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1、M4-U2M4-U2讲课课件讲课课件Tallent show Who would like to talk about your way to go to school?Follow these questions:1.How do you get there?2.Whats the cheapest way to get there?3.Whats the best way to get there?Learning aims1. To be able to master the words and expressions .2.To understand the passage on tr

2、avel and transportation.3.To master the use of superlative adjectives and adverbs.Words: journey, book, park, outside, however, costPhrases:plan to because ofoutside the city centrePatterns:1.The more information, the better.2.Whats the cheapest way to get there?3.Have a great trip. words review1. 旅

3、行;旅程旅行;旅程 2. 预定预定3.停放(车);泊(车)停放(车);泊(车)4. 在在之外之外; 在外面;在外面;朝户外朝户外5. 然而;但是然而;但是 6.价钱为;花费价钱为;花费 ;价钱;价钱;成本;代价成本;代价 1.journey (n.) 2.book (v.) 3.park (v.)4.outside (adv.) 5.however (adv.) 6.cost (v.) (n.)This computer is cheap.This computer is cheaper than that one.This one is the cheapest of all.¥6999¥4

4、999¥3999This car is the best of the three.goodbetterThis apple is the biggest of all.bigbigger10 yuan 20 yuan50 yuanThis pen is the most expensive of the three.expensivemore expensive Reading skillsSkimming 略读略读Careful reading 精读精读略读技巧:略读技巧:快速浏览全文,抓住文章的主旨大意,注意每段的首快速浏览全文,抓住文章的主旨大意,注意每段的首句、末句,请勿指读、划读、

5、唇读。先读问题,再读原文。句、末句,请勿指读、划读、唇读。先读问题,再读原文。 精读技巧:精读技巧: 仔细阅读相应段落,抓住文章细节,看清任务,带仔细阅读相应段落,抓住文章细节,看清任务,带着问题读文章有针对性地找出答案。先读问题,再读原文。着问题读文章有针对性地找出答案。先读问题,再读原文。 Task 1Skimming 略读略读Read the passage and number the ways of travelling from the most expensive to the least expensive. (Only give you Only give you 2 2 m

6、inutes)minutes)24132Task 2Careful reading(精读)(精读)Read Para.(自然段)(自然段)(自然段)(自然段)1&2 carefully (3)vvQuestions:vv1.Which is more relaxing and which is more expensive ,a journey by coach or by train?vv2.Which is the most comfortable way to travel across the North Sea?vv vv3.Book your ticket before you b

7、uy your books.(Guess the Chinese meanings of the (Guess the Chinese meanings of the underline words bookand books)underline words bookand books)A journey by train.A journey by train.Go by car and by ship.Go by car and by ship.1.1.预订预订预订预订 2. 2.书本书本书本书本Read Para.3&4 in silently .(3)vv1.It takes you a

8、bout twelve hours to get there.(同义句)同义句)vv2.It will not cost as much as going by train.(英译汉)英译汉)(讨论红体(讨论红体as.as 的用法)的用法)vv3.You may have to wait for hours because the weather is so bad.(从课文中找出它的同义从课文中找出它的同义句)句)You _about twelve hours _there. I am_(和你一样大)和你一样大).She is not _(不如我认真)不如我认真).spend arrivin

9、g/reachingspend arriving/reaching 它将花费比坐火车少。它将花费比坐火车少。它将花费比坐火车少。它将花费比坐火车少。as old as youas old as you as careful as me/Ias careful as me/IYou may have to wait for hours because of bad weather.You may have to wait for hours because of bad weather.Tips:Tips: 仔细阅读相应段落,抓住文章细节,看清任务,带着问仔细阅读相应段落,抓住文章细节,看清任务

10、,带着问题读文章有针对性地找出答案。题读文章有针对性地找出答案。vRead through the passage again ,and finish the table as quickly as possible.Complete the table.(2)Ways of travellingGood pointsBad pointsTrainmore relaxing than by coachmore expensive than by coachCar and shipCoachPlanethe most comfortablethe most expensivethe cheape

11、stcrowded in summer, take a long timethe fastest and the second cheapesthave to wait for hours because of bad weatherEnjoy the passageListening Close your books,please.Fill in the blanks. A journey by train is 1 than by coach, but a lot 2 .You can go by car and by ship across the North Sea. This is

12、3 way to travel but also the most expensive. Book your ticket before you book your hotel. The third choice is by coach. This is usually 4 ,but in summer, the coaches sometimes 5 . And it takes you about twelve hours to get there. However, it will not _6_ as much as going by train. more relaxingmore

13、expensivethe most comfortablethe cheapestget crowdedcost1.The more information, the better. 信息信息越越多多越越好。好。“the +比比较级,the + 比比较级”是个固定句型,意是个固定句型,意为“越越 , 就越就越 ”2.在比在比较级前添加前添加a lot, much, a little, a bit 等等词,可以,可以说明程度明程度,添加添加 even, still 等等词,可以表示,可以表示强强调。cost 作名作名词时,意,意为“价价钱”; “成本成本”; “代价代价”。作作动词时,意,意为“

