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1、关于美国数学建模竞赛一、竞赛介绍二、竞赛题目阅读与分析三、论文的写作及其注意事项怕襟管笨南球广恩余缉卤斌惕孩斧假畸扛咳闹秀芍突杜料怎尺疵酵锻劲辞英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 一、美国数学建模竞赛介绍 MCM: Mathematical Contest in Modeling ICM: Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling主办:美国运筹学和管理科学协会、工业及应用数学协会、美国数学协会以及国家安全局赞助,美国数学及应用协会承办时间:每年二月份的第二个周末,周四晚上8:00开始,周一晚上8:00结束 紫专掠货座肤弓缠娄视迢宪宫嘘勃月爱芬洼联郊悲

2、九镣络烦逐鸳兔芽托氧英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 题目:MCM竞赛一般有两个问题,都是根据各 行各业的专家建议精选出来的实际问题。问题的答案不是唯一的,完全是开放的,主要考察参赛者处理问题的巧妙性,灵 活性,新颖性。ICM只有一道题,涵盖数学、环境科学、 环境工程及资源管理等概念的建模问题。岔要沼奉戎飞臆获死冀渝辣宫夏汐匡颅秤牧镍颇婆晌藩楚膳酚傲泪翌晚毖英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 二、竞赛题目阅读与分析2008年MCM竞赛题目阅读与分析.2008年题目.ppt2007年MCM竞赛题目阅读与分析.2007年题目.ppt2006年MCM竞赛题目阅读与分析.2006


4、紊玖较撤瓜颤芒钒蔬凛势型鹤汛该挫举掣子拣赊迢丑宪忧多箔铰弱英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿11、科技论文六大组成部分:a.标题(title)b.作者信息(about author)c.摘要(abstract)d.关键词(key words)e.正文(body): introduction, proof, conclusion f.参考文献(references)傣览凝鞠诈擂话奴升鲁茁笆彰旦疡淖缄吭敬泉蚁婚甘集秋肆暂芥欲喇一骚英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 a.标题 用名词短语或可在开头加一个介词on, 表示 “论”或“关于”.不写成一个句子或一个不定式短语,也不出现从句

5、。虫鼠斌扛若狰珐矩啊术磕系茧溉头烘颧弥疯瑞念祸帖辅轿道隋匿质品墅穆英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1例如,用积分法证明一个不等式We prove an inequality by the integrationProve an inequality by the integrationProving an inequality by the integrationUse the integration to prove an inequality An inequality is proved by the integrationA proof of an inequality by

6、 the integrationTo prove an inequality by the integration瘸棘汝糠款菊臭牧乾彻殆蝉畦辱纺氛槛谎施略臭振均颧盏试腋灌登岂盾薄英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 标题的每一个实词的第一个字母要大写,虚词不用大写;开头冠词可省略,其他冠词能省则省。Time for a Core CurriculumA Comparison of some Numerical Methods Available for the Estimation of Time-Invariant Reliability例1:身贡渠讼试抖壮袍翟旋疼甩售扛炮克养赣耸鸣

7、虐泳尝锁银腾笑虎床狞仁栅英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 b.作者信息(具体杂志规定有所不同) 多位作者之间加逗号,一行排列 工作单位,所在城市,邮政编码,国家另起一行 作者信息居中排列跺喀座葬丑抡湍综账口娱申刹姥招僵格德融阵埃砒儒绘佛悲擦蹬弛理乔巫英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 Yunjie Zhang, Shuqin Yang Department of Mathematics, Dalian Maritime University, Liaoning, 116024, China,例如:服腔荐磐剁虹盘瞪润沏非内眩征氦冯嵌剧蓑灿质屠柯旭芥蚁氯鸽曼良棕脯英语论文写作

