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1、Conversation-Conversation-课文对照课文对照翻译解析翻译解析Para 1nNone of the desires dictated by vanity(虚荣心,空虚,浮华,无价值的东西) is more general, or less blamable(有过错的,可责备的), than that of being distinguished for(因。而著称) the arts of conversation. n没有什么为虚荣所描述的欲望比那些以社交艺术而著称的欲望更加平凡或不值得批判。(crap。)n那些因(社交/谈话)艺术而存在的欲望比任何虚荣的愿望来得更加平

2、实而无辜。(could be better。)nVanity gives rise to many of our desires; the desire to distinguish oneself through conversation is most common and least blamable.n虚荣心是我们诸多欲望的源头。以社交手段/交谈来凸显自己,这一愿望是其中最普遍存在而可被理解的。nOther accomplishments may be possessed without opportunity of exerting them, or wanted(lacked) w

3、ithout danger that the defect can often be remarked;n其他技能可能我们学会了也用不到,或者即使我们没有掌握它们也不会出什么大差错。nbut as no man can live, otherwise than in an hermitage(隐居住所), without hourly(频繁地,随时地) pleasure or vexation(苦恼,烦心事), from the fondness or neglect of those about him, the faculty(能力) of giving pleasure is of co

4、ntinual use.n然而谁都不能过着没有频繁喜怒之变,比隐居还平稳的生活。因为人自己有所好恶,给予别人快乐的能力便一直为人所使用。nFew are more frequently envied than those who have the power of forcing attention wherever they come, whose entrance is considered as a promise of felicity(幸福,快乐,幸运), and whose departure is lamented(令人遗憾的), like the recess of the s

5、un from northern climates, as a privation(贫困,丧失,被剥夺了某物的状态) of all that enlivens(使生动,使活泼,使有活力,使活跃) fancy, or inspirits gaiety(快乐,兴高采烈).n少数人会比那些用能力强制他人注意自己的家伙更让人羡慕。他们的到来会给人带来幸福,他们的离去会让人感到遗憾。就像极夜带走了阳光,剥夺了所有可以激活幻想,引发欢乐的事物。Para 2nIt is apparent, that to excellence in this valuable art some peculiar quali

6、fications are necessary;n显然,想要将这一宝贵的技能运用到炉火纯青的境界,(拥有)一些特殊的能力是必要的。nfor every ones experience will inform him, that the pleasure which men are able to give in conversation, holds no stated(规定的,定期的,阐明的) proportion to their knowledge or their virtue.n从任何人的经验都可以看出,人们在谈话中都够给予他人的愉快感受,并不由他们某一特定的知识领域或高尚品质所控制

7、。nMany find their way to the tables and the parties of those who never consider them as of the least importance in any other place;n?结构好乱啊看不明白n试译:人们寻找同桌或伙伴时,会去找那些不在任何方面轻视他们的人。nwe have all, at one time or other, been content to love those whom we could not esteem, and been persuaded to try the danger

8、ous experiment of admitting him for a companion, whom we knew to be too ignorant for a counsellor, and too treacherous(奸诈的,叛逆的,背叛的,危险的,不牢靠的) for a friend.n我们都曾因爱过一些我们并不尊重的人而感到满足。有些人太愚蠢,不能作为我们的参谋;有些人太狡猾,不足以成为我们的朋友,但为了维持伙伴关系,我们都曾被游说着去铤而走险地尝试认同他们。Para 3nI question whether some abatement(减少,消除,减轻) of ch

9、aracter is not necessary to general acceptance.n我质疑一些个性上的收敛对于一般的(友情方面的)接纳是否是必要的。nFew spend their time with much satisfaction under the eye of uncontestable superiority; n很少有人会因生活在(别人所投射的)具有绝对优势的视线下而感到更加满足。nand therefore, among those whose presence is courted at assemblies of jollity(酒宴,欢乐,高兴), there

10、 are seldom found men eminently(突出地,显著第) distinguished for powers or acquisitions.n因此,在那些能够带来欢乐的人身边,那些有权有钱的人很少会变得突出明显。nThe wit(智慧) whose vivacity(活泼,快活,精神充沛) condemns slower tongues to silence, the scholar whose knowledge allows no man to fancy that he instructs him, the critic who suffers no fallac

11、y(谬误) to pass undetected(未被发现的), and the reasoner who condemns the idle to thought and the negligent to attention, are generally praised and feared, reverenced(尊敬,尊严) and avoided.n那些批评别人慢脑筋的智者,不容他人质疑自己指导地位的学者,不放过任何谬误的批评家,责怪别人思想空虚精神涣散的思想家,大多为世人所赞颂尊敬,但畏惧疏远。nHe that would please must rarely aim at such

12、 excellence as depresses his hearers in their own opinion, or debars(阻止) them from the hope of contributing reciprocally(相互地) to the entertainment of the company.n那些善于取悦别人的人很少把自己谈话的重点放在这些优势上,因为这些长处会让他的听众在抒发观点的时候感到沮丧,或者破坏他们相互促进友好关系的愿望。Para 4nMerriment, extorted(敲诈,侵占,强求) by sallies(突围,迸发) of imaginat

