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1、Copyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.1Key DefinitionsWhat is a Business Process?A recurring set of actions that produce value by transforming some set of inputs into some set of outputs”.Time-based (Month-end closing process, annual planning process)Event-triggered (Customer

2、inquiry process, new product introduction)Copyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.2SalesOrderMRPrunPlanningMPSPlannedOrderPurchaseRequisitionOrder ExecutionDeliveryBillingCustomerPaymentPurchaseOrderInvoiceReceiptVendorPaymentGoodsIssueGoodsReceiptGoodsReceiptGoodsIssueProductCo

3、stingProfitabilityAnalysisRawFinishedAt a high level, the overall business of a company can be represented by a single flowchart of major activitiesOverall Business Process ModelCopyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.3This model highlights several different Processes performed

4、in the course of every day businessOverall Business Process ModelOrder Order managementmanagementPurchasingPurchasingPlanningPlanningShipping & Shipping & TransportationTransportationFinanceFinanceCopyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.4Each Process can be decomposed into parts

5、 to help better manage complexity Overall Business Process ModelPurchasingPurchasingProcure Materials and ServicesProcure Materials and Services Purchasing StrategyPurchasing Strategy Develop & Maintain PoliciesDevelop & Maintain Policies Supplier CertificationSupplier Certification Manage Contracts

6、 Manage Contracts Manage RFQManage RFQ Maintain Purchase RequisitionsMaintain Purchase Requisitions Purchase Materials and ServicesPurchase Materials and Services Monitor & Manage ContractsMonitor & Manage Contracts Manage Consignment StockManage Consignment Stock Receive Materials & ServicesReceive

7、 Materials & Services Performing incoming QAPerforming incoming QA Process Accounts PayableProcess Accounts PayableBPM Hierarchy TerminologyThe Business Process Management Initiative, an international and multi-industry task force aimed at creating standard universal BPM terminology and graphics, ha

8、s produced the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). Process Group: a representation of time-related actions and dependencies that transfer a set of inputs into a set of related business outputs Process: a segment of the process group covering a specific business output +Task: a breakdown of a

9、process that produces a measurable result Workstep: a sub-grouping of tasks aimed at producing a common measurable result (used to render the flow-chart more “readable”)12435Copyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.6What is a Process Group?A Process Group is a collection of relat

10、ed processes. Typically they would be aligned to a particular business ownerA Process Group is a representation of time-related actions and dependencies that transfer a set of inputs into a set of related business outputs A Process Group consists of:One or many processes which relate to the same are

11、a of businessA Process Group is defined using +Copyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.7What is a Process?A Process is a collection of tasks designed to meet a specific objective. A business process is thus a specific ordering of tasks across time and place, with a beginning, an

12、 end, and clearly defined inputs and outputs.A Process is a segment of the process group covering a single business areaA Process is defined using + Typically a process consists of a minimum of 3 tasks.A process model consists of:An input task which serves as a triggerA transformation, which is a nu

13、mber of tasks that need to be carried outA set of sequences and conditions that determine the process flowAn output task which marks the end of the processCopyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.8What is a Task?A Task is a breakdown of a process that produces a measurable result

14、 within the process. A task consists of one specific definable piece of workA task is defined using + Copyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.9What is a Workstep?A Workstep is a number of tasks that are linked together by a specific measurable result within the process. These ar

15、e put together to render the process flow easier to read.Not all tasks in the process flow need to be broken down into a WorkstepA Workstep is defined using + Copyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.10Guidelines for Leading Practice Process Design1.Begin with leading practices.

16、Diversions from leading practices must be closely examined and have a justifiable business reason. 2.KIS Simplify, Simplify, Simplify3.Standardize service levels and processes. Justify exceptions!4.Challenge every manual task. Seek ways to eliminate, automate, or optimize.5.Analyze exceptions and ex

17、ception processing. Seek ways to eliminate exceptions at the source.6.Have a clear start event and clear end event 7.Have measurable objectives and set realistic goals. Understand current state metrics and define staggered targets for improvement.8.Have a minimum of 4 and maximum of 20 tasks per Pro

18、cess 9.Be visible at one glance from left to right & ideally from top to bottom10.Use worksteps only when necessary to show a greater level of detailCopyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.11Guidelines You know youre in trouble when1.There are too many process variations2.Thru-t

19、ime is too long3.Service level (e.g. percentage of cases on time) is too low or too high4.Utilization rate of resources is too low or too high5.Decision Making causes bottlenecksCopyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.12Balancing among competing objectivesIt is important to unde

20、rstand that improving a process is always a trade off among:Copyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.13Parallelism improves process designImproving a process introduce as much parallelism as possibleMore parallelism leads to improved performance reduction of waiting times and bet

21、ter use of capacity (resources)Increased parallelism often needs additional support from the information technology infrastructure to ensure proper data sharing.Copyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.14Prioritize Knockout DecisionsImproving a process give priority to knock-out

22、decisionsBy giving priority to knock out decisions you avoid carrying out work in cases that will never end the process successfully anyway.An example of a knock out decision is a credit check.Copyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.15Consider using TriageImproving a process tri

