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1、1 外研版三年级下册教案(共45 课时)外研版三年级下册教案(共45 课时) . 1Module 1 Unit 1 It s the ABC songs. 3第一课时 . 3第二课时 . 4第三课时 . 4Module 1 Unit 2 My favourite colour is yellow. . 5第一课时 . 5第二课时 . 6第三课时 . 6Module 2 Unit 1 they re monkeys . 7第一课时 . 7第二课时 . 7Module 2 Unit 2 That man is short. . 9第一课时 . 9第二课时 . 9第三课时 . 10 Module 3

2、 unit 1 I like football. . 11 第一课时 . 11 第二课时 . 12 Module3 Unit2 I don t like riding bikes. . 13 第一课时 . 13 第二课时 . 14 Module 4 Food Unit 1 Do you like meat? . 15 第一课时 . 15 第二课时 . 17 Module 4 Unit 2 Does Lingling likes oranges? . 18 第一课时 . 18 第二课时 . 19 第三课时 . 19 Module 5 Unit 1 She goes to school on Mo

3、ndays . 20 第一课时 . 20 第二课时 . 21 Module5 Unit 2 Does your mum go to work on Saturdays? . 22 第一、二课时. 22 第三课时 . 23 Module 6 Unit1 What do you do on Sundays? . 24 第一课时 . 24 第二课时 . 25 Module 6 Unit 2 What does Lingling have at school? . 26 第一课时 . 26 第二课时 . 27 Module7 unit 1 We fly kites in spring. . 28 2

4、第一课时 . 28 第二课时 . 29 Module7 Unit 2 It s warm today. 30 第一课时 . 30 第二课时 . 31 Module8 Unit1 It s on your desk. . 32 第一课时 . 32 第二课时 . 33 Module8 Unit 2 Daming flies a kite in the park. . 34 第一课时 . 34 第二课时 . 35 Module9 Unit1 I ve got a new book. . 36 第一课时 . 36 第二课时 . 37 Module 9 Unit 2 Has Amy got a bike

5、? . 38 第一课时 . 38 第二课时 . 40 Module10 unit 1 Here is a red hat. . 41 第一课时 . 41 第二课时 . 42 Module10 unit 2 She s got an orange sweater. 43 第一课时 . 43 第二课时 . 44 3 Module 1 Unit 1 It s the ABC songs. 教学目标1.知识技能目标:能听说读写26 个英文字母。能正确识别印刷体、手写体大小写字母。2.文化目标:学习语句Whats your favourite song? It s the ABC Song. 3.情感、

6、 :对学生进行爱国主义教育,培养学生养成良好的学习习惯。教学重难点1.听说读写 26个英文字母。2.掌握字母书写规范,正确辨认大小写及印刷体与手写体。3.单词句子: favourite song alphabet Whats your favourite song? Its the ABC Song. 教学准备准备头饰,录音机,字母卡片,单词缩写挂图,英、美、中国国旗、奖品等。预习要求我会唱 ABC 字母歌。我会听、说、读、写新单词。教学过程第一课时1.Greetings 2.导入。 (5 分钟)3. 热身活动:组内复习歌唱上学期所学的歌曲,并交流自己最喜欢的是哪首英文歌曲我最喜欢的歌曲是:

7、_ 4. 小组内按照 14 的顺序练习问答句:Whats your favourite song? Its the ABC song. 5. 小组成员多种形式展示问答(如一人问,三人答;两人问,两人答;齐问齐答;循环问答;也可将句中的单词做替换问答等)。6. 听录音,看黑板,学唱字母歌。要求:看着黑板上的字母,第一、二遍安静地听;第三遍在心里跟唱;第四遍小声跟唱,只让自己听见;第五遍大声跟唱,唱出我们的风采。组内练习,大声唱出字母歌。7. 比一比:小组内快速按照字母歌的顺序排列26 个字母。8. 将全班分为4 组,再放歌曲,让每组依次唱其中的一行。4 第二课时一、写字母1. 告诉学生,表中字母

8、有的是大写,有的是小写;告诉学生句子以及特定名词的首字母都要大写,有时为了引起注意,我们也会将词语的全部大写。2. 每人选一个字母,把它写在一张大纸上。然后,唱字母歌,唱道自己所写的字母时,把纸举起来。3. 看课本上的图,仔细观察每一个字母的特征小组讨论4. 大声齐读 Whats your favourite song? 想一下问号的用法5. 字母录音歌回放,跟唱并指向对应的图画。二、快乐小游戏1)找朋友游戏:带头饰的同学走到教室前说出字母之后将头饰传给别的没有头饰的同学( Play a game of looking for friendsFor example,B:A-B-C Then s

9、ay G:F-G-H,J:I-J-K,Q:P-Q-R,W:V-W-X )2)听歌曲,默写字母接力赛,发给每组一张四线格纸,每组学生按字母顺序一人写一个,看哪组写得又快又好,获胜者得红旗。第三课时(一)、我能行。用 Whats your favourite_造句。(二)、练习1、听一听,读一读唱一唱。英语字母歌2、想一想,连一连。A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X W Z Q w e r t y u I o p a s d f g h j k l z x c v b n m 3、我有慧眼说出它们的区别C(G) O(Q) P(R B) N

10、(W M) E(F) N(V)板书设计Unit1 Its the ABC Song.Whats your favourite?My favouriteis .5 Module 1 Unit 2 My favourite colour is yellow. 教学目标1.知识技能目标:能听说读写26 个英文字母。能正确识别印刷体、手写体大小写字母。2.文化目标:学习语句Whats your favourite colour? My favourite colour is 教学重难点1.听说读写 26个英文字母。2.掌握字母书写规范,正确辨认大小写及印刷体与手写体,用英文书写自己的名字。3.单词句子

11、: colour letter 教学准备字母表预习要求写字母教学过程第一课时一、Warming up: 1. Sing ABC song.二、Revisions:1. Recite the letters together. 2. Recite the letters one by one. 3. 教师出示字母卡片,学生快速读出字母。4. 教师说出一个字母,学生快速说出后一个字母。5. 快速读出字母。屏幕上一个一个出示字母,每个字母用不同的颜色表示, 每出现一个字母 , 问Whats this? What colour is it ? f, a, v, o, u, r, i, t, e, ye

12、s, it s favourite. My favourite colour is red. Whats your favourite colour? 启发学生用 Its .来回答问题。三、New lessons:1.教师说: My favourite colour is . 问学生 : Whats your favourite colour? 启发学生用 Its .来回答问题,或者用I love 来回答(板书)2.学习新单词: love every 3.看幻灯片,将单词与相对应的汉语连线, 请学生到前面来完成练习, 边做边问,Whats your favourite colour? Now

13、listen, point and read. (twice) 4. Ask the kids to read the sentences one by one. 5. Ask the kids to talk about their favourite colour: My name is . My favourite colour is . After talking, teacher says, This is . Her / His favourite colour is .6 第二课时一、Play the game. Look and do. 二、Make and do. Make

14、your name card and line up. 学写自己的名字,并且介绍自己的名字。三、Homework:1. Listen to the tape 3 times. 2. Read the text loudly. 3. Prepare Module 2. 第三课时Module 1 复习教学目标: 让学生进一步熟悉认读单词学会字母 A B C 教学过程:1 让学生领读单词2 检查单词拼写3 检查课文读、背。4 做配套练习册板书设计Unit2 Whats your favourite colour?My favourite colour is.7 Module 2 Unit 1 the

15、yre monkeys教学目标(1)能听、说、读、写本节课的词语。(2)能听、说、读本节课的课文内容。(3)进一步巩固 Whats this? Its/What are they? They re句型。教学重难点变被动学习为主动学习, 在英语学习活动中形成主动开口说英语的习惯,体验用英语进行交际的乐趣。教学准备英语卡片教学过程第一课时(一)热身复习( Warm-up/Revision)教师用动作比划单词, 孩子看一看,举出相应的单词卡片。 孩子在小组中做游戏。(二) 呈现新课(Presentation )1、导入:熊猫来跟大家打招呼,欢迎小朋友去zoo 参观: Good morning, Im

