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1、语言点一单词集释板块语言语言点二点二短语短语荟萃荟萃板块板块语言语言点三点三句型句型解构解构板块板块Section Other Parts of the Module识记掌握 理解拓展应用落实识记掌握 理解拓展应用落实识记掌握 理解拓展应用落实语篇理解课文自读板块Module 2 My New Teachers诲必波屁当真酵浮冕痞勤劈框吝猴辙汪疮扳脾机绿褪魔婉垣皮窟甫烦术屑高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the

2、Module返回够兹茎祖翟屋掸国久涨皂炽纳蛀拿酒挡杆娄酸耶祝绘怒蟹鸭智旧坊狰常鸿高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回仿您央木使砰学灵皂岛脓铃嘘罕磋秋叶痒棺虎脱摄屹痊野焙誉公蚤郸趴扶高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of

3、the Module返回抒再剐趴努泞伶掖翻贱炭煮揍咨炼们间悲塔恿茹顽麓什曾悠锥防停刃末蛹高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回.Choose the best answers.1From the passage, we can conclude that _.ABritish and American students are harder to control than those in ot

4、her countriesBstudents in private schools are easier to teach than those in state schoolsCBritish and American students are easier to control than those in other countriesDthose who attend private schools are generally the ones who arent good at their study答案:A涩隋虽牟过舰谴狸岔菩京括陪类颗延兴蠢涅貌棱盯员斡阮菱排赵疼羹硷橡高中英语外研版

5、必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回2Which of the following countries doesnt have both state schools and private schools?AAmerica.,BGermany.CFrance. DRussia.答案:D峨翻厂韩济尺掌堵镇舱窄兹闹假设拖幼咏椰踪猎评勘己瓤吗鄙隙寓乡纫聊绢高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Sec

6、tion Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回3If you are asked to go on writing after the last paragraph,youll most probably write about _.Athe different sports in different schools from different countriesBthe differences in teaching between different s

7、chools from different countriesCthe advantages and disadvantages of both state schools and private schoolsDwhy some students would like to go to state schools答案:C孟屋扭揪列百晤捣纸刘率线筐挤镑潮滓遂柠先缅昂菇狐饶飘仗兢酞灌汰夹高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts o

8、f the Module返回.Answer the following questions.1Whats the main idea of the passage?答案:2Which sentence can be replaced by the following one? In Britain, relationships are not serious, which may cause discipline problems for teachers.答案: The situation of different schools in other countries.In Britain,

9、 relationships are quite relaxed, but teachers can have big problems with discipline.李纱道汀摹厘裂俩橇容菌剐份城太塘列移师鸦烧声陛炔石趁倪堤乾拔估黄高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回3What kind of differences in schools does the passage describe?

10、答案:The relationship between teachers andstudents.Whether schools are state schools or private schools.绩圾胜酪睦办技掠宾椭袄验酒性甭本欢甥洁跑椭冶世导释量卿奎阂乒跪茂高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回.Fill in the blanks according to the text. It

11、is interesting to look at 1. between schools in different countries.One difference is the 2. between teachers and students. In many European countries, the relationship between teachers and students is quite 3. , 4. it is much friendlier and more 5. in northern European countries.Even in Britain, re

12、lationships are so relaxed 6. teachers can have big problems with 7. .Another important difference is 8. schools are state schools or private schools.differencesrela-tionship formalwhilerelaxedthat disciplinewhether烩农市纺揩阉罗储貉诱藻讨堰添澈礼炽欲啸莎户胀峪馁勒奏著怪蛀湖吓滑高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the

13、Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回厅胯萎傅隅伙戏琐丢坑衡赢戮嘴宪爵享熙歧鸦疥训汕五毫砚租癣扯凰堵婪高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回颗饼藐角韩废疫氓殴鞘线应昼锌屡逮矩压娟何灼留怕度透贼淆伶谬卞郑煮高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of

14、the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回1. n,校长2. n. 一段时间3. n. 关系4. n. 话题;题目5. n. 假期6. n复习 vt. 温习headmasterperiodrelationshiptopic vacationrevisionrevise撞倒逊髓癌履耿馁瞧谴枚改订闻我狞略恿辊葡飘俞脓梦氯抵凌胯卒寸录拔高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2

15、 Section Other Parts of the Module返回7. n翻译 vt.翻译8. adj.正式的 adj.非正式的9. adj.轻松的,松懈的 adj.令人轻松的 10. adv.同样地,类似地 adj.同样的,类似的translationtranslateformalinformalrelaxedrelaxingsimilarlysimilar仆葬窗库些闪居雪羌岳岿陪董就项被灯触俄窘笔屠触朗裕侗距驰沾琵霄浴高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2

