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1、Chapter 6战略分析与选择Strategic Management: Concepts & Cases8th EditionFred David1Chapter OutlineThe Nature of Strategy & ChoiceA Comprehensive Strategy-Formulation FrameworkThe Input Stage2Chapter Outline (contd)The Matching StageThe Decision Stage3- Establishing long-term objectives- Generating alternat

2、ive strategies- Selecting strategies to pursue- Best alternative - achieve mission & objectives Nature of Strategy Analysis & ChoiceStrategy Analysis & Choice4nVisionnMissionnObjectivesnExternal auditnInternal auditnPast successful strategiesStrategy Analysis & ChoiceAlternative Strategies Derive Fr

3、om -5Strategy Analysis & ChoiceGenerating Alternatives -Participation in generating alternative strategies should be as broad as possible6战略制定综合框架7战略制定综合框架Internal Factor EvaluationMatrix (IFE)External Factor EvaluationMatrix (EFE)Competitive Profile Matrix(CPM)8Stage 1: The Input StageBasic input i

4、nformation for the matching & decision stage matricesRequires strategists to quantify subjectivity early in the processGood intuitive judgment always needed9战略制定综合框架SWOT MatrixSPACE MatrixBCG MatrixIE MatrixGrand Strategy Matrix10Stage 2: The Matching StageMatch between organizations internal resour

5、ces & skills and the opportunities & risks created by its external factors11Stage 2: The Matching StageStrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreatsSWOT Matrix12SWOT MatrixStrengths-Opportunities (SO)Weaknesses-Opportunities (WO)Strengths-Threats (ST)Weaknesses-Threats (WT)Four Types of Strategies13SO Str

6、ategies利用优势来把握机会StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreatsSWOT14WO Strategies利用机会克服劣势StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreatsSWOT15ST Strategies利用优势回避威胁StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreatsSWOT16WT Strategies将劣势降到最小并避免威胁StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreatsSWOT17SWOT MatrixDeveloping the SWOT List f

7、irms key internal StrengthsList firms key internal WeaknessesList firms key external OpportunitiesList firms key external Threats18家乐福在亚太市场的SWOT19SWOT MatrixLeave BlankStrengths SList StrengthsWeaknesses W List WeaknessesOpportunities O List OpportunitiesSO StrategiesUse strengths to take advantage

8、of opportunitiesWO StrategiesOvercoming weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunitiesThreats T List ThreatsST StrategiesUse strengths to avoid threatsWT Strategies Minimize weaknesses and avoid threats20图图 SWOT分析矩阵分析矩阵外部环境内部环境长处S: S1 S2 S3弱点WW1W2W3机会O: O1 O2 O3SO组合方案:(1) O1 S1 S2(2) O2 S1 S3(3) O3

9、 S3WO组合方案:(1) O1 W1(2) O2 W2 W3威胁T: T1 T2 T3ST组合方案:(1) T1 T2 S1 S2(2) T2 T3 S1 S2(3) T3 S1WT组合方案:(1) T2 W121 S W O T优势优势SS1 :地理位置优越,是天然渔港S2:有一个坚强、有魄力的领导班子S3:有融资信誉弱势弱势WW1:近海渔业资源枯竭W2:渔轮设备陈旧W3:单一捕捞经营W4:经济效益差机会机会OO1:国际国内市场对渔产品需求大O2:公海渔业资源丰裕O3:渔产品深加工可带来高附加值O4:渔港若停大船可变商港 S O战略战略1、投资建设深水码头,建国内大渔港城( O 2、 O4

10、 、 S 1、 S 3)2、前向一体化,资源深加工( O1、 O3、 O 4、 S 3 ) W O战略战略1、组织远洋船队挺进白令公海( O1、 O2、 W 1、 W2、 W 3、 W 4)2、发展创汇渔业( O1、 O2、 W 3、 W 4 )3、合资合作开发渔产品( O3、 W 3 )威胁威胁TT1:公海环境险恶,风险较大T2:与美、日、波兰、前苏联等捕捞船队竞争T3:我方不熟悉国际商法 S T战略战略1、科学论证、果断决策、采取对策、降低风险( S2、 S3、 T1、 T2、 T3 ) W T战略战略22Limitations with SWOT Matrixn不能显示出企业如何获得竞争

