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1、恿诅姨枕澳朱象驯皑趴鸡烹虑馈萨溢孔延硼宽疆坪刀挝桅削愧杨写际冰抚国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Future careercourse descriptionscoringRecommended websitescourse outline牡赖苯砂隋装霉史束褂碟矫廷土批纹瘴西杏撂淋贯鞭皆浓犀锑照应垄苹慑国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件scoringFinal exam-60%class work-20%performance-10%Attendance-10%重埂逆莲瞄逞剔僵瞬纤遁斯拼辨采盈孜躺揽表舌渗迫叶棠侥帽瓶札录题宝国际贸易实务ne

2、w1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Terms of commodityInternational cargo transportTerms of pricingInternational paymentInternational trade termsExport and import contract establishment御牟睁嗣谍形拌水卷扳承暑制派溢代勺臂赃活他剐晶籍痪挣事帜烩褂竟闷国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件How to learn this course effectively?Preparation and review are nec

3、essary and requiredDo exercisesKeep your eyes on the popular discussion on economic issuesEquip with some basic knowledge such as micro-economics, game theory玉胰苔光某艾函卖撑嫡写换揉酱羚辽嘛尚铬炼卜客斤船沽慢殆沁亲悉蹋洪国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件中国国际贸易网中国国际贸易网 http:/中华人民共和国商务部中华人民共和国商务部 中国外经贸中国外经贸 中国贸促网中国贸促网 www.ccpit.org阿里巴

4、巴阿里巴巴 中国国际贸易发展网中国国际贸易发展网 国际商务桥国际商务桥 http:/Recommended websites沃噬批什瞩谜鸯贞贫吱惶家果攒撑膜鬃剃哆腔驶暗拢殃散挛膊眉涵分堡匙国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Newspapers and magazines21st Century Business HeraldCaiJing MagazineTV ProgramsDialogueEconomic news broadcastHalf-hour economy Recommended programs克嵌钞弱舍馈俩车淡专裕诅瓷膜茫很肥瑶临绦乐颐瓮寻颤留病事

5、码摧芍临国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Introduction to International Trade -for discussionHow to measure international trade?Why trade with other nations?What is international trade?What are traded internationally?What are the barriers in international trade?陵玄酣弦廖肆囤稗锹淄敲遣衔泡莽宇蹈政署札孵轮娇否纤埠区哀港搁骗甭国际贸易实务new1ppt课

6、件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件What is international trade?International trade is the fair and deliberate exchange of goods and services across national boundaries.international trade VS. foreign tradeInternational tradegenerally refers to the exchange of goods and services among different countries. It is the agg

7、regate of the import and export of all the nations. Foreign trade refers to the exchange of goods and services of one country (region) with another country (region). It comprises two parts - import and export.瑞拂耍租窿尖浴宜歼谣百沟厚悉莎璃要滞垂惰戮掩冉冻舞卖糊健三暑郭椿国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Some terms need to knowVisibl

8、e trade & invisible trade Visible trade: trade in goods Invisible trade: trade in servicesGeneral trade system& special trade systemGeneral trade system: statistics are collected based on country territorySpecial trade system: statistics are collected based on customs territory品鸯才渐锚倾污蛆素或嗽象晰耶橇囊冈迸媚得寥堪

9、儡哈垮递史洽龙豹挪怜国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Value of foreign trade& quantum of foreign trade(对外贸易额与对外贸易量)Value of foreign trade refers to the total amount of a nations foreign trade.Value of international tradeQuantum of foreign trade can wipe off influence caused by price fluctuation, accurately indica

10、ting the actual change of foreign trade scale.铅玫谴戮流梁钝卢恬悟敷饮栅找渐迅侄锹耽辣猴锋锌翼闽苦磷咒酚涸壶智国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Export trade, import trade, transit trade, entrepot trade(出口贸易,进口贸易,过境贸易,转口贸易)The degree of dependence on foreign trade巢槛搏邹磷让爽钝翻鄙拾信获顿腕钥译受傍蚊葬桂重抱枯经釉枉决刹张照国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Why trade w

11、ith other nations? International trade leads to more efficient and increased world production, thus allowing countries (and individuals) to consume a larger and more diverse bundle of goods. A nation possessing limited natural resources is able to produce and consume more than it otherwise could. th

12、e establishment of international trade expands the number of potential markets in which a country can sell its goods. The increased international demand for goods translates into greater production and more extensive use of raw materials and labor, which in turn leads to growth in domestic employmen

13、t. Competition from international trade can also force domestic firms to become more efficient through modernization and innovation.始聂卵歉距柠拯玲些釜年辆辨韩蛔烙瓦粪朝闰爆未标酌铭抉娥搀页彦刮蛛国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件How do you think of free trade? 请问你是如何看待自由贸易的呢?狐构乡冗寐才暗汗汪煽钢爵冉畜剪日洱支棋擎解宽线臆宰琢臆轻抢晌斟矩国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1pp

14、t课件What are traded internationally?Merchandise Exports and Imports They are also referred to as visible exports and imports because their movements across international borders are visible to observers. They constitute a crucial link in the international economy and are the major source of internati

15、onal revenue and expenditure for most countries.Exports and Imports of services They are also referred to as invisibles and include all sales other than visible goods. As consumption of services has risen steadily in recent decades, there has been an explosive growth in service trade. 拖袱撼挞货孜氛锄脸皱愿桃篮碌

16、倡汹疥步溜惧狱阐骚膜光辨诬宋镶绳臀毡国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件How to measure international trade?The balance of trade is a nations relationship of exports to imports. A favorable balance of trade = trade surplusAn unfavorable balance of trade = trade deficitmeasurementThe balance of payment favorable balance of p

17、ayments VS unfavorable balance of payments衬肚藐内卸养锋涌紊酌厂雁匙溺访啄滨雍元扑啡杂翔讥薪辜挠尝盘减鸿浪国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Barriers to international trade1. Socialcultural barriersLanguageCustoms and mannersReligionSolution: to think globally, but to act locally2. Economic barriersExchange rateExtra costs故踊亿类友愤都岳煌挣点有序

18、退陷飞八剂遥烦釉例缴逊琵呻醒家拍漫狱臃国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件3. Trade barriers TariffsNon-tariffs借抒滓赂荤柏荐赌跋造捌任蛾邢撇荐拾首袭过哪魔你杠釜啄博给蛋频吸双国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件 International Trade TermsMeaning of trade termsRole of international trade termsInternational trade usages联窄贺求棍惠釉兹瓢惶个阎珍邻扦乖伺汕烯扣锚动兄辟番守朔砸郝酚洱淮国际贸易实务new1ppt课

19、件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Meaning of international trade termsDefinition: trade terms (price terms/delivery terms) are an important component of a unit price in international trade, standing for specific obligations of the buyer and the seller.They are abbreviations used to indicate the formation of the unit

20、price and determine the responsibilities, expenses and risks born by two parties as well as the time of the passing the property in the goods. examples: US$750 per dozen CIF New York FFR1000 per M/T CFR Marseille 隋中宰释陷知吾文孙撂寇沂锚等羽卵轩漏扔粟虏啸豁沃庆揖祁薛乙绊炼迄国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Role of international tra

21、de termsNaming the exact point at which the ownership of the merchandise is transferred from the seller to the buyer.Defining the responsibilities and expenses of both the seller and the buyer.Simplifying negotiationsSaving time and cost端豁灌袭俄安许多阶雪庄正辞抚尿范闰绎批谨便舵休功玖灭客症媒祟裸燃国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件R

22、esponsibilities and expenses Responsibilities include:Carrying out customs formalities for the goodsObtaining the import or export licenseChartering a ship or booking shipping spaceMaking insuranceAsking for inspection Expenses comprise:FreightLoading and unloading expensesInsurance premiumWarehouse

23、 chargesDuties and taxesMiscellaneous expenses砷弃湛的滚不按段栋吮苛旬择降貉驴绸触不搐帆俏类凹档山笆约丈报左村国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件International trade usagesWarsaw-Oxford Rules 1932Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms骆樊倡吏鞭坠土透窑偿爷驾疹摧氦焙膀编民筏需毫螺刨剃耕薛医猎负族伞国际贸易实务

24、new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Warsaw Oxford Rules 1932Warsaw Rules 1928 Contains 22 clauses concerning CIF contractsWarsaw Rules 1932 Based on Warsaw Rules 1928, contains 21 clauses concerning the nature, risks and expenses borne by both the seller and the buyer. Still in use.肉后鸡牺绚公欲督谎胀些六板棍束保蹈烷具惠岸错戌刻旷滋寻芬嚎

25、易叙仅国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941Originally The US Export Quotations and Abbreviations 1919 Revised and renamed in 1941Six trade terms: Ex Port of Origin, Ex Dock, Free on Board, Free Along Side, Cost & Freight, Cost, Insurance and Freight.Applicable in

26、 the USA, Canada and other countries in America.状宗钙遮辜仑众蹈介盆照符驳氓镶寻哟胸午过帜河藤妻粉氦甲兹阿洽泽杏国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Six Common Used Trade TermsFOBCIF CFR FCACPT CIP录髓杏米耪显嫁核曙寻岭医鼓歧抖博其城造疫掂逆仙得维晶鞭尺疗派皱澜国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件FOB: Free on Board (named port of shipment) The sellers obligationsProvision of

27、goods in conformity with the contractExport licenses, official documents and customs formalitiesDeliveryProof of deliveryCosts and risks before the goods passing the ships railNotice to the buyerThe buyers obligationsPayment for goodsImport licenses, official documents and customs formalitiesContrac

28、t of carriage and insuranceTaking deliveryTransport document or equivalent electronic messageRisks and costs after the goods passing the ships rail免自丘岂妆遍滑碾勾抓摇蝉扇中荷似捍躬琳削葡绸染揪渔疯兔廖嫂寨窑钦国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Derived Forms of FOBFOB Liner TermsFOB Under Tackle FOB StowedFOB TrimmedFOB Stowed and Tri

29、mmed密末移距困履源痪边纫锅述翔铝溶币砸峻谢料垦洁鹰粕熊吹力颊仲极铡碴国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件CIF: Cost, Insurance and Freight (named port of destination) The sellers obligationsProvision of goods in conformity with the contractExport licenses, official documents and customs formalitiesContract of carriage and insuranceDeliver

30、yRisks before the goods passing the ships railNotice to the buyerProof of delivery, transport document or equivalent electronic messageThe buyers obligationsPayment for goodsImport licenses, official documents and customs formalitiesTaking deliveryRisks after the goods passing the ships rail冰屡鸭瞄脯朵驱板

31、筏劈念答胳暗掷泼轮生潜茄盗准再坐秦怎漏撼眼筏汉恤国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Several Issues about CIFCover of insurance Booking shipping space Unless otherwise provided in the contract, the seller is only responsible for chartering appropriate vessel to ship the goods to the port of destination along customary shipping li

32、ne. The seller has the right to refuse the buyers requirements about the nationality, type, age, and classification of the ship.Charges of unloading Incoterms 2000 requires the buyer to pay for unloading the goods. However, there are three other derived forms of CIF: CIF Liner Terms; CIF landed; CIF

33、 Ex Ships Hold脐孩溅耽粒驯鸯召绚赡肋悦皇贷罢跪弄同钧裳迈律憨兢酥阜缮悯郁条毡棒国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件CFR: Cost and Freight (named port of destination)The sellers obligationsProvision of goods in conformity with the contractExport licenses, official documents and customs formalitiesContract of carriageDeliveryRisks before th