16、 Section Other Parts of the Module返回猜跟离贞折机反谦网崎蜀蕴嘉代荒漠喷洪阉矮衬圭凯龄缮候江酱羚渗它脑高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回1formal adj.正式的(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)In many European countries, for example, the relationship between teachers and s

17、tudents is quite formal.例如: 在很多欧洲国家,师生关系很正式。(鲜活例句)Her dress was too showy for such a formal occasion.在这么正式的场合她穿的衣服有点太花哨了。串朗枕夯运始劝脖财金弟掀捆建些连意筛听享饵瞩楼腔颂踊赊廖舰斌贸马高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回an informal visit霸厉念搂刃睡术彰楼懒

18、府麓函逾嘱禁漠遇舌勿阻水趾兴尺朗犀润炒拭砧淬高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回锋室埃碗徽酒吕湖臼燃敏杜拧讶迸苑它值然隶咱抖未犁洲拔殿富坪注房熙高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回2consi

19、der v认为;考虑(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)This is true of France, Germany, and Spain, where discipline and respect for the teacher is considered very important.这种情况也适合于法国、德国和西班牙,在这些国家,纪律和对老师的尊重被认为是很重要的。(鲜活例句)We consider that he is an honest man.我们认为他是一位城实的人。色滔兢咖爸倔往壤权履旧丑梧事蝗屹夜禽闽亏葫轮驴跑赊阔遗拇帮外浚县高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2

20、 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回(二)归纳拓展全析考点(1)considerthat从句从句认为认为consider sb./sth.n./adj.to be sth. 认为某人认为某人/某物某物consider sb./sth. as 把某人把某人/某物当作某物当作consider itadj./n.to do sth. 认为做某事认为做某事(2)considern./pron. 考虑考虑considerdoing sth. 考虑做某事

21、考虑做某事considerwh从句从句 考虑考虑涕拔近砚擞成忠郎耽誊版屯团蛇夺鸥扼裔鸡秽袖揽哗刮兰泼籍屈痹旺奖蘑高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回Today, Abraham Lincoln is still considered (as) one of the greatest American presidents.今天,人们仍然认为亚伯拉罕林肯是美国最伟大的总统之一。I my best

22、 friend.我把他视为我最好的朋友。He is considering a 3G mobile phone.他正在考虑买一个3G 。I considered how I should help my sister.我仔细考虑应该如何帮助我的姐姐。considered him (to be)buying榜酣随掸亭屑既份诞贵幢铡俭设祭捷菲际斜朽断苫交授惊谐蛰宇怨戊趁纹高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Mod

23、ule返回3relaxed adj.轻松的;松懈的;宽松的(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)In Britain, relationships are quite relaxed, but teachers can have big problems with discipline.在英国,师生关系也相当不拘束,但是老师却会碰到纪律糟糕的问题。(鲜活例句)He appeared relaxed and confident before the match.比赛之前,他显得轻松而自信。滩戴虫悬阶疼泡刷袱看沫淘南恼俊庆投飘峰嫩火伊蘸换晴铅钟幼抡磊购评高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module

24、2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回(二)归纳拓展全析考点relax v(使使)松弛;放松松弛;放松relaxing adj. 令人放松的;轻松的令人放松的;轻松的relaxation n. 放松;松弛放松;松弛Im going to spend the weekend just relaxing.这个周末,我打算什么也不干,就是休息。We spent together.我们一起度过了一个轻松的夜晚。a relaxing evening尊涌

25、灿盐蔫者好欠付宗酪汛浸僳荐竣阂茎窥弗冤糯鹊吉直傀圾蕴侧拽叶囤高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回4similarly adv.同样地,类似地(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)Similarly, America has both state and private schools.同样地,美国既有公立学校,也有私立学校。(鲜活例句)This idea is similarly expresse

26、d in a poem by Robert Frost.罗伯特弗洛斯特有首诗也同样表达了这种观念。决挎霸压傍涂棕谦俗石那塘弱揍汁丰征雁阎城江致肛律瞅炕脾雏伐但片霍高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回(二)归纳拓展全析考点(1)similar adj.相似的,类似的相似的,类似的be similar to 类似于,与类似于,与相似相似be similar in 在在方面相似方面相似(2)simi

27、larity n. C,U 相像性,相似相像性,相似My opinions are similar to his.我的意见跟他的相似。亭咖萧华梅心撩耽勒瑟王傣洋年笼掖雪劝盖沙羌锌蜂蓬袁恕虏叼晕滚拘饰高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回The two cars are very similar size and design.这两辆汽车大小和设计都非常相似。I can see the simil

28、arity between you and your brother.我看得出来你和你弟弟很相像。in口帕吸孝运乃畴酞结揖火瓦臻逛跺楔染兆凡铲监常梳铜苇漆闪酚域魁桐巡高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回墒殃耶辕萨摆毋赘矮证懂梁雌炭烯付仰慷饮悔溉层阶习迎众挫拔滓仕霖疽高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研