14、价价钱为”; “花花费”。cost作作动词时,过去式和去式和过去分去分词同原形形式一同原形形式一样,三,三词同形。同形。1. Study hard! _ you study, _ results youll get. A. Harder; better B. The harder; better C. The harder; the better D. Harder; the better2. Dear students, please read every sentence carefully. _ you are, _ mistakes youll make. A. The more ca

15、refully, the fewer B. The more careful, the lessC. The more carefully, the less D. The more careful, the fewerTask 3 Read aloud and find out the phrasesMaster them quikly (2)1.plan to do sth. 打算打算/计划干某事计划干某事2.by coach 乘坐长途汽车乘坐长途汽车3.book tickets 预定票预定票4.stay outside the city center 待在市郊待在市郊5.get crow

16、ded 变得拥挤变得拥挤6.wait for 等待等待7.at the airport 在机场在机场8.because of 由于由于.9.bad weather 坏天气坏天气Have a try1. 打算打算/计划干某计划干某事事2. 乘坐长途汽车乘坐长途汽车3. 预定票预定票4. 待在市郊待在市郊5. 变得拥挤变得拥挤6.等待等待7.在机场在机场8.由于由于.9.坏天气坏天气1.这个旅行要用多长时间以及旅行的最好这个旅行要用多长时间以及旅行的最好方式是什么?方式是什么?2.信息越多越好。信息越多越好。3.乘火车旅行比乘长途汽车旅行更轻松,乘火车旅行比乘长途汽车旅行更轻松,但是会更贵。但是会

17、更贵。4.当你乘火车旅行时,在旅行之前很长时当你乘火车旅行时,在旅行之前很长时间就买到票。间就买到票。5.这是最舒服的旅行方式,但也是最贵的。这是最舒服的旅行方式,但也是最贵的。6.在你预定宾馆之前,就预订好你的车票在你预定宾馆之前,就预订好你的车票。小组合作,在书中找出这六个句子并标上序小组合作,在书中找出这六个句子并标上序号,然后比一比号,然后比一比,看看谁背得快。(先同位检看看谁背得快。(先同位检查查,然后全班比赛然后全班比赛.)Sentences1.How long does the journey take and what is the best way to travel?2.T

18、he more information, the better.3.A journey by train is more relaxing than by coach, but a lot more expensive.4.When you go by train, buy your ticket a long time before you travel.5.This is the most comfortable way to travel but also the most expensive.6.Book your ticket before you book your hotel.形

19、容形容词和副和副词的最高的最高级的的变化化规则:一、一、规则的:有两种:的:有两种:1. 在形容在形容词和副和副词的的词尾,直尾,直 接加上接加上-est,2. 在形容在形容词和副和副词前加前加most。形容词、副词的最高级的构成形容词、副词的最高级的构成 最高最高级的的规则变化化先把先把y变成变成i,再,再加加-est形容形容词和副和副词的最高的最高级的不的不规则变化化1. good 2. comfortable 3. big 4. happy 5. cheap 6. many 7. difficult 8. little9. fast10. badbestmost comfortableb

20、iggesthappiestcheapestmostmost difficultleastfastestworst写出下列词的最高级:写出下列词的最高级:学以致用学以致用1.Jack is _(careful) students in his class.2.Does Tom write _(fast) of all the students?3.Which is _(comfortable)way to Beijing, by bus, by train or by plane?4.Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is_(busy).5.Jim an

21、d Linda are both my friends. But my _(good) friend is Liz.the most carefulfastestthe most comfortablethe busiestbestUnit 2 What is the best way to travel? 情感情感Love our motherlandLove travels词汇词汇Journey,book,park,outside,however,cost.plan to because ofoutside the city centre 句子句子Whats the cheapest wa

22、y to travel from London to Paris?The cheapest way is by coach.choicecostoutside bookHow to talk about your favourite way to travelSummarySummary: :话题功能话题功能1. What do you think of the traffic in our city? Its _ than it used to be, but theres still a long way to go. A. worse B. worst C. better D. best

23、2. Traveling around big cities by taxi can cost a lot of money, but its usually _ to take the underground train to most places A. amazing B. expensive C. convenient D. exciting3. Liu Ying is as _ as her sister. A. tall B. taller C. the tallest4. I am good at math, but his English is _ than mine. A.

24、much better B. more better C. very better D. pretty better5. The worlds population is growing _ and there is _ land and water for growing rice. A. more; less B. larger; fewer C. larger; less D. more; fewerWrite a passage about ways of traveling from London to Paris.Eg. You can go from London to Paris by coach, plane or train. Travelling by plane is the fastest but also the most expensive wayWritingHomeworkWriting practice 写一篇不少于写一篇不少于50词的短文,介绍词的短文,介绍你和同学们放学后采用哪种交通你和同学们放学后采用哪种交通方式回家,并写出你认为最好的方式回家,并写出你认为最好的交通方式及其原因。交通方式及其原因。结束结束



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