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1、Under-the-seaUnder-the-sea课件课件Lets enjoy the wonderful world under the sea!Dolphins 海豚海豚Shark鲨鱼鲨鱼Angel fish天使鱼天使鱼Anemone fish 海葵鱼海葵鱼parrotfish 鹦鹉鱼鹦鹉鱼sea-turtle 海龟海龟White whale白鲸白鲸Killer whale虎鲸虎鲸sea horse 海马海马clam 蛤蛤Sea Star海星海星Coral 珊瑚珊瑚 jellyfish 水母水母In what ways can we see them?On a snorkeling tr

2、ipAt an aquariumOn a boat tourIn booksIn filmsOn TV nature programmesOn the Internetat an aquariumon a snorkelling tripOld Tom the Killer WhaleOld Tom is a Killer WhaleReading What do you know about killer whales?Common name: Killer WhaleIntroduction:Males can reach lengths up to 27 feet and can wei

3、gh up to 12,000 lb. You can tell an adult male from an adult female by the shape of their dorsal fin (males longer, up to 6 feet tall).killer whales are found in all oceans of the world. As a group, killer whales are known to eat fish, squid, seals, sea lions, penguins, even other whales. Thus, they

4、 are called “Killer Whales”Scientific name: Orcinus Orcabaleenbaleenwhalewhalekillerkiller whales whales blow-holeblow-holewhalwhalerers swhalewhale whales whales People who hunt whalesPeople who hunt whalesWhat do you think is happening Read the text in the page 19 and then complete the chart.type

5、of the article : (文体文体)writer :job :place :time :Plot :(情节情节)anecdotean old man called Clancya whaleron the southeastern of Australiaat the beginning of the 20th centuryKiller whales helped whalers catch the baleen whales.Fast-readingFast-readingRead the text and then fill in the blanks with their n

6、ames.1._ was 16 years of age when he went to work at the whaling station.2._ ordered Clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay.3._ was swimming by the boat,showing the whalers the way.4._ told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale.5._ w

7、as carried by the waves further and further away from the whalers.6._ knew that Old Tom would protect James.ClancyGeorgeOld TomJackJamesRedCareful-readingCareful-readingPart 1Put the following sentences in order.( ) He ran down to the shore and saw a huge animal in the water, which was Old Tom, the

8、killer whale.( ) The killer whale guided the team to the hunt.( ) The killers ate the lips and tongue of the baleen whale. ( ) Clancy arrived at the whaling station.( ) He heard a loud noise coming from the bay as he was sorting out his accommodation.( ) The men went to the boat and headed out for a

9、 whale hunt.( ) Clancy and his men killed the baleen whale with the help of the killers.( ) The men returned for the baleen whale the next day. 3 5714628Working at the _(whale) station, I had _ whales killed many times with my own eyes. On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I _ (sort 短语短语) m

10、y accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. Running down to the shore in time, we saw an _ (huge同义词同义词)animal. whalingwitnessedwas sorting outenormousFill in the blanks according to the passage.“It is called Old Tom, the killer.” George said as he ran ahead_ me. _ the distance we coul

11、d see that something was happening. As we _ (draw 短语短语), I could see a whale_ by a _ of about six sharks. Being badly wounded, the whale soon died. Very soon, its body was dragged by the sharks down into the _ of the sea.ofIn drew nearerbeing attackedpackdepthsPart 2T or F1. Because Old Tom and the

12、other killers were too 1. Because Old Tom and the other killers were too fierce, they also would harm or attacked people.fierce, they also would harm or attacked people.2.James was afraid of being abandoned by us.2.James was afraid of being abandoned by us.3.No one saved James, and he was killed by

13、a 3.No one saved James, and he was killed by a shark.shark.FTFAccident James was _ the boatSituation 1. The sea was _ that day and it was _to handle the boat. The _ were carrying James further and further away .2. Suddenly there was _ over there.FeelingHe was_of being abandoned by us.Help1.Old Tom w

14、ont let it _James.2.James was firmly _in the water by Old Tom ResultJames was _ into the boat.washed offroughdifficultwavesa sharkterrifiednearheld uppulled backConclusionAlthough the killers were _hunters,they never _ or _ people. In fact, they _ them. However, whales are now in _. They are _ out.F

15、ill in the forms according to the textfierceharmedattackedprotecteddangerdyingGet the main ideas of the two anecdotes. describes a hunting experience about how the killer whales helped the whalers to hunt a whale. tells about how a killer whale protected and saved James, a whaler.The first anecdoteT

16、he second oneDiscuss the relationship between Old Tom and the whalers. Then discuss what other animals help out humans in hunting. Old Tom is honest and helpful to the whalers and the whalers are very kind to Old Tom and its group, too. Theyre just like good friends.Maybe Old Tom and other killers h

17、ave been trained by the whalers, just like hunting dogs, they get on well with the whalers. In everyday life they take care of each other and in an emergency, they help each other. After reading the text, we can learn more about the relationship between humans and animals. Humans and animals should

18、depend on each other and be kind to each other. Only in that way, can the world be more harmonious and beautiful.DiscussionThe last whaling station in Australia closed in 1978. Whales are now an endangered species and in need of conservation. They are now protected by an international ban on whaling

19、. However, some countries oppose the ban. In groups, discuss the reason for and against banning whaling.Useful expressionsAs far as Im concerned,In my opinion,From my point of view,Personally, I think,It would seem to me thatAs far as Im able to judge,As I see it,Frankly, I think,Thank you Thank you for listening for listening 结束结束



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