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1、Choose to Be Alone on PurposeBook 4 Unit 5Choose to Be Alone on Purpose Background Information Watch and Discuss Structure Analysis Detailed Study of the Text Exercises Henry David Thoreau (18171862) U.S. thinker, essayist, and naturalist. Born in Concord, Mass, he graduated from Harvard University

2、and taught school for several years before deciding to become a poet of nature. In the years 18451847, to demonstrate how satisfying a simple life could be, he lived in a hut beside Concords Walden Pond; essays recording his daily life were assembled for his masterwork, Walden (1854). John Milton En

3、glish poet (16081674). Milton attended Cambridge University (16251632), where he wrote poems in Latin, Italian, and English. His epic masterpieces include Paradise Lost (1667) , Paradise Regained (1671), an epic in which Christ overcomes Satan the tempter, and Samson Agonistes (1671) considered seco

4、nd only to W. Shakespeare in the history of English-language poetry, Milton had animmense influence on later literature. William Wordsworth English poet (17701850). Orphaned at 13, Wordsworth attended Cambridge Univ., but remained rootless and virtually penniless until 1795, when a legacy made possi

5、ble a reunion with his sister D. Wordsworth. He became friends with S. T. Coleridge, with whom he wrote Lyrical Ballads (1798), the collection often considered to have launched the English Romantic Movement. In 1843 he became Englands poet laureate. He is regarded as the central figure in the initia

6、tion of English Romanticism. Women in US living alone1.Why are there more and more American women choosing to be alone?2.How to explain this phenomenon?视频视频播放播放Main idea of the text ? The reading passage focuses on a social phenomenon choosing to be alone on purpose. The passage mainly tells us: wha

7、t living alone is, what people think of living alone, who prefer living alone, the authors comments on living alone and what he advises for living in solitude. Living alone a common social phenomenon.Part I (para. 1)Part II (para. 2)What do people think of livingalone?The author mentions 3 famous li

8、terary giants who choose to be alone and tells us what message we can draw from the people who choose to be alone. Part (paras. 3-10)The author makes his comments on living alone. Part (paras. 11-16)e.g.She did it on purpose, of course. 她当然是故意那样做的。1. to be alone on purpose, (Para. 2) purposely 故意的on

9、 purposee.g.We have found a meetingplace that will serve our purpose. 我们找到了一个很合适的会址。 e.g.Its evident that she spoke to the purpose at the meeting. 她在会上的发言很中肯,这是很明显的。扩展扩展e.g.He managed to seek out his friend in the crowd. 他设法在人群中找出了自己的朋友。 2. They all speak highly of themselves for seeking it out, (Pa

10、ra. 3)find sth. or sb. by looking hard 找出,搜寻出 seek oute.g.She is beautiful and benign and the embodiment of all the finest qualities of a loyal and loving wife.她非常漂亮温柔,体现了一位忠贞可爱的妻子的全部美德。 3. “How graceful, hoe benign, is solitude,” he wrote. (Para. 4)benign a. kind and gentle 善良的,慈祥的4. he calls the g

11、irls to come back and write it down while he dictates. (Para. 6) e.g.She spent the morning dictating letters toher secretary.她花了一上午向她的秘书口述信件。dictatev. speak sth. aloud for another person or for a machine to record the words said 听写,口授5. The larger the ego, the less the need for other egos around. (P

12、ara. 10) n. ones idea or opinion of oneself, or a great feeling of ones own importance and ability 自我,自尊心egoe.g.Im glad she got the job she needed something to boost her ego.我很高兴她得到了那份工作她需要那份工作来增强她的自尊心。 e.g.That man has got such an enormous ego Ive never known anyone sofull of themselves. 那个人非常自负,我从

13、来没有见过那么以自我为中心的人。egoism: n.自我主义;自私;利己egoist: n.自私自利者;自我中心者egoistic(al): a.自私自利的;利己主义的 ego-trip: n.(俚)以自我为中心的活动e.g.Her life is just one big ego-trip. 她的一生都是以自我为中心的。 扩展扩展e.g.I do quite a humble job at the hospital.我在医院从事很普通的工作。6. The more modest and humble we feel, the more we suffer from solitude. (Pa

