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1、一般现在时一般现在时(1) usually, often, sometimes1. be用用am,is ,are 2.动词原形动词原形 (当主语为第三人称单当主语为第三人称单数时数时+s/es)谓语动词:谓语动词:(4)once a week, three times a day, twice a year (3)in the morning, on Saturdays(2)every day, every morning, every Saturday, every time1.I study English every day.2.We often go to bed at 10:30.3

2、.Sometimes he walks to school.There is not (isnt) a picture on the wall.There are not (arent) any birds in the tree.墙上有一幅画墙上有一幅画.树上没有任何小鸟树上没有任何小鸟.我每天学英语我每天学英语.我们经常晚上我们经常晚上10:30 上床睡觉上床睡觉.他有时走路去上学他有时走路去上学1)yesterday, the day before yesterday, yesterday morning (evening, afternoon)一般过去时一般过去时 谓语:谓语: 动词的

3、过去式动词的过去式 (3)2 hours ago, a week ago, 3 years ago, in 1992.4)just now = a moment ago 2)last time, last Friday, last term, last month1.我在我在1986年出生。年出生。 I was born in 1986.2.上星期天我们在公园玩的很开心。上星期天我们在公园玩的很开心。 We had a good time in the park last Sunday.3.汤姆昨天晚上在家看电视。汤姆昨天晚上在家看电视。Tom watched TV at home yeste

4、rday evening.现在进行时现在进行时1.now.Look.Listen.2. always3.What is he doing? He is watching TV. 4. go , leave , come , start ,move 等词用现在进行时表示将等词用现在进行时表示将来时来时谓语:谓语:Be( am, is, are )+v.ing(动动词词+ing)1.at that time/at that moment/this time yesterday evening(昨晚那个昨晚那个时候时候/ 这个时候这个时候)过去进行时过去进行时was / were + v-ing3.

5、过去进行时可用于由过去进行时可用于由when, while 和和 as 引导的时引导的时间状语从句间状语从句2. at ten oclock last night, in those days1.昨晚十点我在看电视昨晚十点我在看电视.2.昨天那个时候他们正学这一课昨天那个时候他们正学这一课.I was watching TV at ten last night.They were learning this lesson at that time yesterday.3.昨天那时他在给他父亲打电话昨天那时他在给他父亲打电话.He was calling his father at that t

6、ime yesterday.一般将来时一般将来时 (1)tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning (evening, afternoon)Will+动词原形(动词原形(will为助动词)为助动词)be going to+动词原形动词原形(2)next time, next Friday, next term, next month(3)in 2 hours, in a week , in 3 years time, in a minute / moment(4)soon = right away = at once(5) if, wh

7、en , as soon as, unless, until 引导的条件引导的条件/时间状时间状语从句语从句, 主将从现主将从现1.他明天去钓鱼。他明天去钓鱼。He will go fishing tomorrow.He is going fishing tomorrow.2.史密斯一家下星期要来这里。史密斯一家下星期要来这里。The Smiths are coming here next week.The Smiths will come here next week3.我们三天后将离开美国我们三天后将离开美国.We will leave America in three days.We a

8、re leaving America in three days.过去将来时过去将来时谓语动词谓语动词:would+动词原形动词原形was/were going to+动词原形动词原形一般用于宾语从句中,当主句是一般用于宾语从句中,当主句是一般过去时,从句表示将来的动一般过去时,从句表示将来的动作要用过去将来时。作要用过去将来时。 the next year, the next day.1。他没告诉我他要去哪。他没告诉我他要去哪.He didnt tell me2.我不知道他是否要来。我不知道他是否要来。I didnt know if he would come.where he would

9、go.3.我问他明年为什么不去工作。我问他明年为什么不去工作。I askedwhy he wouldnt go to work the next year.(1)already, yet, ever, never, just, before, twice, once, recently, so far, in the past/last few years(2)for + 一段时间一段时间, since + 过去某一点时间过去某一点时间 现在完成时现在完成时 谓语常用:谓语常用:have/ has + done(动词的过去分词动词的过去分词) 他已经去天津了。他已经去天津了。我刚刚看过这部电影

