2019秋九年级英语上册Module6ProblemsUnit2Ifyoutellhimthetruthnowyouwillshowthatyouarehonest 外研版.ppt

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1、Unit 2If you tell him the truth now, you will show that you are honest.请根据句意及汉语提示写单词。请根据句意及汉语提示写单词。1Can you give me the _ (理理由由) for being late for class?2My father was very _ (生生气气的的) when I broke the window.reason angry 3There is a hole in my shoe, can you _ (修修理理) it?4Dont worry. Ill pay for the

2、_ (账单账单)5If you dont _ (道道歉歉) to your parents, I wont excuse you.repair bill apologise .用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1He was very _ (worry) about this exam. We should say “Dont _ (worry)” to him.2He no _ (long) quarrel with his parents.3My mother no longer find her note book _ (somewhere)4Its not a

3、lways perfect to know the _ (true)5The man was very _ (anger) with his son.worried worry longer anywhere truth angry .单项选择。单项选择。(导学号:导学号:34094046)()1.(2017淮淮南南模模拟拟)When Edison was a child, he was always asking questions and _ new ideas.Atried outBtrying outCtaking off Dtook off()2.Could you tell me

4、_ that you were late for school?Athe reasonBwhyC/DreasonB A ( )3.I felt sorry that I broke Tinas bike. But she wasnt _ at all.AexcitedBhappyCangryDnervous()4.(2017合合肥肥琥琥珀珀中中学学月月考考)You should _ smoking, _ you will get ill.【高频考点高频考点】Ago on; so Bgive up; orCstop; soDadvise; orC B ()5.(2017安安庆庆四四中中一一模模)

5、I will come _ your house next week.Aaround BroundCback DtoB .根据汉语意思完成下列句子。根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1我下星期来拜我下星期来拜访好好吗?Could I _ _ next week?2那部收音机你那部收音机你应该试了再了再买。You ought to _ _ that radio before you buy it.3如果你如果你错了,你了,你应当向向他道歉。当向向他道歉。If you are wrong, you should _ _ e round try out apologise to 4我英我英语考考试未及格,未

6、及格,妈妈很生气。很生气。My mother _ _ _ when I failed in my English exam.5琳达想把琳达想把钢琴琴弹好,所以她每天至少好,所以她每天至少练习两个小两个小时。Linda wants to play the piano well so she practises _ _ two hours a day.6凯特用她的零花特用她的零花钱给妈妈买了件礼物了件礼物Kate bought a gift for her mother with her _ _.was very angry at least pocket money .补全对话。补全对话。(其中

7、有两项多余其中有两项多余)A: Mr Fred, you often help children. 1._B: Yes, of course. Children often write to me and ask me how to solve their problems.A: 2._E B B: Many cant decide when to study and when to play. I think they should learn to achieve a balance(平平衡衡) between study and play.A: I agree. Sometimes I

8、get too much homework and 3_B: You must feel stressed(压力压力) from time to time, right?A: Yes. Can you give me some advice?B: OK. 4._A: I see. Any more?A D B: Yes. You can also get help from youth workers at your own school.A: Thanks for your advice.B: 5._G .完形填空。完形填空。(导学号:导学号:34094047)Ted sat next to

9、 me when we were in primary school(小小学学). He had serious problems when he talked with people. One always _1_ guess what he was saying. Besides, most of my classmates did not like to be with him _2_ his hands and shirts were _3_ dirty. I tried to let him know the importance of being clean by _4_ him

10、several times a day to wash his hands. _5_ he just could not understand.One day, our teacher Miss Li walked up to Ted. Without saying _6_, she took Ted to the washroom. Slowly, Miss Li _7_ his hands and told him that he should keep himself clean. She did that every day for one _8_. Finally, Ted unde

11、rstood.Miss Lis love has given me a good example to follow when I am doing my _9_. I always remember to teach my students _10_ showing them the right ways to do things. And most important of all, I always remember to give them more time to learn and to grow up.()1.A.shouldBhad toCmightDcould()2.A.al


13、:导学号:34094048)Boys and girls, welcome to Teen Talk. Do you often make friends on the Internet? Do you have difficulties when you are chatting with your net friends? What problems make you puzzled? Today, Professor David Smith will give us some advice.ProblemsAdvicePeter: If my net friends want to kn

14、ow my phone number, what should I do?David: Youd better not tell strangers your phone number. Knowing your phone number, they might know where you live, and they can call you or your parents often. Sometimes it will bring you much trouble.ProblemsAdviceJohn: Sometimes, I meet some adults. I have not

15、hing to chat with them, what should I do?David: If you dont like talking with them, skip it. And look for some information you like. But sometimes, adults may give you some useful advice.George: If they want to visit my home or invite me to their homes, what should I do?David: If you want to see the

16、m, make sure that at least one of your parents can go to meet them, too. Inviting them to your house is good, or let a parent take you over to their houses. Be sure you have a parent along with you.ProblemsAdviceVictor: Then, what else should we pay attention to?David: If someone asks you not to tel

17、l your parents about him/her, you must tell your parents at once. If they dont tell you much about themselves, maybe theyre not the ones they say they are.Host: Its time to end the program. Thank you.David: Boys and girls, if you are often online, be careful. Dont let strangers know you very easily.

18、()1.What are the problems with the kids? They dont know _.Ahow to talk with the professorBwhat to do on the InternetChow to look for information on the InternetDwhat to do when their net friends ask them to do somethingD ()2.Whats the professors advice?ADont tell much about yourself to strangers on

19、the Internet.BDont make friends on the Internet.CDont talk with the adults too much on the Internet.DYou shouldnt believe what your friends say.A ()3.What do the underlined words “skip it” mean according to the passage?A忍受它忍受它 B不用理它不用理它C它跳起来它跳起来 D安静地听它安静地听它()4.The passage is a _.Atalk show Bpiece of newsCspeech DclassB A



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