14、ra. 10)adj. having a low opinion of oneself 谦逊的,谦虚的e.g.He strikes me as a very humble person. 他的谦虚给我留下了深刻的印象。humbleIm your humble servant.7. you can stretch out your soul (Para. 11)lengthen sth. by pulling; cause to reach forward, as with the hands 拉长,伸长,伸出e.g.He stretched out on the grass. 他手脚伸开着躺在

15、草地上。 stretch oute.g.She doesnt have all the qualifications but I think we should stretch a point in her favour. 她并非全部合格,但我认为我们可以为她放开一些限制。扩展扩展stretch ones legs 去散步 8. people we can call to say we lost our job or fell on a slippery floor and broke our arm.(Para12)a. 1) difficult to hold or to stand on

16、, drive on, etc. 滑的e.g.The roads are slippery after the rain.雨后道路很滑。slipperye.g.Once youve given in to temptation for the first time youre on the slippery slope. 一旦你经不住第一次诱惑,以后就无法抵制得住。e.g.Hes as slippery as an eel you can never get a straight answer out of him.他像鳝鱼般难以捉摸你永远不可能从他口里得到直接的回答。a. 2) not to

17、 be trusted, shifty圆滑e.g.She was choked with anger.她气得说不出话来。9. and observations and opinions that backs up and chokes us. (Para. 12)v. 1)become or make sb. Become unable to speak 说不出话来e.g.The surprise farewell party left them all choked up. 这一意外的告别聚会令他们激动得说不出话来。choke扩展扩展e.g.He was pretty choked abou

18、t being dropped from team. 他因为队里未重用他而耿耿于怀。e.g.An elderly man choked to death in his home.昨天一个老人在家因窒息而死。2)stop or partly stop breathing 窒息choked: a. 心烦,愤怒。通常做表语。短语短语choke sth. back 克制,抑制 choke sb. off 粗鲁地或突然阻止某人choke sth. down 困难地咽下某物 choke sth. up with sth. 用某物填满某物10. opinions that backs up and (Par

19、a 12)2) support, esp. in an argument 支持back upe.g.The correspondence has been backing up for several days.待处理的信件已积压了好几天。1) cause to block up使积压,使拥塞e.g.The policeman wouldnt have believed me if you hadnt backed me up. 如果当时你不支持我,警察是不会相信我的。They are worried that the other side will _ of the agreements.

20、Even though it was obvious her ideas were unworkable, she wouldnt _. The child _ from the big dog. 扩展扩展back down: 放弃主权,要求等,让步,屈服 back out:退出协议,撤回承诺等,有时与of 连用。back away:(因恐惧或厌恶而)后退,退缩。back out back downbacked away 他们担心对方不履行协议尽管她的意见显然不可行但是她仍不放弃。 那小孩向后退躲开那条大狗。 11. talk at length to ourselves(Para. 13)1

21、)for a long time or in great detail长久地,详尽地, 2)侧重从全面广泛的角度来来描述某事物。at length e.g.He talked at length about his childhood.他详细地谈了他童年的经历。e.g.At length there came the step upon the stair, upon the lock the old familiar hand. 终于从楼梯上传来了脚步声响,门把上又重现那以往熟悉的手。2) in the end 终于,最后读写教程读写教程IVIV: Ex. , p. 124Ex. , p.