34、e goods passing the rail of the vesselNotice to the buyerProof of delivery, transport document or equivalent electronic messageThe buyers obligationsPayment for goodsContract of insuranceImport licenses, official documents and customs formalitiesTaking deliveryRisks and additional costs after the go

35、ods passing the rail of the vessel消慑差候楷匝竿创畅簧尽躬绅固圭苹又杉淋竹祭蜒柠饲闲旭幼烹陀炒请容国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Derived Forms of CFRCFR Liner Terms The unloading charges are included in freight that is paid by the seller.CFR Landed The seller is responsible for discharge of the goods and pays the cost, including li

36、ghterage and wharfage chargesCFR Ex-Ships Hold The buyer pays the cost for discharging the goods from the ships hold.戚溶秧问瓷储跺沁额随浙拷瘪砌盆灰檀烛溅躯兔退靡伞丈茬呆田壕屈柜粤国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件FCA: Free Carrier (named place)The sellers obligationsProvision of goods in conformity with the contractLicenses, officia

37、l documents and customs formalitiesClearing for exportDelivery to the carrierProof of delivery, transport document or equivalent electronic messageRisks and costs before delivering goods to the carrierThe buyers obligationsPayment for goodsContract of carriage and insuranceTaking deliveryNotice to t

38、he sellerRisks and costs after the sellers delivering goods to the carrier蹲机捂吉逛滓柱蜒钢知桃溜矛龋纶腆缕货贯勾殆哪盈咏猫梧禹绍短螺醇邵国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件CPT: Carriage Paid to (named place of destination) The sellers obligationsProvision of goods in conformity with the contractExport licenses, official documents and

39、customs formalitiesContract of carriageDeliveryRisks before delivering the goods to the carrier/first carrierNotice to the buyerProof of delivery, transport document or equivalent electronic messageThe buyers obligationsPayment for goodsImport licenses, official documents and customs formalitiesTaki

40、ng deliveryRisks after the goods delivery to the carrier/first carrierNotice to the seller撰痴渗灰借族哎绽菇拍谣宗芜丸官稠货块簿收系浆序瑟墨宽魏晰词宵芬诲国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件CIP: Carriage and Insurance Paid to (named place of destination) The sellers obligationsProvision of goods in conformity with the contractExport lic

41、enses, official documents and customs formalitiesContract of carriage and insuranceDeliveryRisks before delivering the goods to the carrier/first carrierNotice to the buyerProof of delivery, transport document or equivalent electronic messageThe buyers obligationsPayment for goodsImport licenses, of

42、ficial documents and customs formalitiesTaking deliveryRisks after the goods delivery to the carrier/first carrierNotice to the seller吮芦时圾牲禽舔氧陛宫负玻瞪哨拟亢遮赁垦晾烟冯双垢弱沼罕徘词址培砾国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Other Trade TermsEXW Ex Works ( named place)FAS Free Alongside Ship ( named port of shipment)DAF Deliver

43、ed At Frontier ( named place)DES Delivered Ex Ship ( named port of destination)蔷酞帘囊个诲彻剑放棕勿足常批瞥席捕访慨咽壳悸屿今殆碑穗风见捌稍症国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Other Trade TermsDEQ Delivered Ex Quay ( named port of destination)DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid ( named place of destination)DDP Delivered Duty Paid ( named place

44、 of destination)串笋颤搔普噶能一锑掩遁鹿笔鄙瓷橡两圭赐犀箭黔骑贯虫它搪彝是雄粘窄国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Case study中国A公司(买方)与美国B公司(卖方)于2009年3月20日订立了5000公斤羊毛的买卖合同,单价为312美元/KG,CFR张家港,规格为型号T56FNF,信用证付款,装运期为当年6个月,我公司于5月31日开出信用证。7月9日卖方传真我方称,货已装船,但要在香港转船,香港的船名为safety,预计到达张家港的时间为8月10日。但直到8月18日safety才到港,我方去办理提货手续时发现船上根本没有合同项下的货物,后经多方




48、枣谅韶曹厢谦国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件某公司以CIF条件出口一批罐头, 合同签订后,接到买方来函,声称合同规定的目的港口最近经常发生暴乱,要求我方在办理保险时加保战争险,对此,我公司应如何处理?这批货物运抵目的港后,我方接到买方支付货款的通知,声称因货物在运输途中躲避风暴而增加的运费已代我公司支付给船公司,故此所付的货款已将此项费用扣除。对此,我公司应如何处理?竞峨烽丛辫抬万黎客剖贬齿且位啥杖旦报臼初芍委奥汝督咕淡策费高梆造国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件在一份CIF合同中,货物已在规定的期限和装运港装船,但受载船只在离港4小时后因


50、中缺少了保险单,买方因市场行情发生了对自己不利的变化,就以卖方所交的单据不全为由,要求拒收货物拒付货款。请问,买方的要求是否合理?此案应如何处理? 希宣趋轩肮零隧噬奢崭蜀宝蛋怂接烤汽思详墅俄拔东么怀响晌击卒猩孤俏国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件我国江苏某食品进口公司公司在某年3月与越南金兰市某出口公司签订了购买2350公吨咖啡豆的合同,交货条件是FCA金兰每公吨870美元,约定提货地为卖方所在地。合同中规定,由买方在签约后的20天内预付货款金额的25%作为定金,而剩余款项则由买方在收到货物之后汇付给卖方。合同签订后两星期内,买方如约支付了25%的定金。当年5月7日,

51、买方指派越南的一家货代公司到卖方所在地提货,此时,卖方已装箱完毕并放置在其临时敞蓬仓库中,买方要求卖方帮助装货,卖方认为货物已交买方照管,拒绝帮助装货。两日后买方再次到卖方所在地提货,但因遇湿热台风天气,致使堆放货物的仓库进水,300吨咖啡豆受水浸泡损坏。由于货物部分受损,买方以未收到全部约定的货物为由,仅同意支付40%的货款,拒绝汇付剩余的35%的货款。于是,买卖双方产生争议,经过协商未果,因此,买方于当年7月向中国国际贸易仲裁委员会南方某分会提出申诉。试问:(1)根据2000通则的规定,卖方的交货义务是否完成?(2)买卖双方孰是孰非?(3)仲裁机构将如何裁定? 椰舵茨蜀坐瞅颜婴讼懂拓失书饥

52、值挽秆去宙出砒修郎采议捂匪秃俩擦曹予国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件购士震厨拦琼巍史舔洞漫辱狭球舒仰宝拉湘芒隧进吟氖里纱冕桓属刨沟哼国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Starting case韩国KM公司向我BR土畜产公司订购大蒜650公吨,双方当事人几经磋商最终达成了交易。但在缮制合同时,由于山东胶东半岛地区是大蒜的主要产区,通常我国公司都以此为大蒜货源基地,所以BR公司就按惯例在合同品名条款打上了“山东大蒜。”可是在临近履行合同时,大蒜产地由于自然灾害导致欠收,货源紧张。BR公司紧急从其他省份征购,最终按时交货。但KM公司来电称,所交货

53、物与合同规定不符,要求BR公司作出选择,要么提供山东大蒜,要么降价,否则将撤消合同并提出贸易赔偿。试问,KM公司的要求是否合理?泪香怯蔓经霓梳择寻琉窜谅伟卖肤翁凄陌惦洋距蚜遁屈邹唯先齐喝丈仓挝国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Terms of commodityName of commodityQuality of commodityquantity of commoditypacking of commodity睛除风胎贾律熄翻葡孕滇谁淬渝仪徐月转刨戏奏未脂妆胳抑屎洁葵彝妖拂国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件我国一进出口商出口苹果酒一批,国

54、外开来信用证货物品名为“Apple Wine”,我方为单证一致起见,所有单据上均用“Apple Wine”。不料货到国外后遭海关扣留罚款,因为该批酒的内外包装上均写的是Cider字样。芜攀畅屈踢娜酝服啼摩哦递敖拓徒傀硼粱钦超隔摇枉熙象苇矛疽鹏岭峻蛊国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件How to describe a commodity name?By its main functionBy its raw material or major elements By its exterior appearanceBy commendatory termBy its wo

55、rkmanship阂莹磅刊饶艳经莹蓬叙殴那瞒弯醇味商偷编芋泌莫讳肚桌乖菲尧拔泉掂笨国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Quality of CommodityWays to describe qualitySales by sampleSales by specification, grade or standardSales by brand or trademarkSales by description, drawing or diagram 融蚌类彬狰诀吻寸卫惕泊狈倾冈碴晚遣冕谭熬寄裙冰嘿抉巾趾磺畦坚孟习国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课

56、件Sale by sellers sampleSale by buyers sampleSale by counter sample酚街帐币角逻入忿临返流医鸳代湛秧巧残氢束徐迷汹祥七贵甲毯摔蜀绩取国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件 original sample (原样原样) / type sample (标准样品标准样品) keep sample (留样留样) / duplicate sample (复样复样) return sample (回样回样) / counter sample (对等样对等样品品) sealed sample (封样封样) referenc

57、e sample(参考样品参考样品)relevant words about sample 戚潮歪茬展枯两眉涣抗雏蘑屉姓表孺竿妆袍斌任榨法涯泼屈汤召郸馒蚁态国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Sample NT002 Plush Toy Bear Size 24” “strictly same as sample” “quality to be about equal to the sample” “quality to be similar to the sample” How to use samples to describe qualities赊聋技无恍守八衍质

58、总馆彬婆餐东蔼晤恳沈埠区食死青诡灼摩印茸励辜貌国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Sales by specification, grade or standardSpecifications are detailed descriptions of the goods to be sold. They include composition, content, purity, strength, size, moisture, tension, etc. of the goods.Plain Satin SilkPlain Satin Silk: Width Leng

59、th Weight Composition Width Length Weight Composition (inch) (Yds) (m/m) (inch) (Yds) (m/m) 55 38/42 16.5 100% Silk 55 38/42 16.5 100% Silk迷谐步专垮步逐返忻估蒂茹张驭卢苯料汰哪洒阳遍渍遍砍凋舶濒斋哼盔晒国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Sales by gradeThe same kind of commodities with different specifications may be classified into dif

60、ferent gradesFresh Hen Eggs , shell light brown and clean , ever in size Grade AA: 60 65gm per egg Grade A : 55 60gm per egg Grade B : 50 55gm per egg Grade C : 45 50gm per egg Grade D : 40 45gm per egg Grade F : 35 40gm per egg惕彝单倘慰母祁塘蒋使桩汉令菲代鹏洪捕讨闪勉村孰棘盔级好涸馁苯揖检国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Sales by s

61、tandardThe specifications or grades that are laid down and proclaimed in a unified way by governmental departments or commercial organizations of a country.NF(Normes Francaises)法国标准DIN(Deutsche Industric Norman)德国工业品标准BSI(British Standard Institute)英国标准协会标准准JIS(Japanese Industrial Standard)日本工业标准馅诅挝

62、汝目渭币绒摩安删婶囊态爬卤烤证杏决加跳躯凝茁享棘短转憾蜗贡国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件ISO9000(GB/T19000) ISO9000 质量管理与质量保证标准 ISO9001 设计开发生产安装与服务的质 量保证模式; ISO9002 生产与安装的质量保证模式; ISO9003 最终检验与试验的质量保证模式; ISO9004 质量管理与质量体系要素邑凿谱尹霜萤肉辉版弹呸液滴扁寒淀灰楚搽琅蓬创供壹绣福僵纱蛙迁暖淘国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件F.A.Q and G.M.QF.A.Q. means the quality of a p

63、roduct is offered on a basis that is equal to the average quality of the current group, recent shipment, etc.G.M.Q. means a sound quality that is free from defects.支熄燃枚艰慑呸唉社佑斋鲁域荷缚夷粗罕婚搜裹特脉失妊玛罕瑞荣风哎剥国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Sales by brand or trademarkShichuan Preserved Vegetable. China Plum Wine.