13、ion, sprightliness(快活,愉快) of remark, or quickness of reply, is too often what the Latins call, the Sardinian(撒丁岛人) laughter, a distortion(扭曲) of the face without gladness of heart.n那种因绞尽脑汁、巧言令色、对答如流而强求来的快乐在很多情况下被拉丁人称作撒丁岛人的笑声,只是一种面部表情的扭曲,并不含有由衷的快乐。nFor this reason, no style of conversation is more ex

14、tensively acceptable than the narrative. n正因如此,以叙事为主的交流形式最容易被人接受。nHe who has stored his memory with slight anecdotes, private incidents, and personal peculiarities, seldom fails to find his audience favorable.n那些记忆储备中含有一些自己生活轶事、突发情况及个人怪癖的人,经常能让自己的听众听得津津有味。nAlmost every man listens with eagerness to

15、contemporary history; for almost every man has some real or imaginary connection with a celebrated character; some desire to advance or oppose a rising name. n几乎所有人都热衷于聆听自己所处时代发生的事。大家都觉得自己和知名人物有着或实或虚的某种联系。有些人对名声趋之若鹜,有些人避之不及。nVanity often co-operates with curiosity. n虚荣往往与好奇心伴生。nHe that is a hearer i

16、n one place, qualifies himself to become a speaker in another; for though he cannot comprehend a series of argument, or transport the volatile(爆发性的,不稳定的爆发性的,不稳定的) spirit of wit without evaporation(蒸发,消失蒸发,消失), he yet thinks himself able to treasure up the various incidents of a story, and please his

17、 hopes with the information which he shall give to some inferior(下进的,低等下进的,低等的的) society.n一个人在某个场合下是听众,但在另一个场合里认为自己足以成为演讲者。尽管他不能完整地理解这一系列观点,也难以毫无遗漏地将这些偶然爆发的智慧加以转述,但他仍相信自己可以将故事中有关这些事件的记忆串联起来,并向下一级社会群体提供这些信息,以达成自己的愿望。nNarratives are for the most part heard without envy, because they are not supposed t

18、o imply any intellectual qualities above the common rate. n叙事型交流的绝大部分内容都不会引起嫉妒,因为它并没有暗示任何智力上的差距。n To be acquainted with facts not yet echoed(重复,反射) by plebeian(平民的,普通的) mouths, may happen to one man as well as to another; and to relate them when they are known, has in appearance so little difficulty

19、, that every one concludes himself equal to the task.n每个人都知道一些大伙不常谈论的冷门事儿。当别人发现这些事情时,叙述它们从表面上看不算困难,因为大家认知的水平是差不多的。nBut it is not easy, and in some situations of life not possible, to accumulate such a stock of materials as may support the expense of continual narration; and it frequently happens, th

20、at they who attempt this method of ingratiating(使逢迎,使讨好) themselves, please only at the first interview; and, for want of new supplies of intelligence, wear out their stories by continual repetition.n但积累足够的材料以支撑更进一步的叙述不是一件容易事,在某些情况下甚至完全不可能。很多人都试图通过(耍小聪明,卖弄冷知识)这一方法笼络人心讨好他人。但因为缺乏新的谈资,刚开始还让人乐于去听,越到后来就越

21、枯竭,只能无尽地重复。nPara 8nThere would be, therefore, little hope of obtaining the praise of a good companion, were it not to be gained by more compendious(简明的,摘要的,简练的) methods; but such is the kindness of mankind to all, except those who aspire to real merit(优点) and rational dignity(理性的尊严), that every unde

22、rstanding may find some way to excite benevolence(仁慈,善行); and whoever is not envied may learn the art of procuring(实现,努力取得) love. n因此若不使用一些更简单的方法,你不太可能被称作一个好伙伴。但每一份理解都会以某种方式激发人们的仁慈心,除非这个人更关注寻求实在优点和理性尊严。这是人类善良的本性。除了那些遭人嫉妒的家伙,人们总会学到求得爱戴的技术。nWe are willing to be pleased, but are not willing to admire:

23、we favour the mirth(欢乐,高兴) or officiousness(过于殷勤,好管闲事) that solicits(征求,招揽,乞求) our regard, but oppose the worth or spirit that enforces it.n我们都想被取悦,但不愿去崇拜。我们都享受着别人乞求我们重视的快乐,和被献殷勤的愉悦感,但抗拒那些强迫我们接受之事的价值和精神所在。nPara 9nThe first place among those that please, because they desire only to please, is due to

24、the merry fellow, whose laugh is loud, and whose voice is strong; who is ready to echo every jest(玩笑,笑话) with obstreperous(吵闹的,喧嚣的,难以驾驭的) approbation(认可,赞许), and countenance(支持,赞同) every frolick(嬉戏,嬉闹) with vociferations(喧嚷,哄叫,大声吵嚷) of applause. n最容易取悦于他人的群体当属那些欢乐的响应者,他们笑得特别大声,讲话格外响亮,因为他们只想着让别人乐呵起来。