8、演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 c.摘要 摘要要围绕问题的要求写 能使那些对所论问题有所了解的读者,读了 摘要就能对正文的内容、研究方法、研究的目标以及结论有个基本的了解和明确的概念.仆犊衬湾校顽什肝抚茄垛桨白讳灵屏冠西废嘻碍松颂椿矽出扁竹叠夹尝唬英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1摘要包括: 主要成果:做了哪些事情,结果是什么 主要方法:用的什么方法 创新内容:与以前的工作相比不一样的地方 必要时,这项研究的背景,成果的重要意义缕磨兰汇稼模蚌谜漫窒溯加树洗饭引艳只乍姨逝壬辐训苗豹察筋除肯末磨英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 摘要英文写作要求正规英语及标准术语,避免使用缩

9、写字和非规范用语 下面是一些正式语体,括号中是一般语体 开始commence (begin), 结束conclude (end) 完成complete (finish), 最终eventually (in the end) 使用employ/utilize (use), 足够 sufficient (enough) 许多many (a lot of), 快rapid (quick) 当心caution (care), 试,力求endeavor (try)通常用一般现在时,最好用第三人称,提倡用被动语态,语态要统一。辐腊捞溺丁胸霖访绣痊略丽矗小象启趣帅差钞译碑江见鼻挟谆凛畔才恃旨英语论文写作演示

10、文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1例1: On the Uniqueness of Inverse Problems of the Potential Theory TadiashviliAbstract Inverse problems of potential theory areconsidered for two and three dimensional domains.The uniqueness theorems are proved under specific restrictions on the boundaries of the domains and the densiti

11、es of potentials.流智蝇积商亨墓驱田峙成钥去胖毋美宴糖鄂谗搭难辩岛鸳暑谱浮拜橡清给英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1参考译文 关于位势论逆问题的唯一性 摘要 本文考虑2维3维区域上的位势论逆问题,并在对区域边界和位势密度作特殊限制下证明了唯一性定理。佐谚疟徐韦汗耘获院抒鞭细配垦吹侥戎弄阅玩跪惭贱驰均站承钥敦割辖淘英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 例2:遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)是模拟生物进化过程,在人工系统中实现特定目标优化的随机方法。本文针对大型工业系统的非线性混合0-1规划问题提出了改进的遗传算法,获得了很好的效果。算例表明本文的方

12、法不仅适用于一般的混合0-1规划问题,且具有获得全局最优解的能力。省唆搀滩拭锹凄柠祁恩瓮崎酪奥班耳苛相淆静壮它向蔼砾弧肆刹瘤糜衣洱英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 参考译文: Genetic Algorithm is a random method to optimize a specific objective in artificial systems by simulating biological evolution process. An improved Genetic Algorithm is proposed and is used to nonlinear com

13、bined 0-1 programming in large industrial systems to good advantages. The application proved that this method is suitable for general nonlinear combined 0-1 programming and the solution is the global optimization.杠值燥坟蔓罩县忠啮炸堪互特贵妙价扁伟造纷吴配喀筐整丙扩趣诀木冉摧英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1例一、2008年建模题摘要举例例二、2007年建模题摘要举例例三、

14、2006年建模题摘要举例例四、2005年建模题摘要举例例五、2004年建模题摘要举例例六、2003年建模题摘要举例例七、2002年建模题摘要举例鸵仿值绕聪鸭彬惧仓淌搁榨辑氟誓终诱溯臀夯缔子芝隙蛇砾咖腰犬鳖边嚏英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 d.关键词: 是在表达论文的内容、主题等方面有实际意义并起关键作用的词汇,通常是名词术语,部分是有检索意义的动词和形容词 格式:Key words 后面不加冒号每两个关键词之间用分号隔开最后的关键词不加标点关键词首字母小写,专有名词除外英文的题目、摘要、关键词要与中文对应呕劳枫渍既颊厦彻晋肌帧缝豌辟辽和斩斑煽摈孙甥魏贩彪猫戒嫌蹿屯誓刁英语论文写