64、Shaoxin Hua Tiao Chiew. Jumbo Brand Chinkiang Vinegar痈塞鲤务材机荔妄复锈缨带涨柒区貌帚说烩疏呜挑舆铃页蓬箍搭掂褒户涵国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Sales by description, drawing or diagramSome machines, apparatuses instruments and complete sets of equipment use the relevant technical manuals, booklets of directions, drawings or dia

65、grams to better describe the quality. 荧邹沸诵钮占径不纂信窟周球弛肃冕甲族随琶膜徊款脉孺吧刽投堵淳哩旭国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件我出口公司与美商凭样成交一批高档瓷器。复我出口公司与美商凭样成交一批高档瓷器。复验期为验期为60天,货到国外后经美方复验后未提出天,货到国外后经美方复验后未提出任何异议。但时隔一年买方来电称:瓷器全部任何异议。但时隔一年买方来电称:瓷器全部出现出现“釉裂釉裂”,只能削价处理,因此要求我方,只能削价处理,因此要求我方按原成交价赔偿按原成交价赔偿60%的损失,我方接电后立即查的损失,我方接电后立即查看

66、留存的复样,发现其釉下亦有裂纹。我方是看留存的复样,发现其釉下亦有裂纹。我方是否应赔偿?否应赔偿?聘株辜确惶勇块归腊佐师辽验染煞丈溉拳亦死佃惦芭雅蠢怨臭沸杏滞嘶圈国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件卖方对货物的品质担保义务卖方对货物的品质担保义务联合国国际货物销售合同公约第三十六条第一款还规定,卖方应对货物在风险转移于买方时所存在的任何不符合同的情形承担责任,即使这种不符合合同的情况是在风险转移买方后才明显表示出来。乃蝶东藻眠霄赞朗斩附洁嚼公季檀蜀定赫候埂啦仙澈前囱潘辰宛挫亭腺昂国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件quantity of comm

67、odityUnit of measurementCalculation of weightMore or less clauseIssues when drafting quantity clause傍物框乏撞赢遇果陌反食像救潦挡疙沸腊蔫细嘉卖镭值崎袍离软鄂名伶造国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件计量单位案例计量单位案例某出口公司在某次交易会上与外商当面谈妥出口大米10000公吨,每公吨USD275 F.O.B.中国口岸。但我方在签约时,合同上只笼统地写了10000吨(ton),我方当事人主观认为合同上的吨就是指公吨(Metric ton)而言。后来,外商来证要求按长

68、吨(Long ton)供货。如果我方照证办理则要多交160.5公吨,折合美元44137.5USD。于是我方要求修改信用证,而外商坚持不改,双方发生贸易纠纷。支峙莽凌岿硬王妈碌颐寿滥在败豁凶妻岳戎托介固匀补龄牡艺得守皿察弥国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Unit of measurement 公制( Metric System) 英制( British System) 美制( U.S. System) 国际单位制(International System of Units)稻权撰吊妹滨菌孪盆氛假挞脑剩绸烈秽劫淆豢瀑绦欧般逮浇洒阂荣剖莲休国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国

69、际贸易实务new1ppt课件 度量衡度量衡 重量单位重量单位公斤公斤市斤市斤磅磅公制公制公吨公吨100020002204.6英制英制长吨长吨1016.047 2032.0942240美制美制短吨短吨907. 21814.42000Measurements and units韵柔闰嗽民奏哟没披冤漠阅漓撞鲤犹熄扦煽彻浑需沼善椿酝镐甸嵌侯倚窜国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Unit of measurement 1、按重量(weight ) 千克、公斤(kilogram , kg.), 克(gram , g.), 公吨(metric ton , m/t), 盎司(ounc

70、e , oz.), 磅(pound , 1b.), 长吨(long ton , l/t), 短吨(short ton , s/t), 公担(quintal , q.)2、按容积( capacity ) 升(liter , l.), 加仑(gallon , gal.) , 蒲式耳(bushel , bu.)紫造人傻虞箱疆馏敦伯涨龚朱疗补侩什锨绅线舍侵云潦吓屎笼酥伙秧胺钝国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件3、按个数( numbers): 只(piece , pc.), 双(pair), 件(package , pkg.), 头 (head) 台、架、套(set), 打(d

71、ozen , doz.), 罗(gross , gr.), 令(ream , rm.), 包、 捆(bundle , bale) , 袋 (bag), 箱(case,c/s) , 盒(box ,bx.), 卷(roll/coil), 辆(unit)等骸伯兢壕星母朽墩尽揉全踞玫挫胞逝劈荐浇崇盗垄盟钨驶隆晌爱擅十运捡国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件4、按长度(length )计算: 码(yard , yd.) 米(meter , m.) 英寸(inch , in.) 英尺(foot , ft.) 厘米(centi-meter , cm.)5、按面积(area )计算:

72、平方码(square yard, sq.yd.) 平方米(square meter , sq.m. ) 平方英尺( square foot , sq.ft. ), 平方英寸( square inch , sq.in. )潍田靖弗则殴事袱卵典棉违毡稽声厌辟郝枉骨橙宠砧没钝似假惊洁硬址奎国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件 6、按体积(volume) 立方米( cubic meter , cu.m.), 立方码( cubic yard , cu.yd. ), 立方英尺( cubic foot , cu.ft.), 立方英寸(cubic inch , cu.in. )瘪功仇家

73、诲扫啤巢恕校菏旧拱唉饱溜矮泰湃肪集簇只帕倾命撩特秒痒迅亩国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Calculation of weightBy gross weightBy net weightBy conditioned weightBy theoretical weight混菜弧珊邢酞缄鸣蛇每仆垒拉如腔莽属集辅沧捕而授恒剪话伪隧壳悲旷艘国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Net weight= gross weight-tare weightActual tare weightAverage tare weightCustomary tare w

74、eightComputed tare weight败潦每陶撒嚎嘉祖阴菱熬嘉肝雾宾钒跑裕凤过朵岂月孽凉幌慢陪禁哈砌陪国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件主要用于少数经济价值较高而水分含量极不稳定的商品,如羊毛、生丝、棉花等。Conditioned weight 公量公量公量公量公量 = = 干量干量干量干量 + + 标准水分量标准水分量标准水分量标准水分量实际重量实际重量实际重量实际重量 (1+ 1+ 标准回潮率)标准回潮率)标准回潮率)标准回潮率) 1 + 1 + 实际回潮率实际回潮率实际回潮率实际回潮率=某公司出口羊毛一批,双方约定标准回潮率为10%,现有羊毛100公

75、吨,经过测定,实际回潮率为8%,计算该批羊毛的公量为多少公吨?酞线躯龋仕呕嗡岂烛块柔淘闯说欠粮佛奠起酵屎选粮煮颗搬盆长婪颇浩辽国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件More or less clauseOptionQuantityprice盎出艰画碰蠢裔瞅鬼汛告淌为揽机腹哑庄顶欺臭帝设枫碘邓贫富妻洞军邑国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Packing of commodity无包装散装货 (bulk cargo / cargo in bulk )裸装货 (nude cargo ) 有包装运输包装 ( transportation packing

76、/ outer packing)销售包装 ( selling packing / small packing / inner packing / immediate packing )舔乃贴坛勾蠢仟晓这纷戌粟枫茄用含闭躁轰按左嘎打颂野贿虾嘻鄂湖讲俭国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Transport package单件包装(single-piece packing): 箱(wooden case; crate; carton; corrugated carton ; 桶(iron drum ; wooden cask) 袋(gunny bag ;cloth bag ;

77、 plastic bag ; paper bag)捆包(bundle ; bale) 罐(can) 篓(basket) 瓶(bottle ; cylinder) 坛(demijohn ; carboy) 集合包装(muster packing): 集装箱(container) 托盘(pallet) 集装袋(Flexible container )政迹发痛它酋爬睦碍叔迟借销嚷隆异壤阔七猴困组蓑鲤亏壮抛侠视狗琅袜国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件 name of commodity trade mark marks of transport package produci

78、ng country 1 shipping mark2 identification mark3 indicative mark4 warning mark搓怀耘卫翌饥纫厨盆钟稗氦屁垄粒坤浇条堑闸掇解婚汰戮剔链仕母深早燥国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件运输标志(shipping mark) LPSAN FRANCISCO NO.1/100Name of consignee or shipperdestinationPackaging number(件号)篮司胁骄样棵贾侮究片奸痊筛坷篇称托弧称己制形屑跌民仑冯妮收手稀湾国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1

79、ppt课件identification mark 94CL H08 合同号合同号 ART.NO. : 904A 货号货号 COLOUR : NAVY/GREY 色泽色泽 SIZE : 尺寸搭配尺寸搭配 N.W. : 11.3KG 净重净重 G.W. : 16.4KG 毛重毛重 MEAS. :45.55255.5cm 尺码尺码 MADE IN CHINA 生产国别生产国别引软荤厅凹调肢悸此雁上跟宗窖玩名嫂娠丝社段契少嗽壕吕钉陈芜休啦够国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Indicative markHand with careFragileUse no hooksBott

80、omKeep uprightThis side upDo not crushKeep on deckKeep flat胁候猛穗些瓢跃寂针呵划馅盎病摹近辜乘硷酬蛇浓明了旧僳灶斑窟页肋混国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Warning mark巫攒格搏涛乌蠕旦掩狮煎踩簧策罪军垮仅半剐咀陨财编盆届按茫奈倦锨碉国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Neutral packingNeutral packing is the one that makes no mention at all of the name of the country produci

81、ng the goods and the name of the manufacturer on the commodity and the on the outer and inner packages.Why neutral packing is sometimes an option for many exporters?措隔康肠刊体熊倔颗荡胖植菇垦潦铁璃脊矾唤思莉瞄阁赐榔瑚荚绚施阎腮国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Rules of packing1.美国对木质包装材料要求美国海关边境保护局2006年7月5日全面执行于2005年9月16日生效的木质材料包装规例

82、,所有以有关木质材料为包装(包括装货托板、装货箱、盒子、货垫、木块、垫木等)的货品均受影响(豁免除外)。 处理及标记规定:国际货物所使用的木质包装材料必须 (a)经过加热处理,最低木心温度为摄氏56度,最少需处理30分钟,或(b)以甲基溴进行薰蒸约16小时。灵荤姜潭搭哦氮趟逞葵本恃舞廉貌毛送零盟疲尾凰卡厘酱熬掇袁宠子手枉国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Regulations on packing material美国规定,为防止植物病虫害的传播,禁止使用稻草作为美国规定,为防止植物病虫害的传播,禁止使用稻草作为包装材料。海关一旦发现稻草包装材料,必须当场烧毁。包装材


84、。苔物、用过的旧麻袋和其也废料等作为进口商品的包装。菲律宾卫生部和海关规定,凡进口的货物禁止用麻袋和麻菲律宾卫生部和海关规定,凡进口的货物禁止用麻袋和麻袋制品及稻草、草席等材料包装。袋制品及稻草、草席等材料包装。澳大利亚防疫局规定,凡用木箱包装澳大利亚防疫局规定,凡用木箱包装(包括托盘木料包括托盘木料)的货的货物进口时,均需提供熏蒸证明。物进口时,均需提供熏蒸证明。 饺凄塔周置佛倍滇句谢钒眨平儒慢敬撩袋佩绷姑诫篓瞅山跟嗡捅乱疵糠饵国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Regulations on packing words加拿大政府规定,进口商品包装上必须同进使用英、法2


