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1、四级完型填空题的解题方法与技巧 全力以赴,以态度改变人生;全力以赴,以态度改变人生; 永不言败,以执着成就未来。永不言败,以执着成就未来。 高 燕 第一部分 概述新老四级题型的对比 及需要注意的问题 知己知彼,百战不殆。老四级题型包括以下5部分:l一是听力理解20题20分,时间20分钟;l二是阅读理解20题40分,时间35分钟;l三是词汇用法与语法结构30题15分,时间20分钟;l四是完形填空或简答或英译汉,20题或5题,共10分,时间15分钟;l最后是写作1题15分,时间30分钟。合计91题,100分,时间120分钟。 新四级由四大部分构成:l听力理解时间35分钟,包括两个部分:听力对话占1


3、70分。l写作和翻译时间35分钟,分为两个部分:写作时间30分钟,占15%,共106分;中译英时间5分钟,占5%,共36分。合计20%,142分。 考试顺序:l答题时间共125分钟,顺序是:写作、快速阅读、听力、仔细阅读、完型填空和汉译英。考生首先在答题卡1上完成写作部分。30分钟后,监考员发试题册,考生在接着的15分钟内完成快速阅读理解部分的试题。然后,监考员收回答题卡1。考生在答题卡2上完成其余部分的试题。需要注意的问题:l通过对比,我们发现:新四级60%的题型沿用了老四级题型,加入了40%的新题型。题型增加,题量加大,速度要求加快;但题型增加,题量加大,速度要求加快;但同时每种题型的难度


5、英和六级的改错题型。 英语四级新题型分析英语四级新题型分析l阅读篇新增选词填空和快速阅读阅读篇新增选词填空和快速阅读 新四级阅读理解的分值比重由过去的40%下降到35%.在测试内容方面,仔细阅读的文章减少至两篇,新增加了选词填空和快速阅读。选词填空考查方式为:从一篇220字左右的文章中,留出10个单词的空格,从给出的15个备选单词中选出10个填入空格处,使文章意思通顺,表达正确。这部分主要考查考生对词汇的认知和语法的理解。另外,快速阅读要求在15分钟内完成一篇1200字左右的文章和后面的10道题,前7个是判断正误题,后3个是填空题。由此不难看出,“快速+准确”是今后四级阅读部分考查的重点。 英

6、语四级新题型分析英语四级新题型分析l听力部分在改革后的新四级中将呈现以下几个特点:(1)加大分值比重。从分值上看,由原来的20%增加到了35%,和阅读理解平分秋色,可以看出改革之后听力在四级考试中的重要性。(2)增加听力难度。从题型上看,增加了长对话。长对话要求考生注意力更加集中。(3)淡化答题技巧。新四级试题中看选项就能直接得出正确答案的题目越来越少。可以预见,原来那些所谓的解题技巧在今后的新四级中将逐步淡出舞台。 英语四级新题型分析英语四级新题型分析l综合篇不能忽视改错和简要回答综合篇不能忽视改错和简要回答 综合部分主要包括完型填空或改错、汉译英或简要回答问题。此次最新样题中在综合部分出现

7、了完型填空和汉译英,但在大学英语四级考试(CET-4)试点考试样卷中有这样一句话值得各位考生注意:四、六级考试改革项目组和考试委员会在试测的基础上设计了本样卷,即改革后四级考试的范型卷。实际考试中,可根据附表中所描述的框架结构,采用与样卷不完全相同的题型。所以考生在备考过程中改错和简要回答也是需要精心准备的。 英语四级新题型分析英语四级新题型分析l语法词汇篇融入其他题型语法词汇篇融入其他题型 自2004年6月以来,语法题就彻底退出了四级舞台,但这并不意味着四级考生可以忽视语法的重要性。在大学英语四级考试(CET-4)试点考试样卷中,第六部分出现了五道汉译英试题,共35分(710分制),当中至少

8、有两道题涉及到了语法知识点;最新样题的第四部分选词填空,既考查考生对词汇意思的掌握,又考查了一些基本的语法知识点。此外词汇部分在改革后的四级中也将不复存在,而将考查融入到了其他部分。在未来新四级中,要求的核心词汇量应在2500词左右。 第二部分第二部分 Cloze for CET-4 完形填空专项完形填空专项 自信才能成功,而自信是建立在对自信才能成功,而自信是建立在对 事物深刻认识的基础之上的。事物深刻认识的基础之上的。一、完型填空题的设计l填空填空(Cloze)又称综合填空,其命题原理是格式塔又称综合填空,其命题原理是格式塔心理学。格式塔心理学强调整体感知,完形填空心理学。格式塔心理学强调