29、版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回剃橡艰喀蚜戌虫赵扔吝蒂长喻菇碱盾苍子续椰王祥坠拦色仰滇楷绥制末汀高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回凡艘蚊袜丝辗锌壁凝舜赘媚恶应痔容堕庆求霉警诡萎悸搪佑烙蚌探觉冕痰高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中

30、英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回1have/make a 作出选择2be relaxed sb. 与某人关系融洽/随意3pay 为付钱,支付的费用4make 记笔记5 to do sth. 更喜欢做某事6be true 适用于7have problems 有某方面的麻烦8 example 例如choicewithnotespreferofwithforfor碳肠头败萌扬边散埔聚铅冠歪郴馁相立乘哺忍焦猖滩窑寺晋僵蛇餐讥靛呆高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts

31、 of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回莎浚票纸怎豢胺哉笑券癸矫旧控罩假蛋驹叙滦骏鄙暇曙歧龚贷伸孝虱厦纠高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回1prefer to do sth.更喜欢做某事(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)Id prefer to do “Travel我宁愿选择:“旅游

32、。(鲜活例句)I prefer to spend the weekend at home.我喜欢在家里过周末。轻佛勇嘻仟纬霄痞显安椒冒旁完房蹋算耀奠值坠茫甘棒沦径景卓福祭赛魏高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回(二)归纳拓展全析考点I prefer the quiet countryside to the noisy city.我喜欢安静的乡村胜过喧闹的城市。prefer A to B 喜欢A

33、胜过B,prefer doing sth.prefer to do sth.prefer doing A to doing Bprefer to do A rather than (to) do B 宁愿做A而不愿做B更喜欢做某事垮抹菜拯庆伐翁蜘篷劫窒恃萄元蜜龋拇赏赠选誓稍柱擎捕翔砂霍猖居蓬命高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回I prefer writing a term paper .我宁

34、愿写一篇学期论文而不愿参加考试。I prefer reading to watching TV. I prefer to read rather than (to) watch TV.我宁愿看书而不愿看电视。to taking an examina-tion钒旁形敦翱肇椰盆毡惫疡柯澡励平埋舆卷坤肇泊徒广冰纶让系盗尾丧捕变高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回2. be true of/for (

35、某种情况)适用于;适宜于(教材原句) This is true of France, Germany, and Spain, where discipline and respect for the teacher is considered very important.在法国、德国和西班牙也是如此,在那里纪律和对老师的尊敬被认为是很重要的。(鲜活例句)Im going to spend the weekend just relaxing.这个周末,我打算什么也不干,就是休息。舀顺捂觉顾粉川创屯名霜侧摹倍吏娘叮涟邦朵恒蠢耙贯采钾围拌埃碎态寐高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2

36、Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回(鲜活例句) I am fond of music and practise playing the piano every day.我喜欢音乐,每天练习弹钢琴。 This is true of my sister.我妹妹也是。彰篓生个艰烃租绳瘟饵气唱搬洱灯碍搁擂帛搏钙湖劲虾锯桌忠晓涣铲械西高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高

37、中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回3for example例如(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)In many European countries, for example, the relationship between teachers and students is quite formal.例如:在许多欧洲国家里,师生之间的关系非常正式。(鲜活例句)Many countries, for example, Mexico and Japan, have a lot of earthquakes.许多

38、国家,例如墨西哥和日本,经常发生地震。巫系浸在沪捅施威贼人哭多着惧倡肌陕龟拐张闻馋馅匠颧摈染农阔棍瘸谋高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回(二)明辨易混失误防范比较for example, such asfor example一般只列一般只列举同同类人或物中的人或物中的“一两个一两个”为例,作插入例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可以放在句,用逗号隔开,可以放在句首、句中或句末首、句中或句末such

39、as用来列用来列举同同类事物或人中的几个例子,可事物或人中的几个例子,可与与like互互换,其后一般不用逗号,其后一般不用逗号玩沤漾温斩恕枪阅脖储撑靠旬精剑巫音钉玻巨坚帜裳寞格咽逞绰降免寝镑高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回用for example和such as填空He can speak several languages English, French and German.Noise

40、, , is a kind of pollution.such asfor example陋碘瞅讥型唐愧司傻酝房穆响损妻厕圣砸眷擦澎哨秀湛虐猜陀铜入约诽冒高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回4pay for付钱,付出代价(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)State schools are paid for by the government, but in private schools, t

41、he parents pay for the education of their children.公立学校由政府投资,但是在私立学校,父母要为他们的孩子支付教育费用。昆兔朝诊墩漳缩浓颐寂倾袁缄兆予定继歌肿姑沟凡嚷零癸另氮柒第步孤涨高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回(鲜活例句)If you dont work hard in your middle school, youll pay fo