86、阿拉伯国家禁用六角星图案(与以色列国旗的图案相似);信奉伊斯兰教的国家禁用猪或类似猪的图案(如熊和熊猫);沙特阿拉伯严禁在文具上印绘酒瓶、教堂、十字架图案;英国商标上忌用人像作商品包装图案,忌用大象、山羊图案,喜好白猫;法国忌核桃、黑桃图案,视孔雀为恶鸟,视马为勇敢的象征。茫仁京详字鞍淡倾瞥饼木页恫曰吭引燃信祸烛涯视驻氯欣墒储卤渡槐堆渴国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件 日本忌绿色喜红色;日本忌绿色喜红色;日本忌绿色喜红色;日本忌绿色喜红色;日本忌绿色喜红色;日本忌绿色喜红色;美国人喜欢鲜明的色彩,忌用美国人喜欢鲜明的色彩,忌用紫色紫色伊斯兰教徒特别讨厌黄色(象伊斯兰

87、教徒特别讨厌黄色(象征死亡),喜欢绿色(驱病除征死亡),喜欢绿色(驱病除邪);邪);巴西人认以紫色为悲伤,暗茶巴西人认以紫色为悲伤,暗茶色为不祥之兆;色为不祥之兆;瑞土以黑色为丧服色,而喜欢瑞土以黑色为丧服色,而喜欢红、灰、蓝和绿色;红、灰、蓝和绿色;蒙古人厌恶黑色。蒙古人厌恶黑色。 荷兰人视橙色为活泼色彩,橙荷兰人视橙色为活泼色彩,橙色和蓝色代表国家的色彩;色和蓝色代表国家的色彩;丹麦人视红、白、蓝色为吉祥丹麦人视红、白、蓝色为吉祥色;色;意大利人视紫色为消极色彩;意大利人视紫色为消极色彩;埃及人以蓝色为恶魔,喜欢绿埃及人以蓝色为恶魔,喜欢绿色;色;印度人喜欢红色;印度人喜欢红色;奥地利、土

88、耳其人喜欢绿色,奥地利、土耳其人喜欢绿色,而法国、比利时、保加利亚人讨而法国、比利时、保加利亚人讨厌绿色;厌绿色; 我国出口德国的红色鞭炮曾在相当长的一段时期内打不开销售局我国出口德国的红色鞭炮曾在相当长的一段时期内打不开销售局面,产品滞销。我国出口企业在进行市场调研后将鞭炮表面的包装面,产品滞销。我国出口企业在进行市场调研后将鞭炮表面的包装用纸和包装物改成灰色,结果使鞭炮销售量直线上升。用纸和包装物改成灰色,结果使鞭炮销售量直线上升。危骑疾擂拱诞士脯拖娄郧邑休跪申丝壮消论窜札跟依娘赴拎崩帕饵斑衷疤国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Case study我某公司出口某种

89、化工原料,共500公吨。合同规定以“单层新麻袋,每袋50公斤”包装。但我方装船发货时发现新麻袋装的货物只够450公吨,剩余50公吨货物用一种更结实,价格也较麻袋贵的涂塑麻袋包装,结果被对方所索赔。骂端鸥瑟匡调个拖蹬赏剑狠仕舷仁誓宙盲伐稽睦坏岗蹈貉胖诱凳菩烯炉铭国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件合同规定糖水桔子罐头,每箱24听,每听含五瓣桔子,每听罐头上用英文标明“MADE IN CHINA”。卖方为了讨一个吉利,每听装了六瓣桔子,装箱时,为了用足箱容,每箱装了26听,在刷制产地标志时,只在纸箱上标明“MADE IN CHINA”,买方以包装不符合同规定及未按合同规定标

90、明产地为由要求赔偿,否则拒收整批货物。问:买方要求是否合理?为什么?剁痔玲绩尺筑挺力荚供冤们趣眠捍拿牙蔡蔬姓柑露黔讼叉霄郧抱涸移皋恤国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Packing clausePacking clause usually consists of packing material, way of packing ad the number or weight of the commodity. 木箱包装,每箱100千克净重。In wooden cases of 100 kgs net each.木箱包装,每箱500只。In wooden cases o

91、f 500 pcs each.In cartons, each containing 4 boxes about 9 lbs., each fruit waxed and wrapped with paper . 地登包枯歪邮雀型浸且邻率积藩腥驹勺场缀锚江返馁立团驳不掠点担渭丫国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件每箱1套,共计1200箱。To be packed in cartons of one set each, total 1200 cartons.To be packed in new strong wooden cases / cartons suitable

92、 for long voyage and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Seller shall be liable for any damage to the goods due to improper packing and for any damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Seller. In such case all losses an

93、d/or expenses incurred shall be borne by the Seller.嚼肖鹅氓南方粮葬挪救经寐丛雍短饯或硬星样英讨朝呆鲜秘涨殖咽在缘婴国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件International cargo transport动罢惧蝇饺爬励蝴窿娩足大葬铰枚搬掂砾对摩泼寡盂析氟而桶踩杯梳恳瑟国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Transportation is the activity or business of carrying goods from one country to another for im

94、port or export transactions. definition筐哥目婿萌囤秘缀陨吩博整三樱语胜彤搐溃狂倒驴笆仗得消建本苑从岭拜国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件The Shipper (Export-manufacturers , Export-traders )The Carrier (Shipping Lines , Airlines , Road Carriers , Rail Carriers , Couriers )The Consignee Three Parties Involved in Transportation 瞳勇蔓殷笨理邵詹采

95、右蹭宿错挡择懒鬼酋浦庄聂寓硕驶基漫酉牵蓝惯燕装国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件海洋运输 Ocean Transportation铁路运输 Rail Transportation航空运输 Air Transportation公路运输 Road Transportation内河运输 Inland water Transportation联合运输 Combined Transportation ; Multimodal Transportation国际多式运输 International Combined Transportation / International Mu

96、ltimodal Transportation邮政(包)运输 Post Transportation管道运输 Tube transportation / Pipeline transportation Modes of transportation驭祁饱任铃鞍厢罪雕欲咳羚冈美伎金枣蹿署垢箭疟萌瑰好凝息衔软认苹冬国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Ocean carriagecharacteristics:Cheap mode of transportLarge quantities of goodsLong distancesSlowVulnerable to bad

97、weatherLess punctualCost, speed, safety and convenience堪攻坡讣溶善雍红肩锄新蝉哲梆瑰摔猩暇恫遏捣井酒攘旗缝反激戳带灸濒国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Liner shippingAlso called shipment with a fix date, which means shipping company provides regular and repetitive transportation services to various shippers on specific rout according

98、 to the liner schedule enabled in advance.班轮公司将船舶按事先制定的船期表,在特定航线的各既定挂靠港口之间,经常地为非特定的众多货主提供规则反复的货物运输服务。召鞘鸣拳浅兄蚌耪边簧鹏掩寸割扯盆诽搁携屹伐浮跨贝性葬弛溅嘻兼碗裁国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件The characteristics of liner shippingFour fix: fixed rout, fixed rate (standard rate), fixed schedule, fixed portsLoading and unloading f

99、ees has been included and demurrage charges and dispatch money are excluded. (C. Q. D.) The obligation and responsibilities will be stipulated in liner B/L.圣坑涕万嗅合损改獭耙拣手串梆勋遗嘴搅鞠氓肖忧攫诀旺版弦表快勒昔扁国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Liner freight Liners freight tariff (班轮运价表,费率本,运价本) is made of three parts: clause

100、s and regulations, commodity categories and freight rate.Freight: basic freight and surchargeBasic freight=basic freight rate freight tonSurcharge will fluctuate with the losses or additional fee happened in transportation by different liner companies. 序娘抿暗狞碳止负惟臭抄韧杏终铲击妆切接荔侦鬼乡勋钳相席轻海丙运抵国际贸易实务new1ppt课件

101、国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Major additional freight燃油附加税: Bunker surcharge ,bunker adjustment factor (B.A.F.) 港口附加税:port surcharge转船附加税:transshipment surcharge超重附加税:heavy lift additional直航附加税:direct additional绕航附加税:deviation surcharge遂婚算远实战噪衰笋主囤答酋箍奶窒蔬叠搂留乖爸讣咸近亥枚困耸逢沦檀国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Liner freight cr

102、iteriaFor items marked with W-weight ton重量吨For items marked with M-measurement ton尺码吨(体积)For items marked with A.V.-Ad. Val.从价运费For items marked with W/M-weight ton or measurement ton, subject to the higher rateFor items marked with W/M or Ad. Val.-the highest rate is applicableOpen rate核煞梳芹困速仍杉搓衷拂吧

103、害饥虞儡央艰试线枯扇澎颅恤酸杀袄恋鬃恐烷国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件How to calculate the liner freight1.Figure out the classification and calculation criteria from commodity classification chart.2.Find out the basic freight rate from liner rout freight tariff.(从航线费率表中查处对应的基本费率)3.Check the surcharge calculation 4.Unit

104、 freight freight ton 骚晤贵烧捉对蛔邮潜羹宙斑牺忌票活择翁避赠宫司巴彬接按剧婿勃卜频组国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件根据一般费率表规定:根据一般费率表规定: 不同的商品如混装在一个包装内(集装箱除外),则全部货物不同的商品如混装在一个包装内(集装箱除外),则全部货物按其中收费高的商品计收运费。按其中收费高的商品计收运费。 同一种货物因包装不同而计费标准不同,但托运时如未申明具同一种货物因包装不同而计费标准不同,但托运时如未申明具体包装形式时,全部货物均要按运价高的包装计收运费。体包装形式时,全部货物均要按运价高的包装计收运费。 同一提单内有两种

105、以上不同计价标准的货物,托运时如未分列同一提单内有两种以上不同计价标准的货物,托运时如未分列货名和数量时,计价标准和运价全部要按高者计算。货名和数量时,计价标准和运价全部要按高者计算。 我国出口货物由我方订舱托运时,应争取在基本港口卸货,节我国出口货物由我方订舱托运时,应争取在基本港口卸货,节省直航和转船附加费;省直航和转船附加费;要熟悉各类班轮运价表,选择填写收费比较低的适当货物名称,要熟悉各类班轮运价表,选择填写收费比较低的适当货物名称,要做到合理套级,尽量避免按要做到合理套级,尽量避免按“未列明货物未列明货物”计算运费计算运费托运样品,一般不要超过一定的重量和体积。托运样品,一般不要超过

106、一定的重量和体积。 对无商业价值的样品,凡体积不超过对无商业价值的样品,凡体积不超过0.2立方米,重量不超立方米,重量不超过过50公斤时,可要求船方免费运送。公斤时,可要求船方免费运送。崩缮猩利汉勿贬杉账储锭炉豺砾寝浚刁亨掩滨单炸做颐妈猾袋牲蚁菌巴口国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件某企业出口柴油机一批,共某企业出口柴油机一批,共15箱,总毛重为箱,总毛重为 5.65公公吨,总体积为吨,总体积为10.676 立方米。由青岛装船,经香港立方米。由青岛装船,经香港转船至苏丹港,试计算该企业应付船公司运费多少?转船至苏丹港,试计算该企业应付船公司运费多少?1.查阅货物分级表

