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1、牛津深圳版牛津深圳版Unit 4 Our neighboursSection BLearning aims1.了解课文了解课文a noisy neighbour.2.掌握掌握there be句型句型3.字母字母a,ar,u,o在单词中的发在单词中的发音。音。Warm-upWhat do you think of the owl?Free talk1.Do you know the owl?2.How much do you know about the owl? PresentationWhy the rabbit lives in the hole?教学目标There be句型结构:Ther

2、e be+名词+其他意义: 表示某地存在某人或者某物例如:(1)There is an owl in the tree.树上有一只猫头鹰。(2)There are a lot of rabbits on the ground.地上有很多兔子。(1)There is a book,some pens and a ruler on the desk.(2)There are some pens,a book and a ruler on the desk.二者有什么区别?注:当be词后有多个名词时,be的形式要与最近的那个名词的数保持一致,简称“就近原则”教学目标教学目标把下列句子翻译成英语。(1

3、)桌子上有两本书和一只钢笔。(2)钱包里有一些钱。(3)字吉姆的包里有一些卡片。(4)树上有很多鸟。There are two books and a pen on the table.There is some money in the purse.There are some cards in the Jims bag.There are many birds in the tree.Ask and answer(1)Where did the rabbits and the owl live?(2)Why were the rabbits tired and angry?(3)Was t

4、he owl a good neighbour?Why or why not?(4)Where do many rabbits sleep today?The owl lived in a tree.The rabbis lived under the tree.The owl made a lot of noise every night.No,it wasnt.Because the owl made a lot of noise every night.They sleep in the holes today.根据课文,完成下题。There_(be)an owl and three r

5、abbis in the forest.The owl_(live)in the tree.The rabbis_(居住)on the ground.The owl was very_(吵闹的).He _(make)a lot of_(噪音).The rabbits was_(生气的).They_(有一个注意).They_(dig)a hole ,then they can sleep well.waslivedlivedmadenoisynoiseangryhad a good ideadugWrite about a neighbour.Mr Greenthirty years oldte

6、acherplay sport gamesplay chessweekendplayed basketball togetherExample:Tom is my neighbour.He is twenty years old.He is a worker.I often play ball games with him.I sometimes play football with him.Last sunday,we played football together.PronounceWhat class are you in?I am in Class Four,Grade Seven.

7、class 班级Which subject do you best?pastI like history best,because I can learn a lot about the past.过去We can ask for help when we cant do it by ourselves.ask寻问,请求,要求ask for请求.It is very hot.I want to take a bath.bath洗澡Look at the picture,What do you find?He has no arms.But he can play the piano with

8、his feet.arm胳膊I like to have a walk in the park.Because it can make me health.park公园The knife is sharp.Dont play with it.You will hurt yourself.sharp锋利的,尖锐的The box is very large.The box is very small.large大的fast last dark farma/a:/a:/发音时,嘴巴放松张大,牙床全部张开,舌端离下齿,舌身低平后缩,舌后部稍抬高,双唇呈圆形,说:啊。ar听声辨词听声辨词说出你所听到的单

9、词的汉语意思。大的公园胳膊洗澡询问班级尖锐的过去The foreign teacher teaches us English.We all like him.us我们(宾格)up向上How can I get to the post office?Go up this street and turn left at the first crossing.It is on your right.I want to join in the music club.club俱乐部There are a lot of ducks in the river.Can you count them?duck鸭

10、子The man has two sons.One is ten years old,the other is eleven years old.son儿子other另一个的She is a beautiful girl.She loves different kinds of colours. love爱,喜爱colour颜色but cut trouble cousino/发音时,舌中部稍抬起,嘴型扁,从元音/出发,将圆唇变为扁唇即可。u读音挑战读音挑战规则:(1)学生任意选择一个录音。(2)写出所听到的单词,看谁写的又对又快。快速读出所给单词的读音。classbathaskarmparks

11、harpclubusduckotherlovecolour巩固提升巩固提升Listen and circle1.ask us2.class club3.dark duck4.card cup5.car come6.arm mum7.bath bus选出最佳答案5.找出划线部分发音不同的一项。A.class B.other C.up D.love1.The owl often makes_noise.A. a lot B.a lot of C.a lots D.lot of2.There_some books,a ruler on the desk. A.is B. are C. be D.was3.There_a lot of water in the bottle.A. are B.is C.were D.be4.The owl is_neighbour.A. a noisy B.a noise C.an noisy D.an noiseSummary3.字母字母a,ar,u,o在单词中的发音。在单词中的发音。1.了解课文了解课文a noisy neighbour.2.掌握掌握there be句型的基本用法。句型的基本用法。HomeworkHow well do you know your neighbour? Put a tick()in the box.



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