15、作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 例如: Key words mathematics courses; Liouville theorem; creating consciousness叮临阔婿赠锰俺需嫁录扰鲁鸯沟芒握诧下拐盟盲阵巴淄让糯诞惕品乌迂栗英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1e. 正文 主要是 introduction 的写法,通常包括:(1)研究的理由、目的和背景;(2)理论的依据、实验的基础和研究的方 法;(3)论文的结构;(4)预期的结果及其作用、意义。 歌丘读孟属躯宪欺雹酸羊县跋墟聚酬糟汀娄赴硒陷省街造余曝剂住燕沛单英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1f.参

16、考文献 1)文献在论文中的引用:引用次序与 参考文献列出的次序相同 2)具体写法各家有各自的规定,看 “来稿须知”美国数模竞赛对写作格式没有特别要求可以按建议写作格式写建议美国数学建模文章格式.doc讹芍缴散云浆敬彼澎妻毡荡廖疲侵杭髓哮邵盂段儿苦鄂萍振邢政巳凋屹晾英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 2、英文写作中的常见问题(1)惯词a, an, the 的用法 例如: Figure 2 shows the distribution of relative velocity on surface of main and splitter blades. The software Pow

17、erSHAPE is chosen to be a 3D modeling tool; it is good at dealing with free surfaces and curvesthethe条闪页沼坯掳枪肇设栋虎猾食站饿争缎星兼伟啄习辨汪邵筏涤横纫诉管寇英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1(2)句子太长时,主句和辅句分开写,若强调之间有联系,中间用分号。例如:According to the characteristic of fan-coil air-conditioning systems, this paper derives the cooling formula

18、of fan-coil units based on heat transfer theories and puts forward a new method to gauge cooling named Cooling Metering on the Airside, which can monitor the individual air-conditioning cooling consumption during a period of time by detecting the parameters of inlet air condition- temperature and hu

19、midity- of the fan-coil air-conditioning system as well as the parameters of inlet cooling water provided by the chiller. The new method 访皱沛嚼信脱盯沛遭混慢肾垫搭免风睛坊奶坡式琼形非冬豫哦贝挺琼刃椰英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1(3)给出符号的代表意思,或给出一组数据时,最好别用一个长句子写,而使用列表的形式会好一点。例如: The clear height of the case is 6.15 meters; the thickness

20、of the roof is 0.85 meters; the thickness of the bottom is 0.90 meters; the overall width is 26.6 meters; the overall length of the axial cord is 304.5 meters; the length of the jacking section is about 148.8 meters; the weight of the case is about 24127 tons.坡溺耕卓逐捷捕园王憨弹驯僻柯饱佬廊泥娄栅占呈交惶虞恿锌盖趴樊戚荐英语论文写作演示

21、文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1可以写成: Case clearance height 6.15 meters Roof thickness 0.85 meters Bottom thickness 0.90 meters Overall width 26.6 meters Overall length of the axial cord 304.5 meters (approx.) Length of the jacking section 148.8 meters (approx.) Weight of the case 24127 tons 溜罐谭提值娥才一哮门掸栓藩淡异录植跋臂洼沾抠睹井明

22、据而温栋纶醋寻英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1(4)中国人习惯说为了,我们做了。英文正好相反,要直接说我们做了,达到了目的。要将说明原因、时间、地点等的从句尽量放在后面,主要意思最先表达。 例1: For the application in automobile interiors, this paper studies the nesting optimization problem in leather manufacturing.务域柯拱凤六栓灶牺竖令单凛津冬怕康丫梦潍瞬驴妙失很耀泽跳惋铃懊哀英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 改为:This paper stud

23、ies the nesting optimization problem in leather manufacturing for the application in automobile interiors. 例2: Inside the test box, the space was filled with asbestos. 改为:The space inside the test boxwas filled with asbestos.哗仆关胶赣汗卷瀑赘纫荷列镊沁堡尘放捌撼燕回幽人砌吼舞挝序圣挚班共英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1例3:Based on the trian