10、。我刚刚看过这部电影。I have just seen the film.He has already gone to Tianjin例如:例如: 我从没看我从没看过过那部电影。那部电影。 Ive never seen that film. 这本小说他看这本小说他看过过两次。两次。 He has read the novel twice. 你在网上购你在网上购过过物吗?物吗? Have you ever shopped online? 1.李老师教我们英语已有李老师教我们英语已有3年。年。Mr Li _ _ _ English _ 3 years.2. 我们已经我们已经5年没见面了。年没见面了

11、。We _ _ each other _ _ _.3. 自自10年前以来,他们已在那儿工作。年前以来,他们已在那儿工作。They _ _ there _ 10 years _.4.自她自她5岁起,就一直在学英语。岁起,就一直在学英语。She _ _ English _ _ _ 5 years old. has taught usfor havent seen for 5 years have worked sinceago has studied since she was所以瞬间动词与一段时间连用时,要用对应的表示状态所以瞬间动词与一段时间连用时,要用对应的表示状态的动词或动词短语。的动词或

12、动词短语。你能牢记它们的转换吗?你能牢记它们的转换吗?e / go 2.arrive / reach / get 3.begin / start 4.borrow / lend e back6. end / finish7. buy 8.die 9.join 10.leavebe here / therebe inbe onkeepbe backbe overhavebe deadbe in = be a member ofbe away (from)请改正以下的句子:请改正以下的句子:1.He has come to Beijing for seven years._.2.I have ca

13、ught a cold since last Friday._.3.He have bought the computer since 3 weeks._.He has been in Beijing for seven yearsI have had a cold since last FridayHe has had the computer for 3 weeks翻译:翻译:1.电影开始半个小时了。电影开始半个小时了。The film _ _ _ _ half an hour2已经放学已经放学20分钟了。分钟了。School _ _ _ _ 20 minutes.3他的爷爷已去世他的爷爷

14、已去世5年了。年了。His grandpa _ _ _ _ 5 years.= His grandpa _ _ _ _ 5 years _. has been on for has been over for has been dead for has been dead since ago5. 注意:注意:have been to sp.与与have gone to sp.的区别,的区别,have been to 表示某人曾经去过某地,人已回来;表示某人曾经去过某地,人已回来;而而have gone to 表示某人去了某地,人还没回,表示某人去了某地,人还没回,即人不在说话人的地方。它们都不

15、能与即人不在说话人的地方。它们都不能与for, since引导的一段时间连用,另外引导的一段时间连用,另外 have been in sp.表示表示在某地有多长的时间,可以与在某地有多长的时间,可以与for, since引导的一段引导的一段时间连用,时间连用, 1我去过两次北京。我去过两次北京。 I _ _ _ Beijing _. 2李平不在这儿,他去北京了。李平不在这儿,他去北京了。 Li Ping isnt here, he _ _ _ Beijing. 3他的父母亲在北京有他的父母亲在北京有40年了年了 His parents _ _ _ Beijing_40 years _. hav

16、e been totwice has gone to have been in since ago过去完成时过去完成时1.by,by the end of+过去时间过去时间2when.before.after, by the time主过完从过主过完从过3. 用于宾语从句用于宾语从句谓语常用:谓语常用:had + done(动词动词的过去分词的过去分词) 1、到上学期末止,我们已经学了到上学期末止,我们已经学了800个英语单词。个英语单词。_ the end of last term, we _ 800English words.2、当我们到达电影院时,电影已经开始了。、当我们到达电影院时,电

17、影已经开始了。_ we got to the cinema, the film _ already_.例如例如: 我来这儿之前,在另一所学校工作了我来这儿之前,在另一所学校工作了7年。年。I had worked in another school for 7 years before I came here.1.He often _ by bike.a. goes to school b.gos to school c.go to school 2. I _ TV at home.a.doesnt watch b.isnt watch c.dont watch 3._ they clean

18、their classroom every day?a.Do b.Does c.Is d.Are4._ you get up every morning?a.When b.When do c.Do when d.When is5.She _ sports and games.a.is liking b.like c.likes d.liking6.If it _ tomorrow, well go to the Grate Wall.a.isnt rain b.wont rain c.doesnt rain d.will rain7.Next week the men _ Japan. a.l