22、124读写教程读写教程读写教程读写教程IVIV: Ex. , p. 124: Ex. , p. 124读写教程读写教程读写教程读写教程IVIV: Ex. , p. 125: Ex. , p. 125读写教程读写教程读写教程读写教程IVIV: Ex. , p. 125: Ex. , p. 125读写教程读写教程读写教程读写教程IVIV: Ex. , p. 126: Ex. , p. 126读写教程读写教程读写教程读写教程IVIV: Ex. , : Ex. , p.127p.127读写教程读写教程读写教程读写教程IVIV: Ex. : Ex. , p. , p. 127127读写教程读写教程读写教

23、程读写教程IVIV: Ex. : Ex. , p.128, p.128读写教程读写教程读写教程读写教程IVIV: Ex. X, p.128: Ex. X, p.128II. Answer the following questions.1.Why is loneliness called a national disease of the U.S.? All 22 million of people live alone, which suggests that it is an overwhelming phenomenon in the United States. Because the

24、y can find inspiration in solitude. The more capable the person is of thinking on his own, the less his need for staying with others. 2. According to the passage, why do poets like the solitary condition? 3.What can be learned from Thoreaus choice of the solitary way of life? It depends. If he lives

25、 with them, the friends temporary leaving will be received as a welcome change. However, if he lives alone, the temporary absence of friends will leave him nothing but the feeling of emptiness. 4. How will the temporary absence of friends and acquaintances affect a person?The need to talk is the mos

26、t basic need of a solitary person. 5. Why is it important for a person living alone to talk to others?6. Who may the person living in solitude talk to? He may call friends to tell them important things, or talk to himself, his pets, the television, or even to strangers in the supermarket. He should

27、stay rational, settle himself in a comfortable and pleasant way and wait for anything happy that may happen. 7. How is a solitary man advised to enjoy his life? As ordinary peoples solitary condition of living differs from that of the great minds like the poets and philosophers, they should cherish

28、the thought that “since we are here, we may as well stay and make the best of it”.8. What can be inferred from the passage about the authors attitudes towards ordinary peoples condition of living alone?1. Though he did not d_ he went at a pace slow enough for the listeners to take down a lot of what

29、 he said.2. She could not wait for daybreak and called her friend up at midnight to tell her the unpleasant experience that c_ her.III. Complete the following sentences with the help of the first letters. Fill in each blank with one word only. ictatehoked3. Employees at h_ posts have to carefully we

30、igh up the employers words and closely watch his expression.4. Public confidence in the administration of j_ by police and courts has half-collapsed, and it has to be rebuilt.5. I think it is a good idea to have a trip in the cold and wet weather, but you have to go well prepared with a map and comp

31、ass and warm w_ clothing.aterproofusticeumble6. It was expected that identifying and resurfacing s_ roads would reduce skidding (打滑打滑) accidents by 1,800 a year.7. While William Wordsworth was outdoors creating p_, his sister Dorothy managed the household chores (家庭杂务家庭杂务) indoors.8. Although his au

32、thority was s_, he preferred to regard himself not as a dictator but as a partner, acting together with directors, players and everyone else in the club in a common purpose. lipperyoetryupreme1. People refused to talk to him after the scandal and he was discarded by the best society. IV. Replace the

33、 underlined words or expressions in the following sentences with words or expressions from the text that best keep the original meaning.cast out2. Thoreau didnt require any company, instead, he had the strong desire to be left in the hut all alone. 3. At the weekend we are usually allowed to go to b

34、ed later than usual to watch TV. all by himselfstay up late4. Even when he was in the primary school, he had a great liking for football. 5. The story line was so fascinating that she finished reading the book without a break. 6. The ditches were full of mud and rubbish again after the pouring rain.

35、 was fond ofat one sittingfilled up with7. The writer has a high opinion of Thoreaus living all by himself at Walden Pond. 8. Some poets and philosophers think they have found by looking hard inspiration in solitude. speaks highly ofhave sought outV. Look at the following sentence taken from your re

36、ading passage. Just think about what else you can “reject” and fill in the sentences with the right words. 1. Consequently, it is not surprising that in this period the main philosophical schools tended to reject the id_ of progress and to hold cyclical views concerning the nature of time. ea2. But

37、Palestinians rejected the of_ and said they could not resume peace talks until all their requests were satisfied. fer3. Today, nearly a thousand bus drivers, engineers, and clerical workers were going to vote on whether to accept or reject the pro_, which also includes a cut in bank holiday pay. pos