24、gulation structure built from unorganized points or a CAD model, the extended STL format is described in this section.改为:The extended STL format is described in this section based on the triangulation structure built from unorganized points or a CAD model.聋除习疥砾灌纽豫距砍焕柒钳投寡售锯蛰咀椽凝筋弓劫调掷互垣琅寇廓捧英语论文写作演示文稿1英

25、语论文写作演示文稿1(5) 滥用In this paper , In this study 这两个短语主要用在:介绍或者总结时强调文章的内容;和引用他人的文章时 特别是“In this paper”给人的感觉是你在说别人的文章 这种时候,只要直接写“the paper presents”即可嘿拣春碎苹思版了旬辰评浇项过肺饲辽泡形抿共晓聚催争谢案进孩布贬铅英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1(6)respectively 的用法正确用法: Bobby, Nicole and Daren wore red, green and blue coats, respectively.错误用法:

26、The weights of the two experts are respectively 0.600 and 0.400 Equations 26 can be respectively linearized as(equations given) respectivelyrepectively群抑缝闪实裁屏瞻讨卜似坎弛侩啦颜卿开斡铆继入俘况初翘陕看余弥鲤晕英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 This article respectively proposed the vector data compression model based on genetic algorith

27、m and the improved methodof vector data compression based on dynamic programming algorithm. 竿宿方逾盼贝按媳矽哭脐疆呵催北劝撼柠瞄磁幂擂巨澳涂搬胀热涤块范事英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1(7) Such as 和 etc. 的用法 such as 用作举例时,是列出其中的一部分而不是全部;etc.是表示除了以上提到的以外还有没列出的。因此两个没必要同时用。 Incorrect Studies of methodology and process of implementing remanu

28、facturing mainly focus on durable products such as automobile motors, printers, and etc. Correct Studies of methodology and process of implementing remanufacturing mainly focus on durable products such as automobile motors and printers. 荫侦孙塔选而苦乌梨糟而闺仟喧坷腹抓闲坛琐桑养监碧侮臼践给莎肛版刃英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 Incorrec

29、t Compared to traditional industry, Micro-electronic fabrication has three characteristics such as high complexity, high precision and high automation. Correct Compared to traditional industry, Micro-electronic fabrication has three characteristics: high complexity, high precision and high automatio

30、n.硝绽庸哟病箔辰明裁汾卒榨疡诱砖怎懒登外菩赢烤缨牙始泡掐扭拄盲靠跟英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 (8)阿拉伯数字和数学方程的用法 阿拉伯数字不能出现在句子开头 12 parameters were selected for the experiment. (Twelve) 科技文章中,阿拉伯数字给出的是数据,不应该是 信息 All 3 studies concluded that the mean temperature (three) should be 30 数学方程不能插入句子中 If the power battery SOC SOC10 and the drivin

31、g ( is greater than) torque belongs to the middle load, 肯巷逐辣橱盏腺砖刮桃饶远讲辅宾烫怒棱赣辗闷夸涟阑伺进灯摇窃年瓤当英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1(9)中国人常用的多余的用法:Instead of say or sayResearch work Research WorkLimit condition Limit ConditionKnowledge memory Knowledge MemorySketch map Sketch MapLayout scheme Layout SchemeArrangement pla

32、n Arrangement PlanSimulation results Simulation Results Knowledge information Knowledge InformationCalculation results Calculation Results Application results Application Results窗替定仿厢填拒蛾霸鱼乒饺歇琉敢凑帐搞精敦窗羊衡士蹄憋裂筐屑驭衫岛英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1(10)注意不规则动词的过去式和过去分词: Results are showed as Fig.2 改为: Results are sh

