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1、Unit-10-A-Day-in-the-Unit-10-A-Day-in-the-Life-of-a-RobotLife-of-a-RobotTextual StructurePart I: Para 1 By 2019, the robot will be in the first phase of a tremendous evolutionary leap.Part II: Para 2-6 The house work will be made much easier because of the robots.Part III: Para 7-8 There will be man

2、y changes in the plants due to the introduction of robots. LeapjumpvigorouslyoveranobstacleCarpsJumping/LeapingovertheDragonGateisaCarpsJumping/LeapingovertheDragonGateisalegendhandeddowninChinaforgenerations.legendhandeddowninChinaforgenerations. leapatsth:acceptstheagerly,withouthesitationTheposto

3、fprincipalofthetheatreschoolbecameThepostofprincipalofthetheatreschoolbecamevacantandheleaptatthechance.vacantandheleaptatthechance.lookbeforeyouleap alargeandimportantchange,increase,oradvanceTherecentyearshasseenaleapincommoditypricesandthenumberofpeopleoutofwork. Leapyearayearwhichhas366days.Thee

4、xtradayisthe29thFebruary.ThereisaleapyearEvery fouryears.C12/13 Dumb unable to speak Shes been dumb from birth. Shes been dumb from birth. stupid or foolish stupid or foolish Those questions were set up by students toThose questions were set up by students tomake their teacher dumb.make their teache

5、r dumb.be struck dumb: left speechless withbe struck dumb: left speechless withhorror, fear, amazementhorror, fear, amazementHe was struck dumb by her sharp question.He was struck dumb by her sharp question. Production lineAssembly lineManyproduction-linetasksincarfactoriesarenowperformedbyrobots.Ph

6、ase particular stage in a process or in thegradual development of somethingMost kids will go through a phase of beingMost kids will go through a phase of beingfaddy about what they eat.faddy about what they eat.Its just a phase. 这只是一个阶段。这只是一个阶段。In/out of phase: Working/not workingWorking/not working

7、together or happening together as they shouldtogether or happening together as they shouldThe two sets of traffic lights were out of phaseThe two sets of traffic lights were out of phaseand several accidents occurred.and several accidents occurred. Futurismmovementinartandliteraturethatabandonedtrad

8、itionandsoughttoexpresstheenergyandgrowthofamodernmechanizedlife-style未来主义未来主义,未来派(主张打破传统的文艺运动未来派(主张打破传统的文艺运动,追求表现现代机械化生活方式的力量与发展)追求表现现代机械化生活方式的力量与发展)Futurist (supporter)offuturism Words about household appliancesFlashlight electric fan Rice cooker electric heater electric vacuum cleanerElectric iro

9、nMicrowave ovenSewing machineElectric shaverWater dispenserCruise: 航游航游;(船等船等)缓慢巡行缓慢巡行; 游弋游弋 a holiday during which you travel on aship or boat There is a girl in California whose dream is toThere is a girl in California whose dream is togo on an ocean cruise.go on an ocean cruise. (a car, ship, or

10、aircraft) moves tosomeplace at a steady comfortable speedThe taxi was cruising down the street in searchThe taxi was cruising down the street in searchof passengers.of passengers. Bruise an injury which appears as a purple mark onan injury which appears as a purple mark onyour body, although the ski

11、n is not brokenyour body, although the skin is not brokenHe was covered in bruises after falling off hisHe was covered in bruises after falling off hisbicycle. bicycle. (fruit, vegetable, or plant) is damaged by(fruit, vegetable, or plant) is damaged bybeing handled roughly, making a mark on thebein

12、g handled roughly, making a mark on theskinskin Deal with care with those peaches, they bruiseDeal with care with those peaches, they bruiseeasily.easily.Dont hurt her feelings she bruises very easily. Dont hurt her feelings she bruises very easily. Conscious knowing what is going on because one is

13、ableknowing what is going on because one is ableto use bodily senses and mental powersto use bodily senses and mental powersHe was in a coma for days, but now hes fullyHe was in a coma for days, but now hes fullyconscious again. conscious again. Conscious of sth/that: aware of sth, noticeConscious o

14、f sth/that: aware of sth, noticeI suddenly became conscious that someoneI suddenly became conscious that someonewas looking at me. was looking at me. (of actions, feelings, etc) intentional(of actions, feelings, etc) intentionalI had to make a conscious effort not to be rudeI had to make a conscious

