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1、Unit 3Topic 2Unit 3Topic 2What sweet music !What sweet music !Section A李会李会My heart will go on 我心永恒我心永恒Celine Dion 席琳狄翁席琳狄翁Singer 歌手It sounds great / beautiful ! Concert: Celine DionTime: 7:30p.m.Dec.7thPlace: the Music HallTicket:100 yuantapesJackSallyListening(听力听力)Listen to the conversation and a

2、nswer the following questions.1、What is Sally going to do this Sunday evening ? -.2、Is Jack going to the concert ? - She is going to a concert .No, he isnt .Jack: : What are you going to do this Sunday evening?Sally: Im going to a concert.Jack : : How exciting ! Who is going to sing at the concert ?

3、Sally: Celine Dion . Do you know My Heart Will Go On ?Jack : : Yes . Is that her song ?Sally: Right . And it sounds beautiful !Jack : : Where is she going to give the concert ?Sally: At the Music Hall .Jack : Oh, wonderful ! What time is it going to start ?Sally: At 7:30 p.m. Why not come with me ?J

4、ack : Id like to, but I am going to take English lessons in Renai English language School . Sally: Thats too bad ! Hmm I can lend you some tapes of her songs. I think you will enjoy them .Jack : Thanks a lot .Discussion(讨论)1.小组讨论勾出有用的表达以及重难点2.小组合作找出感叹句(exclamatory sentences),并总结出感叹句的结构!重点(重点(importa

5、nt points)1. at the concert. 在音乐会上在音乐会上2.go on 继续继续3.at the music hall 音乐大厅音乐大厅4.What time 对时间提问对时间提问5.Id like to6.Why not come with me? 7. lend sb sth 把把借给借给.= .= lend sth to sb borrow.from从从借借=why dont youhow aboutwhat about.= I d love to 我乐意我乐意难点难点(Difficult points)文中的感叹句)文中的感叹句How exciting!It so

6、unds beautiful!Wonderful!Thats too bad!What sweet music!我会总结我会总结: What+(aan)形容词形容词+名词名词 !How +形容词形容词(或者副词或者副词) !Practice(练习)(练习)1.The concert is going to start at 9:00pm(对划线部分提问)_ _ is the concert going to start?2.Why not go shopping?(变成同义句)_ _ _ go shopping?_ _ going shopping?3. I lent him a pen(变成

7、同义句)I _ a pen _ him.He_ a pen_ meWhat timeyoudont Why How aboutlenttoborrowedfrom a lovely baby!what lovely(可爱的)! How_beautiful flowers!what beautiful!how用what 和 how填空根据下面海报内容,每组编一段像根据下面海报内容,每组编一段像1a的对话。每个小组中的成员,可以自的对话。每个小组中的成员,可以自由组合,但是必须全部参加共同来完由组合,但是必须全部参加共同来完成这个对话,其他小组组仔细听,挑成这个对话,其他小组组仔细听,挑出他们的错

8、误,挑出一个,可得一分,出他们的错误,挑出一个,可得一分,看看哪个小组最棒?得分最多?(评看看哪个小组最棒?得分最多?(评分标准:根据语音语调的标准和声音分标准:根据语音语调的标准和声音大小评分,最高可达大小评分,最高可达5分)分)Place: Ziru SquareTime: 8:00p.m .Dec.23thTicket(门票门票): 100Want to spend a wonderful evening ?Want to see your favorite pop singer?Want to enjoy exciting hip hop ?(嘻哈乐(嘻哈乐,一种一种说唱的音乐形式)说

9、唱的音乐形式) Come and join us!设计海报包括哪些内容?设计海报包括哪些内容?1. Who is going to sing at the concert?2. Where is she going to give the concert?3. What time is it going to start?4.Summary (小结)1.学习了一些生单词以及一些有学习了一些生单词以及一些有用的表达用的表达2.学习了感叹句学习了感叹句3.学习了怎么样写海报?学习了怎么样写海报?Keep trying! I believe you will win next time!Which group is the NO.1?今天哪个小组最棒今天哪个小组最棒 我们学校我们学校12月月24日将要举行圣诞节晚会,日将要举行圣诞节晚会,每个小组设计一份海报。邀请全校师生参每个小组设计一份海报。邀请全校师生参加!加! 提示:提示:Christmas Party 活动时间:活动时间:12月月24日日 活动地点:学校操场活动地点:学校操场 (on the playground) 小组动手制作海报小组动手制作海报Homework(作业)



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