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1、国际贸易实务双语教程国际贸易实务双语教程(第四版)(第四版)(INTERNATIONAL Business Practice)清华大学出版社清华大学出版社Chapter 1 A brief introduction to international trade International trade, also called world trade, foreign trade or overseas trade, is the fair and deliberate exchange ofgoods and / or services across national boundaries.D

2、efinition (P1)Section One Reasons for international trade (从事国际贸易的动机从事国际贸易的动机) 1 Resource Acquisition (寻求资源寻求资源) 2 Benefits Acquisition (追求利润追求利润) 3 Diversification (多种经营多种经营) 4 Expand sales(扩大销售)(扩大销售) 5.International balance of payments (国际收支平衡国际收支平衡) 6. Other reasons1.Resource Acquisition (寻求资源寻求

3、资源 P2) Resource distribution around the world is uneven. No nation has all the economic resources it needs. Countries that do not have these resources within their own boundaries must buy them from other countries . Natural resources : mineral, water, weather, soil, forest, etc.Social resources: lab

4、or force, skills technology, equipments etc.What are resources?2. Benefits Acquisition (追求利润追求利润 P2) A country can benefits more by producing goods it can make most cheaply and buying those goods that other countries can make at a lower cost .Question: Why can trade create benefits? Theory of Compar

5、ative Advantage 比较优势理论比较优势理论 Or: Comparative Cost Theory比较成本理论比较成本理论 (by Adam Smith, David Ricardo, John Stuart and other economists in the 19th century)Question: Do you think every country can produce the same type of product at the same cost?1. Which country has an absolute advantage in producing

6、cloth?2. Which country has an absolute advantage in producing wine?3.What should they specialize in respectively?Hours of Labor required to produceCountry Cloth (100 bolts)Wine (100 barrels)Scotland 30 120Portugal 100 20Example 1 Fact: Some countries has no absolute advantage in producing any produc

7、ts. Question: Can these countries make profits by doing business with those who has absolute advantage?1) In which product does U.S.A have an absolute advantage? 2) In which product does Brazil have a comparative advantage? 3) What should the two countries specialize in?units of PR (productive resou

8、rce)productU.S.ABrazil100 cars 2 41000 computers 3 4Example 2Americans have an absolute advantage in producing both cars and computers. Using three units of PR (productive resource) to produce 1,000 computers in the United States requires sacrificing the production of 150 cars. Using four units of P

9、R to produce 1,000 computers in Brazil requires sacrificing only 100 cars. Conclusion: Brazilians have a comparative advantage in producing computers. Conclusion for point 2 (P3) As long as there is minor differences in the efficiency of producing a commodity, even the poor countries have a comparat

10、ive advantage in producing it. Therefore, the country can specialize in the particular products and mass-produce. 3. Diversification 多样经营多样经营(P3)4.Sales Expansion 扩大销售扩大销售(P4) Sales are limited by 1) the number of consumers 2) the capacity of purchase of consumer5. International balance of payments

11、国际收支平衡国际收支平衡 (P4) BOP- balance of payment BOP account 收支平衡账户 BOP sheet 收支平衡表Balance of paymentThe international balance of payment is the difference between money coming into a country and money going out of the country.A favorable balance of payment (国际收支顺国际收支顺 差差) means more money is flowing into

12、a country.An unfavorable balance of payment(国际收(国际收支逆差)支逆差) means more money is flowing out of a country.Balance of trade A favorable balance of trade (贸易顺差) or trade surplus (贸易出超) occurs when the value of a nations export exceeds that of its import. When the value of a nations import exceeds that

13、of its export, an unfavorable balance of trade (贸易逆差)or trade deficit(贸易入超) occurs. 6. Other reasons (P4) 1)Satisfying a large domestic demand 满足国内大量需求满足国内大量需求 2)Preference for innovation and style 对创新和款式的追求对创新和款式的追求 3) For political reasons 政治原因政治原因 Term translation1.自给自足 2. 经济资源 3. 直接投资4.国际收支 5. 商

