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1、Boo2-Unit-3-Lesson-1-Boo2-Unit-3-Lesson-1-would-lyou-like-to-would-lyou-like-to-leave-a-messageleave-a-messageLook and sayThink and say If you want to ask your pen friend Tom in England a question, the fastest way is to_. But if hes not there, his mother answers the telephone, what would she say to

2、you?Unit 3 CommunicationLesson 1Would you like to leave a message?Look and sayn. 交流,通讯different ways of communication不同的交流方式communicatev. 交流,沟通communicate with others和别人交流communicationLook and learnn. 消息,口信take a message捎口信Would you like to leave a message?你想留个口信吗?messageLook and learnn. 线,线路Hold th

3、e line.别挂电话。 chat on line 在线聊天lineLook and learnn. 在线的,联机的 online shopping 在线购物onlineLook and learnv. 握住Hold on, please.Hold the line.请握住电话。(稍等/别挂断)holdLook and learnn. 片刻One moment, please.请稍等。at the moment现在,此刻momentLook and learnn. 因特网,互联网surf the Internet上网冲浪InternetLook and learnn. 信息surf the I

4、nternet for information上网查信息informationLook and learnn. 电子商务do e-business处理电子商务e-businessLook and learnn. 伙伴business partner生意伙伴partnerListenandtick1.messenger / message 2. moment / movement3. lie / line 4. business / e-business5. online / order 6. hold / hood7. net / Internet 8. information / inter

5、view9. partner / party 10. communication / communicate临沂科技学校临沂科技学校Task 21.c_2.p_3. h_4.o_临沂科技学校临沂科技学校ommunicate oldartnernline?This is .(speaking).你是哪位?你是哪位?Whos calling? Whos that (speaking)? 我能找一下我能找一下吗吗? / ? / 在吗?在吗? May / Can I speak to ? Is in / there? -Yes, speaking.- Hold the line a moment. /

6、 Hold on a second.- Sorry, hes out. Would you like to leave a message? / Can I take a message?我是我是1.Is Mike ? Yes. Hold on a , please.2. May I speak to Amy? Sorry, Amy thereinTask 3minute second momentisnt in. Would you like to leave a message? is out. Can I take a message?Come on!临沂科技学校临沂科技学校 Task4

7、 Mike打电话找 Amy, Amy 不在,Mike 给她留了言。Mike: Hello. Can I speak to Amy?Amys mom: _ the line, please.Im sorry, Amy isnt in. Who is _?Mike: _ is Mike.Amys mom: Would you like to leave a _?Mike: Yes, please tell her to call me back. I have some important information for her.Amys mom: All right. Ill tell her

8、as soon as she comes back.临沂科技学校临沂科技学校HoldthatThismessage Task5 Mike: Hello. Is Amy there? A secretary: Sorry, shes not in at the_. Mike: Could you take a _. A secretary: Yes. Mike: This is Mike, Amys _. Could you tell her to get _ tonight between 8:00 and 11:30? Ill send her some information about

9、_. A secretary: OK.临沂科技学校临沂科技学校moment online e-business partner messagemomentmessagepartneronlinee-business1.掌握本课所学的新单词。掌握本课所学的新单词。 message, moment, line, information, Internet, partner, e-business, hold, communicate, online2.灵活运用打电话时的常用句型。灵活运用打电话时的常用句型。 This isspeaking. Whos calling / Who is that (speaking)? Isin / there? May/Can I speak to? Hold the line. Would you like to leave a message ?临沂科技学校临沂科技学校临沂科技学校临沂科技学校临沂科技学校临沂科技学校1.Rememberthenewwords.2.TrytocallyourclassmatesinEnglishafterclass.临沂科技学校临沂科技学校 Thank you!结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!24



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