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1、1.The ancient Olympics/hold /in Greece2.Women /allow /join in /ancient Olympics .3.The olive wreath/give /the winner/as a prize.4.Only the Greeks /admit/as competitorsWomen were not allowed to join in ancient Olympics .The ancient Olympics were held in Greece.The olive wreath was given to the winner

2、 as a prize.Only the Greeks were admitted as competitors. The ancient Olympics1.The modern Olympics /host/ different countries.2.Women /also/admit / join in /the games3.More competitions /include /in the Olympics4.The olive wreath/replace/medalsThe modern Olympics are hosted by different countries.W

3、omen are also admitted to join in the games.More competitions are included in the Olympics.The olive wreath is replaced by medals. The modern Olympics一般现在时:一般现在时:一般过去时:一般过去时:被动语态的构成被动语态的构成一般将来时一般将来时amisaredone (过去分词过去分词)wasweredone (过去分词过去分词)Unit 2 Grammarthe future passive voiceThe 2012 Olympic Gam

4、es will be held in London.Britain is to be visited by many foreigners in 2012.Many hotels are going to be built by the government.vBritain will hold the 2012 Olympic Games in London.vMany foreigners are to visit Britain in 2012.vThe government is going to build many hotels. 2012 Olympic Gamesbe done

5、will 一般将来时 被动语态be to be going to a.Britain will hold the 2012 Olympic Games in London.next month._The 2012 Olympic Games will be held (by Britain) in London.b.Many foreigners is to visit Britain in 2012.Britain is to be visited (by many foreigners) in 2012.The 2012Olympic Game will be held in London

6、. Many things _(do)for the Games. 9.30 billion pounds_(spend)on the projects. An Olympic Village_ (build)for the athletes. The roads _ (make)wider and better and trees and flowers _ (plant)along the roads. The new Stadiums (complete)before 2012. Many volunteers(义工)_ (train)for the Games. Many police

7、men _ (send) to keep order. During the 2012 Olympic Game, the best athletes _ (choose)to compete and they _ (encourage)to do their best.will be donewill be spentwill be builtwill be plantedwill be trainedwill be completedwill be madewill be sentwill be chosenwill be encouraged 2012 Olympics in Londo

8、nRules for the Olympic Games1. Nobody _ (allow) to enter the stadium without a ticket.2. Children_ (not allow) to make a noise and upset the competitors. If they do, they will_ (take away) from the stadium. 3. No animals _ (allow) in the stadium. 4. Cheating by athletes _ (excuse).They _ (tell ) to

9、leave and _.(punish)5. No smoking _(allow). If you are discovered, you_ (fine) .will be allowedwill not be allowedbe taken awaywill be allowedwill be punishedwill be toldwill be allowedwill be finedwill not be excused实义动词实义动词 1) 及物和不及物及物和不及物Visit, invite, invent, reach, enjoy, spare, spend, surprise

10、, hitArrive, laugh, belong, listen, talk, apologize, wait, rise, sit, knock 2)原形,过去式,过去分词)原形,过去式,过去分词a.cost, hit, hurt, shut, put, burst, let, spreadb.catch, find, lay, say, pay,make, hear, build, spend, keep, sleepc.permit, admit,refer, regret, control, equip, prefer, occurd.check, test,examine, ce

11、lebrate, congratulate, receive, accept, destroy, damage, dress动词分类动词分类1)They heard him say good-bye to his teacher after class. He _ _ _ _ good-bye to his teacher after class.2)They made him do the work just now. He _ _ _ _ the work just now.3)His teacher notices him play a computer. He _ _ _ _ a co

12、mputer.was heard to saywas made to do is noticed to playA+ feel/ hear/ make/ see/ notice +B+ do sth被动语态的特殊形式1:B+ be heard to do sth by A记得记得 to 要还原哦要还原哦!被动语态的特殊形式2: It is said that 据说 It is reported that据报道 It is believed that大家相信 It is hoped that大家希望 It is well known that众所周知翻译翻译:据说他将在今年八月份去北京大学上学:

13、据说他将在今年八月份去北京大学上学.(be admitted to ) It is said that he will be admitted to Beijing University this August. Practice: 每课一练每课一练 P24 Ex3 Practice :1. All the students _ (ask) to bring a kite with them last Sunday.2. Are many ways _ (try) to stop people from cutting down so many trees?3.This coat _(wash

14、) well.4. Im often _ (警告)not to copy others homework.5. He couldnt explain why dinosaurs _ (消失).7. The PRC was _ (成立) on October 1, 1949.were asked triedwasheswarneddisappearedfounded6. I like my bike. It _ very well.rides被动语态的特殊形式2:表主语的属性特征的动词表主语的属性特征的动词+ +副词副词well/ badly/easily等。常见的动词有:wash,write,sell,read, taste,feel等.The water feels very cold.Your coffee smells great.被动语态的特殊形式3: It is said that 据说 It is reported that据报道 It is believed that大家相信 It is hoped that大家希望 It is well known that众所周知



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