13、学生积极搜集头脑中已有的相关知识,结合文章内容形成对文章的整体把握,我们称之为图式。图式能够帮助我们对文章内容产生期待,能够简化推断,并在随后的阅读中,不断修正,以求与原文一致。比如,lThree girls went walking in the woods. They were enjoying themselves so much that they forgot the time and stayed too long. A dragon kidnapped them. As they were be dragging off. They cried for help. Three h

14、eroes heard the cries and set off their horses to rescue the girls. lOne possible result: The heroes came and fought with the dragon and rescued the girls. Then the heroes returned the daughters to their places. Maybe, you can guess that the three girls married the three men respectively. 如果我们对文章非常熟

15、悉,那么文章内容与你头脑中的图式相结合,你解题将会势如破竹,一发不可收拾。又如: l Writing in a diary, watching television, talking with friends, speaking on the telephone, and reading a menu-what do they have in common? . Thus, _ may be defined as the means by which people exchange feelings and ideas with each other. A. information B. le

16、arning C. communication D. acquisition 步骤二步骤二,选择答案。l有两中选择答案的方法:一,可以不看选项,自己猜测正确答案,然后再在选项当中选择最接近自己猜测的一项。二,可以将选项带入空格内检测。l按照先易后难的原则,即首先选出那些只根据上下文就能确定的直接的明显的答案。这就增强了信心,减轻了心理压力。然后瞻前顾后,不要忘记首尾照应。另外,要牢记文章的中心思想,每个空白处的含义应与前后句的意义联系起来理解。步骤三,为不确定答案寻找线索。 文章前面的空格提出的问题很有可能要到文章的末尾才才能找到答案。所以,对于那些难度颇高的空格只有在字里行间寻找线索。一定要

17、上下连贯,合乎逻辑。步骤四,回头补缺 我们不提倡在一个题上耽误太多的时间。如果有一个不会我们可以暂时放过,继续思路做下面的题,等通篇做完后再回过头来考虑这个选项。切忌,一定要保证思维的连续性和统一性。步骤五,核实答案。 我们可以从以下几方面对所选答案进行核查: 1)所选择的单词或短语是否符合本句内容,使上下文连贯和谐,与全文意义相协调; 2)所选择的单词或短语是否符合某种固定搭配;3)所选择的单词或短语是否符合某种句型、时态、语态的特殊要求,如虚拟语气从句中的谓语动词用原形(过去式、过去完成式);4)所选词本身或附近的词有无特殊要求,如有些动词后面只接动名词而不能接不定式。 5)保持自信,不要

18、轻易否定以前选过的选项。必要时对个别答案仍需推敲,发现不妥,要重新考虑,但应慎重,无确实把握,仍应相信第一印象。三、完型填空题的考察内容|词汇词汇第一、 词义辨析 (词)(单词的掌握,基本义) 例例1 That “something special” was men creative individuals who could invent machines, find new 75 of power, and establish business organizations to reshape society. A) origins (由来,出身) B) sources C) bases

19、D) discoveriesl第二、 形近词辨异例例1 Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper, she 75 everyone that the pilot had fainted and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machines or at least how to drive a car. A) inquired B) insured C) informed D) instructed例例2 Following 88 , the man guided the plane

20、 toward the airfield. A) impression B) information C) inspections D) instructions例例3 Never ask a child whether he likes or dislikes a food and never discuss likes and dislikes in front of him or allow 66 else to do so. A everybody B anybody C somebody D nobody例例4 A. encourages(鼓励) B. enables(使能够) C.

21、 enforces(强制) D. ensures(确保)例例5 A. attraction(吸引力) B. attention(注意力) C. affection(爱情,亲密) D. motion(动作)例例6 (兼考搭配关系) A. interfered(in干涉) B. interrupted (打断,中断) C. discouraged (from不鼓励做) D. disturbed(打扰,干扰)例例7 A. desired(渴望,想得到) B. revised(修订,修正) C. required(需要,要求) D. deserved (值得,应得)第三、 词语搭配例例1 The ma

22、n had to circle the airport several times in order to become 85 with the controls of the plane.A) intimate B) familiar C) understood D) close例例2 Did you ever have someones name on the tip of your tongue and yet you were unable to recall it? When this happens again, do not try to recall it. Do someth

23、ing 73 for a couple of minutes and the name may come into your head.A)simple B) apart C) else D) similar例例3 A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural resources, and labor supply, all these were important factors in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution. But they

