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1、Unit 1 Festivals around the worldReadingKinds of FestivalsFestivals to Honour PeopleHarvest FestivalsSpring FestivalsFestivals of the DeadDay of the Dead (Mexico)Obon(Japan)Halloween(some western countries)Festivals ofthe DeadFestivals to Honour PeopleDragon Boat Festival(China)Colunbus Day(USA)Fest

2、ival to Honour Gandhi(India)Festivals to Honour PeopleDragon Boat Festival(China)Colunbus Day(USA)Festival to Honour Gandhi(India)Festivals to Honour PeopleDragon Boat Festival(China)Colunbus Day(USA)Festival to Honour Gandhi(India)Festivals to Honour PeopleDragon Boat Festival(China)Colunbus Day(US

3、A)Festival to Honour Gandhi(India)Festivals to Honour PeopleDragon Boat Festival(China)Colunbus Day(USA)Festival to Honour Gandhi(India)Festivals to Honour PeopleDragon Boat Festival(China)Colunbus Day(USA)Festival to Honour Gandhi(India)Thanksgiving Day(European and other countries)Mid-Autumn Festi

4、vals(China and Japan)Harvest Festivals Easter and related holidaysCherry Blossom Festival Spring FestivalsSpring Festival(China)(some western countries)(Japan)n1.starve n1)vi./vt. (使)挨饿,(使)饿死n They got lost and starved to death.n Boxers sometimes starve themselves for n several days to control weigh

5、t.n2)vi. 渴望,急需要n starve for sth; starve to do sthn Shes starving for your attention.n She has been starving to see you.n 她一直 渴望见到你。n be starved of 需要,渴望,缺乏 2.be difficult to find:_ sth. be + adj. + to do : sth.是do的逻辑宾语,意思是to do sth be adj. 类似形容词有:_, _e.g.1) English _ in a short time. 英语难以在短时间内学好。 2)

6、 The problem 这个问题很难算出来。 3) My boss_ 我的上司很容易相处。 难以找到难以找到, 难以发现难以发现easy, hard, difficultinteresting, pleasant, nice, fit, unfit, better, light, heavy ,dangerous, important, sweet, necessary.is difficult to learn wellis really hard to work out.is easy to get along with. The chair looks rather hard, but

7、 in fact , its very comfortable to_. A. sit B. sit on C. be sat D. be sat on 3. satisfy : vt / vi (使)满意,满足 satisfy sb The story didnt satisfy me. What he did didnt satisfy me. satisfied adj. 感到满意的 satisfying adj. 令人满意的 satisfactory adj. 使人满意的 satisfaction n. 满意,满足 be satisfied with sb/sth 对.满意be sat

8、isfied to do sth 对做.感到满意to ones satisfaction 使某人满意的是eg: Im satisfied with what he did. To my satisfaction, he passed the exam. Are you _ to hear the _news? Yes, Im _ with the news. That is to say, the news _ me . What about you? Are you _ _ the news? Yes.satisfiedsatisfyingsatisfiedsatisfiessatisfie

9、d with4. in memory of : 纪念,作为的纪念 =in honour of sb The museum was built in memory of the famous scientist.类似短语有:in honor of in favor of (支持,赞成)in charge of in need of in search of in honor of5. because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth. lead sb. to + n. _ lead sb to do sth. _

10、lead to + n. _ e.g. 1) This street_ . 你沿这条街走就可以到达车站。2) What _it? 什么使你相信它?3)_. 条条大路通罗马(殊途同归)4)_ _ . 勤奋就能成功,而懒惰导致失败。 带领某人通往/到使做引领,通向;导致,招致leads you to the station led you to believeAll roads lead to RomeHard work leads to success,while laziness leads to failure6. feast : (1) n. 盛宴,宴会,节日,享受, eg. a wedd

11、ing feast Spring Festival is an important feast to us. The evening was really a feast for music lovers. (2) vt.宴请,款待 feast sb (with /on sth) : (用.)款待. He feasted his friend with fish. (3) 使(耳目)享受, feast ones eyes on . 尽情享受,大饱眼福eg. Theyre feasting their eyes on the beautiful scenery in the countrysid

12、e.vi. 尽情地吃. feast (on sth) eg. We feasted on the best food and drink.7.They offer food, flowers and gift. offer, provide, supply offer 主动提供 offer sth to sb; offer sb sth provide 供给(所需物,尤指生活必需品) provide sth (for sb); provide sb with sth. supply: 供应(所需要或所要求之物) supply sth to/for sb; supply sb with sth

13、When I meet difficulty, my roommates will_me help. 他们悬赏找回丢失的珠宝。 They _ a reward for the return of the lost jewels. 政府得提供这些老人们吃穿。 The government need to_these old people with food and clothes. 每个月都得供应足够的电。 Electricity should be _enough every month. offerofferedprovidesupplied8. dress up :vi/vt. 打扮,穿上

14、盛装,装饰 The whole family are dressing up the Christmas tree. We dressed up for our friends wedding. dress up as 打扮成为. dress up in 穿着. be dressed in. 穿着. dress well/badly(vi.) They tried to dress up as policemen.The nurse is dressed in a red coattoday. dress vt. 给.穿衣/打扮 ,后面的宾语是表示人的n./pron. dress sb / o

15、neselfget dressed Harry up and get dressed.1. She is _ a gold ring.2. She hurriedly _ her son and took him to the kindergarten.3. Remember to _ your coat. It is cold outside. wearingdressedput on (1). _in red, she looks more beautiful. A. Dressing B. Dressed C. Wearing D. Worn (2). Little girls like

