八年级英语Unit 5 Topic 1 Section B课件湘教版

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1、Unit 5 Topic 1 Section BMrs. XuTeaching aims and demands:1.Learn to express his/her own feelings in proper words.2.Learn to exchange personal feelings.3.Learn to use the adverbial clause of reason.4.Learn to talk about the topic of the movie.预习提示:提示:一、根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词1. The foreign boy s_ to love Chi

2、na very much.2. When he was five years old, he was a_ to play the piano.3.-Yang Jian , can you help me s_ the table7 Its a pleasure.4. The fish and chips in that shop s_ so good. Lets go and buy some.5. We are p_ of oar great country.ReviewIs the poor man kind or cruel?Is the rich man popular or unp

3、opular?Is the poor man happy or unhappy?How does the rich man feel?.How does Mr. Lee feel?.Why is he disappointed?.Does Kangkang like Peking Opera?.What does Kangkang like best?Presentation. He feels disappointed. Because he cant get a ticket to The Sound of Music. No, he doesnt. He doesnt like it a

4、t all. He likes Love Me Once More, Mom best.Listen to the tape carefully and find the answers to the questions . How does Mr. Lee feel?Why is he disappointed?Does Kangkang like Peking Opera?What does Kangkang like best?New lesson.He feels disappointed.Because he cant get a tickets to The Sound of Mu

5、sic.No, he doesnt. He doesnt like it at all.He likes Love Me Once More, Mom best.EXPLANATION 1 He looks disappointed because he cant get a ticket to The Sound of Music. A ticket to/ for sth. 的票,券入场券The Sound of Music, 电影名, 音乐之声2 I think he really wants to watch it. 我想他真的很想看.Think后面接的宾语从句省略了引导词that I

6、 think that this book is very interesting .MAKE SENTENCES ACCORDING TO THE PICTURES. We are proud of Yao Ming. be proud of be worried about, wait in line _MAKE SENTENCES ACCORDING TO THE PICTURES._Look tired taste delicious _MAKE SENTENCES ACCORDING TO THE PICTURES.smell terriblebe pleased with _LOO

7、K ,LISTEN AND SAY 1 Why isnt Michael able to come to Kangkangs house? 2 Who may use Michaels parents tickets? Because he has a temperature. I hope everything goesMr. Lee may use their ticketsSummary.set the table 摆好餐桌(准备开饭)摆好餐桌(准备开饭).have a temperature,同义词组为同义词组为have a fever 发高烧发高烧.be able to,表示能力时表

8、示能力时,同义词为同义词为can,可以呼互换可以呼互换.No one is able to/can do it.can 表示现有的能力表示现有的能力, 若表示过去有能力做某事若表示过去有能力做某事,可用可用could, 在表示将来做某事或完成时中表示能力时一般要用在表示将来做某事或完成时中表示能力时一般要用shall/will be able to have/has been able to .She asked whether she could go home. 她问她是否能回家她问她是否能回家.The boy can lift the huge stone. .I hope everyt

9、hing goes well.我希望一切都顺利我希望一切都顺利.go well 进展顺利进展顺利ring up sb. =ring sb. up意为打电话给某人,当宾意为打电话给某人,当宾语是代词时,必须用语是代词时,必须用ring+代词代词+up形式。形式。如:如:Please ring him up.请给他打个电话。请给他打个电话。 同义词组为:同义词组为:give sb.a call /give sb. a ring/call sb./telephone sb. I hope he will ring me up. I rang up Kangkang yesterday. ( 6 )

10、Now Mr Lee can use their tickets since theyre not able to go. Since 意思为意思为, 因为因为,由于由于,既然既然. 在此引导原因状语在此引导原因状语从句从句,语气较弱语气较弱,常表示对方已经知道的事实常表示对方已经知道的事实. Since everyone is here, lets begin. PAIR WORK Suppose you were Kangkangs mother, and Michaels mother was telephoning you. What would you talk about ? Ma

11、ke a conversation with your partner. Name Feelings Reason Kangkang disappointed His best friend is not able to come.Michaels mother ProjectMr. Lee Michael Project2. 根据以上表格,学生双人活动进行对根据以上表格,学生双人活动进行对话。如:话。如:Why is Kangkang disappointed? 康康为什么失望?康康为什么失望?Because his best friend is not able to come. 因为他最

12、好的朋友不能来。因为他最好的朋友不能来。3.四人一小组互相观察面部表情(小组四人一小组互相观察面部表情(小组中每个人的表情必须不一样),写中每个人的表情必须不一样),写成一段话后,小组选举一位报告员,成一段话后,小组选举一位报告员,向全班同学展示。向全班同学展示。检测题:选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空be able to ,be proud of ,a little ,Be pleased with ,set the table1. We _watch the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008.2. Chinese people _ Liu Xiang.3. Linlin, please _in the dining room.4. last year Kangkang _ his birthday present.5. After a long walk, he looks _ tired.HomeworkWrite a short passage, then read it in class.



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