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1、专四听写中常用标点符号专四听写中常用标点符号的用法的用法1. 逗号逗号 1)用在并列连词连接的两个并列词句之间,连词可)用在并列连词连接的两个并列词句之间,连词可说出,也可省略。说出,也可省略。Eg. I can read light, serious, amusing, or profound works of English authors.(词词)You can meet him at church, at school, or on the street. (短语)(短语) He was tired, so he took a rest. (并列分句)(并列分句)2)如果两个相似结构共

2、有一个宾语,逗号需要用)如果两个相似结构共有一个宾语,逗号需要用在第二个结构前后。在第二个结构前后。Eg. He depends on, and is trusted by, his uncle.1. 逗号逗号3)用在插入语前后。)用在插入语前后。a. 用在用在yes, no, sure, personally, probably, certainly, usually 或或in general, in the first place, in my opinion, in any case, as a matter of fact, strictly speaking 这类修饰语这类修饰语之后

3、。之后。b. 用在用在furthermore, similarly, accordingly, anyway, otherwise, above all, in the same way, in other words, in contrast 之后。之后。4)用在句子开头的分词(短语之后)用在句子开头的分词(短语之后)Eg. The thief, seeing the police, began to run away. Plants, with enough water and sunshine, will grow fast. 1. 逗号逗号5)用在句末非限制性(解释性)分词(带状语性质

4、)用在句末非限制性(解释性)分词(带状语性质)前面。前面。Eg. He sat in a chair, reading papers.6)用在呼语后面或前面(呼语在句中时,前后都要)用在呼语后面或前面(呼语在句中时,前后都要用)用)Eg. John, come here. / Come here, John. What, John, are you doing?7)用在主从句之前(非限定性定语从句)用在主从句之前(非限定性定语从句)8)用在直接引语前。)用在直接引语前。1. 逗号逗号9)用在状语从句之后,主句之前。(主句在前,状语从句在)用在状语从句之后,主句之前。(主句在前,状语从句在后,一

5、般不用逗号)后,一般不用逗号)10)用在较长的主语和它的谓语之间。)用在较长的主语和它的谓语之间。11)用在同位语前)用在同位语前/后。后。12)用在省略句中,和分号一起表示某些复杂的词已被省略。)用在省略句中,和分号一起表示某些复杂的词已被省略。Eg. John has one; Mary, two. = John has one, Mary two.13)用在倒装句中,倒装部分之后。)用在倒装句中,倒装部分之后。Eg. That man, I have known for many years. 2. 分号分号1)把没有连词连接而意思上都有联系的句子连接起)把没有连词连接而意思上都有联系的

6、句子连接起来。(可用句号,但句号使意思断开,可用逗号,来。(可用句号,但句号使意思断开,可用逗号,但是力量弱,无连词不足以把两句意思拉在一起)但是力量弱,无连词不足以把两句意思拉在一起)Eg. He is a clever fellow; even his enemy admits it.2)把每部包含有逗号的两个句子连在一起。(此时)把每部包含有逗号的两个句子连在一起。(此时不宜用逗号)不宜用逗号)Eg. Dick is a generous, large-hearted person; but John, Mary and some of his friends are selfish p

7、eople. 2. 分号分号3)用在后面跟有逗号的连接词之前。)用在后面跟有逗号的连接词之前。Eg. He studies hard; moreover, he has to work for his living.4)用在两个并列从句或两个短语之间,(此时也可)用在两个并列从句或两个短语之间,(此时也可用逗号,但对比性较弱)用逗号,但对比性较弱)Eg. That depends upon who do it; how they do it; and when. 3. 冒号冒号1). 用在一个严肃的长的引语前(短的、及非正式的文体里,用在一个严肃的长的引语前(短的、及非正式的文体里,引语一般用

8、逗号)引语一般用逗号)Eg. Bacon said: “Reading makes a full man.”That, said Nick, is all I know.2). 用在正式信函的称呼语后(非正式信函称呼后用逗号)用在正式信函的称呼语后(非正式信函称呼后用逗号)3). 用在总称之后,后面跟列举。用在总称之后,后面跟列举。These are our options:As Kenneth Morgan writes:Eg. He has many books: Hamlet, Paradise Lost, Gone with the Wind, and others. 3. 冒号冒号4

9、)用在列举后,后面跟总称。)用在列举后,后面跟总称。Eg. The sea, the sky, the ship: these are all I see.5)用在表示著作、时间等词语内,把较大和较小的单位分开。)用在表示著作、时间等词语内,把较大和较小的单位分开。Eg. 6:35 a.m. 6)用在比例中。)用在比例中。Eg. 1:3:8 (the ratio of one to three to eight)7)用在正标题和副标题之间。)用在正标题和副标题之间。 4. 破折号破折号 1)用来表示句子没说完。)用来表示句子没说完。Eg. I think so, but.2)用在列举后面及总括