11、优势n只提供静态的评估n可能会使公司过分强调某一个外部或内部因素23Strategy-Formulation Analytical FrameworkSWOT MatrixSPACE MatrixBCG MatrixIE MatrixGrand Strategy Matrix24SPACE MatrixStrategic Position & Action Evaluation Matrix 进攻型 保守型 防御型 竞争型25SPACE MatrixTwo Internal DimensionsFinancial Strength (FS)Competitive Advantage (CA)2

12、6SPACE MatrixTwo External DimensionsEnvironmental Stability (ES)Industry Strength (IS)27SPACE FactorsEnvironmental Stability (ES)Technological changesRate of inflationDemand variabilityPrice range of competing productsBarriers to entryCompetitive pressurePrice elasticity of demandEase of exit from m

13、arket Risk involved in businessFinancial Strength (FS)Return on investmentLeverageLiquidityWorking capitalCash flowExternal Strategic PositionInternal Strategic Position28SPACE FactorsIndustry Strength (IS)Growth potentialProfit potentialFinancial stabilityTechnological know-howResource utilizationE

14、ase of entry into marketProductivity, capacity utilizationCompetitive Advantage CAMarket shareProduct qualityProduct life cycleCustomer loyaltyCompetitions capacity utilizationTechnological know-howControl over suppliers & distributorsExternal Strategic PositionInternal Strategic Position29Steps to

15、Developing a SPACE Matrix1.Select a set of variables to define FS, CA, ES, & IS2.Assign a numerical value:1.From +1 to +6 to each FS & IS dimension2.From -1 to -6 to each ES & CA dimension3.Compute an average score for each FS, CA, ES, & IS30Steps to Developing a SPACE Matrix1.Plot the average score

16、 on the appropriate axis2.Add the two scores on the x-axis and plot the point. Add the two scores on the y-axis and plot the point. Plot the intersection of the new xy point3.Draw a directional vector from the origin through the new intersection point.31SPACE MatrixFS+6+1+5+4+3+2-6-5-4-3-2-1-6-5-4-3

17、-2-1+1+2+3+4+5+6ESCAIS保守型进攻型防御型竞争型32Strategy-Formulation Analytical FrameworkSWOT MatrixSPACE MatrixBCG MatrixIE MatrixGrand Strategy Matrix33BCG MatrixBoston Consulting Group MatrixEnhances multi-divisional firm in formulating strategiesAutonomous divisions = business portfolioDivisions may compete

18、 in different industriesFocus on market-share position & industry growth rate34BCG MatrixRelative Market Share PositionRatio of a divisions own market share in an industry to the market share held by the largest rival firm in that industry35BCG MatrixDogsIVCash CowsIIIQuestion MarksIStarsIIRelative

19、Market Share PositionHigh1.0Medium.50Low0.0Industry Sales Growth RateHigh+20Low-20Medium036BCG MatrixQuestion MarksLow relative market share compete in high-growth industryCash needs are highCase generation is lowDecision to strengthen (intensive strategies) or divest37BCG MatrixStarsHigh relative m

20、arket share and high growth rateBest long-run opportunities for growth & profitabilitySubstantial investment to maintain or strengthen dominant positionIntegration strategies, intensive strategies, joint ventures38BCG MatrixCash CowsHigh relative market share, competes in low-growth industryGenerate

21、 cash in excess of their needsMilked for other purposesMaintain strong position as long as possibleProduct development, concentric diversificationIf weakensretrenchment or divestiture39BCG MatrixDogsLow relative market share & compete in slow or no market growthWeak internal & external positionLiqui

22、dation, divestiture, retrenchment401.关键在于各部分业务组合的有机匹配与长短期盈利性的平衡。 明星问题瘦狗金牛行业销售增长率高 +20%中 10%低 -20%在行业中相对市场份额地位高2中1低0.5BCG Matrix41一家公司三个经营领域为普通自行车、山地自行车和玩具自行车,数据如下:BCG Matrix42普通相对市场份额高 低市场增长率高低明星问号现金牛狗玩具山地BCG Matrix43 高 销 售 赠 长 率 低 高 市场占有率 低明星产品明星产品 ? ?问题产品问题产品 $ $金牛产品金牛产品 狗类产品狗类产品 嘉顿公