25、他们为每个笑话都准备了喧嚣的赞许声,为任何嬉闹大声吵嚷,鼓掌。nIt is not necessary to a merry fellow to have in himself any fund of jocularity(滑稽,幽默,诙谐的言行), or force of conception(概念,设想): it is sufficient that he always appears in the highest exaltation(得意洋洋,欣喜) of gladness, for the greater part of mankind are gay or serious by i

26、nfection, and follow without resistance the attraction of example.n这些欢乐的响应者完全不需要任何幽默的基础,或者刻意的设想,他们只要时时刻刻处于高度愉悦的状态就够了,因为人类更优秀的一点在于无论是开心或严肃的情绪都很容易受到别人的感染,并完全不假思索地被榜样引导。nNext to the merry fellow is the good-natured man such as indolence(懒散,懒惰) and insensibility(不关心,不在乎) confer. n排在这些乐天派之后的是那些脾气温和的人,比如那

27、些懒散的人和事不关己的人。nThe characteristic of a good-natured man is to bear a joke; to sit unmoved and unaffected amidst(在。之中) noise and turbulence, profaneness(渎神,污秽) and obscenity(猥亵的言语); to hear every tale without contradiction(反驳); to endure insult without reply; and to follow the stream of folly(愚蠢,荒唐事),

28、 whatever course it shall happen to take. n这类人的特点是忍受玩笑,在污秽和猥亵的言语中泰然自若,对任何传说都不加反驳,容忍并不回答任何攻击性言语,并且随波逐流地做些荒唐事,无论这其中的过程将会是怎样的。nThe good-natured man is commonly the darling of the petty wits, with whom they exercise themselves in the rudiments(入门,初步,基础知识) of raillery(逗趣,开玩笑); n那些好脾气的人大多是爱耍小聪明的家伙练习挖苦入门技巧

29、的对象.nfor he never takes advantage of failings, nor disconcerts(破坏,使惊慌失措) a puny(微不足道的) satirist with unexpected sarcasms; but, while the glass continues to circulate, contentedly bears the expense of uninterrupted laughter, and retires rejoicing at his own importance.n因为他们从不对那些搞砸了的把戏斤斤计较,也不会为一个微不足道的

30、嘲讽就恶语相迎。但当这一切玩笑过后人们再度举杯之时,他们会为自己默默忍受了这一切无妨的嘲笑而沾沾自喜,愉快地退居回自以为重要的位置。nThe modest man is a companion of a yet lower rank, whose only power of giving pleasure is not to interrupt it. n那些谦虚的人还属于比较低层次的伙伴,因为他们带来乐趣的能力仅限于不去打断别人说话。n The modest man satisfies himself with peaceful silence, which all his companio

31、ns are candid(公正的, 坦白的,率直的) enough to consider as proceeding not from inability to speak, but willingness to hear.n因为他们带来乐趣的能力仅限于不去打断别人说话。谦虚的人满足于自身平和的沉默。他们的朋友往往不假思索地将这种沉默视为倾听的意愿而非交谈能力的缺陷。nMany, without being able to attain any general character of excellence, have some single art of entertainment wh

32、ich serves them as a passport through the world. n虽然很多人在性格上都没有突出的优点,但他们都掌握一些娱乐他人的技巧,这就足以让他们与世人交际了。nOne I have known for fifteen years the darling of a weekly club, because every night, precisely at eleven, he begins his favourite song, and during the vocal performance, by corresponding motions of hi

33、s hand, chalks out a giant upon the wall. n我认识一个在俱乐部工作的人15年了,因为他每晚准时在11点唱起他最喜欢的歌,并搭配以手部动作,而在墙上投射出了一个伟岸的形象。nAnother has endeared(使受钟爱,使亲密) himself to a long succession of acquaintances by sitting among them with his wig(假发,要人,头脑) reversed; another, by contriving(图谋) to smut(弄脏) the nose of any strang

34、er who was to be initiated in the club; another by purring like a cat, and then pretending to be frightened; and another by yelping like a hound, and calling to the drawers(开票人) to drive out the dog.n另一位利用倒戴假发的伎俩成功地结识了很多熟人;还有一位呢,经常弄脏新进入俱乐部人的鼻子;还有一个喜欢学猫叫,然后假装一副被吓坏的样子;另外一个则像猎犬一样呼号,然后招呼让开票人把狗赶出去。nSuch

35、are the arts by which cheerfulness is promoted, and sometimes friendship established; arts, which those who despise them should not rigorously(严厉地,残酷地) blame, except when they are practised at the expense of innocence; for it is always necessary to be loved, not always necessary to be reverenced(敬畏).n这就是制造欢乐的技术,有的时候还有助于建立友谊。那些轻视这类技术的人不该如此严厉地批判它,除非这一技术以牺牲纯真的天性为代价而被践行。因为这对于被爱来说必不可少,但不该被用来换取敬畏之心。nTHANKS FOR YOUR WATCHING结束结束



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