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1、The Werewolves Game狼人游戏狼人游戏PreparationspOne person plays the role of GodGod.ppGodGod chooses some IDs(身份) for other players to draw(抽签). For balance, logicality(逻辑性) & enjoyable We put aside two of these IDs.pTell them check and remember their IDs themselves without divulging(泄露).pOthers who have no

2、 special IDs are Simple Villagers.小女孩小女孩Lassock 吹笛者吹笛者Piper NOWIt s getting dark. Close all your eyes, please. Thief(盗贼) , open your eyes.Choose a role you wanna play.Sure?Well, close your eyes.It has two left IDs to choose from, and play the role it chooses.Cupid(丘比特), open your eyes.Choose 2 playe

3、rs and theyll be a couple.Sure?Close your eyes.The ones I touch, open eyes to see each other.Well, close your eyes.Make 2 player become a couple, the couple cant vote each other, and once a player of the couple is dead, the other will die for love.Guard(守卫), open your eyes.Choose a player you wanna

4、protect.Sure?Close your eyes.Protect a player, including itself, every night, but cant protect the same one as the last night.Werewolf, open your eyes.Choose a person you wanna kill.Sure?Werewolf, close your eyes.Baker, close your eyes.Every night, they can kill a player.Baker(面包师) can open eyes whe

5、n the God says this.Besides it opens eyes with other wolves, it can wake alone after them and kill one more player including the werewolf.Whitewolf(白狼), open your eyes.Please kill another player.Sure?Close your eyes.Arsonist(纵火犯), open your eyes.Set fire to a house and the next morning the host will

6、 lose its house. If the host should have been killed by wolf this night, the nearest wolf will die instead of the host.Choose a house to set fire to.Sure?Close your eyes.Witch(女巫), open your eye.This night, the dead areDo you wanna save one of the dead?You can poison a player, will you?Well, close y

7、our eyes.Save or kill a player one night, but only one time through the game.Seer(预言家), open your eyes.Choose a player you wanna text.Its thisClose your eyes.It can know whether a player is a good man or bad man every night by the gesture of the God. Up is good and down is bad.Crow(乌鸦), open your ey

8、es.Choose a house you wanna put gossips(流言) on.!#¥%&*Sure?Close your eyes.Make one person who has a house get double polls(被投票数).Finally.pNow, the remaining special ID please open eyes then in proper order for the God.Hunter(猎人): If killed by wolf or voted to death, it can shoot a play and the play

9、will also die.Elder(长老): It has 2 lives that can prevent one murder by wolf. But if it is killed by others, the others will lose their ability for punishment.Scapegoat(替罪羊): When it get equal polls, it will die immediately but can choose some players to vote next morning.Idiocy (白痴): When voted to d

10、eath, it wont if show others its ID, but after that it cant discus as others do.Now, day dawns. Please open your eyes.Today something happensThe dead, leave your notes(遗言).Unlucky! But Im good people.I have no special ID and I must be killed by the wolves!Everyone, choose your officer(警长).It can cas

11、t 2 votes when every morning. If dead, it should let other one take over it.The officer is.Then start discussing.The Barber(理发师) can kill a player any time in the morning, but if the player is not the wolf, barber will die too.The Bonesetter(接骨师) can renew ones used ability anytime in the morning.Th

12、e Priest(神父) can see a players ID during morning just one time.Vote a player to death.The Teacher(教员) can stop at most 2 player voting every morning, but it never votes.PKDont believe my left guy, he must have lied.As you see, I just kill a wolf thus Im a good guy.Execution(处死).The Barman(酒保) wont d

13、ie of any ways. If the player it vote is not to be dead, it will lose the power(权力).The Noble(贵族) can protect the executive player from being kill if needed and, of course, it can refuse.The Sheriff(司法官) can give a empty house to a player without a house and the player, however, can refuse.Now, huma

14、ns win!Winning conditions.pTo humans, including the Crow, they should kill all wolves.pTo Werewolf, they should kill humans until humans less that or equal to Werewolf.pTo a couple of a human & a wolf, they should kill all other players.pTo Whitewolf, it should kill all others.Thank you for watching!pWish you had fun when playing the Werewolves Game.



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