息成卧倒。 续保生保生长现转变, 闻声感声感觉尝得到。得到。 looklook看看,seem,seem似乎似乎,fall,fall落下落下, come, come来来, go, go去去, run, run跑跑1. look 看起来看起来 She looked very tired . 她看起来很累。她看起来很累。2. seem 似乎似乎 They seemed happytogether. 他他们在一在一 起起时似似乎很快乎很快乐。3. fall 落下落下 He asked for leave because

3、his mother fell ill. 他他因母因母亲生病而生病而请假。假。e 来来 Wrong never comes right. 错误的永的永远不会不会变成正成正确的。确的。5.go 去去 His black hair has gone grey. 他的黑他的黑头发变白了。白了。 6.run 跑跑 These shirts run small. 这几件几件衬衫(衫(变)小了。)小了。staystay停留停留,remain,remain留下留下, stand, stand站,立站,立, rest, rest休休息息, become, become变成成,lie,lie卧倒。卧倒。1.st

4、ay 停留停留 The man still stays single. 那个男子那个男子还还是是单单身。身。2. remain 留下留下 Her uncle remained poor all his life. 他叔一生他叔一生贫穷贫穷。3.stand 站,立站,立 He said he stand corrected. 他他说说他接受指正。他接受指正。4.rest 休息休息 She told me that she rested satisfied. 她告她告诉诉我她心我她心满满意足了。意足了。5.become 变变成成 His son becomes very lazy. 他儿子他儿子变

5、变得非常得非常懒懒惰。惰。6.lie 卧,躺卧,躺 The book lay open on the desk. 桌子上的桌子上的书书打开着。打开着。continuecontinue继续, keep, keep保持保持, grow, grow生生长, appear, appear出出现, turn, turn转变1.continue 继续 The weather continued fine. 天气仍然很好。天气仍然很好。2.keep 保持,保持,继续 Keep quiet! 保持安静!保持安静!3.grow 生生长 The noise grew louder. 噪音(噪音(变得)越来越大。得

6、)越来越大。4.appear 出出现 He appears quite old. 他他显得很得很苍老。老。5.turn 转变 The leaves are beginning to turn red. 树叶开始叶开始变红。smellsmell闻, sound, sound声音声音, feel, feel感感觉, taste, taste尝, get, get得得到到1.smell 闻起来,气味起来,气味 Roses smell sweet. 玫瑰花散玫瑰花散发出香味。出香味。2.sound 声音声音 The story sounds interesting. 这个故事听起来有趣。个故事听起来有

7、趣。3.feel 感感觉,感到,感到 He felt quite comfortable. 他感他感觉很舒服。很舒服。4.taste 品品尝 It tastes sweet. 这东西吃起来很甜。西吃起来很甜。5.get 得到得到 When he was angry, he got red. 当他生气的当他生气的时候,候,他的他的脸(变)红了。了。系表系表结构构专项训练1. My brother _ a teacher. He _ his pupils very much. A. is, like B. is, likes C. are, likes D. are, like2. I _ tir

8、ed last night.A. became B. felt C. looked D. am3. Her face _ pale(苍白)白)when she heard the bad news.A. got B. is C. turned D. was4. The boy _ ill today.A. are B. is C. be D. am5. Her voice _ like my mothers.A. sounds B. sound C. looks D. look6. It often rains and the crops _ fast.A. get B. turn C. gr

9、ow D. become7. A: How are you _ now? B: Much better, thank you.A. getting B. feeling C. making D. turning8. The teachers smile made me _ better.A. feel B. to feel C. feeling D. felt9. Neither she nor I _ a doctor.A. am not B. am C. are D. is10. My English teacher _.A. all look young B. looks young C. look young D. all looks young



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