38、al 4. Rather than reject the be_ of Marxism on the grounds that it had not been proved by history, he sought to account for Marxism through an analysis of the specific history of the former Soviet Union. lief5. The bank may reject your re_ for a loan because it thinks you are unable to pay back in d

39、ue time.quest 6. He argues to say that to reject the con_ from the church is not to suggest that people would not believe in the existence of God. trol7. He rejected the pro_ offered by the company by saying that he would rather have a free will as to his own future and would not be restricted by th

40、e contract for the new promotion. motion8. During the Anti-Japanese War many Chinese people rejected pro_ made in Japan as a part of their patriotic (爱国的爱国的) movement. ducts1. The repairs cost almost double what I thought they would. I really _ how much damage was done. VI. Now study the meaning of

41、the following words and then complete the sentences with some of these words. underestimatedover-anxiousoverload oversleep overestimateoverheatoverchargeover-react underestimateunderprepared underweightunderpaid under-capacity under-financed underdeveloped over-anxiousoverload oversleep overestimate

42、overheatoverchargeover-react underestimateunderprepared underweightunderpaid under-capacity under-financed underdeveloped 3. I missed the train this morning because I _ again. 2. Many people there complained that they were overworked but _. underpaidoversleptover-anxiousoverload oversleep overestima

43、teoverheatoverchargeover-react underestimateunderprepared underweightunderpaid under-capacity under-financed underdeveloped 4. _ countries should be assisted by allowing them access to information technologies so that one day they can cruise alongside the developed countries on the Information Super

44、highway.Underdevelopedover-anxiousoverload oversleep overestimateoverheatoverchargeover-react underestimateunderprepared underweightunderpaid under-capacity under-financed underdeveloped 6. He claimed the taxi driver _ him by $10, and decided to make a complaint. 5. The Sales Director _ the demand a

45、nd the company was consequently left with 20,000 unsold copies.overestimatedoverchargedover-anxiousoverload oversleep overestimateoverheatoverchargeover-react underestimateunderprepared underweightunderpaid under-capacity under-financed underdeveloped 7. In this underdeveloped country, nearly a thir

46、d of the children are severely _. 8. The pilot warned him that the plane was _ and wouldnt fly. underweightoverloadedVII. Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in brackets. 1. The tutor _ the instructions so that the children could understand them. (simple)

47、simplified2. Oh no, the lights have gone out again! This time wed better call the _. (electric) electrician4. Latest tests on the Queen Mother, who _ an hour-long throat operation on Thursday night, had proved satisfactory, said a spokesman for Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. (go) underwent3. Since the 11

48、 September attack, many people in the country have been pessimistic about the prospects of economic _ within a few years. (recover) recovery 6. Use a red pencil to _ all the foods or meals you think are not so good for you and should be restricted. (line) underline5. His life story is recounted (复述复

49、述) in two fascinating volumes of his _. (biography 传记传记) autobiography8. Please do not _ if your child gets into trouble at school. (react) over-react7. A police helicopter had evacuated (撤离撤离) people from the roof of the north tower in February 1993, after a _ bomb exploded in the basement. (terror

50、) terrorist The more openly you and your doctor can talk together, the better the service your doctor will be able to give you. VIII. We often use “the. the.” with the comparative to say that two changes happen together. Combine the following sentences with “the. the.”. 1. You and your doctor can ta

51、lk together more openly. Your doctor will be able to give you the better service. (the more. the better.) The more a nations companies locate factories abroad, the smaller will be the countrys recorded exports. The more Renee Henry learnt about the therapy, the more she became convinced that it was

52、right for her. 2. Renee Henry learnt about the therapy the more. She became more convinced that it was right for her. (the more. the more.) 3. A nations companies locate more factories abroad. The countrys recorded exports will be smaller. (the more. the smaller.) Remember that the less processed a

53、food, the higher its mineral and vitamin content. The less exercise you do, the more unfit you will become, and the harder everyday tasks will seem. 5. Remember that if a food is less processed, its mineral and vitamin content is high. (the less. the higher.) 4. You do less exercise. You will become