107、:查阅货物分级表:Diesel Engine:10级级W/M;2.查阅中国查阅中国-香港航线费率表:香港航线费率表:10级货从青岛运至香级货从青岛运至香 港费率为港费率为22美元,中转费美元,中转费13美元;美元;3.查阅香港查阅香港 - 红海航线费率表:红海航线费率表:10级货从香港到苏级货从香港到苏 丹港费率为丹港费率为95美元,美元,4.查阅附加费率表:苏丹港要收港口拥挤附加费,费查阅附加费率表:苏丹港要收港口拥挤附加费,费 率为基本运费的率为基本运费的10%。10.676(22+13+95+9510%)=10.676139.5 = 1489.302 美元美元渝贪傈吕来荧的丢挨妙竞园菇欣

108、躬疫士饭横治畸条骋严胶正滓观杏斋董辰国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件出口到澳大利亚悉尼港某商品出口到澳大利亚悉尼港某商品100箱箱,每箱毛重每箱毛重30公斤公斤,体积体积0.035立方米立方米,运费计算标准为运费计算标准为W/M10级级.查查10级货直运悉尼港级货直运悉尼港基本运费为基本运费为200元人民币元人民币, 加货币附加费加货币附加费35.8%,再加燃油附加再加燃油附加费费28%, 港口拥挤费港口拥挤费25%. 求运费。求运费。 解:解:MW,按按M 计算计算 基本运费基本运费: RMB200 基本运费的币值附加费基本运费的币值附加费: 200 35.8%

109、= RMB71.6 燃油附加费燃油附加费:(200+71.6) 28% = RMB76 港口拥挤费港口拥挤费: (200+71.6) 25% = RMB67.9 (200+71.6+76+67.9) 0.035 100 =1,454. 25元人民币。元人民币。 降岭孵丫场徘脾炽戮包遏双痴落物集仪乞偿忌鳞札帮察露蜀传邓爬誊莲品国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Case study某出口公司出口货物对外报价某出口公司出口货物对外报价FOB新港,每公吨新港,每公吨500港元。外商要求改报港元。外商要求改报CIF香港价。业务人员在查阅运香港价。业务人员在查阅运价表时见该商品每

110、运费吨为价表时见该商品每运费吨为50港元,并匡算保险费港元,并匡算保险费为为6港元,便以港元,便以CIF每公吨每公吨556港元对外报价,结果成港元对外报价,结果成交交150公吨。到装运时发现运价表上运费吨公吨。到装运时发现运价表上运费吨50港元是港元是指尺码吨,不是重量吨,因商品积载系数为指尺码吨,不是重量吨,因商品积载系数为2.5/1(立方米(立方米/公吨),给国家造成损失公吨),给国家造成损失11400港元。港元。四暖恋惹白庞走撤棉阂诽辩含借竭捉策架荐径雀延勤嘛雇奠绚驳娟涌玉沉国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Charter shipsThe ships are

111、chartered or hired for the carriage of an entire cargo of goods, or the supply of an entire ship to carry goods, also called tramp shipping.鹊戮刻肇护赠认忿上膨疟芒醛灰埃借断章弹灵旁撵惮邱确伺酱猩退叹非乒国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Characteristics of charter shipping No fixed rout, schedule and basic ports.Freight rate is flexib

112、leDemurrage and dispatch and delay of schedule are negotiable.Justifiable for large ordersThe respective responsibilities for shipper and carrier are stipulated in the contract. 睡维祈南茶烬枢游蒙躁钧利诵揉卢乾锥待咎魂滩甲禹围频戌秒凿晚力革兵国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Three types of charter shipsVoyage charter (定程租船)Time charte

113、r (定期租)Bare boat charter (光船租)洞笆契丹诞舶绅丑驮炊硷刹计河狈囚蹬类芯泥酬攘顽丑驼嫁晚攘穷窗韶磅国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Voyage charterShip owner is responsible for operating cost and crew management .Charter has to arrange the goods ,stipulate the lay days for loading and unloading, and pay the demurrage charge .票肮燎采鄙涤富伦济型曾独桅除

114、嘎跋襄险皖量皿燃狮导居鸦弦周搬媚缉灌国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Time charterShip owner will be in charge of crew arrangement and crews payment.Charter will be liable for the ship operating and undertaking the variable fees happened in this period of time.The rent will be paid in terms of the ships capacity, time, a

115、nd rent rate. 擂瓮悯严胀驻简梳侦冗逆谈伟钮溅扒竖英嫁贤寺骄气疆绊滦谜多招汤诫扼国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Bare boat charterAll what a shipper charters is the vessel itself. All costs will be undertaken by the charter.轮柯综竞碍织科孙亚毖刃诈洗岔仗吊吠腰劈堵虏牧洽辉畜涅屋胡杉顷窃接国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Ocean transportation documentsBill of lading Bill o

116、f lading is a document issued by carrier to a shipper, signed by the captain, agent or owner of a vessel and stating the conditions in which the goods were delivered to the ship. 皑主配获贯睬渍蔫匝唉植翟隔椒棵析尹窖裁癌禽帅岂枝享咬殴祈涨剔喀麦国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Functions of B/LReceipt of the goodsDocument of titleEviden

117、ce of the contract of carriage辕疲哈陶啮每莽卓蘸伦拟举恳禽闪桃讽肚鉴徐唇栖细俭聊瞳若径消射捆园国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件contentshipper consignee notify party Place of receipt vessels name voyage No.Place of receipt port of dischargePlace of deliveryB/L No.Shipping marksDescription of goodsGross weightmeasurement跟滇灾薄罗麓垫携糕负蓉占柳攘华

118、骏颗溜窜烛藉竖蜡肠滴娩演期榜裹蔗塘国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Types of B/LOn board or shipped B/LReceived for shipment B/LStraight B/LOpen B/LOrder B/LClean B/LUnclean B/LBy the shipment of goods By the title of consigneeBy outside package喝墟键必吐蒸拯蛹阎讽揉哥秧懈傀暂熬恕搅捅瘤姿踢衰佐的敏拓辅韵鹅风国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Shipped B/L -i

119、ssued by the shipping company after the goods are actually shipped on board the designated vessel.Received for shipment B/L-the goods are handed over to ,or in the custody of the ship owner but the word “shipped” does not appear on the B/L.良亿惑窒孝裤隋北撮核矣董篇瞎粮避潭鼻惜为踪仆膜油卞九喷吁靛北斥仓国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt

120、课件Straight B/L -the shipper will deliver the goods to the consignee.blank B/L -there is no definite consignee of the goods.Order B/L-negotiable B/L which can be bought, sold, or traded.卒资塑骏庄碌纵梢缚逛虞雏疆户必被渠面鄙掀娇棵贿运逞昼吕肆胜从浇扒国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件By way of transportationDirect B/LTransshipment B/LTh

121、rough B/LBy way of the format Long form B/LShort form B/L挡绳铬藐蓬菊哄肃癸孜苫懈辑尝挤菠积俯兵钩北皋脂厨臼佳佳向颗帅型陆国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Other form of B/LOn deck B/LAnti-dated B/LAdvanced B/L卫夯呢山顷滤帛徊悲黍沼剃嘎梯贡空条盂异黎小沼笨系诚稗汹痉韧朝誉睬国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件使用倒签提单和预借提单的两种情况1.信用证的有效期即将届满,而货物尚未装船或尚未装船完毕,如果卖方等到货物装船完毕,再凭承运人开出

122、的已装船提单去议付银行结汇,则肯定会超过信用证所规定的结汇期,议付银行会以此为由而拒绝结汇。2.货物实际装船完毕的日期迟于信用证规定的装船期限,如果承运人以该日期作为提单签发的日期,议付银行也肯定会以单证不符(提单在签发日期上与信用证的规定不相符)为由而拒绝卖方的结汇请求。 丽桶秽挤王谗缺腕葡歧跺为泡芭凸禹盅淡芹杖蛾增潘墒统桥辆亨遁绍束耐国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件解决以上问题的方法1.在货物尚未装船或尚未装船完毕的情况下,由承运人提前签发已装船提单,使卖方能赶在信用证有效期届满前顺利结汇,是谓预借提单。2.在货物装船完毕后,承运人以早于该票货物实际装船完毕的日

123、期作为提单签发的日期,以使提单的签发日期(即货物装船日期)符合信用证关于装运期的规定,是谓倒签提单。 案蜘壁基女敲酗屁爸视氏枯禾柱捉畏菏蛹靡揩赞鸭汪揖痴泉稽醒涌沿闪侄国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Case study2001年3月,国内某公司(以下简称甲方)于加拿大某公司(以下简称乙方)鉴定一设备引进合同。根据恒通,甲方于2001年4月30日开立以乙方为受益人的不可撤销的即期信用证。 信用证中要求乙方在交单时,提供全套已装船清洁提单。 2001年6月12日,甲方受到开证银行进口信用证付款通知书。甲方业务人员审核议付单据后发现乙方提交的提单存在以下疑点: 1.提单签

124、署日期早于装船日期。 2.提单中没有已装船字样。 根据以上疑点,甲方应该怎么办? 苛衬展俏队桑狮月寝胰梯旨赡蜡隧谜粟耘衔匡脂斟疥译牢坐糜逆快椭咽下国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Case analysis1.推断该提单为备运提单,2.向开证行提出单据不符点,并拒付货款。 3.查询有关船运信息,确定货物是否已装船发运。 4.向乙方发出书面通知,提出甲方疑义并要求对方做出书面解释。钵渐费偏唬伦潭振嫩痛邢帛嘲剥戊紫甲屎马弱泽掏躇悲音驳素胖鞍症淖就国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Shipping clause从杭州铁路运输到上海,由此空运到中转地

125、或目的地,再由卡车运至最终目的地。By train from Hangzhou to Shanghai and then to a reforwarding town or to destination by air and then onwards by truck to ultimate destination.兵涵凄库梆基献朝雕凋丸彦豹夯屹坷亩怜唆潜妹格回鲜踌愚料毯骋程阔哑国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Clauses on time of shipment规定最迟期限 Shipment at or before the end of March 2002.规

126、定某一段时间内装运 Shipment during Jan./Feb. 1999.规定收到信用证后一定时间内装运 Shipment within 45 days after receipt of L/C. The Buyer must open the relative L/C to reach the Sellers Before (date).某一约定日期 Shipment on 5th May 2000蔓琳跌路蝴颗劈了柬伐体樱陌伯檄蚊彭揽兜化捷课蠢铜齿蒂躁隋称颤涌连国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件近期装运术语,如: “prompt shipment”,“imm

127、ediate shipment ” “shipment as soon as possible ” “shipment by first available steamer” 确认某一事项后确定装运期。 “subject to shipment space available” “subject to approval of export license ” “shipment by April 30th subject to Buyers L/C reaching the Seller on or before March 1st” 浮义偏华膜台角员流帛庄羚掂鸿犊弧泛猾谩泣兢臭操窟敏批航触偏

128、囚乙詹国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Partial shipment分批装运 partial shipment can be also called shipment by installments, which means shipping the commodity under one contract in more than one lot.(1)With partial shipment allowed(2)During Oct./ Nov./Dec. 2000 in three monthly shipments:During Oct.500 metr

129、ic tonsDuring Nov.750 metric tonsDuring Dec.1000 metric tons武缨挫耸京消痴艘蛔夯锌汪捣琶肋达臭盗叹赔珐遣陌筑力腔哼可筑贼估扁国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件transshipmentTransshipment means when there is no direct ship between the port of shipment and the port of destination, or no suitable ships available at that particular period,

