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1、AURORA INC.SOCIAL CLUB A meeting of the Social Club will be held in the Conference Suite A on Friday 14 May 2002 18:00.AGENDA1、Apologies for absence2、Minutes of last meeting3、matters arising4、Chairmans Report5、Any other businessCE/ST7 May 2003第1页/共17页第一页,共18页。PLEASURE TOY COMPANYMINUTES OF A MEETING

2、 OF PLEASURE TOY COMPANY HELD ON NOVEMBER 10,2002 AT 1000 HOURSPRESENT Mr. Martin Washington(Chairman) Mr. George /Mr. Anderson.1.APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE No apology was received from Mr. Wallace.2.MINUTES OF LAST MEETINGThere are confirmed and signed by the Chairman.3.REPORTS FROM THE SALES SECTION3.1

3、 THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: The international conference would be held on November 11, 2002.Alice NelsonSecretaryNovember 10, 2002第2页/共17页第二页,共18页。 Southwest Missouri State UNIVERSITYForeign Language Department(416) 836-5122AGENDAFaculty Meeting Craig 316 2:00-3:00 p.m. 1. Announcements Staffing

4、Up-date Lectureship Teaching Load Award for Excellence in FL study 2. Mo. Foreign language scholars academy 3. M.S. in education 4. Transfer credits and placement 5. Adjourn or The meeting will end not later than 6 p.m. 第3页/共17页第三页,共18页。The following is the format of Notice and Agenda.(Name of compa

5、ny)Information about the meeting: place, date ,people to attend, type of meetingAgenda1. (Ordinary business)2.(Special business)a)_b)_(Signature)_(Date of issuing)第4页/共17页第四页,共18页。Minutes record of the meeting (decisions and discussions),providing written record of company discussion, decisions,inst

6、ructions for actions, transactions and planning.Minutes are accurate,concise summary of what has been said and what has been decided at the meeting.In the writing, third person, reported speech, andpast tense are usually adopted. The language used should be impersonal and incorporate.第5页/共17页第五页,共18

7、页。Everywordspoken,everythinghappenatthemeetingisrecorded.Onlytheresultofdiscussionsandthemainconclusionsarerecorded.Summaryofallthediscussionsandconclusionsmade.There are three types of minutes:Verbatim(逐字(zh z)的) minutesMinutes of resolution(决议)Minutes of narration(陈述)第6页/共17页第六页,共18页。Illustration

8、of minutes(The name of the organization)Minutes of a meeting ( of detailed information: tome , place, type of meeting)Present (chairman) (name)1._2._3._(Name in signature)(position and title)(Date)第7页/共17页第七页,共18页。 MINUTESStaff Meeting, Foreign Languages Department 1. AnnouncementsWelcome was offere

9、d to new faculty membersMaria- Jose Delgado, He Weixiang.The language Laboratory Assistant will be Mrs. Amy Kirk; this is an interim position pending re-organization of the lab.2.CurricularAssessment 491 is in curricular channels.Foreign Language placement is currently in Abeyance.Jean SmithNovember

10、 2,2002第8页/共17页第八页,共18页。Translate the following into English:周年大会议程周年大会议程 兹通告,本公司第二次全体股东大会定于兹通告,本公司第二次全体股东大会定于1980年年12月月24日(星期三)上午日(星期三)上午11时在香港某某酒店会议厅举行,时在香港某某酒店会议厅举行,议程如下:议程如下:听取和接纳听取和接纳(jin)董事会报告和董事会报告和1980年年6月月30日止年度帐日止年度帐目以及有关的审计员报告目以及有关的审计员报告 (第一项决(第一项决议)议)宣布宣布1980年年6月月30日止的年度末期股息(第二项决议)日止的年度末

11、期股息(第二项决议)选举董事选举董事 (第三项决议)(第三项决议)决定非执行董事的报酬决定非执行董事的报酬 (第四项决议)(第四项决议)重新委任白礼士重新委任白礼士荷华特公司为本公司审计员并授权董事荷华特公司为本公司审计员并授权董事会决定其报酬。会决定其报酬。 (第五项决议)(第五项决议)第9页/共17页第九页,共18页。Agenda of an Annual General MeetingNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Second Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Company will be held at th

12、e Conference Hall of XX Hotel, Hong Kong, on Wednesday, 24th December, 1980 at 11:00 a.m. for the following purposes:To receive and adopt the Report of the Directions and the Accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1980 and the Report of the Auditors thereon (Resolution 1)To declare a final dividend

13、for the year ended 30th June 1980 (Resolution 2)第10页/共17页第十页,共18页。To elect Directors (Resolution 3)To fix the remuneration for the non executive Directors (Resolution 4)To re-appointed Price Howard & Co. as auditors of the Company and to authorize the Directors to fix their remuneration. (Resolution

14、 5) 第11页/共17页第十一页,共18页。Write a minute with the help of the following information taken from the board meeting ofDirectors of Forever Company.Mr. Alan Hamlet: There has been a 5% reductionIn overall membership since December 1999. We Have obtained 885 new members since the beginning of 2000 and reins

15、tated(恢复(huf) ) 607 members.Mr. David R. Bender: A telemarketing (电话销售)Campaign focusing on deactivated (使无效)members is planned to start in mid-day.第12页/共17页第十二页,共18页。AURORA INC.SOCIAL CLUB A meeting of the Social Club will be held in the Conference Suite A on Friday 14 May 2002 18:00.AGENDA1、Apolog

16、ies for absence2、Minutes of last meeting3、matters arising4、Chairmans Report5、Any other businessCE/ST7 May 2003第13页/共17页第十三页,共18页。FOREVER COMPANYMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FOREVER COMPANY HELD ON MONDAY OCTOBER 4,2000AT 1600 HOURSPRESENT/ Mr. Richard Wallace (Chairman)PARTICIPANT Mr. A Hamlet Miss B

17、rown Mr. D Bender Mr. J Crosby1.APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCENo apologies were received from Miss S Norton.2.MINUTES OF LAST MEETINGThese were approved and signed by the Chairman as a Correct record.3. MATTERS ARISINGThere were no matters arising.第14页/共17页第十四页,共18页。4. REDUCTION AND RECRUITMENT Alan Hamlet r

18、eported that as of May 4,2000 the association had 12,662 members. There has been a 5% reduction in overall membership since December 1999.5. TELEMARKETING CAMPAIGN Mr. David R. Bender commented on telemarketing campaign focusing on deactivated members is planned to start in mid May. A survey will be

19、 conducted with those deactivated members. The information from the survey will be used to assist membership in its promotional efforts. 第15页/共17页第十五页,共18页。6. ANY OTHER BUSINESS It was decided that the annual Central Meeting would be held on December 11, 2000.7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on October 11,2000.BenderSecretaryOctober 4,2000 第16页/共17页第十六页,共18页。感谢您的观赏(gunshng)!第17页/共17页第十七页,共18页。内容(nirng)总结AURORA INC.。1. (Ordinary business)。2.(Special business)。Minutes of narration(陈述)。重新委任白礼士荷华特公司为本公司审计员并授权董事会决定(judng)其报酬。感谢您的观赏第十八页,共18页。



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