15、 effort not to be rudeto him. to him. Distinguish see or understand the differencesResearch suggests that babies learn to see byResearch suggests that babies learn to see bydistinguishing between areas of light and dark.distinguishing between areas of light and dark.I can distinguish my roommates by

16、 theirI can distinguish my roommates by theirfootsteps footsteps Distinguish oneself: do something thatmakes one famous or important.She distinguished herself by her coolness andShe distinguished herself by her coolness andbravery.bravery.她因头脑冷静她因头脑冷静她因头脑冷静她因头脑冷静 敢作敢为而为人称道敢作敢为而为人称道敢作敢为而为人称道敢作敢为而为人称道

17、. . Distinguished: showing remarkablequalitiesDistinguished guests ExtinguishFire extinguisherFire hydrantFire alarm Domestic of the home, household or familyShe felt fenced in by domestic routine.She felt fenced in by domestic routine.My husband loves adventurous life while I enjoyMy husband loves

18、adventurous life while I enjoya more peaceful domestic life.a more peaceful domestic life.Domestic violenceWomen are still the main victims of domesticWomen are still the main victims of domesticviolence. violence. of or inside a particular country, notforeign or international GDPGross Domestic Prod

19、uctGross Domestic ProductVoice controlComputer memoriesComputer hard diskUSB (Universal serial bus)通用串行总线通用串行总线 AC AdapterMouse pad:鼠标垫鼠标垫(Alternating current adapter) Voice recognitionSprawlPeople sit or lie down with your legs andarms spread out in a careless way.He was sprawling out on the sofa i

20、n frontof the TV. Sth covers a large area of landThe Birds Nest sprawls over 900 acres onthe edge of the fourth ring road ofBeijing. Compactsmallortakeupverylittlespace,whichisusuallyofgoodqualityThecomputerlookscompactandfunctional.(aperson)smallbutstrong Compactdiscs:smallshinydiscsthatcontainmusi

21、corcomputerinformation.CDTuneHe tuned his violin before he started playing. He tuned his violin before he started playing. In/out of tune: in/not in harmony withThe violin is not quite in tune with thepiano.tuned to sth: adjusted to receive acertain radio or TV programStay tuned to us for the latest

22、 sportsresults.Tune in sthTune in next week at the same time! KeytotheexercisesVocabularyandstructureI1.slid2.distinguishfrom3.unthreatening4.visible5.conscious6.evident7.instructs8.uniqueness9.outofsight10.package11.appliances12.dumbII1.a2.b3.b4.b5.an n1.n nPreset direction roadn nSubjectn n2. act

23、outn n conduct/ have n n3. Internal /externaln n sth concerning family, homen nThe ability to remember / memorize / recite sth.n nA device used to store information/ datan nA factory where power is generatedn nA living thing growing on the earth.III1.freezer2.housekeeper3.vacuumcleaner4.microwaveove


25、arelywilltherebeaboyasintelligentasheis.V1.a.Athree-monthworkingexperienceinthefactorymightbeadisappointment.b.Goingabroadforthefirsttimemightbeadisappointmenttostudents.c.Afirst-timevisittothemuseummightbeadisappointmenttoforeigners.n nNapoleon Hills is one of those it-seemed-to-be-bad-but-it-turne

26、d-out-good stories. 2.a.Standingbesidethedoorwouldbehisfamilytutor.b.Hiddeninthedrawerwouldbehispoems.c.Foldedcarefullyunderthepillowwouldbehisfamilyletters.3.a.Theimportanceofscoringhighwillbeevidentassoonasyoustartjob-hunting.b.Theseriousnessofthesituationisevidentassoonasthetwosidesheldthepeaceta

27、lk.c.Thebeautyofsceneryisonlyevidentassoonasyoutakepictures.n nWhat a scene outside the window!n nI enjoy the scenery of China.n nInstitute Massachusetts Institute of Technoloy MITn nInstitution higher learning institutionsVI1.first-time2.appliances3.preselect4.slideout5.simply6.delay7.preprogrammed


29、rroomB 1.Armiesofvisitorsswarmedintothemuseum.2.Whenbaby-sitting,mothersshouldkeepkidsinsight.3.Thedriverlesscarheadedfortheairportalongpremappedcourse.4.Hetookbigleapsinhisstudywhenhewasinseniorhighschool.5.Theuniquenessofthefreezeristhatitislinkedtoaminicomputer.n nIf you cant change it, just celebrate it.n nIntroduce an useful book or a net.n nIt must include:n nname, title, introduction of the contentsn nThe inspiration you have got from it. 结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!40



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