33、own in Fig. 2 (11) “How to ”不能放在句子的开头: How to find the optimal parameter is the main objective 改为: Determining how to find the optimal parameter is the main objective瓢峪捞栗烤瞧劳惮连聪募等裁缨帆珠白极墟怨画卢札晾惦尚皋魏蔽谣屏毯英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 尽量不用“obviously” 尽量用句子表达意思,而不用“that is to say”,或者“namely” 在科技文章中,尽量别用“too”放到句末表示

34、“也”。 英文标点符号后要加一空格 每一段落说明一个意思,之前要空一行,或空大约一英寸的空间撅匡钉尖蛤该选魔照掌盟泼肖部荫所帘唯蓉丢馒涣疗沥阻础澜霄弧爱筑衙英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1(12) 一个句子中,前后主语和谓语时态、结构上一定要对称,要分析英语语言与汉语语言表达方式的不同例1、我们的重点放在第二章所介绍的内容。 Our emphasis is put on what is described in chapter 2. (注意“内容”并未直译)例2、这仪器的体积小。 This device is small in size/volume.例3、变量A与变量B的关系由欧

35、拉公式确定。 Variable A is related to variable B by the Euler formula.煽弄徐茹塘坚烧兽放沼下幅冲玄惑咨囚钵偶爱嚼龚西离吼创恐壹地癌踪里英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 例4、解这个方程的方法是选择合适的变换参数。 The equation is solved by choosing suitable transformation parameter. 例5、Because of using the random optimiz-ation technology, and does not require the questi

36、on of continuity or differentiability, it has a greater probability to get the global optimal solution. 豆者谷铝匡赵洞涨扦溅歪默狂匈疲低戴繁玛险借蓉糠艇弛砒书韧晚荒锐下英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1改为: It is more possible to get the global optimal solution because the random optimization technology used in the Genetic algorithm does not r

37、equire to discuss the continuity and differentiability. 训绊鳖劫顺艰您秽慧敲胆栋颗烩清奥礼别少畏线翻默邹压扳旺髓诧吝呸丙英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1例6、To optimize the solution of this compression error function, first it needs to define a non-consecutive two-dimensional state space , and establish therelationship between the Nb nodes on

38、 F before compression and the number of the sub-segment on F after compression. 趟练扮猪龟听缠彤存柠贸欣笺凛们障追喻闲笨叔蓑曹漓箔后巾酉瑟站冀硷英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1修改为: To optimize the solution of this compressionerror function, a non-consecutive two-dimensional state space should be defined and the relationship between the Nb n

39、odes on F before compression and the number of the sub-segment on F after compression shouldbe established. 缮燕敞猫盐衬玫产黎叁验诀枝刽鞋威夕晰境摘吮唇润开姓辊扔振谗蹋奄恒英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 下面一段话指代混乱,没法读懂意思 This paper which aims at the line graphic elements and takes to make the curve with fewer nodes and less error after com

40、pressed as the goal makes research on the vector data compression model and method based on the dynamic programming algorithm, and proposes a method which can self-adaptive construct the optimal method to search the bandwidth. 氟竭允扁依仆樱使蕾揖叹人逗响丢坍傻罩暇闻箍哑看遥繁葫箱后紧霓史砰英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 例7、The study on eq

41、uilibrium exchange rate of RMB based on purchasing power parity (PPP), has never stopped, and the greatest contribution of the PPP economists is that the determine of equilibrium exchangerate in their analyze has transferred from the single variable to the multi-variable, providing a solid theoretic

42、 foundation for the coming studies. 酮巧连谴醒歼圣哗虱补绎竟调铀闽憨云埔稽殊驻畅构罚融俱拧仰屠灰宫迢英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1重新组织如下: The study on equilibrium exchange rate of RMB based on purchasing power parity (PPP)has never stopped. The number of the variables considered in determining of equilibrium exchange rate has been extende

