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1、The-functions-of-The-functions-of-languagelanguageConstitutive factors of a speech event Context (语境) Addresser Message Addressee (信息) (发话人) Contact (受话人) (接触) Code (语码)The addresser gives a message to the addressee.The message requires a context known to both two sides.A code, fully or partially co

2、mmon to both sides.Contact, a physical channel and psychological connection between both two sides.A corresponding scheme of functions Referential (所指功能) Emotive Poetic conative (情感功能) (诗学功能) (意动功能) Phatic (寒暄功能) Metalingual (元语言功能) 语境(所指功能) 说话者(情感功能) 信息(诗学功能) 受话者(意动功能) (如表示气愤的语调) ( 如诗歌 ) (如祈使和呼语) 接

3、触(交感功能) (如“早上好”!) 语码(元语言功能) (如“嘿,听到吗?”) Referential function: to convey message and information e.g. Whats this? Its a photo. Poetic function: to indulge in language for its own sake e.g. Little Bo-peep Has lost her sheep And doesnt know where to find them Leave them alone And they will come home Wa

4、ggling their tails behind themEmotive function: to express attitudes, feelings and emotions.e.g. How could you behave in that way! Its disgusting!Conative function: to persuade and influence others through commands and requests.e.g. Close the door.Phatic function: to establish and maintain relations

5、hip with others.e.g. Mr. P sneezes violently. Mr. Q: God bless you. Mr. P: Thank you.Metalingual function: to clear up intentions and meanings.e.g. Hello! Do you hear me? I dont follow you. What do you mean? What is language? Language is a means of verbal communication.Lets start at the very beginni

6、nga very good place to startwhen you read you begin with A-B-Cwhen you sing you begin with do-re-miDo-re-miDo-re-mi,the first three notes just happen to be Do-re-miDo-re-miDo-re-miDo-re-mi-fa- so-la-tiLets see if I can make it easier Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I

7、call myself Far, a long long way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow sew Tea, a drink with jam and bread That will bring us to Do Now, children,do-re-mi-fa-so and so on are only the tools we used to build a song. Like this: so-do-la-fa-mi-do-re, can you do that? Now put it all together! Good! But it doesnt mean anything. So we put in words, one word for every note, like this: When you konw the notes to sing, You can sing most anything. Together!THANKS结束结束



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