10、性词如()用在列举后面及总括性词如(these, such, all)之前。)之前。Eg. Corn, fruits, vegetablesthese are daily food.3)用来表示不同的人说话。)用来表示不同的人说话。4. 破折号破折号 4)用在一个重复性同位语(又加上修饰语的前面)用在一个重复性同位语(又加上修饰语的前面或后面)或后面)Eg. It was a racea race against time. His sonhis only sondied.5)用在一个名词及其同位语从句之前。)用在一个名词及其同位语从句之前。Eg. Nobody can answer his

11、questionwhen can we be happy and free? 5. 连字符连字符 1)下面的合成词需用连字符。)下面的合成词需用连字符。a. 合成名词合成名词 adj. + n. sick-pay, deaf-aid adj. + n. + er left-hander, two-timer v. + adv. Walk-up. Look-in n. + n. poet-artist, fellow-traveler5. 连字符连字符b. 合成形容词合成形容词 adj. + n. + ed good-natured, one-sided adj. + adj. red-hot,

12、 stony-cold adj. + pp. private-owned, new-made n. + pp. time-honoredc. 包含两个词以上的合成形容词包含两个词以上的合成形容词 seven-year-old, science-fiction-like5. 连字符连字符2)较长前缀后常加连字符,如)较长前缀后常加连字符,如 anti-, counter-. 但要注意,但要注意,return, recover, reform 与与re-turn, re-cover, re-form 意思不同。意思不同。 6. 大写大写 1)句子的大写。)句子的大写。a. 完整句子第一个词的首字母

13、大写。完整句子第一个词的首字母大写。b. 直接引语中第一个词的首字母大写。直接引语中第一个词的首字母大写。c. 在动词在动词be后的完整句子的第一个词要大写。后的完整句子的第一个词要大写。 Eg. The rule is: Start where you are and begin with what you have. The result was: Two out of the twenty students passed.d. 在一系列问题中,如每个问句都有问号,则每句在一系列问题中,如每个问句都有问号,则每句开头都大写;如只有最后一句有问号,则只有开头开头都大写;如只有最后一句有问号,

14、则只有开头一句大写。一句大写。Eg. What is it? Where does it come from? How can we get it? 6. 大写大写2)诗歌每一行第一个词首字母大写。)诗歌每一行第一个词首字母大写。3)作品的标题)作品的标题a. 除了标题中的除了标题中的 a, the, and, or, to 等,及四个字等,及四个字母以下(单音节介词)的介词外,标题中所有的母以下(单音节介词)的介词外,标题中所有的词首字母都要大写,以上词要是放在开头,也要词首字母都要大写,以上词要是放在开头,也要大写。大写。 4)书信开头称呼及末尾的客套语)书信开头称呼及末尾的客套语5)人名

15、,地名,头衔。如)人名,地名,头衔。如: Professor Wu6. 大写大写6)对某人的亲切称呼。如:)对某人的亲切称呼。如:Mother, Mummy7)专有名词及组织机构的名称要大写。)专有名词及组织机构的名称要大写。8)著名事件(历史上或现代的)名称。)著名事件(历史上或现代的)名称。 the Second World War9)时间名称)时间名称 Eg. Monday, September 26, 2009 110Big Apple 纽约 98George Washington 乔治华盛顿 97the Olympic Games 奥运会 94Oscar Awards 奥斯卡奖 89

16、White House 白宫 73Times Square 时代广场78Valentines Day 情人节26Halloween 万圣节(节)80Vogue 时尚杂志83Washington DC 华盛顿特区84the War of the World 世界大战 Vietnam War 越南战争 85Watergate 水门事件 25Gulf War 海湾战争28Harvard University 哈佛大学 87West Point 西点 相关练习相关练习1. My opinion is Nobody thinks himself a bad man2. To work to sleep

17、and to play all these are essential things in life3. Yiching the Philosophy of Change4. He is content he lives happily5. He has three wives one who married him 20 years ago a second who was a rich widow the third who has already married five times: .,:.:;.:,;,;,.相关练习相关练习6. He has squandered all his

18、wealth therefore he has to beg his bread7. We know that country life is more quiet than city life that is more healthful that it is happier8. I thought Did you see John9. I I I dont dont know10. These three poets Byron Shelley Keats are good friends ;,.;.-?- -.-,.相关练习相关练习11. They ignored his request

19、 that everyone must be punctual12. He wrote a letter spoke with John listened to the report all at the same time13. He likes books travels pictures and money14. To be or not to be that is the question. Hamlet.15. Jimmy I must say shouldnt listen to the rumour -.,-.,-.,-,.相关练习相关练习16. I do everything

20、in addition I must not complain17. To earn more money the boy worked harder18. That city has been lost to the enemy was true19. John my brother William Shakespeare the greatest poet of England London the capital of England20. Outside the streets are wet ;,.,.,.,;,;,.,.相关练习相关练习21. Such boys as you are not to be found elsewhere22. The war is over I am glad to say23. John is a young man honest kind and intelligent24. I asked a boy who kept silent25. I asked the boy who kept silent ,.,.,.,.



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