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1、9.可我知道不管他们变成什么,他们仍然相爱着。那是什么都不能把他们分开的。 译文:Whatever they change,I know,they love for each other still.Nothing can not depart from them.参考答案:But I know that,no matter what they may take,they still love each other.Nothing could part them.Correct:1.两个人相爱就是love each other,在这里我多写了个for.2.nothing can not双重否定

2、表示肯定,这样就违背了原意。3.depart from是指违背,违反(惯例,人们希望的方式)eg: tradition。摆脱传统。在本句中用不合适 应该用part哪怕是千百年过去,只要有一朵白云追逐着另一朵白云;一颗青草依着另一棵青草;一层浪花拍打着另一层浪花,一阵轻风紧跟着另一阵轻风相信我那一定就是他们。Whether it will pass hundered or thousand years, if you see one white cloud runs another; one grass leans on another; one waves hits another; one

3、wind follows another; Please believe me, that will be them对照参考答案:Centuries to come ,if one white cloud trails another; two grasses grow side by side; one wave splashes another; a breeze follows another, believe me ,that will be them.Correct:1.Whether it will译成无论是否过了千百年,句子的意思是哪怕是过了千百年,翻译的不符合题意。2.句中说的

4、是白云而不单单指云,少写了一个白3.Splash特指浪花飞溅,而hit指的是击打,敲打不符合题意4.Wind: the air outside when it moves with a lot of forceBreeze: a gentle wind 和风,微风10.我虽爱买书,但对书却不甚珍惜。读书的时候,常在书上把我所认为要紧的处标出。线装书大概用笔加圈,洋装书竟用红笔画粗粗的线。经我看的书,统体干净的很少。翻译:Although I am fond of buying books,I dont know cherish. When I was reading, I would sign

5、 the key points what I think those are important. If it is a line-bound book,I would draw some circles with my pen, sometimes I draw bold lines with red pen.The majorities of books what I have read are scarely clean.对照参考答案:Much as I love books . I take little care of them.In doing my reading,I often

6、 mark out what I regard as important in a book. If it is a thread-bound chinese book,I use a writing brush to draw small circles as markings.Otherwise, I use a red pencil to draw heavy underlines. Consequently, the books I have read are rarely clean.Correct:1. 线装书用 thread-bound 更合适。2. 句子中分线装书和洋装书,线装

7、书应该是左侧装订的那种 书,基本上应该是chinese book, 这样就把两者区分开了, 不用再写出洋装书了3. sign: 签名,签字 ,没有做标记的意思,用mark更合适。4. bold line 中bold就是给字体加粗的意思,也指醒目的,显眼的,轮廓清晰地,我认为这样比heavy line 更好。5. Rarely: not often. Scarcely: not almost我觉得这两个应该差不多。scarcely 可能程度更深些。6.Consequently 结果怎样,我的翻译中没有类似这样的过渡词,使上下句的链接不紧密。句子里说我经常在书上做各种标记所以我所看过的书很少有干净的。



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