24、 were not enough. Something 73 was needed to start the industrial process.A) else B) near C) extra 额外的,不包括其中的 D) similarl例例4 Take it _69_ granted that he likes everything and he probably will A. with B. as C. over D. forl例例5 But these various means of communication differ in important ways _68_ huma

25、n language. A. about B. with C. from D. inl例例6 the great tit(山雀) is a case _77_point. A. in B. at C. of D. for语法:(句)语法:(句)第一、第一、 指代关系指代关系l例例1 The foreign research scholar usually isolates 76 in the laboratory as a means of protection; However, what he needs is to be fitted into a highly organized un

26、iversity system quite different from 79 at home.76. A) himself B) oneself C) him D) one79. A) those B) which C) what D) thatl例例 2 No two speakers speak in exactly the same way. We can always hear differences 74 them,74. A) between B) among C) of D) froml例例 3 We can change an utterance by replacing o

27、ne word in it with _73_. A. ours B. theirs C. another D. othersl例例4 They also suggest that our readers do not call for friends only among those who are most like them, but find many_78_ differ in race. 78. A. people B. who C. what D. friendsl第二、第二、 虚拟语气虚拟语气l例例1 Professors do not have the time to exp

28、lain how a university library works; They expect students, particularly graduate students, to be able to exhaust the reference sources in the library. Professors will help students who need it, but 84 that their students should not be too dependent on them.84. A) hate B) dislike C) like D) preferl例例

29、 2 A geographer might be described as one who observes, records, and explains the differences between places. If places 87 alike, there would be little need for geographers.87. A) being B) are C) be D) werel例例 3but _63_ you were to move the skin you would not tell anything about the race to which th

30、e individual belonged. A. since B. if C. as D. while第三、第三、 倒装倒装知识要点知识要点: 倒装分完全倒装与部分倒装两种类型,重点是部分倒装,即只有系动词、助动词和情态动词参与的倒装。常见的倒装结构可以分为四大类:1、 否定倒装。指否定副词或否定的副词性结构(hardly, seldom, scarcely, never, little, nowhere, not once ,under no circumstances, in no way, no sooner than)用于句首时所导致的倒装。如:Vitamins do not pro

31、vide energy, _42_ do they construct or build any part of the body. A. either B. so C. nor D. never 2、 虚拟倒装。指在IF引导的虚拟条件句中,将IF省略,把should, had, were提至主语前,形成倒装。 e.g. Were I you, Ill never promise to do that.3、 强调倒装。为突出强调某一成分而将它提至句首时,实行倒装:句子结构要求倒装:如: a. so 倒装句 b. 以某些表示肯定的副词开头作状语:only, often, then, so c.

32、以某些表示否定的副词开头作状语;little, hardly, seldom, scarcely, never, nowhere, not once d. 某些表示否定的副词短语开头作状语: under no circumstances, in no way, no sooner than, hardly/scarcely/barelywhen/before e. As作“虽然但是”解时用半倒装。4、 省略倒装。涉及词语包括so, neither, nor l例例 _70_ does size have anything to do with intelligence.lA. Only B.

33、Or C. Nor D. So第四、从句和强调句型 l例例 1 The word geography comes from two Greek words, ge, the Greek word for “earth” and graphing, 75 means “to write”. A) what B) that C) which D) itl例例 2 but a bird has a single alarm cry, _75_ means “danger!” A. this B. that C. which D. itl例例 3 These secondary routes may

34、go up steep slopes, along high cliffs, or down frightening hillsides to towns lying in deep valleys. Through these less direct routes, longer and slower, they generally go to places 88 the air is clean and the scenery (风景) is beautiful, A) there B) when C) which D) where 第三、第三、 语篇考查语篇考查 (篇)(篇)例例 1 T

35、he United States is well-known for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time. Although these wide modern roads are generally smooth and well maintained, with 73 sharp curves and many straight sections, a direct route is not al

36、ways the most _75_ one. Large high ways often pass 76 scenic areas and interesting small towns.l73. A) little B) few C) much D) manyl75. A) terrible B) possible C) enjoyable D) profitablel76. A) to B) into C) over D) by例例 2 When research is assigned, the professor expects the student to take it acti

37、vely and to complete it with 79 guidance. It is the students responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain how a university library works; 79. A) maximum B) minimum C) possible D) practical四、完型填空题的相应对策四、完型填空题的相应对策针对出题者的考察内容,我们有以下相应的对

38、策: 第一种:词义与词形辨析第一种:词义与词形辨析 四级完形考察词汇不外乎同义词、反义词、形近词,和词的精确用法。我们应该了解高频词的近义词、反义词,形近词和词汇的基本义。例如, 1) Geographers compare and contrast _ places in the world. A. similar B. various C. distant D. famous 2) The findings _ that issues of trust and betrayal are central to friendship. A. secure (保护) B. assure(保证)

