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1、How to make invitations? 如何发出邀请?如何发出邀请?Invitation邀请邀请How to accept invitations? 如何接受邀请?如何接受邀请?How to decline invitations? 如何拒绝邀请?如何拒绝邀请? What do you usually do on weekends? I usually play football. What do you usually do on weekends? I usually visit my grandparents. What do you usually do on weekend

2、s? I usually help my parents(帮父母帮父母). What do you usually do on weekends? I usually meet my friends. 去见朋友去见朋友What do you usually do on weekends?I usually go hiking.I have to prepare for an exam.What do you have to do on weekends? 准备考试准备考试Sorry. I have the flu. Lets go hiking this weekend .I have to

3、go to the doctor.得了流感得了流感去看病去看病I have to prepare for an exam.What do you have to do this weekends?What do you have to do this weekends?I have to help my parents.What does she have to do this weekends?She has to go to the doctor.She has to meet her friend. What does she have to do this weekends?play

4、basketball have the fluplay the piano go to the doctor help my parents go shoppingprepare for a test meet my friend弹钢琴弹钢琴准备考准备考试试去看病去看病去购物去购物打篮球打篮球帮父母帮父母去见去见朋友朋友得了流得了流感感根据箭头指向的汉语说出英根据箭头指向的汉语说出英语短语。语短语。Can you come to my birthday party?Sure, Id love to.Sorry, I cant. Sorry, I cant. I have to 不得不,后面要不

5、得不,后面要加动词原形加动词原形接受邀请接受邀请:婉拒邀请:婉拒邀请:Yes, Id like to.A: Can you come to my party? B: Sure, Id love to. PracticeA: Can you play basketball with us?B: Sorry, I cant. I have to study for a testB: Sorry, I cant. I have to go to the doctorA: Can you play football with me ?Sure, Id love to.Sorry, I cant. I

6、have to prepare for an exam.Im sorry. I must go to the doctor.Im sorry. I have the flu.Sorry, I cant. I must visit my grandparents.Im sorry. I have to practice the violin.A: Can you come to my party?B: Sure, Id love to.study for a texthelp my parentsgo to the doctorvisit my aunthave a piano lesson S

7、orry, I cant. I have to Student A invite student B to your party.Students B gives answers.Match the phrases with the pictures a-e.1.prepare for an exam_ 3. go to the doctor _2. help my parents_ 4.meet my friend _ 5.have the flu _edbc1aa1Listen and write the names (Tim, Kay, Anna and Wilson) next to

8、the correct students in the picture.TimKayAnnaWilson1bSun Ning: Hey, Ted. Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon ?Ted: Im sorry, I cant, Sun Ning. I have to help my parents.Sun Ning : Too bad. How about you, Jenny? Can you come to my party?Jenny: Id love to.Sun Ning: Tim? What about you?Tim:

9、 When is it?Sun Ning: Saturday afternoon.Tim: Oh, no, I cant. I have to prepare for an exam.Sun Ning: What about you, Wilson?Wilson: Sorry, I must go to the doctor.Sun Ning: Anna, can you come?Anna: I cant, Sun Ning. I might have to meet my friend.Kay: I cant either, Sun Ning. I have the flu.Sun Nin

10、g: Thats too bad, Kay. Oh, maybe next time. What a small party!playpauseTedJennyTimWilsonAnnaKayId love to. I have to prepare for an exam.I have the flu.I have to help my parents.I must go to the doctor.I might have to meet my friend.Listen and match the names with sentences.-_ you come to my party?

11、 - _, Id love to.Fill in the blank.CanYes/Sure -Can you go fishing with me? -_, I _ _ _. I have to _ _ _ _. Sorryhave the flugo to the doctor Can you play football with us? _, Im busy. A. Sorry, I cant B. No, I wouldnt C. Yes, Im glad D. Yes, Id love toChoose the best answer. He stay at home, becaus

12、e his mother is ill. A. has to B. have to C. had D. had toChoose the best answer. - _you swim? - Yes, but Im not a good swimmer. (2015.北京)北京) A. Can B. May C. Must D. NeedChoose the best answer. I have to _ _ _ _ _What do you have to do this weekends?prepare for an exam.Fill in the blank.A: Can you

13、come to my party?B: Sure, Id love to.study for a texthelp my parentsgo to the doctorvisit my aunthave a piano lessonC: Sorry, I cant. I have to Student A invite three students to your party.Students B, C, and D, give answers.1. Ask your friends to come to your birthday party. Find out who can come,

14、who cant come. Then fill in the chart.A: Hi, , can you come to my birthday party on Saturday?B: Im sorry, I cant. I have to help my mom this weekend.C: Sure, Id love to.D: Sorry, I cant. I have to do my homework.NameCan/CantWhyBcanthelp my momCcanDcantdo my homework would love to go to my party. can

15、t go to my party. He has to And cant go to my party. She has toReport2.Write a report and give it to the class.Summary Make an invitation Can you come to my party?Accept (接受(接受 )Yes, Id love/like to.Thank you.Sure, Id love/like to.Certainly, I d love/like to. Decline(拒绝)(拒绝)Im sorry, I cant. I have to(play the piano)Id love to, but I have to(go to the doctor)=Would you like to come to my party?



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