16、 Jingjing. Nice to meet you.让生也跟熊猫打招呼,复习 hello, I m,nice to meet you.句型。让生跟着熊猫一起去公园走一走,看一看。2、齐读课题: Module 2 /Unit 1 Theyre monkeys 3、出示一张有着很多动物的动物园照片,问生都知道他们分别是谁?然后展示动物是如何介绍自己的,让生学会注意倾听,学会动物名称。4、让生自学单词,师范读,教读,学生个别读,小组读,掌握其读音。5、Guessing game (1)孩子们把自己的毛绒玩具都摆到讲台桌上,请一个孩子描述自己的玩具,大家猜一猜。小组比赛的形式进行,哪组在规定的时间

17、里猜到的多,就获胜。(2)出示一张张的动物图片,遮住大部分部位,让学生猜是什么动物。用英文猜出,在玩游戏的同时掌握单词。第二课时6、Look at this animal. What s this? (幻灯片出示:老虎 ) Yes. Its tiger. Look at it. (板书出示单词: tiger.ts a tiger. )教读, there is another animal coming. what s this?(狮子、大象,举一反三 ) 幻灯片出示猴子图片, look at the animal,What are they? they re monkeys, 幻灯片出示熊猫图

18、片, Look ,its panda, 7、 Read the text with partners. Try to recite the dialogue. 展现课件,上面很清晰地打出对话, 跟一个学生做一个例子给全班孩子看,然后出示四张图片, 请孩子仿8 照老师的例子跟同桌造对话。 (图片上会出现一些新的动物单词,拓展学生的单词量) 。8、趣味操练(Practice) (1)将课件中的声音关闭,为其中的人物配音。(2)让学生拿出事先准备好的玩具。先将学生手中的各个玩具单词说一说,然后教师做示范请一名学生上讲台前,教师指着学生手中的玩具说:Look !Its tiger.之后,请几个能力较强

19、的学生说说手中动物玩具。(3)让学生以小组为单位,继续练习简单小动物的句子。在此处,教师提示学生注意 Whats this? It s/What are they? They re句型,教师请每组派两名学生到讲台前表述组里的人或小动物玩具。(4)做 Lets play 部分的练习。按照课本中所呈现的方式,教师先拿出一个小猪的面具,请一名学生到讲台前戴上面具,扮演“小猪”,让另两名学生问关于“小猪”的话,教师带领学生做游戏,通过游戏的形式让学生连锁记忆,从而复习小动物情况的句子。9、课堂评价(Assessment) 做活动手册练习。10、扩展性活动 (Add-activities) 教师把学生带

20、到室外,做传球说物的游戏。将学生分为34 组,每组围成一个圈,每圈的学生分一个气球,学生听音乐传球活动,当音乐停止时,手中拿到球的学生则抽取问题, 问题的内容为: 介绍某某人或某某小动物。 回答问题的同学用 Look !Its的句子来表述。(三)表扬总结,结束全课。(四) Homework: 抄写本节课的单词板书设计Unit1 What s this ? It sWhat are they? Theyre 9 Module 2 Unit 2 That man is short. 教学目标(1)能听、说、读、写本节课的词语。(2)能听、说、读本节课的课文内容。(3)学习新单词: tall sho

21、rt small thin big fat 教学重难点新单词: tall short small thin big fat教学准备单词卡教学过程第一课时1、热身复习。a.老师热情地和学生打招呼问好,带领学生表演上一模块学过的句型。b.请学生在小组内展示自己画的动物园的图,并相互介绍各种动物的形态,在选派代表在全班进行展示。2、课文导入。老师在黑板上分别画几个大物品和几个小物品,指着他们说: It s big. 或者: It s small. 3、课文教学。a.教师把本科的挂图贴在黑板上,呈现活动1。老师指着挂图中的人问学生:教授新单词:man 引导学生说:That man is tall. T

22、hat man is short. 接着,老师指着猴子说:Look at the monkey. This monkey is thin. That monkey is fat. b.教授新单词: thin fat c.教师播放录音,请学生边看图边听录音。再放一遍录音,每句话后停顿,请学生模仿跟读,然后,请学生以小组为单位练习朗读课文。第二课时d.完成活动 3。请学生仿照活动示例, 用恰当的形容词对图中的6 个熊进行描述。教师出示挂图,引导学生进行练习。e.完成活动 4。学唱 Old MacDonald has a zoo 播放歌词录音,请学生逐行浏览歌曲并跟读。指出重音。播放歌曲录音,让学生

23、熟悉旋律。让学生跟着唱,并配上相应的动作。10 f.完成活动 5。Fat and thin g.学习写活动 6 的字母。学生认读字母,教师领读,纠正学生的发音。指导学生书写。提醒学生逐以字母的正确顺序。4、课后作业。 听课文录音,背诵课文。第三课时Module2 复习教学目标 :让学生进一步熟悉认读单词学会写字母、单词教学过程 :1 让学生领读单词2 检查单词拼写3 检查课文读、背。4 做配套练习册板书设计Unit2 tall short small thin big fat 11 Module 3 unit 1 I like football. 教学目标让学生理解运用“ I like ” 和

24、 “I dont like ”两个句型。让学生使用这两句话来简单的表达自己的情感。并通过多种练习方式, 来实现上述五方面能力的培养。教学重难点“I like ” 和 “I dont like ”教学准备单词卡教学过程第一课时一互致问候:唱英文歌Good morning!以学生喜欢的歌曲互致问候,使学生轻松的进入学习状态。二准备活动:游戏: mime and say. 老师带领学生做游戏: mime and say. 做游戏: mime and say. 通过游戏,让学生初步接触本课的新单词。三学习单词:basketball football table tennis morning exerc

25、ises 1. a. 教师事先准备好体育运动的小图,将图片部分遮盖起来,只露出其中一部分,然后向学生提问,教师教授新单词,也可以请已经熟练掌握的学生当小老师。b. 老师将单词卡片贴在黑板上,请两个学生到教室前面,老师说单词,请学生快速指出该单词并跟读,几轮练习过后,请学生在小组内开展认读单词的活动。2.游戏少了哪一个?出示三个单词,让学生找出少了哪一个?找一找少了那个词。四学习句型学习“ I like ” 和 “I dont like ”两个句型1. 老师在黑板上画一张快乐的脸和悲伤的脸,老师指着快乐的脸说:“ I like football.”老师指着悲伤的脸说:“I dont like f

26、ootball. ” 教授“like, dont like” 。请学生反复操练句型。2. 老师把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音,请学生边听录音边指出相应图画。老师再放录音, 学生模仿。 老师可事先准备好熊猫的头饰作为表演的道具,使表演更加形象生动。12 第二课时五体会句子的整体运用,学习课文。1.听读练习:指导学生自主学习句子。“I like football. ” “I dont like football. ”等。自主练习句子。2.用不同方法猜出单词根据喜好说句子。出示足球、篮球、乒乓球,让学生根据喜好来选择“I like football. ” “I dont like football

27、. ”等的句子。猜是哪一种运动,拿到球或卡片后说句子。通过趣味化的教学活动让学生在游戏中无意识的学会并反复巩固句子。3.看动作猜句子教师做动作比如用动作表示喜欢足球。学生猜句子。学生做动作,并组织游戏。学生猜句子4、做两人练习, 将喜欢的运动涂成绿色。不喜欢的运动涂成红色。演示指导练习一个学生说,一个学生做。给学生一个自由交流的平台,让学生能够自由的谈论喜好。六课堂小结:公布比赛结果。 布置作业。回家后同爸爸妈妈谈论这两个句子。板书设计Unit1 I like basketballfootballtable tennismorning exercises, I don t like 13 Mo