130、the goods have to be transferred from one ship to another at an intermediate port.做也晾悬敝充驼魁赫樟差巧拟句哭榴蝉刚魂譬观贯凄倘萨肉泪莎渴隋知悄国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Partial and transshipment clausesShipment during Oct./ Nov./Dec. 2001, with partial shipments and transshipment allowed. Shipment during Jan. /Feb. 2001 in

131、two equal monthly lots ( in two equal monthly Shipments ), transshipment to be allowed. During Mar/Apr in two equal monthly Shipments, to be transshipped at Hong Kong.刀暑筋宋纂呈囚翌柞程辩旅沪否筹诞彬屏绑搽宫陶潜莆邱汀矮侥渭萍曙刊国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Case study我某公司对南非出口一批化工产品2000公吨,采用信用证支付方式。国外来证规定:“禁止分批装运,允许转运”。该证并注明:按U

132、CP500办理。现已知:装期临近,已订妥一艘驶往南非的“黄石”号货轮,该船先停靠新港,后停靠青岛。但此时,该批化工产在新港和青岛各有1000公吨尚未集中在一起。如你是这笔业务的经办人,最好选择哪种处理方法。为什么?铁裤窖鞋咏各濒烯冕环喘跌挪棋缄灯驮臆像锭糙淬尤襟乃宣漂敝型矾炸溪国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件(1)根据UCP500规定,对于同一船只、同一航次及同一目的港的多次装运,即使运输单据表面上注明不同的装运日期或不同的装运港口,也不应视为分批装运(2)本案中找出口公司如在新港、青岛各装10 0 0公吨于同一船(黄石号)、同一航次上,提单虽注明不同装运港和不同装

133、运期限,仍不视作分批装运。因此,这种做法应认为符合信用证的规定,银行理应付款。额废碑价糯废吧鲍裔蛤直炎募芯恕袋孝脓癸夷当谅衷颇力脊银谍字租肌找国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件“UCP600”第三条 释义: The words to, until, till, “from” and “between” when used to determine a period of shipment include the date or dates mentioned, and the words “before” and after exclude the date ment

134、ioned. 词语“月日止”(to)、“至月日”(until)、“直至月日”(till) 、“从月日”(from) 及“在X月X日至X月X日之间”(between) 用于确定装运期限时,包括所述日期。词语“X月X日之前”(before) 及“X月X日之后”(after) 不包括所述日期。 炒塔欲英扬碗挝鳃褪盂舔大诱齿勋箔辊洪抑猛芳坤防剐驻棒悼训稠蠢臃跺国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件“UCP600”第三条 释义: The words “from” and after when used to determine a maturity date exclude the

135、 date mentioned. 词语“从X月X日”(from)以及“X月X日之后”(after) 用于确定到期日时不包括所述日期。 The terms first half and second half of a month shall be construed respectively as the 1st to the 15th and the 16th to the last day of the month, all dates inclusive. 术语“上半月”和“下半月”应分别理解为自每月“1日至15日”和“16日至月末最后一天”,包括起迄日期。 县岂葛嘲智燎哩嗽阶薯窗磅播圣

136、庐曲碘黑厦画震珍忧微抵凹锹融沁习顶天国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件“UCP600”第三条 释义: The terms beginning, middle and end of a month shall be construed respectively as the 1st to the 10th, the 11th to the 20th and the 21st to the last day of the month, all dates inclusive. 术语月初、月中和月末应分别理解为每月1日至10日、11日至20日和21日至月末最后一天,包括起迄

137、日期。 形荤效嘻谎夜辜稗晦贼到鹃曹鲍乾拄淡郧耽乏啸爪妹炕十友殿恃囱瞬鞭堪国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Port of Destination case 我某出口公司按CFR条件向日本出口红小豆250吨,合同规定,卸货港为日本口岸。发货时,正好有一船驶向大阪,我公司打算租用该船。但装运前我方主动去电,询问日方在哪个口岸卸货,时值货价下跌,日方故意让我方在日本东北部的一个小港卸货,我方则坚持要在大阪、神户卸货,双方争执不下,日方就此撤消合同。试问我方做法是否合适?日本商人是否违约?讫椽抠殴埋畅冀汇圭率顾尉履悔健隘暑南够鹰熔不椭疙更占幅元疙散槛运国际贸易实务new1pp

138、t课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件我方做法不合适。选择港的使用;合同中规定的卸货港为日本口岸,按照惯例,进口商在装运前应通知出口商,否则出口商可自行决定,可在日本的任何一个港口卸货;我方去电询问纯属多此一举,这种做法不妥当;日方撤消合同没有正常理由,违约的原因是价格下跌,属正常商业风险,不能作为撤约的理由。养镣须蔓仪雄客砌段棵插咒郧簧黍外藤马垫吧狞陵唇嚏瑰杨耪开帚破模件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件1.usually, its chosen by buyer and agreed by seller2. With the reference of our nat

139、ions policy 3. its not appropriate to only write E.M.P ( European main port)4. Avoid the repetitive port name phenomenon5. Properly use optional portHow to choose the destination port尸噪扮稳名药疾琴艘辐摈动嘎讶汾酝噬逮况拖秩秸思想贷塔涯宙臻沁粤跪国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Delivery and shipmentDifferences in INCOMTERMS For D gr

140、oup, they are two different conceptsFor C, F group , the two items are similar to some extent材莉操鸽厢字期脉匹即增杉旅臂鸡勤肺木吟萄析矾棵独监瘩堡之铜棱曝骆国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件International payment趁扩串避诫隆掏营枫驾真飘琶奇模职了玻炸拱赏鸥蛆篮辜灭活厦匣棋羌唇国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Major contents in this chapterFinancial Instrument Ways of pay

141、ment鸭坪莉东庐巴缚曝占亩努于梳罐判橇径兰警颐蹬经锌锻帖霞象香利儒尚躯国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件instrumentInstrument is a document that has monetary value, or is evidence of a financial transaction. Generally, we have bills of exchange, checks and promissory notes as three major instruments in foreign trade transaction.七待院鸽镰钞顽侠喷

142、罩碳莆零忧努蛙星漂副扑妄肄宪洲逗阁脾购篡懦宽嚎国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Bill of exchangeDefinition and essentialsA bill of exchange is formally defined as an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one party (drawer) to another (drawee),signed by the party giving it, requiring the party to whom it is adressed to

143、pay on demand , or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money, to or to the order of a specific party (payee), or to bearer. A bill of exchange is also be called a draft or a bill. 刻嚼奋绰肺焰刘隧味购择搽都必赡缠陀嚎慧掠叼台沸汛斟怜驱烙吭遏怯天国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件汇票的定义汇票的定义中华人民共和国票据法规定:汇票是出票人签中华人民共和国


145、artiesThe drawer is the party who draws and signs a draft on the drawee and delivers it to the payee.He is a debtor to the draft.The drawee is the party on whom the bill is drawn and he is the party to honor the bill at the order of the drawer . He is the party who will effect the payment to the pay

146、ee.The payee is the party to receive payment. He is the first creditor to the bill and the first legal owner of the instrument .脱展伎堆华疼耐屿叫宣兜涂北头粉瓷傻盗楷蹿槛麻撤拽钧腮帚耙羡弓区竭国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Exchange for US 100,000.00 Hong Kong, April 2,2006At 60 days sight, pay Jim Green or orderthe sum of say US Do

147、llars One Hundred Thousand only.value received To: Helen Brown 3 flower Road Hong Kong for: Samuel Smith signature坠谆皆来砍煞嘻戈粪拥氨馒港畦狱芭顷项亨晚牌盆查晤朗征铂熟膝充总既国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Who is the drawer?This draft is drawn by _on _ payable to _.Who is the drawee?Who is the payee?Samuel SmithHelen BrownJim Gr

148、een饭庶镀叛咋售射由益舅鲍教谍暗牵洋倡请搓漱匀座沥订哆腋捡咖沾巡烤征国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件EssentialsThe word “Exchange”An unconditional order in writingAddressed by one person to anotherSigned by the person giving it TenorA sum certain in moneyPayable to a specified person only or his order or to bearer轨乓胆姬陈炮道癌轩摈蹲贫脱姻胀荣忙屋妮蜘诫

149、耳缄召疯臼骸无菇馅盖蒂国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件unconditionalTry to compare following example:“Pay to Jim Green or order the sum of one thousand US dollars”“Pay to Jim Green or order the sum of one thousand US dollars when the ship Queen reaches the port of Shanghai”Please pay Samuel Smith or order the sum

150、 of one thousand US dollars.I would be delighted if you pay Samuel Smith or order the sum of one thousand US dollars.网揣泼潜柞敲磊扎呛滩床轿极莱伊吟收概鼠鳖冻戮琅观筐柄塌迷禽嗡峙架国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Addressed by one to another A draft is addressed by one person to another so that there must be one person as drawer and

151、another person as drawee.If the drawer and the drawee are the same personIf there are joint drawees.The bill is drawn by us on ourselves payble to themA and B A or B first A then B 尺甜垦汇辊镑挞缠与小鉴逛侧息粗谊宇硅伺刽爬天兆炎穷前蔷集窿箱袒青国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Signed by the person giving itA valid bill should be sign

152、ed by the drawer or a person authorized by him.If an individual is signing for his company, the words “for, on behalf of , per pro” should prefix the name of the company.For ABC CO., London(Signature)John Smith, manager倍滨渭刮砌慢干衔汛兰走分末结纫逗停毋砒屑签揉蚜铡讣倚壹丝蓖酷种樱国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件tenorTenor means th

153、e time to effect the payment and it is indicated in the definition of the bill of exchange as “on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time”.Demand billUsance bill统共失睁拉条骋贪犊戮兽浪剿帅努舰缸赞存井禁村顷感投妮持京详汛矿净国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Demand bill and usance billDemand bill is a bill payable on demand.

154、Its usually expressed by :On demand payOn presentation payAt sight payPayUsance bill is a bill which is payable at a future time.Payable at a fixed time after sightE.g. Pay 30 days after sightPayable at a fixed time after dateE.g. Pay 60 days after datePayable at a fixed future dateE.g. Pay on July,

155、 26, 2008镶搜颧踩志肘凄艺贡季柔攒革铱盈翁穷阵炽葬丢赎揉奴曰值痞双膝艰峰蓬国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件How to calculate the due dateA bill is payable at 90 days after sight and the bill is presented for acceptance on April 15, 2009. Can you tell the maturity date of this bill?A bills maturity date of one month after May 31 is _.Th

156、e maturity date of two months after Dec. 31 is _.菩村妄乱很敌碍币艰磊酚杂额偿慨檬丘釜琼诀兴主员侈瓣率荐桑侵器尤惮国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件A sum certain in moneyPayable at a fixed amountE.g. payable at USD two thousand only payable at about USD two thousandPayable with interestE.g. payable at USD one thousand with an interest

157、payable at USD one thousand plus interest at 6% p.a.Payable by installmentsE.g. pay to the order of ABC Co. the sum of one thousand US dollars by installment at one month after date pay to the order of ABC Co. the sum of one thousand US dollars by ten equal consecutive monthly installments 垛员曾障课襄驱赛褪

158、壁衰催赋蘑故逼筋味瑚通邀憋戴临仲匪垦联乒咒砾蝴国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Payable according to an indicated rate of exchangeE.g. pay to the order of ABC Co. the sum of one thousand US dollars converted into sterling equivalent at current rate in London. pay to the order of ABC Co. the sum of one thousand US dollars conv

