冀教版九年级英语Unit 1 Lesson 4《Don't Smoke, Please》 课件

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《冀教版九年级英语Unit 1 Lesson 4《Don't Smoke, Please》 课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版九年级英语Unit 1 Lesson 4《Don't Smoke, Please》 课件(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 4:Dont Smoke, Please! Learning aims: Words:smoke,harmful, public, law, disease ,lung ,breathe, cigarette, whenever, risk Phrases:1. millions of 2. as a result of 3. second-hand smoke 4. take a risk 5. get into the habit of 6. stay away fromAbility aims:Improve reading ability and express harm

2、ful effects of smoking and how to stay away from cigarettes.Emotion aims:Through the study of the lesson can make the students learn about smoking is harmful to our health and stay away from cigarettes.Smoking is bad for your health. Smoking is harmful to our health.It can cause diseases of the hear

3、t and lungs . d zi:z 有害的有害的疾病疾病h:mfull肺肺ABWhenever someone offers you a cigarette , you should always say no. Dont take that risk.Everyone wants to live in a clean environment and breathe fresh air.In many countries, smoking in public places is now against the law.siret香烟香烟冒险冒险 呼吸呼吸公共的公共的法律法律bri: pb

4、lk l: rsk Listen to the tape and then answer T or F1. As a student, you should never smoke. ( )2. Every year, thousands of people around the world die as a result of smoking. ( ) 3. Once you get into the habit of smoking, its easy to give it up. ( ) TFFRead the text in a low voice and then choose th

5、e right main idea of the text (注:注:自己快速默读,在文中划出答案自己快速默读,在文中划出答案) A. Smoking is not harmful.B. We should encourage our family members to stop smoking.C. Stay away from cigarettes and you can live a long, healthy and happy life.D. Eat more fruits and vegetables, do more exercise, and form good habits.

6、 The main idea of the text is_CWhy is smoking harmful? What should we do? Smoking is bad for your health .It can cause diseases of the heart and lungs .Youre also harming the people around you with your second-hand smoke.Smoking pollutes the environment .Never touch cigarettes. Encourage them to sto

7、p smoking .Eat more fruits and vegetables. Scan and match: (跳读跳读连一连连一连)(注:自己快速(注:自己快速阅读,然后连线)阅读,然后连线) Read the text aloud carefully and then complete the information chart in groupsHarmful effects of smoking Advise to stay away from cigarettes Smoking is bad for your_.It can cause _of the heart and

8、lungs.Smoking_the environment.Secondhand smoke is _to people who dont smoke. Never_ cigarettes.When somebody talks about smoking, change the_._your family members to stop smoking. Eat more fruits and_.Do more_ .Form good_. healthdiseasespollutesharmfultouchtopicEncouragevegetablesexercisehabitssecon

9、d-hand smokeEating too muchbe harmful to对对有害有害 Use the useful phrases to make a sentenceget into the habit of 养成的习惯Washing our hands before the mealReading booksstay away from 远离Cigarettes Internet barsLearn to be a reporter in groups.(两个人一(两个人一组编对话:一个扮演小记者组编对话:一个扮演小记者 一个是中学生)一个是中学生)A: Excuse me . M

10、ay I ask you a question?B: OK.A: Why is smoking harmful? B: Because Smoking is bad for your health /Smoking pollutes the environment/ It can cause diseases of the heart and lungs/ Secondhand smoke is harmful to people who dont smoke. A:What should we do?B:Never touch cigarettes./ When somebody talks about smoking change the topic./Encourage your family members to stop smoking. / Eat more fruits and vegetables, do more exercise, and form good habits.Love your life and stay away from cigarettes. Write a composition“Smoking is harmful. Proud of You



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