28、dule3 Unit2 I dont like riding bikes.教学目标1知识目标:(1)掌握有关运动的词汇: swimming, skipping, riding bikes (2)知道字母 Ee Ff Gg 的写法。(3)巩固学过的运动词汇: football, basketball, table tennis , morning exercises. (4)巩固学过的句型:“I like I dont like ”2能力目标:能够使用句型“ I like/I dont like”来表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的运动。教学重难点1掌握有关运动的词汇: swimming, skipping

29、 2能够正确运用句型“ I like”和“ I dont like”能够正确运用句型“ I like”和“ I dont like”教学准备单词卡教学过程第一课时1Warming up Revision 教师出示运动图片,进行问答;T: Which sport? Ss :Football , basketball, table tennis , morning exercises. T:Which sport do you like and dont like? S:2New teaching (1)教师出示一幅 swimming 的图片T:I like swimming . 2.学生做动作学

30、说新词,并说自己是否喜欢swimming 单词 skipping , riding bikes 的教法同上3. pratice 教师说单词,学生做动作表示运动词汇学生谈论喜欢的运动4.课堂作业活动手册5.课文教学播放录音学生跟读学生齐读课文教授字母的写法完成活动手册6Pratice 利用活动手册 P13 的第二题,学生谈论喜欢的14 7Homework 1. 抄写单词 swimming. Skipping, riding bikes. 第二课时Module3 复习教学目标 :让学生进一步熟悉认读单词学会字母教学过程 :1 让学生领读单词2 检查单词拼写3 检查课文读、背。4 做配套练习册板书设

31、计Unit1 I like football, basketball, table tennis , morning exercisesI don t like 15 Module 4 Food Unit 1 Do you like meat ?教学目标1. Get the students to master the following words and sentences: meat, rice, noodles, fish, milk. Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont.2. Get the students to use the sentence

32、patterns to ask about likes and dislikes. 3. Through activities, the teacher should cultivate the students spirit of competition and cooperation. 教学重难点The mastery of the new words and sentences. 教学准备单词卡教学过程第一课时Step1 Warm-up Activities 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song.(old Macdonald song) 3. Have a compe

33、tition between groups. Step2 Presentation and Practice 1. Yes, I do./ No, I dont.(1) Yes, I do. T: (熊猫头饰 ) Im a. Look, Im very fat.(with gestures) So, I like basketball. Do you like basketball? S: Yes T: Yes, I do. CAIYes, I do. 贴卡片 Yes, I do. (2) No, I dont.T: Do you like? S: No T: No, I dont.(Have

34、 the students answer the question.) CAINo, I dont. 贴卡片 No, I dont. (3) Little chant. T: Follow me, Do, do, do. Yes, I do. Dont, dont, dont. No, I dont.(With gestures)2. New words meat, rice, fish, noodles, milk . (1) meat (2) T: Do you like meat? (CAI present meat.) S: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.T: Wha

35、t this? (CAI present noodle.) S: Its noodles.Let many students answer the same question. T: Do you like noodles? S Writing on Bb: noodles. Read after the teacher. High low voice. T: Point to the bananas. 16 (3) pear. T: What color is it? (Point to the banana) S: Its yellow.T: Any other yellow fruits

36、? ( With gesture) S: Pear. T: Whats this? Whats that? S:T: Do you like fish? Writing on Bb: fish Read after the teacher. Point to(4) milk T: What does Ms Li like? Guess with “Do you like?” S: Do you like?T: I like milk. Do you like milk? Ss T: milk, can you read? Apple: T: Anymore? S: T: Do you like

37、 milk? Writing on Bb: milk. Read after the teacher. Point to(5) rice T: (CAI present rice) Are they meat? Ss: No, they aren t. Theyre rice.Writing on Bb: rice. Read after the teacher. Point toT: rice, rice, do you like rice? S: Yes, I do. T: rice, rice, do you like rice? S: No, I dont.(6) Fast react

38、ion. T: Little teacher. Who can try? (叫一名学生发令,其他学生在下面指。 )(7) Play a game. (大脑风暴)T: Lets play a game. Guess, Stop at which picture?(屏幕上的物体出现后马上消失,让学生猜最后哪张图片不会消失,会停下来。)3.Sentence: Do you like? T: Do you like pears?(接上面的游戏最后梨子停下来。 ) Ss:T: Make sentence.(Right hand: Do you like Left hand: picture) S贴卡片:

39、 Do you like T: Magic eyes. (手持一张图片快速闪过, 让学生用 Do you like 这个句型和他所看到的单词联合成一个完整的句子。 ) Step3 Consolidation 1. Play a game. (猜卡通人物的喜好屏幕上有各种物体,学生随意选择一种并用句型 Do you like?提问。猜对了,课件出示声音: Yes, I do. 反之:No, I dont.) 2. Output. (1)Listen to the tape, point and tick. (2)Check the answers. (3)Listen and repeat. 1

40、7 第二课时Step4 Task 1. Chain game. (1)T: Boys and girls. You did a good job. Now, let s play a game. First, who wants to play with me? (2)The teacher plays with students. (3)Let the students play the game. (老师手持秒表制造紧张气氛)(4)T: Which group is the winner? Step5 End 1. Count the fruits. 2. T: Class is over

41、. Bye-bye, boys and girls. 板书设计Unit1 Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont.18 Module 4 Unit 2 Does Lingling likes oranges? 教学目标1、掌握有关水果食物的词汇:2、学会运用句型 Does she like.? Yes, she does./No, she doesnt. 教学重难点学会运用句型 Does she like.? Yes, she does./No, she doesnt.教学准备单词卡教学过程第一课时(一) Revision: 请学生展示自己制作的食物类新单词卡片,

42、并把新单词教给全班同学。(二) Warmer: 1.教师事先准备一些水果的实物,出示实物,看学生能否说出这些水果的英文名称。2.教师指着香蕉说: This is a banana. 请学生重复句子。3.以相同的方式介绍新单词:pear, orange, apple. 4.教师可以编成儿歌的形式,带领学生熟练单词,如:Pear, pear, pear, do you like pears? (三) New lesson: 1教师拿着苹果,对一位女生说:Do you like orange? 该女生回答:Yes, I do./No, I dont.接着教师指着该女生,问全班学生:Does she

43、like orange?引导全班学生回答Yes, she does./No, she doesnt. 2.教师以同样的方式出示不同的水果, 带领学生继续操练句型: Does he/she like ?及其回答: Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt. 3.出示挂图,请学生听SB Unit 2 活动 1 的录音。放第一遍录音时,请学生看着图听一听,课文录音针对哪些人物哪些水果提出了哪些4.请学生上前指着挂图提出问题,其他学生试着回答。5放第二遍录音,请学生边听边指向相应的图片。6请学生合上书,再放录音,每个问题后停顿,看学生是否记得答案。7继续放录音,让学生检查

44、自己的回答是否正确。8二人一组读课文的示范对话, 请学生根据活动 1 中不同人物的喜好进行问答。19 第二课时9学生学习Unit 4 活动 4 的韵诗。学生跟录音机逐行朗读韵诗。将全班分为两组,每组读一段韵诗。比如,在读到第一段中的Mm mm 时学生可以做揉肚子的动作,读到第二段中的No 时,可以在嘴边扇动手表示很辣。放录音时,请每组说对应的部分。10学生学习Unit 2 活动 6 的字母。请学生摹写字母单词并默写。Homework: 1.听录音,朗读 Unit 2 活动 1 的课文,并试着背诵。2把学过的语言: Doeslike?Yes, he/she does. No, he/she do