54、 more unfit. Everyday tasks will seem hard to you. (the less. the more. the harder.) IX. Translate part of the sentences using “may/might as well”. “May/might as well” is used to say that we should do something because there is nothing better, more interesting, more useful, etc. to do. 1. My father

55、always gets information from the local library. _ _. (你不妨去那儿看看有没有你(你不妨去那儿看看有没有你需要的资料)需要的资料) You might as well go there to see whether there is the information you need 3. They are missing you very much. _ _ _.(你不妨打电话告诉他们你(你不妨打电话告诉他们你要去看望他们)要去看望他们) You may as well ring and tell them youre going to vi

56、sit them 2. While you live alone, you can do as you like. _. (我们不(我们不妨称之为自由吧)妨称之为自由吧) We might as well call it freedom 5. This passage is too difficult for us to read. _. (我们不妨找一篇容易一些的读(我们不妨找一篇容易一些的读吧)吧) We might / may as well find an easier one to read 4. Its no good waiting for the bus. _ _. (我们不妨

57、走回家吧我们不妨走回家吧) We might / may as well walk home 1. 诗诗人人和和哲哲学学家家都都因因能能够够独独处处而而自自视视甚甚高高,从从独独处处中他中他们们能能获获取灵感取灵感。 Poets and philosophers all speak highly of themselves for seeking out solitude, from which they can draw inspiration. X. Translate the following sentences into English.speak highly of oneself

58、 seek out solitudedraw inspiration 2. 感感觉觉谦谦卑卑的的人人往往往往易易受受孤孤独独的的折折磨磨,感感到到仅仅仅仅与自己相与自己相处远远处远远不不够够,渴望有人做伴,渴望有人做伴。 A humble person tends to suffer from solitude, feeling himself inadequate company, longing for others to be around. feel himself inadequate companysuffer from solitudelong for others to be

59、around3. 那那位位寡寡居居的的老老太太太太实实在在太太孤孤独独了了,她她会会和和在在超超市市遇遇到到的的陌陌生生人人唠唠唠唠叨叨叨叨地地说说上上老老半半天天她她的的宠宠物物。 The widowed old lady was so lonely that she would talk at length to the strangers in the supermarket about her pets. talk at length aboutthe widowed old lady4. 孤孤独独的的感感觉觉时时起起时时落落,但但我我们们却却永永远远需需要要与与人人交交谈谈,把每日看

60、到的想到的,把每日看到的想到的琐琐事向人事向人倾诉倾诉。 The condition of loneliness rises and falls, but our need to talk goes on forever the need of telling someone the daily succession of small observations and opinions. the daily succession of small observations and opinionsrise and fall5. 对对一一个个独独居居的的人人来来说说,重重要要的的是是保保持持理理

61、性性,安安顿顿下下来来,使使自自己己过过得得舒舒服服,并并在在自自身身的的条条件下件下发现发现一些一些优优雅和雅和乐乐趣趣。 To a person living alone, its important to stay rational and settle down and make himself comfortable, and find some grace and pleasure in his condition. settle down stay rationalfind some grace and pleasure in ones condition6. 若若与与别别人人同

62、同住住,你你会会在在与与他他们们小小别别时时感感觉觉耳目一新耳目一新。 If you live with other people, their temporary absence can be refreshing. refreshingtemporary absence7. 科科学学调调查查表表明明,独独居居的的人人会会对对着着自自己己、对对着着宠宠物、物、对对着着电视电视机机唠唠叨不休叨不休。 Scientific surveys show that those who live alone talk at length to themselves and their pets and the television. talk at length those who live alone8. 重重要要的的是是不不再再等等待待,安安顿顿下下来来,使使自自己己过过得得舒服,至少舒服,至少暂时暂时要要这样这样。 Its important to stop waiting and settle down and make ourselves comfortable, at least for the time being. at least for the time beingmake oneself comfortable



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