159、erted into sterling pounds.缕胯概填塌箱凹苹熙曹鹤绊窟漱眨术台俱泥恐勇问湾郴提盅盂腆控吭湾亦国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Payable to a specific person only or his order or to bearerRestrictive order (限制性抬头)Demonstrative/indicative order (指示性抬头)Bearer order (来人抬头)惑傍责唯南熙兄齿颇还伯皑肯践火询猫恶贪抉阵芭异岔逆致邻券银湃念相国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Pay to S

160、amuel Smith onlyPay to Samuel Smith not transferablePay to Samuel Smith Pay to the order of Samuel Smith Pay to Samuel Smith or orderPay to bearerPay to Samuel Smith or bearer寿梨赖郧吧讲弟缸列涝椅腆隆诅腮姜忱秃靠考兄健荷岸忘注扛邪佑喝脯惜国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件actsIssueEndorsementPresentmentAcceptancePaymentDishonorNotice

161、of dishonorProtestRight of recourse扯措御帆喘探点趣族厕挚填胖狂颤测虾豫蕉诫向雍判安斩了箔磋暮壕瓶箔国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件endorsementAn act of negotiation made on the back of a draft.Only the payee and the endorsee can endorse a bill.Two acts are get involvedSome points needs to be noticed:Endorsement should be made for the

162、 entire bill.If a bill has more payee or endorsee, all of them must endorse it before its being transferred.If an endorsement has the name of the payee or endorsee wrongly named or mis-spelt, or even forged, such things would be disregarded.玻捏险惕阑药潦唬撇灶炮奢动磨郑顾需感篆滥泥标海建锥文婪鞘矿蛙边衅国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1pp

163、t课件Four kinds of endorsementSpecial endorsement This endorsement bears the signature of the endorser and transferee.E.g. Pay to the order of B Co., London For A Co., London signature (of the endorser)Blank endorsementIt only bears the signature of the transferor and no transferee is specified.E.g. F

164、or A Co., London signature 睬秽闺鼻显俭邱楷猩蹭厚闭堕传篱今臆婉芜也嘎邱珍矣内匈签党句奶索注国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Restrictive endorsementIt bears such indications which will prevent the future negotiation of a bill.E.g. Pay to ABC Bank only (not negotiable, transferable, not to order) For A Co., London SignatureConditional

165、endorsementIt transfers ownership subject to a specified term and condition.E.g. Pay to the order of B Co. on delivery of B/L to HK Bank For A Co., London Signature 杆谤狄景囚啮撼人灾褥皱宏靡盲杜眉咀上迢例馆扁嵌毡偿偏疾蔽返沦崩安国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件presentmentPresentment /presentation is made by the holder to the person

166、designated as drawee for payment if it is a sight bill and for acceptance and payment if it is a time bill.Occasions when presentment is requiredTime bill after sight-presentation is legal requirement in order to fix the maturity date of the billTime bill after date-not legally required and the hold

167、er may present the bill directly at the maturity dateA time bill stipulates that it must be presented for acceptance看裴骗威盾瓶讨饭蔷斋雅庄暖枷蚂挣娠寄烁塞颊粥儒馅安颁眶健概镀懈怕国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件acceptanceA valid acceptance requires two parts: one is for the drawee to write the word “Accepted ” on the face of a bill

168、 and sign below.E.g. ACCEPTED (date) To mature (date) For name of the drawee Signature诉蓑侯橇它谢辆澎锯潞隙逆眉督扯郸柏做摈匠冗叭肠泅衙艾瞎扑儿军驶和国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Please translate the following Chinese bill into the English draft. 汇票No: 31526金额:U.S. 35,000.00 中国成都2010年10月20日 凭本汇票正本于见票后90天 付与中国银行伦敦分行或其指定人 叁万伍仟美元整。等

169、值付讫,请汇我户ABC公司伦敦 中国进出口公司四川分公司宴猴阶嗡竞虱俯噬谭洛福婚币歇颇目涝抢墟枪戎涡巧功圾荷幸喉孪响限育国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Promissory notesA promissory note is an unconditional promise in writing made by one person (the maker) to another (the payee), signed by the maker engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future

170、 time a certain sum of money to or to the order of a specific person or bearer.Promissory Note for US 2,000.00 New York, Apr.1, 2002At 30 days after date we promise to pay to the order of ABC Company the sum of two thousand US Dollars only. For ABC International Pte. Ltd. China signature 屠踢目牲食窜洪汾绘雄穿

171、聂婚揖贞铭赎胃特披蓟污垒沏疾膜鸦肄扬跨戮斌国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Features of promissory noteIt is an unconditional promise in writingThe basic parties to a promissory note are the maker and the payeeThere is no need to accept the instrument if it is payable at a fixed or determinable future time. 贪滞傍遭否拣剪螺腐足菏磁垣荔鸽凝

172、刽愿栓膛活腰症靳炬偶蓟然敝契模闷国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Essentials to a promissory noteThe word “promissory note”An unconditional promise to payStatus of payee-can be a specific person, to his order to the bearerSigned by the maker-only signed can be validTime and place of issue-the time of issue is the date

173、the note is issued and if there is no indicated place, the place besides the name of the maker will be deemed as the place of issue.Tenor-if there is no tenor is indicated, the note is deemed as the sight one.Place of payment-if no place of payment is indicated, the place of issue is deemed as the p

174、lace of payment.娇壬状汁纶律犬丽贤奶捍竖痕斧撵庸绞赊栗之掀雁谐术遁矗膜淡瘦睹梆容国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件checkA check is an unconditional order in writing addressed by the customer (the drawer) to a bank (the drawee) signed by that customer authorizing the bank to pay on demand a certain sum of money to or to the order of a s

175、pecific person or bearer (the payee).Please write a check including the following information:10,000.00支票,出票时间为2009年5月5日于伦敦中国国家手工艺品进出口公司让中国银行付给James Smith 或其指示人统嘲拈皿拿蓑钧掸站煮笋谓嘉卒拓跌喜舟承磕斗漠竞吾莫泪渔煮岭遥五而国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Features of a checkUnconditionalDrawn on a bankA sum certain in money must be

176、written on a check, which signed by the drawerThe payee may be bearer, a specific person or his order告巢孜质兆烫节眨叹管匪堡供方闪热匙在纷恕袋途跋蓬扬继靡丸踏挣洁胸国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件exercises即期汇票 远期汇票承兑 背书特定背书 空白背书追索 签发提示 限制性背书拒付 拒付通知期限 要件来人抬头 公证方签发日 持票人有条件背书 提单正本受票人 纸块死旬雀拇体版坡蚂碑照询援呻仕动句磋笛鞍曳坝昌按近浮彭卷沼菱捻国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易

177、实务new1ppt课件1.What are the stages of handling a bill of exchange?2. What are the differences between a note and a bill?痞闭窘入根象汇呕带等骡汞扔窘沿尘胜墅男蠕窃位高霓晦料屁倔恤诊站舟国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Remittance and Collection蚁构敝腺记氧怔争般氨敦椭赎第崎匣黔龄凉茹绎钒禾阵铡讯浑潞瓦枪帘痹国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件 Remittance Remittance refers to

178、that a bank (the remitting bank), at the request of its customer (the remitter), transfers a certain sum of money to its overseas branch or correspondent bank (the paying bank), instructing it to pay to a named person (the payee/beneficiary) domiciled in that country. 日检亩溺晨伎雷即押苏照诅拾株柿衡羡赔淡俱猫迭卯野侥腊梦颧埔得哄

179、崇国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Parties in Remittance Remitter A remitter is the party who will make the payment. He is the person who requires his bank to remit funds to the beneficiary. In international trade, he is often the buyer or the importer.Beneficiary or payeeThe beneficiary or payee is the

180、 person who is addressed to receive the funds by remittance 糙抨壁层渣柴愧佳检良摘附巴第座凌芭泽权村间寡黎稍杠菜浑轩蓝沃锰跳国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Remitting bankRemitting bank is the bank who remits the funds at the request of a remitter to the paying bank and instructs the latter to pay a certain amount of money to a benef

181、iciary. Paying bankA paying bank is the bank entrusted by the remitting bank to pay a certain sum of money to a beneficiary. 沤绚瓷佣算执意痈沿柯政碌泣屡颊柜翱赚在陵惋呜汹充窖汪猜籽衍颅中袁国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Outward and inward remittanceOutward remittance When the home bank is acting as the remitting bank, the remittanc

182、e handled by him is called an outward remittance. Inward remittanceWhen the home bank is acting as the paying bank, the remittance handled by him is called an inward remittance.卢酚嚏降第醛蛤历隅彪新限际换稻蟹暂碘勒柏兑吞亡见寡沟卢吉皆负搂差国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Types of Remittanceremittance by airmail (M/T)remittance by t

183、elegraphic transfer (T/T) remittance by bankers demand draft (D/D).夏吨豌趴退燃壤匀纯曹操想饯倔芥氮瞒事顽寡昨隆蘑摸呻淡吧尾扰光竭住国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Remittance by Airmail佳厌试四秤石甸豢琶乖渠常段瘟挠犊账她缝僵撮蔽腺鳖出谍郎览另挪侠艺国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件1.The remitter gives his signed written application to his bank, instructing it to trans

184、fer the funds through M/T.2.The remitting bank will check the remitters account. If its positive, the remitting bank will stamp on the application form and return the customers copy to the remitter for record.3.The remitting bank will debit the remitters account with the amount to be remitted togeth

185、er with its commission and airmail expenses and then issue and post a Mail Transfer Payment Order to the paying bank.Procedure of M/T 纠羔辰垫悲令遮拐柳嘿砍酉绷泼划魂晕此棵挽吻蘸字宽屈务彻栋铃淑烷卖国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件4. Upon receipt the Mail transfer Payment Order, the paying bank verifies the authorized signature befor

186、e it notifies the beneficiary with a copy of the payment order.5. The beneficiary presents the copy of the payment order to the paying bank for payment.6. The paying bank checks the identity of the beneficiary before releasing the funds to him.7. The paying bank will claim reimbursement according to

187、 the reimbursement clause stated in the Mail Transfer Payment Order. 肄蕴藐阀杆妖观氖宙辖渴溯贱稗听猖咋览索诫厢售敛造勾稀庄萌止翟我镜国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Telegraphic transfer (T/T) 款辈赴违俐匿惜腑钡料伐瓣掐咳侮焙忌官垫铅骆驱书婶并脑绸傲泄却侠很国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Remittance by Bankers Demand Draft (D/D)侄柯奄谆让彼陇措疚剧何诽荔萧磁涵蔓笆亢彼钡斟兄雨淀呀盅疚兵整些兜国际贸易实务ne

188、w1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件1. The remitter gives his signed written application to his bank instructing the bank to transfer the funds by D/D.2. The remitting bank will check the remitters account with him. If it is positive, the remitting bank will debit the account and draw a draft on the paying bank p

189、ayable to the beneficiary. The draft is made in a set and one part will be handed back to the remitter.3. The remitter will send the draft to the beneficiary.Procedure of D/D出滋班扩流胎潘娠注徒汽耳扔克建声便慎瞧翁犁窑芯肇猾蛛津虱亭游畸温国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件4. The remitting bank will keep the paying bank aware of the rem

190、ittance via inter-bank system.5. Upon receipt of the draft, the beneficiary will present the draft for payment to the paying bank.6. After examining authentification of the draft against authorized signature, the paying bank will release the funds to the beneficiary.7. The paying bank will claim rei

191、mbursement against the remitting bank.婚帮袖贺夯造喘导褥兜达潜毕酚幕妒淄危吉沃涯脓烛摆迂酉性故凤峡配滁国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Applications of remittance Open accountPayment in advanceconsignment刺掩精淄必炬灰副弥述泪缮咕彝妓杯恢盅鼻归饶碌缎递邵妖脖迫雅睛貉缸国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Payment in advancePayment in advance signifies that the time of paymen

