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1、 Single acting cylinderThe piston rod of a single acting cylinder is operated by the input of compressed air at the front end position. then the compressed air is shut off, the piston returns to its starting position via a return spring. The piston of the cylinder contains a permanent solenoid which

2、 can be used to operate a proximity switch. With single acting cylinders, compressed air is applied on only one side of the piston face. The other side is open to atmosphere. The cylinders can perform work in only one direction. The return movement of the piston is effected by a built-in spring or b

3、y the application of an external force.液压与气动技术02教案下载-样章.ppt1Chp3 Actuator and output device Control of Single acting cylinder. The construction and simplicity of operation of the single acting cylinder makes it particularly suitable for compact, short stroke length cylinders for the following types

4、of applications:1.Clamping the work pieces2.Cutting operations3.Ejecting parts4.Pressing operations5.Feeding and lifting2Chp3 Actuator and output device Direct control of a single acting cylinderWhen the 3/2 way valve is actuated, compressed air flows from 1 to 2 and the exhausted part is blocked. T

5、he cylinder extends.When the button is released, the valve return spring operates and the cylinder chamber is exhausted through the 3 part with compressed air connection 1 blocked. The cylinder is retracted.3Chp3 Actuator and output device Double acting cylinder The piston rod of a double acting cyl

6、inder is operated by the reciprocal input of compressed air at the front and back of the cylinder. The end position damping is adjustable via two regular screws. The piston of the cylinder contains a permanent solenoid which can be used to operate a proximity switch. Cushioned double acting cylinder

7、 If large masses are moved by a cylinder, cushioning is used in the end positions. Before reaching the end position, a cushioning piston interrupts the direct flow of air to the outside. For the last part of the stroke the speed is slowed to reduce impact on the cylinder.4Chp3 Actuator and output de

8、vice Control of double acting cylinder5Chp3 Actuator and output deviceCircuit: control of a doubling acting cylinderIn the case of 5/2 way valve, the exhaust air is separately exhausted to atmosphere from one of the two ports 3S or 5R.It is more common for 5/2 way valve to be used for the control of

9、 the double acting cylinder.6Chp3 Actuator and output device Vacuum suction nozzleVacuum suction nozzleThe vacuum suction nozzle creates its vacuum based on the ejector principle. In this case, compressed air flows from connection 1 to 3, creating a vacuum at connection 1v. A sucker can be connected

10、 to the vacuum connection 1v. Stopping the input of compressed air at connection 1 stops any suction also. SuckerThe sucker can be used in connection with the vacuum suction nozzle to suck in objects. The sucking in of objects can be simulated in FluidSIM-P by clicking on the component when in the S

11、imulation Mode.7Chp3 Actuator and output deviceControl of vacuum of suction nozzle8Chp3 Actuator and output deviceSemi-Rotary actuatorThe semi-rotary actuator is controlled by a reciprocal input of compressed air.Semi-Rotary actuatorThe rotary actuator is compact with high torque ratings. The force

12、is transmitted to the drive shaft by a rotary vane. The range of angular movement is adjustable with end stops. The angle can be adjusted between 0?and 180? 摆动式气缸是将压缩空气的压力能转变为气缸输出 轴的有限回转的机械能,多用于安装位置受限制,或转角小于360度的回转工作部件。如:夹具的回转、阀门的开启、自动线上物料的转位等场合。9Chp3 Actuator and output deviceControl of rotary actu

13、ator10Chp3 Actuator and output device Air motorDevices which transform pneumatic energy into mechanical rotary motion, with the possibility of continuous motion. They are categorized into the groups of piston motors, sliding vane motors, gear motors and turbines.(叶片、齿轮、蜗轮)11Chp3 Actuator and output

14、device Double rod cylinderThe sliding of the piston in the double rod cylinder is controlled by a reciprocal input of compressed air. Adjustable parametersMaximum stroke:10 . 1000 mm(50 mm) Piston position:0 . max. stroke(0 mm)Position encoderAnalog displacement encoder for pneumatic linear drive un