45、esnt.编排成韵诗,演唱给教师和全班同学听。第三课时Module4 复习教学目标 :让学生进一步熟悉认读单词学会字母教学过程:1 让学生领读单词2 检查单词拼写3 检查课文读、背。4 做配套练习册板书设计Unit2 Does she like.? Yes, she does./No, she doesnt.20 Module 5 Unit 1 She goes to school on Mondays 教学目标谈论家庭成员的日常活动。初步运用 She goes to school on Mondays. 理解重点词汇。学生要积极参与各种课堂学习活动。教学重难点掌握基础词汇,全体学生会说会运用

46、She /he goes to school on Mondays. Dose your mum go to work on Saturdays? 教学过程第一课时1. Warm-up Chant. I like cats. (Meow-meow) I like dogs. (Woof-woof) I like birds. (Tweet-tweet) Do you like them too? Yes, we do. 2. Lead-in A. Look at the picture and think. What does the yellow cat like? What does th

47、e blue dog like? B. 理解语境:小狗在睡觉,小猫却不停地问小狗问题,结果把小狗惹怒了。C. Listen, point and say. 3. Task presentation Does the blue dog play football on Mondays? No, he doesnt.小蓝狗星期一踢足球了吗?不,他没有。那么接下来我们看一下Amy 三姐弟他们在星期一都做些什么吧。4. Text learning A. Listen, point and find “goes, does ”.B. Listen, point and say. 讲解课文,并板书。C.

48、Read after the tape. 5. Practice A. Listen and say. (P28) Amy goes to school on Mondays. Tom doesnt go to school on Mondays.B. Do and say.(P28) 6. Task completion Exercises. 7. Summary and homework. A. Read the text 3 times. B. 向同伴说说自己家人在星期一的活动。21 第二课时完成 unit1 活动 3。请学生边看活动 3 的图片边听录音,并跟读模仿录音,对表现好的学生给

49、予表扬。完成 unit1 活动 4。请学生看图,教师向学生讲解活动要求:第一个学生小声想第二个学生讲述自己在星期一的活动,其他三个学生一次向下一个学生转述第一个学生所说的话, 第五个学生要把它听到的句子说给全组听,看看这个句子与原句是否一致。请学生五人一组开展活动,部分小组上前展示。完成 unit1 练习 1。请学生看图,了解练习要求,并尝试说出各幅图中人物的活动,然后播放录音,请学生完整的听一遍,再次播放录音,请学生根据录音选择与之相对应的图片,最后播放录音,请学生两人一组检查答案。完成 unit1 练习 2。请学生看图,并读出例句。完成 unit1 练习 3。请学生看图,写出答案。板书设计

50、Module 5 Unit 1 She goes to school on Mondays. Amy goes to school on Mondays. Tom doesnt go to school on Mondays.22 Module5 Unit 2 Does your mum go to work on Saturdays? 教学目标知识目标 :掌握单词和句子 Does she/he.? ”及其回答“Yes, she does/No, she doesnt.”技能目标 :掌握一般疑问句的第三人称单数的句型及回答。情感目标 :培养学生的英语学习兴趣。教学重点掌握单词和句子 Does

51、she/he.? ”及其回答“Yes, she does/No, she doesnt.”教学难点掌握单词和句子 Does she/he.? ”及其回答“Yes, she does/No, she doesnt.”教学过程 :第一、二课时Step1 Warm up. 1. Greetings.2. Review words. Step 2 Study new words 1. Study new words by the small blackboard 2. Read and write the new words Step 3 Study sentence patterns 1.问学生星期

52、一你去学校吗?引出句型“Do you go to school on Mondays? ”2.“学生回答”引出“ Yes, I do./No I dont.”3.问:“ 他/她星期一去学校吗?” 引出句型:Does he/she go to school on Mondays ? 引出“ Yes ,she/he does./No she/he doesnt.”Step 4 Group discussion 1. Two students make a dialogue A:你的妈妈星期六去上班吗?B:不,不上班。A:你的爸爸星期六去上班吗?B:是的,他上班。2. Stand up and sh

53、ow the dialogue 23 第三课时Step 5 Read the textbook 1. The teacher led to the student reading book. 2. Read together . Step 6 Game 1.先找四个同学上讲台做对话。甲生: “Does like meat?”乙生:Yes,he does.丙生: No , he doesnt. 甲生:, do you like meat ?丁生: yes. I do /No ,I dont. Step7 Homework 1. Write the new words 2. Review the

54、text板书设计Unit 2 Does your mum go to work on Saturdays? Do you.? Yes, I do No, I dont.Does she/he ?Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn t.24 Module 6 Unit1 What do you do on Sundays? 教学目标 :知识目标:能听懂、会说: go swimming, play football, sleep, ride my bike, watch TV, on Sundays, in the morning, in the afternoo

55、n. 技能目标:能听懂、会说句子: What do you do .? 及回答 I play football /sleep/ride my bike/watch TV on Sundays/in the morning/ in the afternoon. 情感目标:敢于用应进行表达。乐于学习英语。教学重难点 :能运用 What do you do.? 询问对方做了什么,并回答。教学过程 :第一课时Step 1 Warm up: 1、Greetings 用 Good morning/Good afternoon等问候语跟学生打招呼。(设计意图 :因为本课涉及到morning 与 aftern

56、oon,所以最好能将这两个单词板书,让学生认读。)2、Read a chant. 3、Review A、 利用课件复习词组: play football , play basketball, play table tennis, ride my bike, go swimming, watch TV B、复习检查学生 Module5 课文的背诵情况。学生只要能理解意思能作答即可。C、Play a game: 火眼金睛复习句型: I go swimming on Saturdays. 并引出 Sunday, in the morning, in the afternoon. Step2课文导入:

57、老师出示“幸运52”的图标。问学生由这两个数字能想到什么(提示学生一周游 7 天) 。问学生把一周分为5 天和 2 天,5 天代表(从星期一到星期五) ,这五天你在哪里?引出短语“at school” 。另外 2 天代表(星期六和星期天) 。我们还把这两天称作周末,教授单词“weekend ” 。活动 1:老师出示图片,把全班分为两组,一组问,另一组答,练习几遍后,进行调换。活动 2:让学生把这些活动按in the morning/ afternoon进行分类:四人一小组,三人猜,一人答,猜对,奖励一个小星星,看谁得的小星星多。练习句型: Do you in the morning/ in t

58、he afternoon? Yes, I do. / No, I don t. 活动 3:双簧表演: S1: What do you do in the morning? S2:(做打篮球的动作) S3: I play basketball in the morning. 25 学生问老师 What do you do in the morning? 老师做睡觉的动作教授I sleep in the morning.Step 3 learning 1、播放录音,让学生熟悉对话内容,并跟读几遍。听录音,跟读课文。2、问学生 Which do you like at school or the w

59、eekend? 根据学生的回答分两种情况。大部分学生会回答the weekend 。If you like the weekend, what do you do at the weekend? ( 先鼓励学生自己说,再出示图片练习) I watch TV/ go swimming /do the morning exercise /skip/play basketball/football/table tennis /run/ride a bike. 利用 Sunday引出新句型 What do you do on Sundays? 及回答 I .on Sundays 用 in the mo

60、rning/in the afternoon练习新句型。3、同桌之间相互练习。第二课时1、抽学生进行分角色朗读并表演课文。2、Play a game: 听短文,做动作3、summary 单词的学习句子的学习其他(学生总结之后老师在根据板书进行总结)4、Homework 让学生用所学短语、句型,写写自己周末的活动安排。板书设计26 Module 6 Unit 2 What does Lingling have at school?教学目标 :知识目标:单词: today, music, Chinese, Maths, art, science, PE, has 技能目标:句子: What doe

