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1、关于英文考试1 a guiding principle for learning english2 meet a foreigner3 Coach Carter4 American Culture5 24 vocabulary6 Business letter7 Iron charpens Iron哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料1.Resorts: places where people can go for a vacation, with hotels, swimming pools, etc.2.Country inns: small hotels often in old houses

2、- in areas outside cities.3.Luxurious: very comfortable, beautiful, and expensive.4.Lift Tickets: Tickets that snow skiers have paid to ride up the mountains.5.Antique :a piece of furniture, jewelry, etc., that is old and usually valuable and rare.6.Sledding: Using a vehicle that slides over snow, o

3、ften used b y children7.Sleigh rides: Trips in a vehicle used for traveling on snow, pulled by horses哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Writing a Writing a PersonalPersonal Letter Letter1.Dear first name”2.Introductory sentence.3.Close with a phrase like “Cant wait to see you” or some other friendly sentence.4.A final

4、good-bye such as “Best wishes”, “Love”, “All the best”, “Your friend”.哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Speed DatingSpeed Dating: an event at which each participant converses individually with all the prospective partners for a few minutes in order to select those with whom dates are desired.哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Inappropria

5、te Topics for Discussion in the West:AgeAgeReligionReligionPoliticsPoliticsSexSexSalarySalaryCost of expensive or personal itemsCost of expensive or personal items哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Odd Man Out1.DepressedLow Have the blues Calm2.Stressed Angry AnxiousNervous3.Relaxed HappySecureTired哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Vocab

6、ularyInfluence: Influence: have effect onSoothing: Soothing: gentleIrritable: Irritable: angryThe Blues: The Blues: a feeling of sadness or depressionComfort FoodsComfort Foods: foods that make you feel happier哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Vocabulary # 1Cramped: Cramped: having very little space, too smallDingy: D

7、ingy: dark and unattractiveShabby:Shabby: old and in poor conditionSpacious: Spacious: large, with lots of extra roomLesson 5Lesson 5哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料1.Senders Address (often in letterhead; if not it is written first without the senders name).2.Date3.Inside Address (Write to a specific person at the f

8、irm to which you are writing).4.Salutation (Use the same name as inside address, and title). Use a colon.5.Body6.Closing (use a comma. Leave four lines for signature).7.Signature8.Typed Name9.Enclosures (Enc.)Parts of a Business LetterParts of a Business Letter哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Vocabulary # 2Gossip: Go

9、ssip: tell other people rumors, without knowing the facts.“for good”: “for good”: forever; permanentlyOverwhelming: Overwhelming: too difficult or complicatedSecret: Secret: a piece of information that is private.Reward yourself: Reward yourself: give yourself a little present after you have done so

10、mething special.Lesson 5Lesson 5哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料BRAINSTORMINGBRAINSTORMING: : Brainstorming is a group technique by which efforts are made to solve a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members. Key guidelines Key guidelines to remember in brainstormingto re

11、member in brainstorming. 1. Defer judgment (withhold criticism)2. Reach for quantity, welcome unusual ideas or combine and improve ideas 哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Immigrant: Immigrant: “ “a person who moves to another country, usually for permanent residence.”Scrapbook: Scrapbook: “ “a book with blank pages to

12、 which you attach photographs, letters, newspaper stories, etc., that help you remember a person or time”Summer Summer Camp: Camp: “A place usually in the country for recreation or instruction often during the summer;also: :a program offering access to recreational or educational facilities for a li

13、mited period of timea resort offering boating and hikingcamps”哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Contextualization: Contextualization: discovering the meaning of a word from the context, the words immediately surrounding it.Pageant: Pageant: a play or show.High-profile: High-profile: very important哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Music

14、lessonsLaundry & dry cleaningComputer supportFinancial servicesBeauty servicesRepairsTutoringPet-sittingLesson 1 Spring Semester 2013Lesson 1 Spring Semester 2013School of Software, School of Software, March 5March 5thth, 2013, 2013哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Broken up withCame up withLooking forward toCut down

15、onKeep up withPut up withGet along withTake care ofThree-word phrasal verbsThree-word phrasal verbs哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料1. specific3. handyman5. vending machine7. looking forward to9. get along with2. tutoring4. commuter bus6. broken up with8. keep up with10. put up with11. cut downLesson 1 VocabularyLess

16、on 1 Vocabulary(You WILL see these words / phrases again!)(You WILL see these words / phrases again!)哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Compound Nouns: Compound Nouns: nouns that consist of two or more words. Some are written as one word, while others are written as two separate words. Examples:Policeman, Police car, F

17、ireman, Fire Station哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Coach Carter QuizCoach Carter QuizAnswer any 3 of the first 6 questions plus question 7Answer any 3 of the first 6 questions plus question 71.At the start of the film what were the problems at the school?2.How did Coach Carter solve the problems?3.Why did the athle