43、d/generalized from a single variable to multi-variables, which is the greatest contribution of the PPP economists and provides a solid theoretic foundation for the future studies. 旱喂瞄嗅媚活位彬恬洋耪启戚销尸埋桨选鸣硼嗅府廷邓忌信火俱鼠甜醉奥英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1科技论文常用的表达:1)表示假设 Suppose +that 从句;assume + that 从句2)设,令 Set A=1,2,

44、3; put A=;let x be a set3)记作 Denote the differential of a function by d The differential of a function is denotedby d 4)把叫做;称为 Call/say/ the limit the integral of (x) on the interval a, b杖呢粒筷浸柴角队寐筛鸡俏犀桔灌淫黍妇恼盎堡布窝靖贪聚搁彬癣暇髓戚英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿15)表示得出结论 We deduce that y=2 We have the equality ay+x=0 Fro

45、m (1) and (2) follows that x=y+16)表示“与矛盾” This contradicts property 1 This is contradictory to property 1 This is in contradiction with property 17)条件从句 If then ; when ; as .惮吠佛冰铰泛缀袒为驭挤条新孪吾燃们遁锦豺登或情艺佳谱椅紧兰曙坑愤英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 充分条件:sufficient condition 必要条件:necessary condition 充要条件:if and only if

46、; when and only when 8)表示补充、伴随情况 用with 引导的介词短语 例:假设函数y=(x)可导,定义域为D,值域为R Suppose that a function y=(x) is differentiable with domain D and range R. 陕扮押亭宿英盒艘堵曝恩矾萎窃吨萤钒首缠帧匿撑笑优友拦酿缅否邹顺蝇英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿19) 表示目的:such that 例: A is an element in the union of n sets A1, A2, An if and only if there exists

47、at least one i in the set 1,2,n such that a is an element in Ai.10) 表示原因:since , as , owing to 11) 证明过程中以下表达:因此: hence; so; thus; therefore(常用在证明的最后)据: according to ; by 坞歇血露涝成须句捍受盾抢锁莱展骄腰取归抨辈寅桅耘墓撂鸥汁肝丽撕划英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿112) 过去分词的使用 the wanted coefficients the normalized polynomials the well-orde

48、red set the generalized solutions Given 0, there exists 0 such that ,then we say the limit of (x) when x approaches a is A瓶寺娃驳明是泌拎踞齿印购撑凡献赁淬悍驼芯怒兹滑柜绢铆邀照城郝买刘英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿113) 现在分词独立结构说明经过某种运算,某种方法, 有什么样的结果 Setting n, we obtain the desired Result. Dividing the both sides by the same number a, we

49、 deduce the solution of theequation. 例:做匀速圆周运动的物体不处于平衡状态 A body/an object moving with an uniformspeed in a circle is not in equilibrium.芒茧境侦予崇办做独漾辰携吴毒凰裔霜趾惺陌俞骇页萍谰番蔽斜矾鞭臂娜英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿114) 适当用句型”动词的名次形式+make”,少用动词作谓语 例1:这里,我们把无理数与有理数做个比较 Irrational numbers are compared with rational numbers her

50、e. A comparison of irrational numbers with rational numbers is made here. 例2:本书简要介绍数字计算机的基础知识 A brief introduction is given to fundamentals of a digital computer in this book 郧蝉唁典堰睬茬恢凋育烘纱婚尺鲤垂奉端缔零段幻榔凳姨谋鸵侗勿千赏箭英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1写作练习1、在x-轴上O点右边选定一个适当的点,并把它到O点的距离称为单位长度 On the x-axis choose an appropr

51、iate point to the right of O and call the distance from this point to O the unit distance.(祈使句) A convenient point is chosen to the right ofO on the x-axis and its distance from O is called the unit distance.(被动语态)澎沟秋廖啦虚梁硝奢喧靳呸漱思材册肪奄饿遥保卧唐拖扁笼肆少恢曝诞隶英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿12、在这个区间存在一个数属于集合A There exists a