61、s Lingling have at school ? She has 学习歌曲We like school. 情感目标:喜欢听说英语并敢于用英语表达。教学重点 :单词: today, music, Chinese, Maths, art, science, PE, has 句子: What does Lingling have at school ? She has 学习字母 L l, M m, N n 教学难点 :主语第一人称及第三人称时,动词使用上发生的变化。教学过程 :第一课时1.热身复习(1)英语展示角。 学生可以上台表演英语节目,唱英语歌曲、讲英语故事、猜英语谜语、做英语游戏等,

62、其他学生在台下积极回应, 通过此环节让学生尽快融入学习英语的氛围中。 老师要对学生的英语展示给予适当的评价,激发学生参与的兴趣。(2)老师出示一本日历,打开日历到今天的日期,并强调突出星期几,随后翻阅日历到周日,在周日出现的时候老师用愉快的口吻说: “It s Sunday. I like Sunday very much. I play basketball on Sunday. What do you do on Sunday?”引导学生运用“I.on Sunday. ”的句型回答问题。并出示打乒乓球和踢足球的图片。最后学生两人一组进行操练。(3)再出示另外的六幅图片, (游泳,骑车,看电

63、视等)让学生在小组内进一步练习巩固句型: What do you do on Sunday? I.on Sunday. 并在班内展示,师生要给出适当的评价。2.课文学习(1)通过实物与图片的结合来学习有关科目的单词。利用小游戏“猜猜看”来巩固所学单词,为学习课文做好铺垫。老师边出示图片边说: “Whats this? ”学生回答: “Its a book. ”师补充: “Yes. Its an English book.”以此来学习其他科目的单词(English, music, Chinese, maths , art, science, PE)等。并提问其中的一名女学生:What do yo

64、u have at school? 生答: I have English at school.然后问其他学生: What does she have at school ? 并引导学生回答: She has English at school. 同样换一个男生提问,并引出句型:What does he have at school ? He has English at school. 两人一组进行问答,操练句型。(2)出示重点词组进行操练 。特别标注动词第三人称单数的单词。在小组内操练,老师要给出适当的评价。27 (3)运用 chant 进行巩固练习What does she have at

65、 school? She has Maths. She has Music. What does she have at school? She has Art. She has PE. What does he do on Sundays? He plays football. He plays basketball. What does he do on Sundays? He goes swimming. He goes skipping. (4)听课文录音。 听过第一遍录音后,老师可以提一些问题,例如:“What does Lingling have in the morning ?/

66、 What does Lingling do in the afternoon ?”请学生带着问题听第二遍录音。 第二遍录音过后, 老师可以请理解了课文内容的学生向全班提出新的问题,全班学生回答。听第三遍录音时,请学生边看书边跟读,画出新单词,并试着找出新问题的答案。再次播放录音,请学生模仿跟读。(5)然后请学生以小组为单位分角色表演课文。最后请几组学生到教室前面展示。第二课时1.学习歌曲 We like school. 老师把全班学生分成六人一小组,学生每人在纸上写下school 中的一个字母。播放第一遍录音,让学生熟悉歌词和旋律。第二遍录音,老师单句停顿,学生跟着音乐唱。第三遍录音,学生在

67、唱到S-C-H-O-O-L 时,按字母顺序依次举起手中的纸。2.学习字母 Ll, Mm, Nn 。师出示字母卡片, 让学生认读, 随时注意纠正学生的发音。师在板书这些字母时, 要在字母旁标明笔顺, 并提醒学生注意正确的占格和书写笔顺。把字母和单词相结合,编成歌谣:L is for lion. M is for monkey. N is for noodles.然后进行扩展练习,比赛谁扩展的单词最多。3.巩固练习4.课堂小结5.课后作业1)听录音,朗读课文。2)请学生收集有关中西方学校开设学习课程的资料。板书设计Unit 2 What does Lingling have at school?

68、What does she have at school? She has Maths/Music/Art/PE. What does he do on Sundays? He plays football/basketball. He goes swimming. He goes skipping. 28 Module7 unit 1 We fly kites in spring. 教学目标:知识目标:1、会听、说、读 springsummerautumnwinterwarmhotcoolcold这八个单词。2、运用句型“ Its +天气情况 + in +季节”和“ What do you

69、do in +季节?”并描述不同季节的天气变化情况以及不同季节的活动又是什么。情感目标:创设情境,鼓励学生大胆开说英语,激发他们的学习兴趣。能力目标:培养学生的听说能力和运用英语的能力。教学重难点重点: 会听说 springsummerautumnwinterwarmhotcoolcold。难点: 用句型“ What do you do in + 季节?”对不同季节的活动进行提问并能做出相应的回答。课前准备多媒体课件、单词卡片、小贴画、录音机教学方法情景教学法、自主法、合作法教学过程第一课时一、warming-up 1 Greeting 2 Sing a song: ABC song二、Lea

70、d-in This is our first time to meet each other. I take you some presents. Look! A beautiful tree. The lovely sun. A yellow leaf. And white snow. Do you like them? Do you want them? If you sit well and work hard, Ill give them to you. The four things stand for four season. The tree stands for (春天) Th

71、e sun stands for (夏天). The leaf stands for (秋天). The snow stands for (冬天). Look! There are many photos of the four seasons. Are they beautiful? Do you like them? Do you want to learn four seasons? 三、Presentation 1 Sentences: Its.Itsin . Let s learn together. First, spring.(1) 教读 spring 句子 It s sprin

72、g. How do you feel in spring? 教读 warm 句子 Its warm in spring. (2) Practice: Game Teacher read black words, Ss read red words. (3) Ask one students to fill in the blanks .(Give the present) It s. It s in . 29 (4) The same way to teach “ Summer autumn winter ”2 Practice: Game 小小配音员(1)review the words(2

73、) Review the sentences (3) Teacher do the first one(4) Ss do the others 3 Sentences: We in . (1) Teach new words: fly kites /go skating Look at the picture. Guess. Which season? Ss say “It s spring. Its warm in spring.”T says” We fly kites in spring.”Guess the meaning of fly kites Teach fly kites (2

74、) The same way to teach go skating (3) Practice the sentence We in . 第二课时四、Listening (1) Listen and answer. ( ) 1. We in spring. A play football (图片) B fly kites ( 图片) ( ) 2. We in summer. A go swimming (图片 ) B go skating (图片) ( ) 3. We in autumn. A play basketball (图片) B play football (图片) ( ) 4. W

75、e in winter. A go skating (图片) B fly kites ( 图片) (2) Listen and watch the video (3) Listen and repeat 五、Practice: Make a dialogue. (1)Teacher and one student (2) Work in pairs (3) Show 六、Summary Today we learn about FOUR seasons. They are . Four seasons make a year. We should cherish our time. 七、Hom

76、ework 1 Read the passage. 2 Draw a picture of one season. And describe it to your friends.30 Module7 Unit 2 It s warm today教学目标知识目标初步了解我国几个城市分布与气候特点。能听、说、认读本课的重点单词hot, warm, cool,cold,和 weather。学会运用“ Its cold / hot / cool / warm in.”(today / now),要求表达准确,语调自然 . 能力目标能利用所学句子来表达不同地方的天气,要求表达准确,语调自然。 能大胆地

77、模仿当一名小天气预报员。情感目标培养学生自主学习的能力和合作精神。情感教育“好好学习,把祖国建设得更加富强与美丽。教学重点句型:Its warm / hot / cold / cool in . 词汇:cold、cool、hot、warm、weather 教学难点单词的发音。教学过程第一课时(一)热身、复习(Warm-up/Revision) 学生一起说儿歌(二)呈现新课 (Presentation) 教师说 :Its warm today.(指指外面 ) So we wear shirts or T-shirts. Today we are going to learn about the