19、eave b.will leaving c.are leaving d.leaves8. Tom is ill in hospital. He _ a cold for several days. A. is B. catches C. has caught D. has had9.He _ an invitation from the U.S. the other day.a.has received b.receives c.received d.will receive10.He _ himself at the party last night.a.enjoys b.enjoyed c

20、.enjoy d.enjoying11.We _ have a good time yesterday.a.wasnt b.didnt c.doesnt d.dont12._ he go there last week?a.Does b.Did c.Will d.Is 13.The man stood on the bridge,_ off his clothes and jumped into the water.a.takes b.take c.took d.taking14. I _ take a walk in the evening.a.does b.used c.used to d

21、.use to15.He _ foe 2 hours. A. got up B. has got up C. has been up16.Oh, you are here. I _ you came back.a.dont know b.doesnt know c. isnt know17.Look,Alice _ outside.a.plays b.play c.is playing d.playing18.They _ now.a.dont writing b.arent writing c.arent write 19._ they playing tennis now?a.Do b.I

22、s c.Does d.Are20.Which sentence is right? A. What are you doing now? b.What is you doing ?c.What do you doing now?d.What did you doing now? 21._ to Africa next week?a.Are you going b.Do you go c.Did you go 22.He _ to work tomorrowbecause his bike is repaired. a.walks b.walked c.is walking23.You _ th

23、e important things.a.do always forget b.are always forgettingc.always forget d.are forgetting24.We _ an important meeting now.a.have b.had c.are having d.has25.What _ at ten last night?a.were you doing b.are you doing c.did you do 26.It _ when I got off the bus.a.was snowing b.snows c.snowed d.snow2

24、7.He _ when he fell down.a.runs b.ran c.is running d.was running28.I _ write a letter to my father tomorrow.a.am going to b.am going c.going d.am29.What _ do next week?a.you are b.are you going c.are you going to 30.A new teacher _ to teach us English next e b.came c.is coming ing31._ you please ope

25、n the windows?a.Shall b.Will c.Is d.Do32.I wondered if he _ come the next day.a.will b.would c.is going d.was going33.I _ in Beijing since 1956.a.will live b.live c.lived d.have lived34.Mary _ just _ off thr radio.a.will,turn b.has,turned c.have,turned d.do,turn35.Could you lend your pen to me ?I _

26、my pen.a.lost b.is lost c.have lost d.will lost36.Are you _ the jacket these days? A. wearing B. putting on C. dressing D. on37.- How long can I _ the book? - Two weeks.A. borrow B. lend C. get D. keep38. Dont make so much noise. We _ to the music.A. have listened B. listen C. are listening 39.How l

27、ong _ you _ English?a.is,studying b.have,studied c.do,study 40.These visitors _ never _ the Great Wall.a.do,visit b.have,visited c.has,visited41.-When _you _to the Summer Palace?-Last week.a.have,gone b.did,go c.will ,go d.is,going42.He _ from Beijing for three years.a.has been away b.has gone c.has

28、 left d.has come43.How many times _ he _ the Great Wall?a.has,gone to b.has,been to c.has,been in44.-Whats wrong with him?-He _ a headache. a.had b.has got c.has got to d.had to45.By six oclock yesterday, I _ my homework.a.have finished b.had finished c.finished d.finish( )1. Two man-made satellites

29、 _ in our country every year. A. have been sent up B. will be sent up C. is sent up D. are sent up( )2. Our TV set _ yesterday. A. is repaired B. was repaired C. had been repaired D. would be repaired( )3. A new building_in our school next year. A. will be built B. is built C. is being built D. has

30、been built( )4.Many books on science_by me last year A. were bought B. have been bought C. will be bought D. are bought( )5. A wonderful English talk _ by Mr Liu tomorrow. A. has been given B. is given C. is being given D. will be given( )6. How_the Great Pyramid (金字塔) _ many years ago without moder

