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1、Working-the-land-Working-the-land-ReadingReading新快报 2000年十大新闻人物 之一袁隆平:中国最著名的袁隆平:中国最著名的“农民农民” 袁隆平被誉为中国的袁隆平被誉为中国的“杂交水稻之父杂交水稻之父”. 中国农中国农民说,吃饭靠民说,吃饭靠“两平两平”,一靠邓小平,一靠邓小平-制定了生产承制定了生产承包责任制的政策,二靠袁隆平包责任制的政策,二靠袁隆平-发明了杂交稻。发明了杂交稻。 袁隆平,男,年月出生于北京,袁隆平,男,年月出生于北京,年毕业于西南农学院农学系。毕业后,一直从事年毕业于西南农学院农学系。毕业后,一直从事农业教育及杂交水稻研究。

2、农业教育及杂交水稻研究。 在中国人民正闹饥荒的在中国人民正闹饥荒的20世纪世纪60年代,袁隆平提年代,袁隆平提出了杂交水稻的概念,这种新型水稻具有高产量的特出了杂交水稻的概念,这种新型水稻具有高产量的特点。点。10年后,他研制成功了一种产量比一般水稻高出年后,他研制成功了一种产量比一般水稻高出20%的新型水稻。的新型水稻。袁隆平一生献身于农业研究,先后受到联合国教袁隆平一生献身于农业研究,先后受到联合国教科文组织、粮农组织的称誉。袁隆平虽已年届岁,科文组织、粮农组织的称誉。袁隆平虽已年届岁,仍然一如既往地从事农业研究。仍然一如既往地从事农业研究。袁隆平人物简历袁隆平人物简历hybrid ric

3、e;System of Production Responsibility;institute;suffer the famine;Yield;UNESCO, FAO.Poor riceSuperhybridricelisten to get the main idea and answer:In what ways is Yuan Long-ping talked about in the passage?His appearanceHis occupation (his job)his achievementshis educationhis childhoodhis way of liv

4、inghis hobbies his wishhis weakness1.What does Dr Yuan look like?2.Whats his achievement?3.What do you think of him?Fast reading ( 5ms ) Read the text fast and answer the following questions:1.What does Dr Yuan look like?He has a sunburnt face and arms and a slim, strong body. He is more like a farm

5、er than a scientist.2.Whats his achievement?He grows what is called super hybrid rice, which makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. Using his hybrid rice farmers producing harvests twice as large as before.3.What do you think of him?He doesnt like money because h

6、e gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. He doesnt like fame too though he has made great contributions to the world. Hes really respectable.father of hybrid riceRead the text more carefully, then answer the following questions.1.Why did Dr. Yuan want to increase t

7、he rice output when he was young?2.How does he help rid the world of hunger?3.What kind of life is Dr. Yuan leading?4.Use a few words to describe Dr. Yuans personality.1.Why did Dr Yuan want to increase the rice output when he was young?Dr Yuan wanted to increase the rice output because he saw many

8、people go hungry when he was young.2.How does he help rid the world of hunger?He helps the world get rid of hunger by producing a hybrid strain of rice which increase the harvest.3. What kind of life is Dr Yuan leading?Dr Yuan is leading a simple life, doing his research, listening to his music and

9、riding his motor-bike.4. Use a few words to describe Dr Yuans personality.Dr Yuan is a simple, academic man who is more interested in helping others than being famous.Born:Graduate:Appearance:Achievements:Personality:Hobbies:He has _ face and arms. His body is _ but _.All this makes him look as a re

10、al _.He succeeded in _.He became the first agricultural _ in the world to grow _ whose output is high.He helped the government highly increasing the _ of grain.1.Cares little for _.2.Would like to lead a _ life.Listening to violin music, playing mah-jong, swimming, reading, walking to his rice field

11、s, riding his motorcycle.1930SouthwestAgricultureCollegesunburntslimstrongfarmergrowing supper hybrid rice pioneerriceoutputmoneysimpleDescribe the rice in Dr. Yuan Longpings dream.As tall as sorghumAs big as a broomAs huge as a peanut vt. 耕种(土地);使工作;开动;创造(奇迹);经营 (工厂、农场等) vi. 工作;(机器等)开动;(办法、计