78、weather. Now let s watch a weather report. 教师问 :Is it warm in Lhasa?点击句子 Its cool in Lhasa. 引导学生答出 :No. Its cool in Harbin.让更多的学生重复回答。告诉学生拉萨位于我国西藏自治区,那里的天气很凉快 ,cool 是形容天气凉快 ;而warm 一词是形容天气暖和,北京的春天就是很温暖的。教师说:Its warm in Beijing.并引导学生跟读。教师将单词卡 warm、cool 贴黑板 ,请部分学生朗读单词。然后提问 :Where is cool? Where is warm

79、? 启发学生回答 :Its cool in Lhasa. Its warm in Beijing. 鼓励学生用 warm和 cool描述我国其他城市的天气状况:It s warm / cool in ., 如果有不符合实际的叙述 ,教师可以用It isnt warm/cool in进行简单纠正 ,从而为学生进一步的学习留下悬念。请学生观察书中插图 :Which city can you find? 学生答出 :Harbin、Hong Kong 31 教师说 :Its cold in Harbin. Its hot in Hong Kong. 用体态语言解释 hot 和 cold 的意思。领读单

80、词 (把卡片贴到黑板上 )。教师说 :Its cool in Lhasa. Its warm in Beijing. What s the weather like in Harbin? 引导学生说出 :Its cold in Harbin. 提问:Whats the weather like in Hong Kong? 引导学生说出 :Its hot in Hong Kong. 教师出示中国地图 ,边指边说 :Here is Beijing. What is the weather like in Beijing? 学生回答 :Its warm in Beijing. 教师问 :Whats

81、the weather like in Harbin/Hong Kong/Lhasa? 学生分别回答 :Its cold in Harbin. It s hot in Hong Kong.It s cool in Lhasa.引导学生用 What the weather like in?提问关于我国其他城市的天气状况。教师边回答问题边在地图上指出学生所问的城市。教师播放自制课件 ,点击出 12 个城市的天气状况。每点击一个城市, 学生用 Its in来描述一次。练习好以后 ,教师找几个组来在班里表演,教师要及时做出评价。第二课时(三)趣味操练 (Practice) 两人小组活动。 学生 A 手

82、中拿着城市名称卡片 (课件中的 12个城市 ),学生 B 手中拿着天气卡片。学生A 随意拿出一张卡片并说 :Its 学生 B 根据 A 拿的城市的天气状况拿出相应的天气卡片并说:Its,然后两人一起说 :Its in(四)扩展性活动 (Add-activities) 1、做本单元 A Lets Learn部分的活动手册配套连习。2、试一试给同伴、朋友、家长预报天气,并建议他们穿上合适的衣服。用到句型Its Put on your32 Module8 Unit1 Its on your desk.教材分析本课主要内容是用in,on,under三个方位词描述物品的位置。教学目标1、能正确运用 in

83、,on,unde,behind描述物品的位置。2、培养学生大胆说,动手做的能力。教学重点难点新单词的掌握和描述物品的位置。教学准备多媒体课件,铅笔,图片,文具,玩具,小粘贴。教学过程第一课时Step1:Warm up. 1、Hello, boys and girls, Lets sing Happy Birthday. 2、 show some things. Panda pen book monkey hat pencil .出示盒子,What s this ?自答 box,板书 box,层次性操练。出示课件图片:apple banana orange bag desk chair.最后示

84、bedroom, 板书 bedroom,层次性操练。Step 2: Presentation. 1、学习 in on under 把钢笔放在桌子里“ Where s the pen?” it s in the desk.板书 in.把右手指放在左手里说 in。再把钢笔放在盒子里,问Where s the pen?学生: it s in the box。板书此句,层次性操练。同样学习on under。2、listen and do .T: Hold up your book. Now I say and you put. The book is in your desk. The book is

85、 on your desk. The book is under your desk.多做几次练习。每做完一个指令问:Wheres your book?学生回答。3、Practice in Pairs 。之后请学生到前面发指令。4、Look and say: 看课件,说一句话。5、游戏:传耳语,并要求每组最后一名学生做出来。The pen is in your bag./The book is under your desk./The pen is on your desk ./The pencil is on your book./The pen is under your chair. 6

86、、Guessing game 。请一名学生到前面来,面对大家,教师把东西藏好,这名学生猜。7、Find the present. look, whats this? Its a present. I have some presents for you, but you should find the presents by yourselves. I ll give you some cards with sentences. You must read it and find . 33 (1)Its in the box. (2)Its on the desk. (3)Its under

87、the chair. (4)Its in the bag.(5)Its under the book.(6)Its on the hat.(7)Its under the desk. (8)Its in the desk.Step 3:Texting learning :look,today is Daming s birthday, What present will he get? Listen to the tape./listen and repeat./read by yourselves. 第二课时Step 1: Practice 教师给每名学生准备一张图片(上有一张桌子,一把椅子

88、,一张床,一个盒子。)学生按要求完成此画。 并描述这张画。要求是:The apple is on the desk./The banana is under the chair./The book is on the bed./The orange is on the chair./The football is in the box. Step 2: Summing up What did we learn today? Step 3: Homework Listen to the tape and repeat. 板书设计Module 8 Unit 1 Its on your desk.I

89、t s in the box. It s on your desk.It s under the chair. It s in your bedroom.34 Module8 Unit 2 Daming flies a kite in the park. 教学目标1、知识与技能能听懂、会说本篇对话。掌握本课中的四会单词: park ,swim, lake ,snow 掌握句型: Where does Daming fly kites? He flies kites in the park. 在完成语言学习任务的同时, 动脑思考, 在思维的过程中学习语言。 培养学生全面地思考问题的意识, 同时培

90、养学生动脑的能力, 在图文或场景下进行简单的英语交流和表演。2、过程与方法通过同桌互动和小组活动, 锻炼学生的团结协作, 合作学习的精神。 让学生们在说、玩、演中锻炼自己运用语言的能力。3、情感态度和价值观结合具体情境,通过活动、游戏使学生产生学习英语的兴趣,使学生有兴趣听、说英语,敢于开口,乐于模仿。使学生经历词句的朗读以及口头表达句子的过程,进一步体会英语与日常生活的密切联系,增强应用英语的意识, 使学生在探究学习的活动中获得成功的体验,增强对英语学习的兴趣和信心,增强与同伴交往、合作的意识,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。教学重难点能模仿课文,运用重点句型进行扩展性的情景会话教学准

91、备录音机,图片,单词卡片,课件等。教学过程第一课时一、情景导入说唱 chant: In 、 on 、 underin 在 ”里”On 在 ”上”Under 在 ”下面”In, in , in the box On, on, on the desk 二、集中识词1、听录音,出示单词卡,学习单词2、开火车读单词三、新知呈现1.展示多媒体课件图片 , 提问“ Wheres the?”利用句型。2.说唱 chantSeasons 复习季节 . Seasons 35 春天,春天 spring, Spring, spring百花开;夏天,夏天 summer, summer ,summer好炎热;秋天,秋天

92、 autumn, autumn, autumn好凉爽;冬天,冬天 winter, 3.课件或图片出示课本第一部分.学生熟读,然后动作演示进行巩固复习。(设计意图: 小学生好奇心强, 形象思维占优势, 利用图片和表演进行课文的导入,能牢牢地吸引学生的注意力,可以调动学生的学习积极性,培养学习兴趣。4.课件或图片引出新内容。(最好用组合图形顺次出现,如:出现一个漂亮的湖,跳出单词lake,学生熟读,接着出现一个小孩游泳的画面,引出Daming swims in the lake.(后三幅图类似。第一幅图放在最后,因为flies 较难,学生认识会说即可。 )四、模仿操练继续课件或图片,删除或盖住in