14、品交换 6. 倾销7. 贸易顺差 8. 贸易逆差 9. 欧盟10. 国际收支顺差 11. 国际收支逆差12. 有形贸易 13. 无形贸易 14. 货物贸易 15. 服务贸易Exercises1.self-sufficient 2. 2. economic resources3. direct investment 4. Balance of payment5. Commodity exchange6. dumping 7. favorable balance of trade8. unfavorable balance of tradeKeys 9. European Union 10. fa

15、vorable balance of payment 11. unfavorable balance of payment 12. visible (tangible) trade 13. invisible (intangible) trade 14. trade in goods 15. trade in serviceKeysProblemsCulture Differences文化差异文化差异Monetary Conversion货币兑换货币兑换Trade Barriers贸易壁垒贸易壁垒Section Two Problems Concerning International Tra

16、de1. Cultural differences 文化差异问题文化差异问题(P5) In international trade, business people must pay close attention to different local customs and Business norms (商业准则商业准则). 2. Money Conversion 货币兑换问题货币兑换问题 (fluctuation in exchange rate)French francs(法郎法郎) US dollars(美元美元)British pounds(英镑英镑) Deutsche Mark(

17、马克马克)Japanese yen(日元日元) Danish krone(克朗克朗)Euro (欧元欧元) 3. Trade Barriers (贸易壁垒(贸易壁垒P6) Is there a completely free trading system in any country?Trade policies come in many forms -tariffs or subsidies, quantitative restriction or encouragements on imported or exported goods, services and assets.Trade

18、Barriers (贸易壁垒)(贸易壁垒)1)To correct a balance-of payment deficit;2) In view of national security;3) To protect their industries against the competition of foreign goods.Reasons for trade barriers P6Trade Barriers (贸易壁垒)(贸易壁垒)1)Tariff barriers 关税壁关税壁垒垒2)Non-tariff Barriers - NTBs 非关税壁垒非关税壁垒1) Tariff ba

19、rriers 关税壁垒关税壁垒 Tariffs or import tariffs(进口关税进口关税)are taxes levied on goods or services being imported into the country. These tariffs can be of two types: 1) Protective Tariff 保护关税保护关税 2) Revenue Tariff 财政关税财政关税 Different rates of customs duties are applied to different categories of goods. 1) Spe

20、cific Duty 从量税从量税 2) Ad valorem Duty 从价税从价税 (P7) 3) Compound Duty 混合税混合税2) Non-tariff barriersA non-tariff barrier is any policy used by the government to reduce imports, rather than a simple tariff. NTBs can take many forms, including import quotas, productstandards, buy-at-home rules forGovernment

21、 purchases, and so on.2) Non-tariff barriers (1) Import quota 进口配额进口配额 A quantitative restriction (数量限制)(数量限制)or upper limit on the total quantity of import of a product allowed into a country during a period of time. A quantitative restriction is expressed in terms of physical quantity or value. A

22、quota requires low or no duties below the limit but high duties or penalty above the limit.(2) Voluntary Export Restraints (VER)自愿出口约束)自愿出口约束/限制限制 VER enables one country to force onto another country a low rate of increase in exportvolume through bilateral agreement-voluntary restraint agreement(VR

23、A, 自愿约自愿约束协定)束协定)出口国在进口国同意不诉诸配额、关税或其出口国在进口国同意不诉诸配额、关税或其他进口管制的条件下,同意减少或限制出口的双边协定。他进口管制的条件下,同意减少或限制出口的双边协定。 Its a measure to avoid punitive pju:ntiv actions (反对行动反对行动) taken by the importing country. (3) Import License 进口许可证进口许可证 (4) Product standard 产品标准产品标准 TBT- Technical Barriers to Trade 贸易技术壁垒贸易技

24、术壁垒 exhaust emission standards Health standards Safety standards sanitary standards national security standards(5) Government Procurement Policy 政府采购政策政府采购政策Example Buy American Act (购买美国产品法案购买美国产品法案1933) stipulates that the US government must buy American products unless the domestic price is on av

25、erage 25% higher than foreign prices. 1. 按商品移动的方向按商品移动的方向 1)Export 2) ImportSection Three Forms of International Trade (国际贸易形式国际贸易形式)2. 按商品的形态按商品的形态 1) Tangible (visible) trade Merchandise Exports and Imports ( 商品进出口商品进出口) 2) Intangible (invisible) trade service, knowledge and skills, invisible asse