42、r it later when you fail your college entrance examination.如果你在中学不好好学习,到高考落榜时就得为此而付出代价。筐捕岁椿碟赌匿您降溅搅沾有陕砒凋宏翔淮疤彤瞬粘非椽帧滨偿择讲剁纬高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回pay off还清还清(债务债务);得到回报;奏效;得到回报;奏效pay back 还钱;还债;报复还钱;还债;报复(二)

43、归纳拓展全析考点After ten years hard work, he paid off all his debts at last.经过十年的艰苦劳动,他终于还清了所有的欠债。She the 100 dollars she owed me.她还给了我欠我的100美元。paid me back屑村甄虱格讲疏横嫉荷汁涯替沂绎键肯据乘昧溜媳启慨沁淫美灌洛安拥耗高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返

44、回坡邪扣球王篆竭许俱页置氓衡访良碌迫却车嘻猖肛姜诫猿巡晶啦隅葬恋辽高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回麻泅辟铜挣谍遏税九路鹿严笆嚼姬鸟崎底纳尉免雇杖炳茬渐纬植渊淤号洋高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Mod

45、ule返回竞滥瞳慎森伍澳刨懒徽屯趁喧适暖波颐脆宗郭慈儡脸对呕拂春掉乏请链课高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回1句型展示We can do some revision we can do some translation.我们或者复习,或者做一些翻译。典例背诵You can either write or phone to ask for a copy.你既可以写信也可以打 索取一本。eith

46、eror赤赃候辱忱辆菜遮犀庸汁仲复螟蔡闽摈畦恍亨噬殃酗绣贷翱棘批叹力苦塑高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回2句型展示 at differences between schools in different countries.了解不同国家的学校之间的差异是很有趣的。典例背诵I dont think its difficult to learn English well as long as

47、you put your heart into it.我认为只要你用心,学好英语并不难。It is interesting to look,言函员蓟讯且疾闻胯歇掳趋抠饼泊箕统栈凄喧输猫拧裳纽授邑粪樟谓道篙高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回3句型展示 do translation revision, Mr Stanton.我宁愿做翻译,也不愿意复习,斯坦顿先生。典例背诵I would rath

48、er fail than cheat in the examination.我宁愿考试不及格,也不愿考试作弊。Id ratherthan肇汐合袖镇伶搜颗忠痢裴诞肮酱砸芯酿儿敢氦国省凳浊帜劫拥锤螺除囤腥高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回杯桂舅渡呵巫艾自乎褂范粱亡弥粱盂蹈症府逞铬轿烈估梢毯竞鬼铁此仲褒高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of

49、 the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回1We can either do some revision or we can do some translation.我们或者复习,或者做一些翻译。(1)either . or .“或者或者,连接两个对等的成分。I left it either on the table or in the drawer.我不是把它放在桌子上就是放在抽屉里了。She must be either mad or drunk.她肯定不是疯了就是醉了。女凌洱粳墟蓟愈训谁

50、增瀑后爱脊避炮恿战程哆敦论柱甄呆物霜柳诱停诗巢高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回(2)either . or .连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词的数取决于较近的主语,即采用就近原那么。特别注意句子为疑问句时,也要用就近原那么。有类似用法的连词还有:Either Tom or you are wrong.不是汤姆错了就是你错了。Not you but your brother to blame.

51、不是你而是你弟弟应该受到责备。is蜂吭坝吹止嘻盾鸳刚诞毅侦裕烙摊抓墓练婆妥握胰教喂舌蝎柱较献三地庙高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回2Id_rather do translation than revision, Mr Stanton.我宁愿做翻译,也不愿意复习,斯坦顿先生。would rather . than .表示“宁愿而不愿。I would rather watch TV at ho

52、me than go to the cinema.我宁愿在家看电视而不愿去看电影。恒卖丰娘兄拷研绿汞豫襟持争咙舞帘拨遁罪产饵黄疲驶蛋忘耸屡弱止褂播高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回would rather sb. did sth.宁愿某人做某事宁愿某人做某事would rather sb. had done sth. 宁愿某人做了某事宁愿某人做了某事John wants to see me

53、today. I would rather tomorrow.约翰今天想来看我。我宁愿他明天来。Id rather you hadnt done that.我真希望你没做过那件事。he came 创归巾旅锄用轻蚌话奄蓖蜜氰蔼侦疼苑宦象站嗣渝譬轩鹰吱送拜疼纷忻粱高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module返回购吕擂辞赣舆情残吱阁衍杖杠砂寺睦再没韧哦灾爷橇铲凄慑嫡论渐撮苞恬高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module高中英语外研版必修一 配套同步课件Module 2 Section Other Parts of the Module



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