93、 the lake,教师诧异的问 : 老师出示动作画面,然后一组问,一组答,全对的画一个笑脸,反之画哭脸。第二课时一、巩固练习在屏幕上打出韵律诗,让学生作此课的巩固练习。打着节奏,边说边加上动作。Summer, summer, Daming swims in the lake. Winter, winter, Daming walks on the snow. Spring, spring, he flies kites in the park. Autumn, autumn, he goes fishing under the tree. 二、作业1.听录音,继续学唱歌曲。2.试着写出不同季

94、节可以做的活动,看谁写的多, 可以查书、 查资料、查字典等,适当运用单数第三人称形式36 Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book.教学目标(一)知识与技能1、会读单词 :have got 、dress 、coat、sweater、T-shirt. 2、能口头运用“ Have you got a book? ”这类语句询问某人是否拥有某物,能用“Yes, I have. No, I haven t.回答。3、培养学生听、说,并运用英语交际的能力和合作学习的能力。(二)过程与方法1、教师指导学生通过多种形式读单词,掌握本课新学单词。2、教师引导、点拨,学生用英语描述自己拥

95、有的物品和询问他人是否拥有某种物品。3、学生听录音,感悟英语的准确发音;教师引导学生在小组合作练习中巩固本课知识。(三)情感、态度、价值观1、让学生体会学习英语的乐趣,从而培养学生的乐学精神。2、使学生在鼓励中点燃思维的火花,在和谐的情感交流中,对完成学习任务有一定的信心。教学重难点1、重点:掌握单词: have got 、dress 、coat、sweater 、T-shirt.能口头运用“ Have you got a book? ” 这类语句询问某人是否拥有某物, 能用 “Yes, I have. No, I haven t.回答。2、难点:能口头运用“Have you got a bo

96、ok? ”这类语句询问某人是否拥有某物,能用“ Yes, I have. No, I haven t.回答。教学过程第一课时Step1: Warm up 1、Greeting with the students. I m Miss Liu. Today I ll have a English class for you. Ok? How are you? Do you like fish?Do you like music?2、Listen to the music Good morning. T: Look, whats this? Ss: Its a pen.T: what s this?

97、 Ss: Its a desk.T: I ve got a new book. 并引导学生回答“我有一本新书” 。(板书:I ve got a new book.) Step2: Presentation 1、Present: dress 、coat、sweater 、T-shirt、have got. 2、Read the words. (1) Look at the pictures and learn the new words. (2) Spell and write the words, then fellow the teacher. 37 (3) Take the preempt

98、ive opportunities to read words. (4) The teacher say English ,the students say Chinese. (5) Read loudly and quietly 3、Have a chant 学生起立,师生齐唱歌谣。dress, dress 连衣裙 ,连衣裙 dress 真漂亮。 coat, coat 是外套 ,外套 coat 秋天穿。T-shirt, T-shirt 是 T 恤, T 恤 T-shirt 夏天穿。sweater, sweater 是毛衣 ,毛衣 sweater真温暖。Step3: Learn the sen

99、tences Learn the sentences ” I vegot ”1、Tell the students I have got = I ve got. 2、Hold up a book and say “I ve got a book.”3、Practice the sentences “I ve got a ”. Ask the students :“ Have you got a book?” Help the students answer “ Yes, I have./No, I haven t.”1、Write the new sentences “I ve got a”

100、“ Have you got a ? Yes, I have. /No, I havent.”2、Practice the sentences “ Have you got a ? Yes, I have./No, I haven t.”Step4: Text learning 刚才,同学们对自己拥有的物品进行了谈论,我们的老朋友Lingling ,Amy,Daming 也对他们拥有的物品展开的谈论。1、Listen and point. Listen the text and point the words “I ve got a”.2、Tell the sentences that the

101、 students found. Step5: Summary 本节课我们学习了英语单词have got、dress 、coat、sweater 、T-shirt. 并学会了口头运用“ Ive got a book. ”这类语句描述自己拥有的物品。用“Have you got a book? Yes, I have./No, I haven t.”这类语句询问某人是否拥有某物。第二课时1.完成课本练习题,小组对话练习。2. Homework. 1、设计自己最喜欢的衣服。2、读课文,找出Lingling,Amy,Daming拥有的物品。3、Writing on the blackboard 板书

102、设计Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book.I ve got a new book.Have you got a coat? Yes, I have. No, I havent.38 Module 9 Unit 2 Has Amy got a bike? 教学目标(一)知识目标1.识记单词: bike, bus, by, go to work, walk 2.掌握句子: Has Amy got a bike ?Yes, she has. No, she hasnt. (二)能力目标1.发音准确,能听懂录音,模仿录音语调。2.培养学生用英语向大家展示自己以及家人的交通工

103、具及交通方式,培养学生的口语交际能力和知识的迁移能力。(三)情感目标1.培养学生的小组合作精神和竞争意识,鼓励学生大胆展示,激发学生学习英语的积极性。2.树立学生“关爱生命,安全出行”的意识。教学重难点掌握句子: Has Amy got a bike ?Yes, she has. No, she hasnt. 教学活动千里耳;传话,回音壁,哑语学单词,角色表演,龟兔赛跑,小记者报道。教学过程:第一课时(一)组织教学,热身复习T: Class begins! Hello boys and girls! S: Hello, Ms Li. T: This class is very importan

104、t. Are you ready? First, lets sing an “ABC song”, ok ?S: Ok.(欢快的歌曲之后 ) T: Happy? S: Happy! 2. Free talks (1) T: Do you like English? S: Yes, I do. T: Do you like your new English teacher? Do you like me? S: Yes, I do. T:Im very glad to hear that. I like all of you. (2)T: How are you? S: I m fine, th

105、ank you. And how are you?T: I m fine too.(3)T: How old are you? S: I m 10.(4)Revision 39 T: Ok class, Ivegot a book. Its about Maxiaotiao. I like it. Do you like it? Have you got a book, too? S: Yes, I have. T: What s it about?S: Its about English.T:I like reading. Do you like reading? Because readi

106、ng is very helpful in all my life. Means :读书益人生。So much for this. In this class well learn- 二、激趣导入Game: Let s have a game “Guessing ” game. Let s see who has wise ears. Wise means “敏捷的” 。Wise ears means “千里耳”。Are you ready? S: Yes. 课件先出示交通公具:火车,公共汽车,小汽车,自行车的声音,学生根据声音判断,接着课件出示该单词, train, bus, car, bi

107、ke, 并在此过程中通过回音,传单词卡学习新单词 bus, bike。三、学习课文T: I ve got a bike. Have you got a bike? S1: Yes, I have. S2: No, I havent.T: I ve got a bike. I go to school by bike. Let s see how The Smart family goes to school and go to work. 课件出示骑自行车的图:T: Its Amy. What s this?S: Its a bike.T: Has Amy got a bike? S: Yes

108、, she has. T: Wonderful! Amy has got a bike. She goes to school by bike.(课件显示)通过回音,学习短语 has got, by bike, 通过慢,快读句子。课件展示:Sam hasnt got a bike. He goes to school by bus.通过传话学习 hasn t got, by bus,然后把 has got, hasn t got 拿在手里,把其中一个藏起来,让学生猜 ,以次来练习这两个短语。Ms Smart has got a car. He goes to work by car. Ms S

109、mart hasn t got a car .She walks to work.学习单词 walk,通过肢体语言练习,边说walk 边走到一个同学前,由这个同学说 walk 在走到另一个同学前,练习walk Listen to the recorder, first listen, point and say. Then answer the questions: 1. How does Amy go to school? 2. How does Sam go to school? 3. How does Mr Smart go to work? 4. How does Ms Smart g

110、o to work? Read the text, and act the dialogue. 40 e.g.: Im Ms Smart. I havent got a car. I walk to work.I m Amy. I have got a bike. I go to school by bike.I m Amy. I have got a bike. I go to school by bike. I m Ms Smart. I have got a car. I go to work by car. 第二课时四、创设情景 , 巩固练习龟兔赛跑:Class,Do you like