23、ageInstead of routing all cases through the same task, distinguish between simple, normal, and complex cases.2009 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved.业务流程优化工具:德勤流程管理工具介绍业务流程优化工具:德勤流程管理工具介绍 业务流程优化和重组的前提是有一套高效实用的管理工具帮助我们发现现有业务流程中的缺陷和不足,针对这一需求德勤对不同行业的用户开发了一套集成了行业最佳实践的业务流程蓝图IndustryPrint。并为未来业务流程的设计和完善提供参

24、考。流程和子流程流程和子流程子流程和活子流程和活动活活动和任和任务活活动和任和任务16Copyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.17Deloitte has a large portfolio of IndustryPrints8 industries/25 segmentsMapped to 12 packagesCurrent portfolio is maintained on the Knowledge ExchangeCopyright 2006 Deloitte Development LLC. All

25、 rights reserved.18ClientPrints are customized IndustryPrintsA ClientPrint is a customized version of IndustryPrint that reflects a particular clients business requirements (“to-be” state)IndustryPrintClient Business RequirementsClientXPrintThe purpose of BluePrinting is to develop the future Busine

26、ss Process Model (“to-be” state) for Client X at all 3 IndustryPrint levels.2009 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved.业务流程优化工作逻辑图业务流程优化工作逻辑图流程流程现状分析状分析现状分析状分析流程框架流程框架设计部部门访谈流程分析流程分析归类整理整理讨论核核实 流程确定流程确定确定确定流程流程现状体系状体系确定确定流程流程对标分析分析原原则选择对标目目标实施施对标分析分析确定确定流程流程框架框架优化化原原则确定确定流程流程框架框架优化化目目标提出提出流程流程框架框架优化化建建议

27、对标研究研究框架改框架改进建建议优化化设计优化化设计实施建施建议与系与系统组讨论流程流程优化化设计报告撰写告撰写辅助助实施施制度收集制度收集阅读 流程流程优化是在公司化是在公司现有的有的业务流程基流程基础上,分析和上,分析和发现其中存在的流程其中存在的流程问题,并通,并通过流程分析和流程分析和对标研究,研究,设计出合理的流程出合理的流程优化方案,并充分考化方案,并充分考虑公司信息系公司信息系统的可的可实现性,通性,通过技技术手段固化手段固化优化的流程方案。化的流程方案。192009 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved.业务流程优化的工作步骤业务流程优化的工作步骤

28、 1.3 1.3 流程流程优化化详细设计1.21.2流程流程优化框架化框架设计1.11.1流程流程现状状评估估主要活主要活动工作成果工作成果产品、行品、行业、厂商、厂商、业务构成的分析构成的分析访谈提提纲及及访谈记录 信息收集清信息收集清单 流程流程现状描述状描述流程流程优化需求分析化需求分析流程流程优化重点分析化重点分析ERPERP实施重点支撑的施重点支撑的业务流程流程现状状富通的配合富通的配合协调组织管理人管理人员参加参加项目目组访谈和和调研研提供相关管理文档提供相关管理文档沟通确沟通确认项目目组对集集团流程流程优化的需求和改化的需求和改进重点重点开展开展业务和管理流程和管理流程现状状调研


30、式和从公司管控模式和权责划分角度提出的流程划分角度提出的流程优化化要求;要求;从流程效率和流程从流程效率和流程质量角度提出的流程量角度提出的流程优化要求;化要求;从从风险管控角度提出的流程管控角度提出的流程优化要求;化要求;展开展开现状与流程状与流程优化要求的化要求的对比分析,明确流程比分析,明确流程优化化重点;重点;结合信息系合信息系统的的调研研现状和状和ERP升升级需求,明确系需求,明确系统实施的重点施的重点业务流程;流程;202009 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved. 1.3 1.3 流程流程优化化详细设计业务流程优化的工作步骤(续)业务流程优化的工作


32、子流程体系和关关键的的业务活活动及管理活及管理活动明确明确ERPERP实施所支撑施所支撑业务流程的各流程的各项主数据,主数据,权限划分,操作限划分,操作类型等,型等,为系系统实施提供帮助施提供帮助与系与系统实施人施人员讨论系系统的重点功能性的重点功能性设计1.21.2流程流程优化框架化框架设计1.11.1流程流程现状状评估估212009 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved.业务流程优化的工作步骤(续)业务流程优化的工作步骤(续)主要活主要活动工作成果工作成果各子流程各子流程现状流程状流程图和和优化流程化流程图流程流程说明文档明文档目目标流程(流程(TO-BETO

33、-BE流程)流程)说明明富通的配合富通的配合组织各各级管理人管理人员配合配合项目目组的的补充充调研工作研工作沟通、确沟通、确认流程流程优化化设计方案方案布置方案的落布置方案的落实实施施绘制各子流程的制各子流程的现状流程状流程图和和优化流程化流程图和系和系统组队业务和系和系统重点重点问题、决策共同研、决策共同研讨,确定适合的方案,确定适合的方案编制制优化流程化流程说明,包括明,包括流程主要活流程主要活动说明明流程关流程关键控制点控制点说明明流程文档流程文档说明明流程信息化需求流程信息化需求说明明流程流程优化方案确化方案确认沟通沟通相关管理方案的制定和相关管理方案的制定和讨论流程流程优化方案培化方案培训 1.3 1.3 流程流程优化化详细设计1.21.2流程流程优化框架化框架设计1.11.1流程流程现状状评估估22



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