39、C. confirm(证实 ) D. resolve(决心,解决)3) The big shops, beautifully decorated and brightly lit, stay open long after dark. Shop owners like Christmas because it is a time when people _ presents. A. change B. exchange C. transfer (转移)D. transform (转变)第二种:运用上下文逻辑关系填词。l对上下文逻辑关系的考察是完形填空题区别于对上下文逻辑关系的考察是完形填空题区


41、列、会运用到一些句与句之间的连词来表达并列、转折、对比、列举、原因、结果、让步、补充转折、对比、列举、原因、结果、让步、补充等关系。下面我们给大家一些常考的连接词:等关系。下面我们给大家一些常考的连接词: l表示并列关系的:and, on the one hand, on the other, (也可表对比)l表示转折关系的:however, nevertheless, still, though, yet, in spite of, at any rate, in any case, etc.l表示对比关系的:on the contrary, in contrast, by contrast

42、, in comparison, by comparison, conversely, etc.l表示补充关系的:also, further, furthermore, likewise, similarly, moreover, in addition, whats more, notbut, not only but also, etc.l表示让步关系的:although, though, no matter , even if, l表示原因关系的:because, since, as, for, now that, considering that, seeing that, in th

43、at, in as much as, on account of the fact that, for fear that, on the ground that, etc.l表示结果关系的:so, therefore, thus, hence, accordingly, consequently, as a result, etc.l表示列举关系的:first, second, third,firstly, secondly, next, in the first place, for one thing, to begin with, to conclude, etc.1) There a

44、re four types of blood. _ types are found in every race, and no types is distinct to any race. A. All B. Most C. No D. Some (上下文)2) The foreign research scholar usually isolates himself in the laboratory as a means of protection; _ what he really needs is to be fitted into a highly organized univers

45、ity system. A. otherwise B. moreover C. however D. also (逻辑关系)3) Earths animals are disappearing faster than they reproduce. Because there is too little research and too much ignorance, _ is aware of how much we are losing. A. anyone B. no one C. someone D. either one 4) This act (法案) was formed to

46、protect endangered species. _, land developers and factory owners disagree. A. However B. Furthermore C. Therefore D. Though第三种:固定搭配1) We judge race usually _ the coloring of the race: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a black race. A. in B. from C. at D. on 2) Unlike other social roles

47、that we are expected to _1_- as citizens, employees, members of professional societies and _2_ organizations, it has its own principle. A. keep B. do C. show D. play A. all B. any C. other D. those第四种:结构识别lbut, not only but also, some others, 等词组结构和一些重要的句型结构。There is no doubt that , so/suchthat, the

48、 sameas, it is that强调句型等等。lRich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory. l The harder you work, the more progress you make. 1)They also suggested that our readers do not look for friends only among those who are most like them, _ find many who differ in race. A. o

49、nly B. and C. but D. then2)Lets look at this definition in more detail because it is language, more than anything else, _62_ distinguishes man from the rest of the animal world. A. that B. it C. as D. what 第五种:一些重点单词的特殊用法lProfessors should _ repeating in lectures material that is in the textbook. A.

50、 refuse B. prohibit C. prevent D. avoidlDespite the growing rate of divorce, but couples are now taking a different approach _ those wedding vows(誓言). A. making B. make C. to making D. to make 第六种:语法大项。l对语法的考察主要集中在定语从句、状语从句、非谓语动词、主谓一致、逻辑主语、宾语,句型句式等内容上。学生应加强对此类语法的复习。 l1)The king placed wealth and pow

51、er at Wagners disposal and made possible the building of a place- house, _ Wagners works could be performed (表演). A. and B. because C. there D. wherel2)Formal learning is de-contextualized from daily life and indeed, _ Scibner and Cole have observed, may actually “promote ways of learning and thinki

52、ng ”. A. like B. as C. what D. which 五、完型填空的解题技巧 技巧一:词汇手段(利用词汇复现)1、 原词复现原词复现 例例 1: but it is the subconscious (下意识的) 78 that go to work to dig up a dim memory. Meanwhile, deeper mental activities in the subconscious mind are taking place. A) deeds B) activities C) movements D) procedures2、同根词复现、同根词复

53、现 l例例 1 :Even if a grade is not given, the student is 77 for learning the material assigned. It is the students responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. A) criticized B) innocent C) responsible D) dismissedl例例2: India or West Africa, where there is a long 81 of speaking