31、n machines. A. isbuilt B. wouldbe built C. havebeen built D. wasbuilt( )7. Mr Li , you _ on the phone. A. are wanted B. were wanted C. are being wanted D. will be wanted( )8. _ the work _ yet ? A. is finished B. Willbe finished C. Has been finished D. Would be finished( ) 11. Some books _given _him

32、as gifts.A. isto B. areon C. were to D. arewith( )12. He _ cross the street. A. sees B. sawto C. was seen D. was seen to ( )9. Jack often does things foolishly, so he _ sometimes _ by others. A. islaughed B. is laughed at C. waslaughed D. hasbeen laughed at( )10.Trees _ in winter but in spring. A. n

33、ot can be planted B. can be not planted C. cant be planted D. can not be plant1.When he arrived at the bus stop, the bus _ for 20 minutes.A. has left B. had left C. has been away D. had been away2. I _ the League for 5 years so far. A. joined B. have joined C. have been in3.The factory _ since the F

34、ebruary of 1988. A . has been open B. has opened C. was open D. opened4.Mary and Rose _friends since they met in 2000. A. have made B. have been C. made D. have become5.You mustnt _ until he comes back. A. be away B. leave C. be left6.The meeting _ for a week now. A. has finished B. has ended C. has

35、 been over7.Miss Gao _ this school for nearly 5 years. A. has been in B. has come to C. has taught8.Ben _ a teacher for 4 years . A. has been B. has become C. was D. became9. I _ home for a week. A. have returned B. have been back C. returned10. How long _ he _ ? A. died B. has, died C. has, been de

36、ad11. He _ at eight yesterday afternoon.A. slept B. was sleeping C. has sleep D. had slept12.He _ the car for a week. A. bought B. has bought C. has had 13.-How long _ you _ ill ? -Two weeks. A. did fall B. have, fell C. have, been14.Since 2000, he _ his hometown. A. has left B. has moved away C. ha

37、s been away from15.Ill lend you the book , but you can only _ it for 2 days. A. borrow B. keep C. take16.The movie _ the road for 2 hours so far. A. has started B. has begun C. has been onLook atLook forLook afterLook upLook outLook out ofLook behindLook overLook throughLook aroundpick uptry onSet u

38、p看看寻找寻找照顾照顾查找查找小心小心向外看向外看向后看向后看仔细检查仔细检查快速浏览快速浏览四处看看四处看看拣起拣起, 搭载搭载试穿试穿建立建立Get up Get on /along withGet onGet offGet toSend up Send sth to sbSend forHand in Hand outHang outCatch up withCatch hold of起床起床和和相处相处上车上车下车下车到达到达发射发射送某人某物送某人某物派人去请派人去请上交上交分发分发闲逛闲逛赶上赶上抓住抓住Eat upUse upWake (sb) upPut onPut upPut

39、 offPut downPut awayGive in Give upGive out Give backGive away吃光吃光用尽用尽醒来醒来,唤醒唤醒穿上穿上张贴张贴,挂起挂起推迟推迟放下放下把把收起来收起来屈服屈服放弃放弃分发分发归还归还捐赠捐赠Turn on Turn offTurn downTurn upTurn overTurn intoTake off Take outTake to Take care ofFall offFall behindFind out打开打开关闭关闭调低调低调高调高翻转翻转把把变成变成脱下脱下拿出拿出把把带到带到.照顾照顾摔下摔下落后落后查明查明听说听说 hear of收到收到的来信的来信 hear from sb 看看寻找寻找照顾照顾查找查找小心小心向外看向外看向后看向后看仔细检查仔细检查快速浏览快速浏览四处看看四处看看拣起拣起, 搭载搭载试穿试穿建立建立起床起床和和相处相处上车上车下车下车到达到达发射发射送某人某物送某人某物派人去请派人去请上交上交分发分发闲逛闲逛赶上赶上抓住抓住吃光吃光用尽用尽醒来醒来,唤醒唤醒穿上穿上张贴张贴,挂起挂起推迟推迟放下放下把把收起来收起来屈服屈服放弃放弃分发分发归还归还捐赠捐赠打开打开关闭关闭调低调低调高调高翻转翻转把把变成变成脱下脱下拿出拿出把把带到带到照顾照顾摔下摔下落后落后查明查明



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