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1、1.Whatarethey?2.whendopeoplewearmasks?MasksOngreatfestivals,especiallyatCarnival.Why do people wear masks at carnival ?The Magic of the Mask Book 5 Module 4 Learning aims:Learning aims:1.Knowledge aim:TolearnaboutCarnival(theorigin,itsmeaning,developmentandspirit).2. Ability aim:Tolearntointroduceaf

2、estivaltopeoplefromadifferentculture.3. Emotional aim:Tolearntorespectforeigncultureandtreasureourown.New wordscostume 服装,戏服服装,戏服extend 延伸,扩大延伸,扩大crime 犯罪,罪行犯罪,罪行firearm 火器,枪炮火器,枪炮ban 禁止,取缔禁止,取缔elegant 优雅的,漂亮的优雅的,漂亮的 revive 使复活,使复兴使复活,使复兴Venice 威尼斯威尼斯Austria 奥地利奥地利Rio 里约热内卢里约热内卢New wordscostumeexten

3、dcrimefirearmbanelegantreviveVeniceAustriaRio 服装,服装, 戏服戏服延伸,扩大延伸,扩大犯罪,罪行犯罪,罪行火器,枪炮火器,枪炮 禁止,取缔禁止,取缔优雅的,漂亮的优雅的,漂亮的奥地利奥地利 里约热内卢里约热内卢 使复活使复活/兴兴威尼斯威尼斯Part 1(para 1) Part 2(para 2) Part 3(para3-6) B. the development ofCarnival and its spiritA. the origin of CarnivalC. The impression of Carnival Fast readi

4、ng match the part and main idea Tips: Just read the first one or two sentences of each paragraph.Read paragraph 1 and 2 to fill in the blanks. The impression of Carnival Careful reading for detailed informationCarnivalmeaning:birthplace:do:come from: Read paragraph 1 and 2 to fill in the blanks. The

5、 impression of Carnival crowdscostumesconfusionexcitementCareful reading for detailed informationCarnivalmeaning:birthplace:do:“no more meat”Europecome from: two Latin wordseat ,drink , dress up .AtthebeginningCarnival_for_day.AstimepassedTheperiodwas_for_Inthe14thcenturyWearingmaskswas_bylawsAtthee

6、ndofthe18thcenturyMaskswas_completelyInthelate1970sItwas_bystudents.TodayItiscelebratedfor_daysin_attracting_fromalloverEurope.lastedextendedlimitedbannedrevivedfive February Read paragraph 3-6 and complete the following tasks.oneweekspeople 2. How does the author develop Part 3(Para 3-6)? A. By fol

7、lowing the order of time B. By giving examples C. By making comparisons D. By asking questions 3.What did people usually do at Venice carnival?People ate, drank and walked around the street wearing masks, doing what they wanted without being recognized. 4. What is the key to carnival in Venice? You

8、dont know what the faces behind the masks look like.The mystery of the maskThat is why people wear masks at carnival .TimeImpressionOrigin CustomSpiritCarnivalfive days; Februarycrowds, costumes, confusion two Latin wordseat; drink; dress up; mystery of masksSummary festivalimpression How to introdu

9、ce a festivaltimeorigincustomspiritPractice SupposeyouareanexchangestudentinVenice.YouareluckytointroducetothelocalpeopletheChineseSpringFestivalthattheyareinterestedin.Pleasewriteashortpassagetointroducethisfestival.放鞭炮,燃放烟花setofffireworks压岁钱,红包theredenvelope看春晚watchtheSpringFestivalGala除夕theNewYea


11、gamusementbutalsoexpressingourrespecttoourancestorsandagoodwishforabetterfuturelife.Letsrespectforeignfestivalsandtreasureourown.Only inthisway arewemoreconsciousofourowntraditionandneverforgetwherewearefromandwhoweare.The Message ConveyedWriteapassagetointroduceTheDragonBoatFestivalPractice Makes Perfect HomeworkThanks! Bye-bye!



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