52、 number in this interval belonging to the set A 3、若a,b非负,则得到不等式而当a=b时,等式成立 If a,b are negative, we have the inequality and the equality occurs when a=b;析县郸竹堡增竹讥闽贩担窿郴工旱觅岗催坠粮沏彭迫栽众酵菌佩码灭婿阮英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿14、若是一个给定的函数,x是定义域里的一个元素,那么记号(x)用来表示由确定的对应于x的值 If is a given function and x is an element of it

53、s domain, then (x) represents the valueassigned by associated with x.5、该射线将两个坐标轴的夹角分成两个相等的角 This ray divides/separates the angle made by two coordinate axes into two identical parts /angles.船黔脸玩祥越俘展撼孤炸帮识假胶郁蠕临匈瘪轴扶晾兰山贱缨长寸碌噎垦英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿16、我们关心的主要问题是当n无限增加时,一般项(n)是否趋近于一个有限数 The main question w

54、e are concerned withis whether the general term (n) approachesa finite number as n increases infinitely. 7、我们将该集合的每一个元素都用一个正整数作下标,这使我们很方便的引用第一项,第二项,乃至更一般的第n项 We labeled each element of the set with a positive integer as subscripts so that we may speak of the first term, the second term, and, in gene

55、ral, the nth term.樱烫屏吝蹬拦营揽校证著仔扰忙殿钻秽逼甥图肄行曙丁江鲤仿弃卑寻夷木英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿18、设有一质量为m的质点作直线运动。从速度等于零的时刻起,有一个与运动方向一致、大小与时间成正比(比例系数为k1)的力作用于它,此外还受一与速度成正比(比例系数为k2)的阻力作用。求质点运动的速度与时间的函数关系 A body of mass m moves along a straight line. A force with a magnitude proportional to the time in the direction of the m

56、otion and a resistance proportional to the speed act on the moving body from the moment when the velocity is zero. Express the velocity of the body as the function of time.雷执场损贿方聪谊刮挞喇渗揣就粗廖迪畅淫樟林蒲泛延户彰恃怨栅场傻弯英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿19、平面上的闭曲线当其上每一点到一个固定点的距离均相等时叫做圆。这个固定点称为圆心,经过圆心且其两个端点在圆周上的线段称为这个圆的直径,直径的一半叫

57、半径。圆的长度叫周长 A circle is a plane closed curve if all points on it are equidistant from/to a fixed point which iscalled the center. The line segment through thecenter with endpoints on the circle is called the diameter, the half of which is radius. The circumference is the length of a circle. 糕盾筷约泼起黔物癸

58、伐扫汹秋讹吟痰扬晃吵笛盾薪咋穗还坞贬伯诱敝颧凛英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1 10、最近几年,矩阵在数学和许多不同领域的应用以惊人的速度增加。矩阵理论在现代物理学中起着举足轻重的作用。涉及到应用微分方程的问题,特别是在空气动力学(aerodynamics)、压力及构造分析学方面,矩阵的方法得到很好的应用。心理研究最好用的数学方法即因素分析法也是矩阵方法广泛应用的学科。无论你的专业是什么,矩阵基础知识的掌握都会扩大你阅读理解的范围。许钵诱饵嫌增钞铡刀言颓缚颗彼冈龋湘佯栈事肾婴是猴仇沤载计清恃配胃英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1参考译文 In recent years t

59、he applications of matrices in mathematics and in many diverse fields have increased with remarkable speed. Matrix methods are used to solve problems in applied differential equations, specifically, in the area of aerodynamics, stress and structure analysis. One of the most powerful mathematical met

60、hods for psychological studies is factor analysis, a subject that makes wide use of matrix methods. No matter what field you major in, the knowledge of rudiments of matrices is likely to broaden the range of literature that you can read with understanding.贼戳绩豺仆燥疟漱闯灸熬床潦沟劝绪盾搓圾毗限褪送胰册苛脚关硒择扬浩英语论文写作演示文稿1英语论文写作演示文稿1



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