54、English for general communication purposes, you should On the other hand, if you live in a country where there is no traditional use of English, A) custom B) use C) tradition D) habitl例3:These firms compete for sales. They try to learn just what the demand will be so that they can supply exactly wha

55、t the consumers want. _ keeps the quality of goods from falling very low. A. Need B. Competition C. Demand D. Consumer 3、上下义或同义词复现、上下义或同义词复现例例 1:Some geography books focus on a small area 77 a town or city. A) outside B) except C) as D) like例例2:Both the visiting professor and his students lack backg

56、round in each others cultures. Some 82 of what is already in the minds of American students is required by the foreign professor. A. concept B. feeling C. plan D. intelligence 例3:As a result, the trip had to be canceled, and they returned home _ and unhappy. A. disappointed B. disappointedly C. tire

57、d D. tiredly 4、解释型复现、解释型复现例1:Our new house is very _ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes. A adaptable B comfortable C convenient D available技巧二:同现技巧二:同现l词汇的同现关系指词汇共同出现的倾向性。在语篇中,围绕一定的话题,一定的词往往会同时出现,这些词语属于同一个词汇套,形成了词汇链,因此,每当我们遇到了其中的一个词语时,根据情境便会联想到词汇套中的其他词语。比如,提到教室一词,下面出现的词可能就是:blackboard

58、, desk, students, chair, floor, lights, etc. 例1:My grandmother worked hard all day, making butter, washing clothes, cleaning the house, and even _ in the field when help was scarce. A. worked B. working C. did D. doing 例2:For example, there was the time I called in a _ to fix my air-conditioner befo

59、re it was too warm. A. worker B. fixer C. repairman D. painter l例3:I usually have the problem of parents coming in and telling me how they really _ their kids. They tell me they stand over them when they do their homework. They check their work and make a big fuss over their grades. They criticize t

60、he kids over everything having to do with school A. like B. treat C. hate D. make 技巧三:同性元素相斥 例: It was a lightweight, 18-pound craft, carrying not animals but sensitive instruments to study the intense bands of energy in space _ the Van Allen radiation belts. A. called as B. that is C. named as D. k

61、nown as l Within the next fifteen years man had gone to the moon, searching beneath its _ and dusty soil for signs of life. A. wet B. damp C. moist D. dry 技巧四:巧用图式 A Pelican holds many fish in its 71. 72 may last a 73, but they wont last a week. A pelican is nearly as tall as you, and its beak is as

62、 long as your arm. A long skin sack, or pouch, hands down from its tremendous beak, 74 it look very different from other birds. The pelican is a great fisherman, and it uses the skin pouch 75 a kind of fishnet. It doesnt fish 76 on the shore or sitting in a boat as people do. It files 77 the top of

63、the water, flapping its huge, strong 78. When it sees a 79 of fish below, it dives into the water, making a big splash and often 80 up several fish in its enormous beak. It squirts the 81 from its beak and leaves the flopping fish in its pouch. Pelicans can fly and 82 gracefully, but you would laugh

64、 to see them 83. They have webbed feet, as ducks do, and on the ground they are even 84 than ducks. They cant sing or whistle 85. They can only grunt. Pelicans 86 in big groups and usually fly in a line and 87 for fish 88. Their 89 are built on the shore with sand, dirt, and a 90 of sticks.l71. A. p

65、awsB. stomachC. beakD. wingsl72. A. ItB. The pelicanC. TheyD. Fishl73. A. dayB. minuteC. secondD. yearl74. A. soB. makingC. makeD. andl75. A. likeB. asC. isD. tol76. A. flyingB. playingC. standingD. walkingl77. A. besideB. besidesC. onD. alongl78. A. beakB. wingsC. mouthD. pouchl79. A. bitB. someC.

66、littleD. schooll80. A. scoopB. scoopingC. pickD. takel81. A. fishB. dirtC. waterD. grassl82. A. swimB. walkC. runD. singl83. A. to walkB. walkC. flyD. to flyl84. A. more lovelyB. more graceful C. clumsierD. clevererl85. A. tooB. as wellC. eitherD. alsol86. A. flyB. walkC. swimD. livel87. A. runB. diveC. swimD. slingl88. A. aloneB. lonelyC. togetherD. on by onel89. A. cavesB. familiesC. homesD. potsl90. A. houseB. floorC. wallD. rooflccabb cdbdb cabcc dbccdl不赞成题海战术,因为四六级知识量有限,过多的新鲜知识让人失去信心要学会研究题目,学会举一反三l词汇是基础,语法是支撑点两者兼顾l要学会学习的迁移无论考试的哪一项,其实都是考察学生的综合能力。l全校学生四级英语成绩通过率达到80%以上



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