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1、 Unit 2 Language English and its history Language points2016学年度10th10thend of 9thend of 9ththenthenbefore 5thbefore 5thlanguageoccupied by occupied by the two the two Germanic Germanic groupsgroupsthe the Vikings Vikings began to began to move to move to BritainBritainbecame became official official

2、 languagelanguageSpoke Spoke CelticCelticOld EnglishReviewOld English13991399latter latter half of half of 14th14th10661066languageMiddle EnglishNormans Normans defeated defeated and took and took control control Henry Henry became became King and King and usedusedhad come had come into into widespr

3、ead widespread useuseappeared appeared during the during the RenaissanceRenaissancekeep on keep on changingchanging16th16thModern Modern EnglishEnglishMiddle English & Modern EnglishLanguage points1.The English language is made up of the grammar and vocabulary these people brought to Britain.be made

4、 up of 由由构成;由构成;由组成组成 Society _(be)made up of people with different abilities. The school is made up_ different classes.2. Old English consisted of a mixture of their languages.consist of 由由 组成组成The university consists of many experts. consist of 不用于被动语态不用于被动语态 Our class made up with 60 students. is

5、isof3. Then two Germanic groups from the European mainlandthe Angle and the Saxonsoccupied Britain.occupy v. 占领,占用,任职占领,占用,任职 n. occupation 占领,职业占领,职业be occupied with/in doing sth 从事、忙于做从事、忙于做occupy oneself with/in (doing) sth 使自己从事、忙于做使自己从事、忙于做He is occupied in_(look) after his baby.How long have y

6、ou been in your present_.(occupy)This game will keep the children_. (occupy)I occupy myself _preparing the next examination.lookingoccupationoccupiedin/with4. Both the English language and the English people are named after the Angles.be named after 以以命名命名The school was named after the famous star.5

7、. Aside from place names such as London , very few Celtic words became part of Old English.aside from = except for/ in addition to 除除之外之外6.Old English had become the official language of England.official adj. 官方的,正式的;官方的,正式的; n. 官员官员officer n. 工作人员,公务员,军官工作人员,公务员,军官7.Many things played a part in the

8、 development of this new type of English. played a part/role in (doing) 在在中扮演角色中扮演角色/ /起作用起作用Vitamins play a important part in keep fit. an keeping8.The most important contribution was from the Normans ,a French speaking people who defeated England and took control of the country in 1066.contributio

9、n n. contribute v.make a contribution to/towards sth 为为做贡献、捐款做贡献、捐款= contribute sth to/towards 给给 捐款捐款contribute to 导致,是导致,是的原因的原因 As mayor, he made many positive_( contribute) to the growth of the city. our appetite for new products contributes _ the problem.take control of 控制控制 lose control of 对对失

10、去控制失去控制out of control 失去控制失去控制 under control 受控制受控制You shouldnt have lost control of your temper on such an occasion.With the help of firefighters, they got the fire under control.9. which led to Old English replacing Celtic.lead to 导致,通往导致,通往 = result inlead sb to +地点地点 把某人引向把某人引向replace sth with/

11、by sth 用用代替代替contributionsto10. On the other hand, the English language did borrow many words from French.do/dose/did + v. 原形,原形, 表表“的确,真的,务必的确,真的,务必”,在肯定句和祈使句中加强语气,在肯定句和祈使句中加强语气,起起强调强调作用作用She does often visiting her parents, which make them very happy. visit makes11. However, the words for the meat

12、 of these animals, which was served to the Normans, came from old French:serve to 用于,有助于用于,有助于Doing exercise serves _ (reduce) pressure.12. After the Norman Conquest, high class people spoke French while common people spoke English.while 然而,当然而,当的时候,尽管的时候,尽管to reduce13. Pronunciation also went throu

13、gh huge changes during this period.go through 经受,经历;通过,穿透;审查,检查经受,经历;通过,穿透;审查,检查The rain has gone through my overcoat.We ought to go through the paper after we finished it.You may go through many difficulties before you succeed.14. The question of whether English will keep on changing in the future

14、is easy to answer. of whether English will keep on changing in the future 为介为介词短语作定语修饰词短语作定语修饰questionkeep on doing sth 继续做继续做be +adj+ to do 结构结构 中,中,不定式的逻辑宾语是句子的主语不定式的逻辑宾语是句子的主语English is easy to study.She is hard _(get) along with.to get1. play a part in.1. play a part in.2. a French-speaking peop

15、le2. a French-speaking people3. defeat/beat sb.3. defeat/beat sb.4. take control of4. take control of5. lead to5. lead to6. on the other hand6. on the other hand7. result in7. result in8. work as8. work as9. make contributions to 9. make contributions to 10. way of doing10. way of doing11. instead o

16、f11. instead of12. add.to.12. add.to.13. by the latter half of13. by the latter half of14 come into use14 come into use1. 1. 在在.中起到作用中起到作用2. 2. 一个说法语的民族一个说法语的民族3. 3. 击败某人击败某人4. 4. 控制控制5. 5. 导致,通向导致,通向6. 6. 另一方面另一方面7. 7. 导致导致8. 8. 任任.职,当职,当.9. 9. 对对.做出贡献做出贡献 10. 10. 做某事的方式做某事的方式11. 11. 代替,而不是代替,而不是12. . 12. . 把把.加到加到.里面里面1313到到.下半叶下半叶1 14 4. . 开始被使用开始被使用Thank you .



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