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1、被动语态基本用法被动语态基本用法当句子的当句子的主语主语是动作的是动作的执行者执行者时时, 谓语的谓语的形式是形式是主动语态主动语态。当句子的主语是动作的。当句子的主语是动作的承受者承受者时时, 谓语要用谓语要用被动语态被动语态。被动语态。被动语态由助动词由助动词be+过去分词构成过去分词构成, 时态通过时态通过be表现出来。表现出来。英语动词有两种语态:英语动词有两种语态: 主动语态主动语态 (the Active Voice) 被动语态被动语态 (the Passive Voice)A. 主动语态表示主语是动作的主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者执行者。B. 被动语态表示主语是动作的被动语态表

2、示主语是动作的承受者承受者。We planted the tree.The tree was planted by us.The Structure is助动词助动词be+及物动词的过去分词及物动词的过去分词 (be+V.P.P) 被动语态由被动语态由“助动词助动词be+及物动词的及物动词的过去分词过去分词”构成构成, 助动词助动词be有人称、数有人称、数的变化的变化,其变化规则与其变化规则与be作为连系动词作为连系动词时一样。如时一样。如: The desk is made of wood.The desks are made of wood.He is asked a question b

3、y the teacher.I was given a nice present by my friend yesterday.The Future Passive Voice (一般将来时被动语态一般将来时被动语态)Characteristics(特点)(特点):1.动作发生在动作发生在将来将来,常有,常有未来时间状语未来时间状语作时态标志。作时态标志。2. 强调动作的承受者强调动作的承受者, 无须提及动作的执行者。无须提及动作的执行者。一、结构一、结构助动词助动词 will/shall/一些半助动词一些半助动词be动词的过去分词动词的过去分词二、常用形式二、常用形式1will/shall

4、be doneShall we be asked to attend the opening ceremony?我们会被邀请去参加开幕式吗?我们会被邀请去参加开幕式吗?Rapid progress will also be made in culture and education.文化和教育也将会获得快速发展。文化和教育也将会获得快速发展。2is/am/are going to be doneDifferent activities are going to be organizedin our school.我们学校将会组织各种各样的活动。我们学校将会组织各种各样的活动。His birth

5、day party is going to be put off until tomorrow.他的生日聚会将被推迟到明天。他的生日聚会将被推迟到明天。3is/am/are to be doneThe work is to be done within two days.工作须在两天内完成。工作须在两天内完成。 注意:注意:在时间、条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时间、条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时的被动语态代替在时的被动语态代替一般将来时的被动语态。一般将来时的被动语态。三、用法三、用法1表示事物将受到某种影响或某种处理。表示事物将受到某种影响或某种处理。如:如:More trees will

6、be planted and new roads will be built.将会种植更多的树木,并且修建新的公将会种植更多的树木,并且修建新的公路。路。2表示人或物将被动地接受某种行为表示人或物将被动地接受某种行为或某种处理。如:或某种处理。如: He wont be allowed by his father to marry Anna.他父亲不会让他娶安娜为妻的。他父亲不会让他娶安娜为妻的。1. He will plant more trees. More trees will be planted by him.2. She will take care of the children

7、.The children will be taken care of by her.3. The family will visit the Great Wall next year.The Great Wall will be visited next year.Summary一般将来时的被动语态:一般将来时的被动语态:主语主语+will + be done否定结构:否定结构:主语主语+will not+ be done 一般疑问式一般疑问式Will+主主+be done? 疑问句式:疑问句式: 特殊疑问式特殊疑问式:疑问词疑问词+ will+主主+be done?Rules for th

8、e Olympic Games1. Nobody _ (allow) to enter the stadium without a ticket.2. Children _ (not allow) to make a noise and upset the competitors. If they do, they will _ (take away) from the stadium. will be allowedwill not be allowedbe taken away2 Complete the rules below3. No animals _ (allow) in the

9、stadium. 4. Cheating by athletes will not be _ (excuse). They _ (tell ) to leave and _(punish).5. No smoking will be _ (allow). If you are discovered, you _ (fine) .will be allowedwill be toldallowedwill be fined excusedwill be punished3 You are asked to make a poster to advertise a sporting event.

10、Every sentence should include some information about the sporting event or instructions people must follow.Events:BasketballFootballTable tennis100-meter runningLong jumpSailing RacesSailing races will be held on the lake at 11:30 on Tuesday.Food will be served between 12:00 and 14:00.Children under

11、 12 will not be allowed to take part.headingList of events and when they will happenList of instruction on what to do and not to do at the sporting event During the next Summer Olympics more athletes than ever _as competitors .This may cause problems for the host city .To avoid any problems the host

12、 city _about who will be in charge of organizing the Games .All the events _ahead of time so visitors can buy the tickets for the events they want to see earlier . Answer key for Exercise 1 on P50will be admittedwill be askedwill be advertised The old rules and regulations (规则规则)for the athletes _wi

13、th new ones .Many trips and visits _for all those competitors who wish to take part .We know that the athletes deserve to have all the care and attention we can offer them .We know they will _us with wonderful examples of skill and sportsmanship as well as friendship and cross-cultural understanding

14、 . will be replacedwill be organized provide1.Meals will be served three times a day. Please check the exact time in the dining hall. ()2. Rooms will be cleaned in the late morning .3. All competitors will be taken to their sports events at the correct time.4. Visitors will not be allowed to stay in the building after 9 pm. Answer key for Exercise 2 on P50



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