15、it for determining the current actual position. When ordering single units, please also order mounting accessories The connection cable is required for use in TP 111. 12Chp3 Actuator and output device无杆气缸1.特点:无杆气缸没有普通气缸的刚性活塞杆,它利用活塞直接或间接实现往复运动。这种气缸最大优点是节省了安装空间,特别适用小缸径、长行程的场合。2.分类:机械接触式;磁性耦合式;绳索气缸;钢带缸

16、。前两种无杆气缸在自动化系统、气动机器人中获得了大量应用。13Chp3 Actuator and output device使用时注意事项1.无杆气杆用脚架安装,两端脚架之间的跨度与负载有关。2.注意力矩的作用。带导向装置的DGPL无杆能承受更大垂直和侧向负载,同时能抗扭转。导向装置有滑动轴承和滚珠轴承两种。滑动轴承最大速度达1m/s,超过此值推荐使用滚珠轴承导向装置。3.气缸活塞上装有永久磁环,可用来触发行程开关。4.若用无杆气缸构成气动定位系统,建议采用内置式位移传感器的无杆气缸。内置式位移传感器采用电感式位移检测原理,其检测精度高,在行程1m范围内误差为0.2mm,超过1m范围误差为0.

17、4mm(绝对值)5.无杆气缸的安装有两种:一种是气缸本身的固定,DGP和DGPL无杆气缸都是用安装支架(脚架)直接安装固定的;另一种是无杆气缸滑块和负载之间的连接:用螺钉直接将滑块和负载连接,或用滑块柔性连接件连接,以补偿传动时滑块和负载之间同心度误差。14Chp3 Actuator and output device机械接触式无杆气缸15Chp3 Actuator and output device结构和特点v在气缸筒轴向开有一条槽,与普通气缸一样,在气缸两端设置空气缓冲装置。活塞带动与负载相连的滑块一起在槽内移动,且借助缸体上的一管状沟槽防止产生旋转,为了防泄漏及防尘需要,在开口部采用 聚

18、氨脂密封带和防尘不锈钢带,并固定在两端盖上。v这种气缸占据的空间小,不需要设置防转动机构。适用缸径880mm,最大行程在缸径=40mm时可达6m/s。气缸运动速度高,可达2m/s。由于负载与活塞是由在气缸槽内运动的滑块连接的,因此在使用中必须考虑其径向和轴向负载。辚了增加负载能力,必须增加导向机构。16Chp3 Actuator and output device磁性气缸17Chp3 Actuator and output device结构与原理v在活塞上安装了一组高磁性的稀土永久磁环,磁力线通过薄壁缸筒(不锈钢或铝合金非导磁材料)与套在外面的另一组磁环作用。由于两组磁环极性相反,具有很强的吸

19、力。当活塞在两侧输入气压作用下移动时,则在磁力线作用下,带动缸筒外的磁环套与负载一起移动。在气缸行程两端设有空气缓冲装置。v特点:小型,重量轻,无外部空气泄漏,维修保养方便。当速度快、负载大时,内外磁环易脱开,即负载大小受速度影响,且磁性耦合的无杆气缸中间不可能增加支承点,最大行程受到限制。18Chp3 Actuator and output device Symbols of actuators19Chp3 Actuator and output device气缸的选择1.缸径:选用标准缸径2.行程:选用标准行程(比实际行程要长)3.工作压力:通常,在压缩空气进入气动装置前都设置气动三联件,

20、从气源管路通过分歧管,从压力表上显出的压力即为气动三联件的输入压力(一次压力)。为保证减压阀能正常工作,输入压力应高于输出压力1bar。4.活塞杆的连接:活塞杆与工件之间的连接宜采用柔性连接,用来补偿轴向或径向偏差以及与气缸在一个平面上实现摆动边接。如:Y形带销接头、关节轴承接头、自对中球铰接头、连接法兰。5.气缸安装方式:采用脚架式、法兰式安装时,应尽量避免安装螺栓本身直接受推力或拉力负荷,同时要使安装底座有足够的刚性;尾部挂中间摆动式;中间轴销摆动式。20Chp3 Actuator and output device做完实验,请各位整理实验柜!Thanks!21Chp3 Actuator and output device22Chp3 Actuator and output device23Chp3 Actuator and output device



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