1、Module 6v1 monitor v2 screen v3 mousev4 CD-ROMv5 keyboardv6 hard disk43562Learn the meaning of these wordsvAccess:way of enteringvClick onvCrash :1) accident 2)computer break downvHardware:computer machinery and equipmentvSoftware:the set of program one uses on the internetvStore:noun. Shop v. keep
2、information or facts in a computervSurf:1)to ride big ocean waves v 2)look at different websites vLog:n.a piece of cut down wood log off: finish working on the computer log on: start work on the computervConsist of: be made up ofvDefense: protect fromvMilitary:军事的,军队的vMillionaire:a person who has a
3、lot of moneyvSource:资源vWeb browser:a program that let people look at or read documents on the Internet1)whatistheInternet?TheInternetisthebiggestsourceofinformationintheword.2)WhatistheWordWideWeb?theWordWideWebisacomputernetworkthatallowscomputeruserstoaccessinformationsfrommillionsofwebsitesviathe
4、Internet3)whoinventedtheWordWideWeb?TimBerners-LeeAnswer the following questionsvParagraph 1 vParagraph 2vParagraph 3 vParagraph 4v vParagraph 5 v vParagraph 6What is the Internet How did the Internet startWhat is the Word Wide WebWho invented the Word Wide WebThe development of the Word Wide WebBer
5、ners-Lee dose not make moneyFill in the blanksJIn 1969:DARPA createdJIN 1984: NSF started which became known as thenJIn 1989: Berners the idea of WWWJThen he invented the firstJIn 1991:WWW was by JWithin 15 years: internet users rose upJNow Berners-Lee works as in Bostona network of computers called
6、 DARPNETthe NSFNETthe Internet workcame up withweb browserinvented Berners-Leethe number of a lecturerdownloadmusic1)downloadmusic.2)searchforinformation3)doonlineshopping4)chatontheInternet5)playgames6)sendane-mailtoafriendandcards:Writeashortpassageofwhat can we do and what we should not do on the internet