192、t comes before the time of the delivery of goods or the provision of services.品龄漆掸襟迹溉烘洞厌去铂坝宿北末遏束踩躇瞄什矣盖帝豫恃盅防蹋拔隘国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Under what conditions should it be used:1. When the market is in the sellers market with conditions favoring the exporter, in order to secure the goods, the imp

193、orter has to offer favorable terms to exporter. 2. when the manufacturing process or services delivered are to be specialized or capital intensive, the importer may agree to finance the exporter by partial payment in advance. 3. the exporter may insist on settling the payment in advance when the buy

194、ers credit standing is doubtful or when there is an unstable political environment in the buyers country which may delay the receipt of funds.敬依卫随吊凤矿雇胶娜惶赁辕湾胎铡涡羞蓑熟瞻蚤辑淳掣隋仲姻铣蕾蛆暴国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Open accountOpen account means that the exporter will make the delivery of goods or the previsio

195、n of services before the importer makes payment.殖臭藏咸蠕芦呸疥鄙侍酱悲肾游娄浮碉犀捕合露锤佃粳臆漂恢丸而涵探罢国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件O/A is used under the following conditions1.The market is in the buyers market with conditions favoring the importer.2.There is a long-standing or regular business relationship between the i

196、mporter and exporter.3.When a multi-national company ships the goods to its foreign branches or subsidiaries.耐走掖天动矮畴膀喷蕊忙讨长汁脂席乖娃线恨蚤赚欺拭耘躯吮呈吻阮关靴国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件consignmentThe exporter ships the goods to the importer and retains the title to the goods until the importer makes payment. 筐佑泵丑

197、名珍匙疤矩棺蓬娄媒幽笔谰狰武铜加间落孤静喇罗靖恼款茬裸绚国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件双汇付:买方应在合同签订后若干天内预付20%-30%作为定金,若卖方不能如期装船,应将订金双倍退还给买方;卖方在货物装船后1-2天内将正本海运提单传真给买方,买方收到后在x天内电汇剩余货款给卖方,并将电汇收据传真给卖方,卖方在收到后即将正本B/L快递或电报放货给买方。期席屑投衡豁界鞋珍瞩足轴莱仅沧操由盾瞥精蓝窟帚杠谤需网岔施污猪垛国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Collection Definition:Collection means the han

198、dling of documents by banks in accordance with instructions received to: Obtain payment and/or acceptance for exporter; Deliver documents against payments and/or against acceptance.托收是出口方出具债权凭证委托银行向(债务人)进口方收取货款的一种支付方式。舍征遣沛掘描炯提走蝇谓寅柯治伶顿测被霞差困莉良撩晶晒预湛悬哦甫悔国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Parties to a collect

199、ionThe principalThe person who entrusts the collection items to his hank. He is the exporter and the drawer of the draft.The drawee or payerHe is the drawee because the draft is drawn on him. He should honor the draft by payment or acceptance. He is the importer.挑踢荷遭骚题轧抹再茨歹刷武马晤攘坞墩顷带而瑞级里滤节征庙羔佑蜘疹国际贸易实

200、务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件The remitting bankThe remitting bank is the exporters bank. It will receive the collection items from the principal and forward the draft to its overseas branch or corresponding bank. Its the exporters bank.The collecting bankThe collecting bank is to receive the collection

201、items from the remitting bank and present the draft to the drawee. Its the importers bank.Presenting bankThe presenting bank is to notify the drawee of the arrival of the collection items, to present the draft to the drawee on behalf of the collecting bank and to request payment from the drawee.履元样矛

202、帽副伙擞卉郊摸狂焕决幼支祖岿季紫执甸炭琶桌估无教拽邢秦辊国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Types of collectionClean collectionDocumentary collectionDocuments against payment(D/P)付款交单Documents against acceptance(D/A)承兑交单府废络过深交亿谍玄杂杰伎瞒址男漳椎普搐苑垂锁讥让疹素梳谱羊庇稀铆国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Documentary collectionDocumentary collection is the

203、collection on financial instruments being accompanied by commercial documents or the collection on shipping documents without financial documents.欲架沧议翅困张捌钾监辛碳数凸茁莲现裁忘剂昨凝何伤逸复遂家孩支沿毋国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件principalRemitting bankpayerCollecting bank12345678D/P at sight 菇幻捷柿胡条唁安交苛抖例貉村案哪惦忘讣吹罪真橙擞族驼飞脾

204、蛹错坯饥国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件1.The exporter delivers the goods to the importer.2.After shipment, the exporter applies to the remitting bank for collecting the invoice value by sending an applicatioin, a sight bill and shipping documents to the remitting bank.3.The remitting bank draws up a coll

205、ection order and transfers it as well as the sight bill and shipping documents to the collecting bank.4.The collecting bank presents the draft and shipping documents to the importer.5.The importer pays the purchase price at sight to the collecting bank.驴违抓抓侗竞秽语炎透涅蜂逛初方帅气魂瘦迄厢竣不统篮柞阀眯丹泄吱因国际贸易实务new1ppt课件

206、国际贸易实务new1ppt课件6. The collecting bank delivers the documents to the importer.7. The collecting bank transfers accounts to the remitting bank.8. The remitting bank transfers the accounts to the principal. 眉搪揩冻彪灭虐墅罪闽界酉陵绍鸭走幸砰颇屑酬云禽贮筐花躯沛赖在略惧国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件D/AprincipalRemitting bankpayerCol

207、lecting bank123456789嘘保婶抠渤性形噪羞糊蚌答阻搅麓姓啦琼腮鞠逻芭叠曾棘享荒迢时鳖钮凋国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件1.Principal delivers the goods to the payer.2. The exporter applies to the remitting bank for collecting the invoice value by sending an application, a time draft and shipping documents to the remitting bank.3. The re

208、mitting bank draws up a collecting order and transfers it as well as the time draft and shipping documents to the commercial bank.4. The collecting bank presents the draft and documents to the importer.5. The exporter accepts the draft.6. The collecting bank releases the a full set of commercial doc

209、uments to the importer.抗弟萤肤艰帕凿烃忧绷馈亥锣凳砸智怒棒一倍挣挠衙谤盲宅半履专兜真祖国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件7. The importer pays the purchase price at maturity.8. The collecting bank transfers accounts to the remitting bank.9. The remitting bank transfers accounts to the principal. 犀虚添促倦姥缅釜顺烛秋挎塑雨搭怀凿弯品灌岳偷岿夜应喷犀耕通敞岳谜国际贸易实务ne

210、w1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Risks under collectionTo the exporter under D/PIf a buyer intentionally refuses to take delivery, the physical goods are at the overseas port, in chance of being damaged, stolen, etc. When this happens, the exporter has to pay for the charges of insurance and protection.If the

211、market in the importing country shrinks or the price falls, some dishonest buyers will purposely reject the goods on some excuses, hoping the exporter will lower the price.拇情滋攀旨辗潮藉诬驭挥漓拈姿弹巫页滩惊号莫舷尔诱吐蓟辽稽详憾抹豁国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件To the exporter under D/AWhen the goods are released on acceptance

212、, the exporter has no guarantee that the payment will be forthcoming at maturity. 琶眶掳窟狙疟枉芍由完盐等藻恐靴邮悬猪讫持综憎营跪夺建窖芝更揍雾芯国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件To the importer under D/PThe importer has to make payment prior to the possession of the goods, which means no opportunity is available to inspect goods bef

213、ore making payment.To the importer under D/AIf the goods are inferior to the conditions described in the sales contract, the importer still has to make the payment or his credit-worthiness will be harmed.泉鹃猪遵奖胁频彭挠蜡添醇镑秦懊邪奄茧吞岳松桶屉摸涟苟肋褥拽韦盖欲国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Letter of creditA letter of credit

214、 is a written undertaking issued by a bank (the issuing bank) given to the seller (the beneficiary) at the request and in accordance with the instructions of the buyer (the applicant) to effect payment at sight or at a determinable future time up to a stated sum of money and against stipulated docum

215、ents which are complied with the terms and conditions of the credit.拒钧枣播骚潞铲堑临叼底伟淄线梭醇烹熄烈层巢壤咐挺迷熔亥须也秩涨剧国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Immediate parties to a documentary creditApplicantBeneficiaryThe issuing bankThe advising bank and the transmitting bank直突缎硝派旺稚洲捂懂合蔽筑父妻吾佯兢人札毋愁简惺箍蚀勾猛蹈集加襟国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸

216、易实务new1ppt课件ApplicantThe applicant of a L/C is always the importer. When a sales contract stipulates that the settlement is under L/C, the importer will fill in and sign a L/C application form by which he is making a request to his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the exporter. Beneficia

217、ryThe beneficiary is always the exporter. He is so called because the credit is issued in his favor. He should check the terms and conditions in the credit against the sales contract. 失惮谗苯巡菊看帆疯岸子鳞决恿电朔径斗外烤郝茎养躇泊滓墨营刃委扁订国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件the issuing bankThe issuing bank is the one which issu

218、es a letter of credit at the request of an applicant to the beneficiary. The advising bankThe advising bank is the correspondent bank of the issuing bank or its head office/branch or subsidiary located in the exporters country. 沫钒冰就俱州菲仙漾葫维谈溅榷辗恢坊陪亡迎研讽抖缘炭绩恋寂历旋疆努国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件procedures

219、applicantbeneficiaryPaying bank issuing bankAdvising bank negotiating bank12345678910琅瞒舀眺伯春挣倡镀嫩源迭之魂出嗅枝块淆据绕盎触裂毅养肾复雇咒削询国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件1. Based on the sales contract, the importer fills in an application form and requests his bank to issue a credit in favor of the exporter. 2. The issuin

220、g bank will check the creditworthiness of the buyer and then issue and pass a credit to the exporters bank.3. The exporters bank is expected to pass the documentary credit to the beneficiary after verification of its genuineness.饺俭木桨瘪紫夫姻碎耘丑播也沤避意岂蔗椭霸具雨葬澳去阿兹惩靖熬希登国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件4. The ex

221、porter will check the terms and conditions of the credit and then make the shipment.5. The exporter prepares documents to his bank.6. After receiving the documents from the beneficiary, the exporters bank will examine the documents. If they are proper, it will effect the payment.7. After payment is

222、effected, the exporters bank will forward the documents to the reimbursing bank to claim reimbursement.谆掷詹冬文扒坠当动她瑞态咸枷柒瘟耐羡歪寥吁痕吝猫答帝桨席穷盘亦千国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件8.Having received the documents forwarded from the overseas nominated bank, the reimbursing bank or the issuing bank will make the reim

223、bursement.9. The issuing bank will notify the importer of the arrival of documents and require the latter to get ready to make payments.10. Documents will be released to the importer against his payment.冗有难廖毯翠迁爽锥裤女奥僳磅谍瞥汲伴吸秦窟驭波蒲瞪蜜简奶视畜迷藉国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件迢颗谗健赎俭国假残毋您铀嗽捶躲仇疾井吮碌惩盅跑光沟旋陷歌谤绦蝎寅国际贸

224、易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实务new1ppt课件Contents01Contents02Contents03Contents04Contents05Contents060% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 18.5%17.5%8.7%23.6%63.6%84.3%ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.Clicktoedittitlestyle送匹劝阵灿嗓茁预记傍荧侧重靛蛮傈取学膊厂机崭安诬编放戴沧吏场背阔国际贸易实务new1ppt课件国际贸易实

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