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1、御制耕织图御制耕织图 The Imperially-Made Farming and Weaving Pictures御制耕织图御制耕织图典故典故 清康熙二十八年(1689年),康熙帝南巡时,江南士子进献藏书甚丰,其中有“宋公重加考订,诸梓以传”的耕织图。康熙帝即命宫廷画师焦秉贞据原意另绘耕图、织图各23幅,并附有皇帝本人的七言绝句及序文。康熙题诗御制耕织图为彰显劝课农桑之宏旨而作,图诗形象生动、细腻传神,是清代宫殿版画的代表作,反映了当时绘画技艺水平的进步,也生动再现了其时平民社会的生活场景。此后翻刻者甚多,日本、韩国都有临摹本、翻刻本,然而墨印彩绘本却鲜见。现知国家图书馆与华东师范大学图书

2、馆各藏一部墨印彩绘本,但非同一版本系统。AllusionsThe illustration book was originally made in Song dynasty (9601279). The KangXi Emperor of Qing dynasty found this book when he visited south China in 1869. He then ordered Jiao Bingzhen, a royal painter whose paining skills were influenced by western painting, to remake

3、 the illustrations. The emperor wrote a poem for each illustration in addition to a preface for the book. Since then, its imitations and reprinted copies have emerged in many areas, including Japan, South Korea. However, this work has very few ink-printed colored copies left, except the two differen

4、t editions in National Library of China and the library of East China Normal University respectively.Allusions 御制耕织图,是以耕、织为创作元素的图像资料集,描绘的是粮食生产从浸种到入仓、蚕桑生产从浴蚕到剪帛的具体操作过程。其中包含耕图21 幅、织图24 幅,图配以诗,图诗形象生动,细腻传神,纸质厚重,线条流畅,色彩鲜明,人 物形像饱满、逼真,面部表情柔和,诗书画俱佳,具有较高的 艺术鉴赏价值和文物资料价值,非常值得收藏。御制耕织图御制耕织图介绍介绍IntroductionWith t

5、he emphasis of farming and weaving, the book contains 21 pictures on farming while 24 on weaving, and a poem for each illustration, which describes the production of grain and sericulture.With graceful lines and bright colors, pictures in this book present true-to-life figures of gentle expressions,

6、 which, together with the fine poems, exquisite calligraphy and refined printing, have rendered the book distinctive artistic and collection values.Pictures on FarmingPictures on FarmingPictures on FarmingPictures on FarmingPictures on FarmingPictures on FarmingPictures on WeavingPictures on Weaving

7、Pictures on WeavingPictures on WeavingPictures on WeavingPictures on WeavingOn the 60th anniversary of East China Normal University, the press and library publish the photo-offset, which takes the ECNU edition as the master copy and really reappears the style and features of the Imperially-Made Farming and Weaving Pictures in the Reign of Emperor Kang Xi !



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