16、 _beautiful clothes. A. to dress up in B dressing up in C. to dress up in D. dressing up 9. trick : n. 诡计,恶作剧,窍门 vt / vi 欺骗 the tricks of learning English play tricks/a trick on sb 搞恶作剧,诈骗,开玩笑 trick sb into (doing) sth. 诱使某人(做)某事 He tricked me into giving him money. sb out of sth 从某人处骗走某物 10.gain vt

17、.获得,得到,赚 1) gain experence/the first prize/ ones living 2)(钟、表)走快,增加 My watch gains four minutes a day. n.c,u 好处,利益,增加 have a gain in weight 体重增加 No pains, no gains.不劳无获gather vt. /vi. 聚集,集合,收拢 eg.On weekends the children gather on the the playground.n People slowly gathered their belongings and lef

18、t the hall.n2)采集,收集,收割n gather information/evidence/flowers n gather (in) crops 收割庄稼n gather/collect 都有收集、聚集 的意思,gathern 是最普通用语,指把散的东西收集起来; collect 指经过挑选之后集中在一起,强调有目的有计划地选择 eg. collect stamps11. award n. 奖品,奖项,奖金, 助学金 vt. 授予裁定奖励. award sb sth = award sth to sb Mary got an award and was able to finis

19、h her study. The judges awarded both teams equal points. She won the best actress award. reward n ,v 报酬,奖金,酬劳,奖赏 in reward reward sb for sth reward sb with sth He gave the boy five yuan in reward. He rewarded the boy for bringing back the lost dog. He rewarded the boy with five yuan.作为报酬因-而奖赏某人用-酬劳某

20、人 She sang to the baby and was rewarded with a smile.nThe judge finally _ him the first place in the competition.n A. rewarded B. awardedn C. got D. wonn12.admire vt.n1) 钦佩,羡慕,赞美neg.I admire him for his courage.nadmire 表示此意时,常用于admire sb for sth结构,而不能说admire sb sthn 2) 欣赏,观赏 neg. We stopped to admir

21、e the view.nadmiration n. admiring adj. 佩服的,称赞的wear a admiring look 带着称赞的表情13. look forward to(介词) + n/ v-ing 盼望,期待 Im looking forward to his coming. The day he looked forward to _ at last. (please write it down.) A. come B. coming C. came D. to come 13.all day and all night: =day and night = night

22、and day整日整夜 all day long : 整天 day after day :日复一日(动作的重复) day by day: 逐日地 (动作的变化) They think of their motherland day and night.It went on raining day after day.The little boy grew up day by day.n14.clothing n. u 总称 衣服,服装,neg.The shop sells womens clothing.n【辨析】clothing/clothes/clothn1)clothing u 无复数形

23、式,后面接单数动词,“一件衣服”要说an article of clothing或a piece of clothing,但不可以说a suit of clothingneg. childrens clothing 童装n Were well provided with food and clothing.n 我们吃得好,穿得好。 2)clothes 统指身上各种服装,是复数名词,不能直接与数词连用,但可以和some, many, these 等词连用,后接复数动词。可以说a suit of clothes 3)cloth 当“布料” 讲时u, “一块布”要说a piece of cloth;

24、 cloth 有时表示“特殊用途的一块布”c eg. a table cloth 一块桌布n1. I need _cloth, for Im going to make_ clothes.n A. a lot of; many B. much; muchn C. many; many D. many; a lot of n2. I wanted to buy some _for my little daughter, so I went to a shop selling childrens_.n A. clothes; clothes B. clothes; clothingn C. clo

25、thing; clothes D. clothing; clothing n 15. as though= as if 好像,仿佛可以引导表语从句或方式状语从句1.虚拟语气(从句所用的时态比前面真实句所用的时态倒退一个时态.)2. He behaved _.他行动起来好象什么也没发生一样。as though nothing had happenedHe talks _ 他说起来好象他知道每一件事情He treated me as if / as though _他对待我好象我是他的女儿They two strangers talked as if _这两个陌生人交谈起来就好象他们是朋友很多年了

26、as if he knew everything.they had been friends for years.I were his daughter.2. 陈述语气 :(表示很可能的事实就用陈述语气), 常与seem ,look, smell, taste 连用。 Look at the clouds ! It looks as if/ though it is going to rain. He remembers everything as if it _ yesterday. A. was happening B. happens C. has happened D. happene

27、d16. in/for fun :开玩笑地,为了好玩 make fun of sb 开玩笑 laugh at 嘲笑,讥笑 have fun with : 和.玩的快乐/ 开心Eg1: We had fun with each other at the party last Sunday. We are playing cards just for fun. fun : n u What fun it is to swim in summer! His father is a man full of _.A. a fun B. the fun C. Funny D. fun 17.fool n.

28、 蠢人,傻瓜,白痴,受骗者 What a fool you were to believe him! vt.&vi. 欺骗,愚弄,开玩笑,戏谑 You cant fool me. Dont worry, he was only fooling. foolish adj.愚蠢的,傻的,不明智的 make a fool of sb 愚弄、嘲笑某人 play the fool 装傻,胡闹,逗人笑 You _by a _.How _you were! A. were fooled; fool; foolish B. are fooled; foolish; foolish C. were fooled

29、; foolish; fool 18.permission n. 允许,许可,批准 ask sb.for permission(to do sth.) 请求某人允许(做某事) with/without ones permission 经/未经某人的允许 permit vi./vt. sb to do sth. permit doing sthEg1: You should ask your mother for permission to swim.Eg2: We cant go out without the teachersn permission.n_the teachers permission, the students went to the playground to play basketball.nA. Under B. With nC Without D.For



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