18、tes have such bad attitudes in the beginning?4.Why did the students parents have such bad attitudes in the beginning?5.Why did the students change their minds?6.Was Coach Carter a good coach? Why7.Write a paragraph to a friend telling them why they should or should not watch this movie.哈工大研究生英语外教班复习

19、资料Coach CarterCoach Carter Quotes Quotes1. “As of now You are a sir. Sir is a term of As of now You are a sir. Sir is a term of respect.”respect.”2.2.“You get to become a winner.”“Losing stops “You get to become a winner.”“Losing stops here. You get to become winners.”here. You get to become winners

20、.”3.3.“You have to have a vision. How do you see “You have to have a vision. How do you see yourselves?”yourselves?”4.4.“We can do this. This is our time.”“We can do this. This is our time.”5.5.“Show some class; act like champions!”“Show some class; act like champions!”6.6.“Success here is the key t

21、o success out there.”“Success here is the key to success out there.”7.“Im going to do everything in my power to Im going to do everything in my power to get you to college and a better life.”get you to college and a better life.”哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Vocabulary for Lesson 3Vocabulary for Lesson 3PridePride

22、: the quality or state of being proud;a reasonable or justifiable self-respect.Conceit: Conceit: inordinate self-esteem; excessive appreciation of ones own worth or virtue.Profanity: Profanity: offensive language, offensive words.哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Parts of a Business LetterParts of a Business Letter1.S

23、enders address (Can be part of centered letterhead) at top of paper.2.Date3.Inside address (address of person being written to).4.Salutation5.Body of the letter (text)6.Complimentary closing7.Signature8.Typed name哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料1607: JAMESTOWN first English colony established.1620: MAYFLOWER name of

24、 the ship carrying “the Pilgrims”. Lands at Plymouth Rock, MassachusettsPilgrim: One who takes a journey.American History as it Affects American History as it Affects American CultureAmerican Culture哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料2 Key Concepts / Priorities for Americanssince the founding of our country:1. Religiou

25、s Freedom 2. Making MoneyCAPITALISM: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership and competition in a free market.ENTREPENEUR: one who organizes, manages and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.American History as it Affects American History as it Affects American Cu

26、ltureAmerican Culture哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料RELIGION (Christianity) was critical in the founding of the USA.The Mayflower Compact“In the Name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain King, defender of the

27、 Faith, etc Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyaage to plant the first colony”American History as it Affects American History as it Affects American CultureAmerican Culture哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料THANKSGIVING: the “first Am

28、erican holiday”. Originally it was a religious holiday to give thanks to God (and the indians) for helping them. A huge feast was celebrated. American History as it Affects American History as it Affects American CultureAmerican Culture哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料THANKSGIVING today is both a SECULAR and SACRED h

29、oliday.SECULAR: non-religiousSACRED: religiousThe 3 major ingredients of Thanksgiving today are FAMILY, FOOD & FOOTBALL. American History as it Affects American History as it Affects American CultureAmerican Culture哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料After the pilgrims, many other groups came from England, Holland, Fran

30、ce, Spain and Sweden. Thirteen colonies were established:Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia.American History as it Affects American History as it Affects American CultureAm

31、erican Culture哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料“Taxation without Representation”Key concept for Americans: the right to vote, to elect those who will govern them and to have a say in their government.DEMOCRACY!American History as it Affects American History as it Affects American CultureAmerican Culture哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资

32、料INDEPENDENCE DAY (4TH of JULY): 2ND American holiday. America declares its independence from Great Britain. The Revolutionary War (“The War for Independence”) begins.INDEPENDENCE DAY (4TH of JULY): is a secular holiday. Its celebration includes fireworks, picnics, barbecues, baseball, family gather

33、ings, games, friends.DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: “2nd most important document in American history. It was written primarily by Thomas JeffersonAmerican History as it Affects American History as it Affects American CultureAmerican Culture哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料1787 U.S. Constitution is written. The MOST IMP

34、ORTANT DOCUMENT in U.S. history.THE BILL OF RIGHTS:The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution which guarantees the basic rights of individual American citizens These rights are valued very greatlyvery greatly even today. Their importance helps to explain a portion of American culture.American

35、History as it Affects American History as it Affects American CultureAmerican Culture哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料Other Amendments to the U.S. Constitution13th: (1865) prohibits slavery16th: (1913) allows for income tax18th: (1919) prohibited alcohol19th : (1920) women can vote21st : (1933) repeal of “prohibition”26th : (1971) 18 years olds can vote27th: (1992) no pay raises for Congress until after an election.American History as it Affects American History as it Affects American CultureAmerican Culture哈工大研究生英语外教班复习资料



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