26、ts, such as patent, trade mark, copyright etc. 3. 按贸易内容可分为按贸易内容可分为: 1) General trade 一般贸易一般贸易 2) Processing trade 加工贸易加工贸易 3) Compensation trade 补偿贸易补偿贸易 三来一补三来一补Processing with supplied materials 来料加工来料加工Processing according to supplied samples来样加工来样加工Assembling with supplied parts来件装配来件装配Compensat

27、ion trade 补偿贸易补偿贸易1.产品返销产品返销 回购贸易或返销回购贸易或返销 在在补偿贸易补偿贸易中中,用进口的设备或其他物资用进口的设备或其他物资生产的产品生产的产品,通称为直接产品通称为直接产品,用直接产品用直接产品支付的支付的,叫产品返销。一般适用于设备和叫产品返销。一般适用于设备和技术贸易技术贸易,在国际上称为在国际上称为“工业补偿工业补偿”。在。在我国我国,一般称为一般称为 “直接补偿直接补偿”。补充知识:补充知识:Compensation trade 补偿贸易补偿贸易2.商品换购商品换购 买方不用生产出来产品进行还款,而是买方不用生产出来产品进行还款,而是用双方商定的其他


29、边补偿或叫转手补偿多边补偿或叫转手补偿 这种形式的补偿贸易形式比较复杂。由第三国替这种形式的补偿贸易形式比较复杂。由第三国替代首次进口的一方承担或提供补偿产品的义务。代首次进口的一方承担或提供补偿产品的义务。 4. 按交易双方的关系按交易双方的关系1) Licensing (许可证贸易许可证贸易) 2) Franchising (特许经营特许经营)3) Joint Ventures (合资企业合资企业)4) Sole distribution (独家代理独家代理) Sole agent5) Consignment (寄售寄售) 在进出口业务中,采用独家代理方式时,作在进出口业务中,采用独家代理

30、方式时,作为委托人的出口商即给予国外的代理人在规为委托人的出口商即给予国外的代理人在规定的地区和期限内推销指定商品的专营权。定的地区和期限内推销指定商品的专营权。按照惯例,委托人在代理区域内达成的交易,按照惯例,委托人在代理区域内达成的交易,凡属独家代理人专营的商品,不论其是否通凡属独家代理人专营的商品,不论其是否通过该独家代理人,委托人都要向他支付约定过该独家代理人,委托人都要向他支付约定比例的佣金。比例的佣金。 补充知识:补充知识: Sole agent (独家代理独家代理)Term translation1.关税壁垒 2. 非关税壁垒 3. 从量税 4. 配额 5. 保护性关税 6. 幼

31、稚产业7. 许可证制度 8. 财政关税 9. 政府采购 10. 贸易保护主义 11. 从价税 12. 出口补贴13. 寄售 Exercises1.Tariff barriers 2. non-tariff barriers3. Specific duties 4. quota5. Protective tariff 6. infant industry7. Licensing system 8. Revenue tariff9. government procurement10. Trade protectionism11. Ad valorem Duties 12. Export subsi

32、dies13. Consignment Keys1.Foreign exchange control is a tariff barrier that can restrict imports effectively. F2.When nations export more than they import, they have an unfavorable balance of trade. When they import more than they export, a favorable balance of trade exists. F3. Generally speaking,

33、the distribution of natural resources in the world is uneven. T4. According to absolute model, each country should specialize in and supply the products where it has an absolute advantage. T5. Ricardo developed the comparative cost model which also advocated free trade. T6. Weather is also a kind of

34、 resource. T7. As long as there are minor differences in the efficiency of producing a commodity, even the poor country have comparative advantage in producing it. T Exercise1 What is international trade?2 What are the major motivations for firms to operate international business?3 What measures do most companies usually adopt to avoid wild swings in the sales and profits?4 Please give the four major operation forms chosen by most companies.5 What limits a firms sales?6 What does “royalties” mean?7 Please try to finish all the exercise in the text book.



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