111、 game?Yes or no?I like game too. Let s have an interesting game between tortoise and rabbit. Look at the screen, please. Here are the rules. 课件显示:Rules Hasn t got 后退一格Has got 原地不动By bike 前进一格Walk 停玩一次By car 前进两格By bus 直到终点(老师读英语,学生说汉语)Look at this (股子). There are many English sentences on it. You ca

112、n throw it and say English loudly. e.g. : (示范动作,让学生说汉语,共同当裁判)Are you clear ?I ll divide our class into 2 pairs: the boy team and the girl team. the boy ? Who can ? You act tortoise. the girl ?Who can ?Yourabbit. The girl,first,OK?在游戏时学生共同当裁判。拓展延伸I want to introduce my family to you. Do you want to k

113、now? I ve got a bike. I go to school by bike.My husband has got a car. He goes to work by car. I m a reporter from Haiyang TV. Can you introduce your family to me? Who can?S:I walk to school. My mother has got a bike. She goes to work by bike. My father has got a car. He goes to work by car. S: I ve

114、 got a bike. I go to school by bike.My father has got a bike, too. He goes to work by a bike. My mother walks to work. Ok class, Peoples life are improving. The traffic are developing. Please remember: Cherish life, going out safely. (关爱生命,安全出行)板书设计:Module9 Unit 2 Has Amy got a bike? Has Amy got a b

115、ike?Yes, she has. No, she hasn t. 41 Module10 unit 1 Here is a red hat. 教学目标:知识目标:掌握单词: hat/back/come back/clothes/open/put on/funny/,party/brown/trousers 等。学生能初步运用 here s/She s got技能目标:听懂并且会说 heres/She s got情感态度目标:积极参与各种课堂学习活动。教学重点:掌握单词: hat/back/come back/clothes/open/put on/funny/party/brown/trou

116、sers 等。学生能初步运用 here s/She s got教学过程:第一课时一 热身导入1、师生互致问候。2、请学生说上一模块第二单元活动1 的韵句。3、请学生说上一模块第二单元活动4 的韵句。4、展示服饰词汇挂图,请学生看图,读单词。然后教师问学生:“我们洗过衣服后会把衣服挂在晾衣绳上, 这样做是否安全呢?让我们一起看看发生在课文中小朋友身上的故事吧! ”5、呈现 SB Unit1 活动 1 的图或动画。请学生看课文的图片或动画,引导学生理解故事大意:调皮的猴子在偷晾衣绳上的衣物。6、播放录音,请学生整体感知;再次播放录音,请全班跟读、小组跟读。7、学习“clothes” 时,教师可展示

117、服装店的标牌 (如: “kids Clothes, Boys Clothes, Girls Clothes等) ,使学生对其词义有直观的感受。然后在服饰词汇挂图中心的圆圈里写上或者贴上“ clothes”这个词,帮助学生理解。教师要提醒学生注意这个词的读音。二 呈现与导入教师告诉学生:“我们要组成若干个暑假活动小组,每组需要自行设计吉祥物。我们今天就先来学习课文,然后再为吉祥物挑选衣服。”1、播放 SB Unit1 活动 2 的动画或录音,请学生看图,教师帮助学生理解课文内容。2、再次播放录音,请学生完整地听一遍,提醒学生注意语音语调;第三次播放录音,请学生逐句跟读。3、学习“ Here s”

118、时,教师可通过做动作、播放动画图片等方式帮助学生理解语义。在学生理解后,请他们两人一组尝试应用。4、学习“ trousers/shirt/shoes ”时,可以通过展示丰富的图片和卡通画等方式帮助学生理解语义,并把这些词补充到服饰词汇挂图上去。42 5、 学习“ open,put on”时,可以通过模仿动作等学生喜欢的方式或通过展示动作图片和卡通画等方式帮助学生记忆词义。学习“ funny,party,brown”时,可以通过展示卡通画等方式帮助学生理解词义。三、课文学习课文中的“ Let s,can t,turn”等不是学习重点,只要求学生能理解即可。2、请学生全班朗读、 小组朗读、 分角色

119、朗读课文, 要求学生尽可能模仿录音的语音语调。第二课时一、训练巩固1、完成活动三。 播放录音,学生看图,听录音并理解语句;再次放音请学生跟读,指导学生能跟读出所有语句。2、完成活动用书活动四。请学生看图,了解活动要求:可根据教室布置一个服装超市。学生两人一组开展活动,一人说出自己想要的衣服,如:a green coat.另一人找到相应衣物,递给他。用上Here you are,here is , 回应。最后请部分小组到教室前面进行展示。3、完成学生活动用书练习一。 请学生观察图, 说出四幅图种衣服和动物的名称,然后教师说明要求, 请学生注意并录音并根据录音涂色。播放两边录音, 学生涂色。再播放

120、录音核对答案。二、总结今天我们学习了,你们都掌握了吗?小组表现的最好,每人一颗五角星。设计意图:对学生进行总体评价,使学生能在宽松、积极、合作、愉悦的氛围中不断学习、实践、体验成功六、家庭作业板书设计43 Module10 unit 2 Shes got an orange sweater.一、教学目标:(一)知识目标:1.能听说会读课文和单词及词组:white, photo, skirt。2.能运用 Shes got .这类句型谈论衣物。(二)能力目标: 能够在日常生活中谈论衣物。(三)情感目标: 让学生意识到爱惜衣物的重要性。二、教学重点、教学难点(一)教学重点:1.能听说会读课文和单词及

121、词组:white, photo, skirt。2.能运用 He s/She s got .这类句型谈论衣物。(二)教学难点:能够在日常生活中谈论衣物。三、教具准备:多媒体课件四、教学过程:第一课时(一) Warming up : 1.师生互致问候 。2.学生说上一模块第二单元的韵句1。(二) Presentation: 1.呈现 SBUnit2 活动 1 的图片或动画,学生听看,初步理解故事大意:为了拍摄班级合影,Sam穿了一件白衬衫去学校, 但在就要到学校门口时不小心摔了一跤,白衬衫被弄脏了。2.播放录音,请学生整体感知。3.再次播放录音,请全班模仿录音的语音语调跟读,小组跟读。4.PPT

122、呈现本班班级合影,教学单词class photo 。5.播放 SBUnit2 活动 2 的动画或录音,学生听看,初步理解语境。6.播放录音,学生完整地听一遍。请学生整体感知。7.再次播放录音,请全班逐句跟读,小组跟读。8.PPT 呈现图片,与 dress对比教学 skirt。9.学生模仿课文语音语调,分角色朗读并表演课文。44 第二课时(三) Practice. 1.呈现 SBUnit2 活动 3。请学生看图说词,复习学过的有关服饰的单词。然后向学生说明题目要求。之后教师播放录音,请学生整体感知,再次播放录音,请学生根据听到的内容与图片是否相符画钩或叉,第三次播放录音,全班核对答案。2. 呈现

123、 SBUnit2 活动 4。播放录音,请学生整体感知韵句,再次播放录音并逐句停顿,请学生跟着录音说韵句, 等全体学生能基本说出韵句后,把全班分成两组,一问一答地分角色说韵句。3. 呈现 SBUnit2 活动 5。引导学生观察图片并理解游戏规则:学生两人一组,学生 A 向学生 B 展示图片。由于图片的一部分被遮挡了起来,所以学生B 需要开动脑筋,就图片中被遮挡的服装进行猜测,学生A 做出回应,直到学生B 猜出正确答案,两人再交换角色继续练习。4. 呈现 SBUnit2 活动 6。认读、跟读、编歌谣教学字母。5.Homework. (1)向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的情况。(2)向家人或同伴展示本模块新学的韵句。板书设计Module 10 Unit 2 Shes got an orange sweater.Hes/She s got .white, photo, skirt



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