23、司业务项目嘉顿公司业务项目整顿结果: 发展(Develop): 维持(Hold):(建议策略) 收割(Harvest): 放弃(Divest): 香港嘉顿公司产品整顿案例44Strategy-Formulation Analytical FrameworkSWOT MatrixSPACE MatrixBCG MatrixIE MatrixGrand Strategy Matrix45The Internal-External MatrixnPositions an organizations various divisions in a nine-cell displaynSimilar to

24、 BCG Matrix except the IE Matrix:qRequires more information about the divisionsqStrategic implications of each matrix are different4647行业吸引力行业吸引力市场容量增长率收益水平竞争强度季节性波动周期性波动技术与资本需求社会影响法律法规环境保护的限制机遇和威胁进入和退出障碍强 中 弱竞争能力(相对竞争地位)竞争能力(相对竞争地位)市场份额 相对成本水平核心竞争力 知识相对于竞争对手的利润水平 技术能力 价格/服务竞争能力 管理才干 强 中 弱发展选择撤退业务组合

25、管理:GE矩阵48IE MatrixnBased on two key dimensionsqThe IFE total weighted scores on the x-axisqThe EFE total weighted scores on the y-axisnDivided into three major regionsqGrow and build Cells I, II, or IVqHold and maintain Cells III, V, or VIIqHarvest or divest Cells VI, VIII, or IX4950Strategy-Formula

26、tion Analytical FrameworkSPACE MatrixBCG MatrixIE MatrixSWOT MatrixGrand Strategy Matrix51Grand Strategy Matrix(大战略矩阵)Tool for formulating alternative strategiesBased on two dimensions竞争地位市场增长52Quadrant IV1.Concentric diversification2.Horizontal diversification3.Conglomerate diversification4.Joint v

27、enturesQuadrant III1.Retrenchment2.Concentric diversification3.Horizontal diversification4.Conglomerate diversification5.LiquidationQuadrant I1.Market development2.Market penetration3.Product development4.Forward integration5.Backward integration6.Horizontal integration7.Concentric diversificationQu

28、adrant II1.Market development2.Market penetration3.Product development4.Horizontal integration5.Divestiture6.LiquidationRAPID MARKET GROWTHSLOW MARKET GROWTHWEAK COMPETITIVE POSITIONSTRONGCOMPETITIVE POSITION53Grand Strategy MatrixExcellent strategic positionConcentration on current markets/products

29、Take risks aggressively when necessary第一象限 54Grand Strategy MatrixEvaluate present approachHow to improve competitivenessRapid market growth requires intensive strategy第二象限55Grand Strategy MatrixCompete in slow-growth industriesWeak competitive positionDrastic changes quicklyCost & asset reduction (

30、retrenchment)象限 III56Grand Strategy MatrixStrong competitive positionSlow-growth industryDiversification to more promising growth areas象限 IV57Strategy-Formulation Analytical FrameworkQuantitative StrategicPlanning Matrix(QSPM)58QSPMTechnique designed to determine the relative attractiveness of feasi

31、ble alternative actionsQuantitative Strategic Planning Matrix59QSPMKey Internal FactorsManagementMarketingFinance/AccountingProduction/OperationsResearch and DevelopmentComputer Information SystemsStrategy 3Strategy 2Strategy 1WeightKey External FactorsEconomyPolitical/Legal/GovernmentalSocial/Cultu

32、ral/Demographic/EnvironmentalTechnologicalCompetitiveStrategic Alternatives60Steps to Develop a QSPM1.左栏列示公司关键机会与威胁和内部优势与劣势2.给出每个关键外部及内部要素的权数3.检查匹配阶段的矩阵,确定企业应当考虑实施的备选战略方案,将这些方案填入矩阵的顶行中61Steps to Develop a QSPM4.确定吸引力评分5.计算吸引力总评分(TAS)6.计算吸引力总评分合计数(STAS)62QSPM要求进行直觉性判断和给出理性假设取决于先前的信息输入和匹配结果Limitations63QSPM决策过程中综合考虑内外因素一组战略可以一次或者同时被考察Advantages64



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