12、 划等)行得通 They are working the land together. I dont think that your suggestion will work.Explanations 2.Dr Yuan grows what is called super hybrid rice.袁博士种植了被人称作超级杂交水稻的稻谷。袁博士种植了被人称作超级杂交水稻的稻谷。e.g. I dont quite understand what you are explaining. Please watch what I am doing carefully.What =the thing(s

13、) that1._the emperor saw was quite different from_ the old minister told him.A. What, that B. That, whatC. Which, that D. All, all 2. It is pretty well understood _controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today.A. that B. when C. what D. how 3. This special strain of rice makes

14、it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.这种特殊的稻种使得同样的田地多收获三这种特殊的稻种使得同样的田地多收获三分之一的产量。分之一的产量。it 在句中作形式宾语在句中作形式宾语,真正的宾语为真正的宾语为to produce, 结构为:结构为:动词(动词(make, feel, think, regard)+it +adj+ to do.e.g. We think it important to learn English well.4.Born in a poor farmers family

15、in 1931,Dr. Yuan graduate from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953. 袁博士袁博士1931年出身于一个贫苦农民的家庭,年出身于一个贫苦农民的家庭,1953年毕业于西南农学院。年毕业于西南农学院。 graduate n. a person who has completed a university degree course. 毕业生毕业生undergraduate 本科毕业生本科毕业生post-graduate 硕士毕业生,研究生硕士毕业生,研究生graduate vi. complete an educational c

16、ourse. 常跟介词常跟介词from,表示,表示“毕业于毕业于”graduation n. 毕业毕业e.g. After his graduation from college, he went to work as an engineer in a company.=After he graduated from college, he went to work as an engineer in a company.bachelors degree 学士学位学士学位masters degree 硕士学位硕士学位doctors degree 博士学位博士学位 5. Dr Yuan sear

17、ched for a way to increase rice harvest without expanding the area of fields.袁博士寻求一种在不扩大种植面积的情况下提高水袁博士寻求一种在不扩大种植面积的情况下提高水稻产量的方法。稻产量的方法。注意:注意:search强调搜查,一般表示目标明确范围强调搜查,一般表示目标明确范围较小。较小。search sb 搜身;搜身;search pl 搜查某地搜查某地search for 强调寻找,一般表示范围较大。强调寻找,一般表示范围较大。search for sb 寻找某人寻找某人The police searched th

18、e woods for the lost child.Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common for/in search of1.The officer went up _the murder.2.The thieves are _the hidden treasure in the museum.3.Birds fly to the south _the winter search searching for in search of6.Thanks to h

19、is research, the UN is trying to rid the world of hunger.由于他的研究,联合国正在努力清除世界饥饿。由于他的研究,联合国正在努力清除世界饥饿。thanks to=because of ;owing to由于由于,多亏了多亏了 e.g._, we won the game.由于你的支持,我们赢得了比赛。由于你的支持,我们赢得了比赛。Thanks to your support7.ridof = get rid of除掉,摆脱除掉,摆脱to rid the town of rats8.Using his hybrid rice farmers

20、 are producing harvests twice as large as before.用他的杂交水稻种子,农民们种出比以前多一倍的粮食。用他的杂交水稻种子,农民们种出比以前多一倍的粮食。倍数词倍数词(twice/half/three times/a quarter etc.)+as + 形容词原级形容词原级 +as 表示表示“是是的多的多少倍少倍e.g. The number of the students in our school is _ in their school.我们学校学生的数量是他们学校的两倍。我们学校学生的数量是他们学校的两倍。twice as large as

21、 that9. However, he cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life.但是他很少想到要把钱花在自己的身上,或享受舒但是他很少想到要把钱花在自己的身上,或享受舒适的生活。适的生活。lead a life 过过生活。英语中少数动词,包生活。英语中少数动词,包括一些不及物动词的宾语可能是与它同源的名词类括一些不及物动词的宾语可能是与它同源的名词类似的短语动词有:似的短语动词有:die a death, smile a smile, dream a dream, live a life, sigh a sigh etc.10. Dr Yuan is more a farmer than a scientist.与其说袁博士是一个科学家不如说他是一个农民。与其说袁博士是一个科学家不如说他是一个农民。be more than=not only 不仅仅,超过不仅仅,超过e.g. Learning is more than more +A +than +B 与其说是与其说是B还倒不如还倒不如说是说是Ae.g. He is more an ordinary person than a leader.结束结束



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