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1、英英 语语拓展拓展模块模块Unit FiveUnit Five DreamWarm UpListening and SpeakingReadingGrammarHighlightsWriting Warm UpThe following table is a survey of likes and dislikes. Pick out theexpressions according to your own experiences.Warm-upKey Listening and SpeakingDialogue StudyActivitiesDialogue 1(M=Martin, L=La

2、ura)M: Wonderful! Very nice.L : So youre keen on rock music, arent you?M: Yes, I am. I like all music, actually. And you?L : Rock music? Oh, it drives me nuts! And I cant work up any enthusiasm for rap. New Age is OK with me.M: Then do you fancy Enya? She is my favorite New Age singer.L : Yes. So do

3、 I. I often play her music on the piano.M: Really? Do you? What other kinds of instruments canyou play?L : I took on playing bass at the age of five indeed. Theresnothing I enjoy more than playing bass.M: Great! Our band just needs a bass player. Are youinterested in joining us?L : You bet. Im in.Ne

4、w Words PhrasesDialogue 2(R=Robert, S=Sarah)R: Hi, Sarah! Why are you so crazy about suchkinds of TV programs? How about going jogging with me?S : That sounds boring. And I cant stand staying outside on such a hot day.R: Then would you like to go bird-watching? You really should get some exercise.S:

5、 Well, I am not into outdoor activities so much, you know. Whats bird-watching all about anyway?R: Bird watchers study birds in their natural surroundings. I adore it.S: Whats the fun in that?R: I am very fond of listening to different birds sing, watching them fly and studying how they behave.S: Wh

6、at else?R: Well, its also relaxing to be around nature. And walking in the mountains helps you keep fit.S: Nothings more relaxing than watching TV in my air-conditioned room. But I dont mind going there with you to have a try.R: Thats great! Lets go!New Words Phraseswonderful adj. 极好的keen adj. 热衷于热衷

7、于nuts adj. 发疯的发疯的enthusiasm n. 热情热情rap n. 说唱音乐说唱音乐instrument n. 乐器乐器bass n. 低音电吉他低音电吉他band n. 乐队乐队jogging n. 慢跑锻炼慢跑锻炼adore v. 热爱热爱fit adj. 健康的健康的air-conditioned adj. 装有空气调节设备的装有空气调节设备的be keen on be keen on 喜爱喜爱喜爱喜爱work up work up 引起,激发引起,激发引起,激发引起,激发New Age New Age 新世纪音乐新世纪音乐新世纪音乐新世纪音乐you bet you be

8、t 当然当然当然当然be crazy about be crazy about 对对对对着迷着迷着迷着迷rock music rock music 摇滚乐摇滚乐摇滚乐摇滚乐have a try have a try 尝试一下尝试一下尝试一下尝试一下ActivitiesWork AlonePair Work. Listen to Dialogue 1, and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).( ) 1. Laura is keen on rock music.( ) 2. Martin like

9、 all music.( ) 3. Laura is not interested in rap.( ) 4. Martin took on playing bass at the age of five.( ) 5. Laura agrees to join Martins band.Work AloneKey1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F. 5. TII.Listen to Dialogue 2 and fill in the blanks. 1. How about with me?2. I staying outside on such a hot day.3. Bird wa

10、tchers in their natural surroundings.4. Walking in the mountains helps you .5. I dont mind going there with you to .Work AloneKey1. going jogging 2. cant stand 3. study birds 4. keep fit 5. have a tryI First listen to the two dialogues and repeat, then role play them in pairs.II Make a new dialogue

11、with your partner according to the following situation. Situation: You fancy pizza very much and want to invite your friend to a newly opened Italian restaurant, but he or she likes Sichuan food most. In the end, you persuade him or her to go to the Italian restaurant with you.Pair WorkPost-Reading

12、3Pre-Reading1While-Reading2 ReadingPre-readingWork in groups to discuss the following questions.1. Whats your dream?2. What qualities do you think are needed to be president?While-reading My dream is to be the first woman president of the United States when I grow up. Why? I want to show that girls

13、can be just as important as boys. I want to do what boys do. My brother has the same goal as I. He will be president right after me. One important quality it takes to be president is self-discipline. Why is selfdiscipline important? What happens if your parents dont care about your grades? Do you wo

14、rk less hard or push yourself to do more? During my nine years in school I have never been told that 100% is good enough. 100% is good; 110% is better. Better stillis 120%. The good grades are a reward for my work. My parents are just there to encourage me but it is I who do thereal work.A Little Gi

15、rls DreamNew Words PhrasesWhile-reading Another important quality is flexibility. I have two sides. One side is gentle and the other is tough. These two sides are both parts of me. I have to know when to be hard and gentle at the right time. When a kid does something wrong, you need to be gentle but

16、 also harsh to send the right message. You have to be tough when you are dealing with a bully. Im the only girl in kungfu class, but the boys respect me because I am as tough as any boy. These qualities will lead me to my goal. I will never give up or do anything wrong. I will be president when I gr

17、ow up.New Words PhrasesTo be continuedquality n. 质量,品质self-discipline n. 自律,自我约束grade n. 成绩,分数;等级;年级reward n. 报答,报酬encourage v. 鼓励,支持flexibility n. 灵活性,变通性gentle adj. 温和的tough adj. 强硬的;严厉的harsh adj. 苛刻的,严厉的bully n. 以强欺弱的人,恶霸kungfu n. 功夫grow up grow up 长大,成人长大,成人长大,成人长大,成人the same as the same as 和和和和

18、一样一样一样一样care aboutcare about 关心,介意关心,介意关心,介意关心,介意deal withdeal with 对付,处理对付,处理对付,处理对付,处理lead to lead to 导致;通向导致;通向导致;通向导致;通向give up give up 放弃放弃放弃放弃Post-readingKeyI 1. F 2. T 3. FII 1. quality 2. grade 3. encourage 4. gentle 5. tough 6. harshIII 1. deal with 2. give up 3. cares about 4. grow up 5. t

19、he same as GrammarEmphatic Patterns ExercisesKeyI. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. CII. 1. why改为that2. he was改为it was that3. when改为that4. where改为that5. alone改为let alone WritingMemo ExercisesKeyDear Prof. Patent,I am very sorry to inform you that I did not manage to complete the book

20、 report you assigned last week, due to a sudden illness falling upon me a few days ago. For the past few days I have been in hospital with a continuous fever, which has thus prevented me from any academic activity. I hereby submit the doctors note.I would be very much obliged if you could grant me a

21、nother week for the task, as my health is turning better.Hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology.Yours faithfully,Li MinNow I Can Go Home One day after school the teacher said to his student.“Tomorrow morning, if any one of you can answer my firstquestion. Ill permit him or her to go home earlier.” The nextday, when the teacher came into the classroom, he found the blackboard daubed (乱画). He was very angry and asked, “Who did it? Please stand up! ”“Its me, ”said Bob. “Now, I can go home. Goodbye, Sir!”



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